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PHP New Features

  • PHP


用PHP和PEAR比较文件内容提交输出,相信很多人在Unix/Linux下面都用过Diff命令,这个命令是个非常方便实用的工具,能够对不同文件进行逐行的对比,最后找出不同的地方。而PEAR提供了一个包,也是用来比较文件,Text_Diff   http://pear.php.net/package/Text_Diff 

include_once "Text/Diff.php";
include_once "Text/Diff/Renderer.php";
include_once "Text/Diff/Renderer/unified.php";
// define files to compare
$file1 = "data1.txt";
$file2 = "data2.txt";
// perform diff, print output
$diff = &new Text_Diff(file($file1), file($file2));
$renderer = &new Text_Diff_Renderer_unified();
echo $renderer->render($diff);




    Modern PHP New Features and Good Practices

    "Modern PHP" reveals these new language features in action. Author Josh Lockhart--creator of PHP The Right Way, a popular community initiative--shows you how to develop PHP applications using best ...

    PHP7.1 New Features & Performance-链家-惠新宸.pptx

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    We will introduce you to the new features in PHP 7 and then will run through the concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) in PHP 7. Next, we will shed some light on how to improve your PHP 7 ...

    Learning PHP 7 High Performance

    critical applications, then this book is for you., What You Will Learn, Setup high performance development and production environment for PHP 7Discover new OOP features in PHP 7 to achieve high ...

    Modern PHP中文版

    a popular initiative to encourage PHP best practices—reveals these new language features in action. You’ll learn best practices for application architecture and planning, databases, security, ...

    Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide(3ed,2015)

    This edition adds three new chapters and over 80 pages of new content, and covers new features added in PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6, including namespaces, traits, variadics, generators, closures, and ...

    Mastering PHP 7

    The book starts by unveiling the new features of PHP 7 and walks you through several important standards set by PHP Framework Interop Group (PHP-FIG). You’ll see, in detail, the working of all magic ...


    Use new features of PHP 7 to solve practical, real-world problems faced by PHP developers like yourself every day PHP is a great language for developing web applications. It is essentially a server-...

    Pro PHP and jQuery(Apress,2ed,2016)

    Take advantage of the improved performance and reduced memory requirements of PHP version 7, and learn to utilize the new built-in PHP functions and features such as typed variable enforcement with ...

    PHP 7 Programming Blueprints 2016

    With the focus on the new features of PHP 7, we will build various productive projects. If you are a web developer or a consultant, this book will assist you in developing sturdy applications. From ...

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