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今天与jgtang82讨论FOR ALL ENTRIES与JOIN问题
SAP的数据字典对FOR ALL ENTRIES的封装也并不那么聪明。
All abap programers and most of the dba's that support abap programmers are familiar with the abap clause "for all entries". Most of the web pages I visited recently, discuss 3 major drawbacks of the "for all entries" clause:
1. duplicate rows are automatically removed
2. if the itab used in the clause is empty , all the rows in the source table will be selected .
3. performance degradation when using the clause on big tables.
In this post I'd like to shed some light on the third issue. Specifically i'll discuss the use of the "for all entries" clause as a means to join tables in the abap code instead of in db2.
Say for example you have the following abap code:
Select * from mara
For all entries in itab
Where matnr = itab-matnr.
If the actual source of the material list (represented here by itab) is actually another database table, like:
select matnr from mseg
into corresponding fields of table itab
where ?
Then you could have used one sql statement that joins both tables.
Select t1.*
From mara t1, mseg t2
Where t1.matnr = t2.matnr
And T2?.
So what are the drawbacks of using the "for all entires" instead of a join ?
At run time , in order to fulfill the "for all entries " request, the abap engine will generate several sql statements (for detailed information on this refer to note 48230). Regardless of which method the engine uses (union all, "or" or "in" predicates) If the itab is bigger then a few records, the abap engine will break the itab into parts, and rerun an sql statement several times in a loop. This rerun of the same sql statement , each time with different host values, is a source of resource waste because it may lead to re-reading of data pages.
returing to the above example , lets say that our itab contains 500 records and that the abap engine will be forced to run the following sql statement 50 times with a list of 10 values each time.
Select * from mara
Where matnr in ( ...)
Db2 will be able to perform this sql statement cheaply all 50 times, using one of sap standard indexes that contain the matnr column. But in actuality, if you consider the wider picture (all 50 executions of the statement), you will see that some of the data pages, especially the root and middle-tire index pages have been re-read each execution.
Even though db2 has mechanisms like buffer pools and sequential detection to try to minimize the i/o cost of such cases, those mechanisms can only minimize the actual i/o operations , not the cpu cost of re-reading them once they are in memory. Had you coded the join, db2 would have known that you actually need 500 rows from mara, it would have been able to use other access methods, and potentially consume less getpages i/o and cpu.
In other words , when you use the "for all entries " clause instead of coding a join , you are depriving the database of important information needed to select the best access path for your application. Moreover, you are depriving your DBA of the same vital information. When the DBA monitors & tunes the system, he (or she) is less likely to recognize this kind of resource waste. The DBA will see a simple statement that uses an index , he is less likely to realize that this statement is executed in a loop unnecessarily.
In conclusion I suggest to "think twice" before using the "for all entries" clause and to evaluate the use of database views as a means to:
a. simplify sql
b. simplify abap code
c. get around open sql limitations.
Omer Brandis
DB2 DBA & SAP Basis professional (and all around nice guy)
另外,附上NOTE 48230
Performance problems with the open SQL statement "SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES ...".
Other terms
Reason and Prerequisites
The open SQL statement "SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES ..." is an ABAP-specific enhancement of the SQL standard. This variant of the SELECT statement allows the ABAP programmer to join an internal program table with one or several database tables. (For a detailed description of that statement type please refer to the corresponding ABAP documentation.)
Since there is no analogous statement in the SQL standard, the open SQL statement has to be mapped from the database interface of the ABAP environment to one or several semantically equivalent SELECT statements which can be processed by the DB platform. Several profile parameters allow a definition of how the database interface should carry out this mapping with regard to the database. This note describes the parameters that can be used to control the "SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES" statement and their effect.
The parameters mentioned in this note have considerable effects on most of the critical database commands and influence the performance of the whole system to a great extent. For this reason, before changing the parameters described in this note, a detailed problem analysis by experienced SAP consultants or the support team is required. Please note in particular that changing the parameters may often solve a local performance problem but it may also cause a still bigger problem to occur at another place. For this reason, prior to changing the profile parameters - which has a global effect on all statements - you should check first whether the performance problem might be caused by one or two positions in the corresponding application which can be corrected by a local change of the critical SQL statements.
