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A token is an object which contains one or multiple fields and values. In Java the org.jWebSocket.token.Token class embeds a HashMap class, which holds multiple fields with their according values. Fieldnames, the keys within the Hashmap, are stored as Strings, the values can be arbitrary objects. Unlike JSON or XML tokens CSV tokens can only have simple fields i.e. they cannot contain complex object structures.

Why use different Token formats?

Each of the JSON, CSV and XML formats have their benefits for a particular purpose as described below.


JSON can be interpreted very easily by JavaScript clients, but not that easy by Java clients. JSON may hold security risks because it may execute malicous code on the client. So here you need to take care on the server side that potential executable codes are stripped out of a token. JSON is the best choice if you mostly interact with Browser clients and run a reliable script tag filter on the server. Unlike JSON CSV is not risky because it's data is not interpreted with eval but with as simple string tokenizer.

Example: {field1:value1;field2:"value2";field3:[arrayitem1,arrayitem2];field4:{objfield1:value1;objfield2:value2}}


CSV is the most compact format, however, one drawback is that it does not support complex object structure but only plain rows, i.e. objects that contain simple data types only. CSV is the best choice if you have to exchange a high amount of data with flat structures.

Example: field1=value1,field2="value2",field3=value3


XML is the most flexible format but also the format with the highest overhead. XML can contain arbitrary object structures. Hence XML is the best choice if you do not have to exchange a high amount of data but keep to most flexible in terms of the token content.

Example: Targeted for jWebSocket Release 1.1


Every token has a certain type stored in its type field. The type specifies which further fields within its namespace (see below) .


In jWebSockets the communication capabilities are implemented in various plug-ins, on the client-side as well as on the server-side. You can extend the existing functionality by creating your own plug-ins. To avoid naming conflicts with token fields jWebSocket provides namespaces for tokens. So before a plug-in starts to evaluate the content of a token it first checks for its name space which should match the name space of the plug-in.


Every Token has a session unique token id which is exchanged between sender and receiver. Due to the multithreaded structure of the jWebSocket server it cannot be guaranteed that the results of a client request are returned to the client in the same order as they were requested. Thus if request is send to the server the jWebSocket client assigns a new session unique token id to each new token. The response from the server takes over this token-id into the response so that the client is able to assign the response correctly to the previous request.

However, you do not need to consider the token ids in your applications. All incoming responses can also be captured in the OnMessage callback handler of the jWebSocket client. Also for RPC calls the jWebSocket.js library processes the token-ids internally to assign the result of a call to a server method internally, so that you usually do not need to take care of them.


Below you find the list of supported tokens in the SystemPlugIn of the jWebSocket package. First the Server-to-Client (S2C) tokens are listed followed by the Client-To-Server (C2S)tokens.

Server-To-Client Tokens


The welcome token is send from the server to a client, when the connection has successfully been established. The welcome token is the only token that contains the session-id for the client. It will neither be sent again by the server nor can it be requested by the client during the session. In all cases the processOpened method of the client is executed as soon as the connection was established.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "welcome"
vendor String Name of the vendor who provides the jWebSocket services. Can be configured in Config.java.
version String Version string of the jWebSocket server.
usid String Unique session id the jWebSocket assigns to that client.
sourceId Integer Unique id for this client. This allows to address a certain a client in the network irrespective of their user id.
timeout Integer Session timeout in milliseconds. After this time of client inactivity the server will automatically close the connection.


The goodbye token is send from the server to a client after as response to a close request. The close method of the JavaScript client supports an timeout option. If timeout is <= 0 the client disconnects immediately. If the timeout is > 0 the client sends a close token to ther server and waits timeout milliseconds for the goodBye response. In this case the server disconnects after responding with goodBye. If the client does not receive the goodBye within the given timeout is disconnects as well. In all cases the processClosed method of the client is executed as soon as the connection was terminated.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "goodBye"
vendor String Name of the vendor who provides the jWebSocket services. Can be configured in Config.java.
version String Version string of the jWebSocket server.
usid String Unique session id the jWebSocket assigns to that client.
port Integer Server side outgoing TCP port number the client is connected with.


The response token is send as a response from a target to a previous request from a client. A response can either be send from the server e.g when running remote procedure calls (RPC) or from another client e.g. when running identify requests.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "response"
utid Integer Unique token id to assign the response to the previous request on the client side.
reqType String Type of the token which was sent for the previous request, original request type.
code Integer Should be zero, if the result in Ok or any other code if an error occured (also see msg field).
result Variant Result of the request, can be of arbitrary type depending on the request and the method on the target.
msg String An optional error message in case of errors or exceptions.


The event token is send as a message from the server or another client without a previous request. Events are fired when another client connects or disconnects or when the server side session timeout is exceed and the connection is about to be closed.

