NO Details Comments
1 Does the all of the funcationality have been implemented?
* refer the elaboration document about the design verification section
* does NEW/MODIFICATION/CANCEL flow have been covered. func
2 does complex logic have comments? code
3 Is code commented if it's udpated code
4 Is there any wrong comments in code? code
5 Is variable clared as final as many as you can code
6 does un-necessary code/interface/functionaly exists?
If exists, does it been commented clearly about it? code
7 Did you check all of the message flow in log file even for a happy path? log
8 Have all of the key part of the code been unit tested? UT
9 does all of the error handling table case have been tested? UT
10 does all of the functions in mapping have been unit tested? UT
11 does all the test passed both 2.6 and 3.0? K+
12 does all the deal translated can be seen from the blotter of kondor+? K+
13 Is the case considered that the deal has already processed by K+ by checking the reference,lbn_confirmation,… in the method of OnDealRecord for the query/request result.
There should be a uniformed behavior for K+ Adapter.
XXXXDealHandler::OnDealRecord should be responsible for it. It's not put into the DealHandler to make it back-compatible. It's more flexible but error-prone. Special Case
14 Is error handling rule followed? func
- **Reuters Kondor+ 3.0** 是一款由Reuters公司开发的交易与风险管理软件系统。 - **功能定位**:该系统主要用于支持金融机构进行高效的交易管理以及风险控制,能够提供全面的风险评估、市场分析等功能。 - **目标...
Kools是用于增强路透社Kondor +产品的工具和应用程序的集合。 Kools还为RMDS(ex Triarch)提供了一些工具。
< artifactId>kondor-core < version>1.1.0 Gradle implementation 'com.ubertob.kondor:kondor-core:1.1.0' 快速开始 要将值(在这种情况下为字符串)与Json进行相互转换: val jsonString = JString .toJson...
KondorJson一个库,可快速安全地对Json进行序列化/反序列...kondor-core 1.3.2 Gradle实现'com.ubertob.kondor:kondor-core:1.3.2'快速入门将值(在这种情况下为字符串)与Json相互转换:val jsonString =
matlab分时代码pMMF 用C ++编写的高性能,开源,并行MMF库。 作者:和。 文档:[很快] 画廊: BibTeX条目: ...编译pMMF需要兼容的编译器,例如。...11支持仍处于试验阶段,因此不能...R.Kondor,N.Teneva和V.Garg:(ICML 2
[4] Kondor D. Posfai M, Csabai I, et al. Do the rich get richer? An empirical analysis of the Bitcoin transaction network[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 393: 349-358....
与Calypso和Kondor相比,SummitFT的用户体验更为出色。这一层的主要任务是提供用户交互,将用户的操作转化为可处理的数据。 进入Control层,Summit采取了HTTP协议和WebService的方式来实现客户端和服务端的通信,而...
4. `Senpai,Kondor - Tomorrow With You.mp3`:可能是一首背景音乐,用于增强用户体验,创造特定氛围。 5. `slick`:可能是一个滑动插件的目录,用于实现页面的动态展示效果,例如轮播图或滑动菜单。 6. `img`:存放...
Kondor、Misys、Sungard、Summit等是金融软件解决方案提供商,它们可能提供针对资金交易市场的特定应用软件,例如风险管理系统、交易处理系统或资产管理软件。 此外,BEA Tuxedo是一个企业事务处理中间件,它允许...