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Java的Integer与int互转 -
学习了 !Integer i = 100; Integer ...
Java的Integer与int互转 -
Java的Integer与int互转 -
输入年月日格式yyyyMMdd,判断是否是周末 -
你好,是这本书的英文版,名字叫<Inside the J ...
JVM学习笔记-帧数据区(Frame Data)
Each method declared in a class or interface or generated by the compiler is described in the class file by a method_info table. The two types of compiler-generated methods that may appear in class files are instance initialization methods (named <init) and class initialization methods (named <clinit). For more information on the compiler-generated methods, see Chapter 7, "The Lifetime of a Class." The format of the method_info table is shown in Table 6-22.
Table 6-22. Format of a method_info table
Type | Name | Count |
u2 | access_flags | 1 |
u2 | name_index | 1 |
u2 | descriptor_index | 1 |
u2 | attributes_count | 1 |
attribute_info | attributes | attributes_count |
The modifiers used in declaring the method are placed into the methodís access_flags item. Table 6-23 shows the bits used by each flag.
Table 6-23. Flags in the access_flags item of method_info tables
Flag Name | Value | Meaning if Set | Set By |
ACC_PUBLIC | 0x0001 | Method is public | Classes and all methods of interfaces |
ACC_PRIVATE | 0x0002 | Method is private | Classes only |
ACC_PROTECTED | 0x0004 | Method is protected | Classes only |
ACC_STATIC | 0x0008 | Method is static | Classes only |
ACC_FINAL | 0x0010 | Method is final | Classes only |
ACC_SYNCHRONIZED | 0x0020 | Method is synchronized | Classes only |
ACC_NATIVE | 0x0100 | Method is native | Classes only |
ACC_ABSTRACT | 0x0400 | Method is abstract | Classes and all methods of interfaces |
For methods declared in a class (not an interface), at most one of ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_PRIVATE, and ACC_PROTECTED may be set. If a methodís ACC_FINAL flag is set, then its ACC_SYNCHRONIZED, ACC_NATIVE, and ACC_ABSTRACT flags must not be set. If a methodís ACC_PRIVATE or ACC_STATIC flag is set, then its ACC_ABSTRACT flag must not be set. All methods declared in interfaces must have their ACC_PUBLIC and ACC_ABSTRACT flags set.
Instance initialization (<init) methods may only use flags ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_PRIVATE, and ACC_PROTECTED. Because class initialization (<clinit) methods are invoked by the Java Virtual Machine, never directly by Java bytecodes, the the access_flags for <clinit methods is ignored.
All unused bits in access_flags must be set to zero and ignored by Java Virtual Machine implementations.
The name_index gives the index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info entry that gives the simple (not fully qualified) name of the method.
The descriptor_index gives the index of a CONSTANT_Utf8_info entry that gives the descriptor of the method.
attributes_count and attributes
The attributes item is a list of attribute_info tables. The attributes_count indicates the number of attribute_info tables in the list. Three kinds of attributes that are defined by the Java Virtual Machine specification that may appear in this item are Code, Exceptions, and Synthetic. These three attributes are described in detail later in this chapter.
2011-12-15 15:31 0线程 Java Concurrency in Pra ... -
JVM学习笔记-本地方法调用(Invoking a Native Method)
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JVM学习笔记-调用Java方法(Invoking a Java Method)
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JVM学习笔记-分代收集器(Generational Collectors)
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JVM学习笔记-拷贝收集器(Copying Collectors)
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JVM学习笔记-压缩收集器(Compacting Collectors)
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JVM学习笔记-跟踪收集器(Tracing Collectors)
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JVM学习笔记-引用计数收集器(Reference Counting Collectors)
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applet notinited的解决方案
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JVM学习笔记-动态连接和解析(Dynamic Linking and Resolution)
2011-11-08 11:09 3488When you compile a Java pro ... -
JVM学习笔记-属性格式(Attributes Types)
2011-11-07 12:15 1534Attributes The Java Vir ... -
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JVM学习笔记-特殊字符串(Special Strings)
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JVM学习笔记-Class文件(Class File)
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JVM学习笔记-本地方法栈(Native Method Stacks)
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JVM学习笔记-帧数据区(Frame Data)
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JVM学习笔记-操作数栈(Operand Stack)
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JVM学习笔记-局部变量区(Local Variables)
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JVM学习笔记-栈帧(The Stack Frame)
2011-10-27 10:35 2579The stack frame has three pa ...
### Java学习笔记 #### Java的优势 1. **跨平台(平台=OS)可移植性** - **字节码文件**:Java程序被编译成字节码文件(`.class`),这些文件不包含任何特定于操作系统的内存布局信息。这意味着它们与操作系统和...
这份"java 学习笔记大全"包含了深入学习Java所需的关键知识点,无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益。 一、Java基础 1. 变量与数据类型:Java提供了基本数据类型(如int、double、boolean等)和引用...
**JDK 1.50 学习笔记** 在Java发展历程中,JDK 1.5(也称为Java 5.0)是一个重要的里程碑,它引入了许多创新特性,极大地提升了开发效率和代码质量。以下是对这个版本的一些核心知识点的详细说明: ### 1. 泛型...
在这个学习笔记中,良葛格将带领我们深入理解JDK 5.0的关键特性,并提供实用的学习指导。 1. **泛型(Generics)** 泛型是JDK 5.0引入的一项重要特性,它允许在定义类、接口和方法时指定类型参数,从而提高了代码...
本学习笔记主要针对Java初学者,旨在帮助他们理解和掌握Java编程的基础知识,以及如何解决编程过程中遇到的bug。 首先,我们需要了解Java的基本结构。Java程序是由类(Class)组成的,每个类都包含属性(Fields)和...
不过,基于文档标题和描述,我们可以提炼出关于Java JDK 8学习笔记的一些知识点。 Java JDK 8是Java开发工具包的第8个版本,包含了Java编程语言的实现。JDK 8引入了众多新特性,对于Java开发者来说,是学习和升级的...
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1. **基本语法**:Java程序由类(class)组成,每个类包含变量(fields)和方法(methods)。程序的执行始于main方法。学习Java需要了解数据类型(如整型、浮点型、字符型、布尔型等)、变量声明、运算符、流程控制...
在Java的学习中,首先会涉及基础语法,包括类(Class)、对象(Object)、变量(Variable)、数据类型(Data Types)、控制结构(Control Structures)如if语句和for循环,以及方法(Methods)。类是Java中的核心...