Token Datatype Description
type String Allways "event".
name String Name of the event, further fields of this token depend on the event. Name can be associated with event type.
: : Further fields depending on name / event type (see below).

connect event

A new client has connected to the jWebSocket network. This event is optional and can be configured to not being sent automatically by the server. Please refer to the identify request to learn how to obtain connected users by following individual privacy policies.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "event"
name String Always "connect"
sourceId String Unique id of the client that just connected (optional, whether or not broadcasting this field can be configured on the server).
clientCount Integer Number of client currently connected the server (optional, whether or not broadcasting this field can be configured on the server).

disconnect event

A client has disconnected from the jWebSocket network. This event is optional and can be configured to not being sent automatically by the server. If the disconnect event is not sent by the server the client cannot update potential local client lists in real-time. To obtain the connected clients asynchronously please refer to the getClients token.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "event"
name String Always "disconnect"
sourceId String Unique id of the client that just connected (optional, whether or not broadcasting this field can be configured on the server).
clientCount Integer Number of client currently connected the server including the one who is about to disconnect (optional, whether or not broadcasting this field can be configured on the server).

login event

A new client has successfully logged in. This event can be used e.g. to update user lists on the client in real-time. This event is optional and can be configured to not being sent automatically by the server. Please refer to the identify request to learn how to obtain connected users by following individual privacy policies.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "event"
name String Always "login"
sourceId String Unique id of the client that just connected (optional, whether or not broadcasting this field can be configured on the server).
clientCount Integer Number of client currently connected the server including the one who is about to disconnect (optional, whether or not broadcasting this field can be configured on the server).
username String Name of user who has logged in.

logout event

A client which previously was logged in has logged out. This event can be used e.g. to update user lists. This event is optional and can be configured to not being sent automatically by the server. If the logout event is not sent by the server the client cannot update potential local user lists in real-time. To obtain the connected users asynchronously please refer to the getClients token.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "event"
name String Always "logout"
sourceId String Unique id of the client that just connected (optional, whether or not broadcasting this field can be configured on the server).
clientCount Integer Number of client currently connected the server including the one who is about to logout (optional, whether or not broadcasting this field can be configured on the server).
username String Name of user who has logged out.

Client-To-Server Tokens

The following section describes the tokens which are send from the client to the server. These tokens can be associated with "commands" from the client to the server which usually are answered with a response token (see above) if not explicitely suppressed for certain reasons. Results are sent back from the server to the client in a response token as described above. Usually the fields result, code and msg are filled in the answer. Because JavaScript does not support synchronous calls each command provides an optional OnResponse listener which is fired when the response token arrives.


Authenticates a client after the connection has been established. The client should wait until the response is received from the server before notifying the user about the login state or a potential error. If a login token is sent while another user already is authenticated, the previous user automatically gets logged out.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "login".
ns String Namespace "org.jWebSocket.plugins.system".
username String Name of user who has logged out.
password String Please refer to section security.


Logs the current user out but does keeps the connection. Optionally another user can authenticate afterwards based upon the same underlying connection.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "logout".
ns String Namespace "org.jWebSocket.plugins.system".


The close method of the JavaScript client supports an timeout option. If timeout is <= 0 the client disconnects immediately. If the timeout is > 0 the client sends a close token to ther server and waits timeout milliseconds for the goodBye response. In this case the server disconnects after responding with goodBye. If the client does not receive the goodBye within the given timeout it disconnects as well.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "close".
ns String Namespace "org.jWebSocket.plugins.system".
timeout Integer Close timeout in milliseconds.


The send token is forwarded by the server to the client addressed by the given targetId. In the responseRequested field the sender can specify whether or not to get a response (acknowlegge that the token has been forwarded) or not. I case of errors, e.g. when no client with the given targetId could be found, always a response with an error is returned.

Please consider that a certain client cannot be addressed by it's username but by its client id only, because basically a user can login on multiple stations or browser instances/tabs, of course, only if the application allows that. Furthermore a client does not necessarily need to be authenticated to receive messages from the server.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "send".
ns String Namespace "org.jWebSocket.plugins.system".
data String The message to be sent.
sourceId String Id of the source client who sent the message.
targetId String Id of the target client as receiver of the message.
responseRequested Boolean Specifies whether the sender expects an answer or if it is a one-way token (targetted for v0.8)
sender String Username of client who sent the message.


The broadcast token is broadcasted by the server to all currently connected clients, optionally including the sender for special purposes. The server optionally sends a response (see field responseRequested). It's up to the other clients (targets) to send a response to the sender (source). Among others the broadcast can be used to e.g. for chat systems or to distribute player updates in gaming applications as well as to broadcast identify requests for the case that the server is configured to not automatically send connect, disconnect, login and logout events.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "broadcast".
ns String Namespace "org.jWebSocket.plugins.system".
data String The message to be sent.
sourceId String Id of the source client who sent the message.
senderIncluded Boolean Specifies whether the message is also send to sender (default false).
responseRequested Boolean Specifies whether the sender expects an answer or if it is a one-way token.
sender String Username of the client who sent the message.


The echo token sends a message to the server. The client expects a result with the same data. Usually applications will not use ths token, except for connection and performance tests. For keep-alive purposes please refer to the ping token.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "echo"
ns String Namespace "org.jWebSocket.plugins.system".
data String Data to be sent to the server and echoed back.


The ping token is a simple and short message from a client to the server to indicate that the client is still alive. If the server does not receive data within its session timeout he automatically closes the connection after the timeout is exceeded.

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "ping"
ns String Namespace "org.jWebSocket.plugins.system".
echo Boolean Specifies whether the ping expects a result or not (default false). echo should be set to true only when the client wants to check if the server is still alive.


The getClients token requests the list of clients from the server. With the mode option (default = 0) the client can specify whether to return all, authenticated client only or non-authenticated clients only. The result field of the response contains an array with the requested clients in the format [username|dash if not logged in]@[clientId].

Token Datatype Description
type String Always "getClients".
ns String Namespace "org.jWebSocket.plugins.system".




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