Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Installation
- Tutorial
- Tips and Hacks
- Protocol
- License
Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server with automatic expiration mechanism, which is useful to handle cache data and persistent data of various applications. Kyoto Tycoon is also a package of network interface to the DBM called Kyoto Cabinet. Although the DBM has high performance and high concurrency, you might bother in case that multiple processes share the same database, or remote processes access the database. Thus, Kyoto Tycoon is provided for concurrent and remote connections to Kyoto Cabinet. Kyoto Tycoon is composed of the server process managing multiple databases and its access library for client applications.
The server features high concurrency due to thread-pool modeled implementation and the epoll/kqueue mechanism of the modern Linux/*BSD kernel. It can handle more than 10 thousand connections at the same time. Because such system-specific features as epoll/kqueue are encapsulated and abstracted as the same interface, Kyoto Tycoon has high portability and works almost all UNIX-like systems and Windows.
The server provides hot backup so that you can make backup data without stopping the server while copying the database files. Update logging is also supported and it compensates for the difference between the contents of backup files and the current database. Moreover, the server implements asynchronous replication. A server sends update logs to other servers, which evaluate the logs immediately and keep their databases catching up to the master database.
The server and its clients communicate with each other by HTTP. So, you can write client applications and client libraries in almost all popular languages. Both of RESTful-style interface by the GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE methods and RPC-style inteface by the POST method are supported. The RPC-style interface is based on the protocol called TSV-RPC. The entity bodies of the request and the response are text data formatted as tab-separated-values so that parsing them is very easy. In addition, several operations are available in an efficient binary protocol.
The server can embed Lua, a lightweight script language. Even if you cannot find any built-in operation matching your requirement among the client API of Kyoto Tycoon, you can define arbitrary operations by defining functions in Lua. The API for Lua scripts provides full set of database operations of Kyoto Cabinet including visitor, cursor, and transaction mechanisms.
The server can load a shared library file which implements a pluggable server mechanism. It can run arbitrary network services and operate database objects shared by the main server. It is useful to implement other network protocols. An implementation to support the memcached protocol is included in the source package. In a similar way, the server can load a shared library file which implements a pluggable database mechanism. It is useful to use other database libraries except for Kyoto Cabinet.
The server program of Kyoto Tycoon is written in the C++ language. It is available on platforms which have API conforming to C++03 with the TR1 library extensions. Kyoto Tycoon is a free software licensed under the GNU General Public License. You can write client applications which are not under control of our license, by making them just communicate with the server by HTTP without using the core library.
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