The following profile parameters are available:
rsdb/prefer_join (ab Release 7.0)
If you set this parameter to "1" the SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES is implemented using a join. Note that this variant is only supported by the DB6 (DB2 UDB) and MS SQL Server database platforms.
You can override this parameter using rsdb/prefer_join = 1. The following remarks relate to rsdb/prefer_join = 0.
Setting this parameter to "1" generates a linking of entire statements with UNION; setting it to "0" generates an OR link of conditions in the WHERE clause. Each of the linked partial statements/conditions represents an entry of the input table [itab].
For Example:
The open SQL statement
SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES IN itab WHERE f = itab-f.
is mapped to an SQL statement which is consistent with the standard:
rsdb/prefer_union_all = 0
SELECT ... WHERE f = itab[1]-f
OR f = itab[2]-f
OR f = itab[N]-f
rsdb/prefer_union_all = 1
SELECT ... WHERE f = itab[1]-f
UNION ALL SELECT ... WHERE f = itab[2]-f
UNION ALL SELECT ... WHERE f = itab[N]-f
Where N is the number of rows in itab, and itab[i]-f is the value of
field f in the i-th table row.
If this parameter is set to "1", a statement where only one field in the WHERE clause depends on the converted internal table is reflected by a statement with an IN clause. However, this is only possible if the field reference and the WHERE condition are simple enough: in essential the field reference must be a not negated EQ condition.
For Example:
If parameter rsdb/prefer_in_itab_opt is set to "1", the open SQL
SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES IN itab WHERE f = itab-f.
is mapped to the following SQL statement:
SELECT ... WHERE f IN (itab[1]-f, itab[2]-f, ..., itab[N]-f)
This parameter specifies an upper limit for the number of entries taken in from [itab] to be processed in one statement. This means that if the internal table specified in the FOR ALL ENTRIES clause contains more than rsdb/max_blocking_factor rows, the open SQL statement is split into several statements for the database the results of which are collected in the DB interface and then returned as an overall result to the ABAP program. For an internal table with N rows
N / "rsdb/max_blocking_factor" + 1
individual SELECT statements are issued for the database. However, this parameter has no effect on the translation to IN (...) (for prefer_in_itab_opt).
Additionally the technical maximum blocking factor is calculated for each statement, so no limits of the database system are exceeded. If the limit of the blocking factor is lower than max_blocking_factor, the limit is used implicitely.
This parameter, analogously to rsdb/max_blocking_factor, gives the upper limit for the number of entries to be processed from [itab] if the concrete statement is reflected on an IN clause (see prefer_in_itab_opt).
Analogously to rsdb/max_blocking_factor also the limit of the blocking factor is used instead of rsdb/max_in_blocking_factor, if otherwise the upper limits of the database system would be exceeded.
If the number of entries in [itab] is not divisible by max_blocking_factor, less entries (conditions) are allocated to the last statement which has been generated for processing the FOR ALL ENTRIES statement. The result is a new statement.
If the same FOR ALL ENTRIES statement is executed very frequently with a different number of entries in the input table [itab], different statements are created up to the maximum of max_blocking_factor statements.
This can be avoided by the above profile parameter.
If this parameter is set to "1", at most two statements of different length are generated. This is achieved by repeating the last value in the input table as if [itab] has been padded to the blocking factor ([itab] is not really modified).
If this parameter is set to a value larger than "0" AND if rsdb/prefer_fix_blocking is set, 2 different blocking factors are used: a smaller (min_blocking_factor) and a larger factor (max_blocking_factor).
However, the min_blocking_factor is only used if there are only a few entries in [itab]: A little simplified, if the following applies: "Entries [itab] < max_blocking_factor / 2"
This parameter works in conjunction with rsdb/min_blocking_factor, for the case that the addition FOR ALL ENTRIES has been implemented with an IN clause (see prefer_in_itab_opt).
Control over FOR ALL ENTRIES Hints
Under the heading Database Interface Hints, Note 129385 describes the options you have for influencing the database interface by entering hints. The hints are evaluated in the database interface itself and are not passed on to the database.
Starting with kernel Release 4.6B all the above mentioned FOR ALL ENTRIES parameters can be set via such a hint for a single statement. In the example:
%_HINTS ORACLE '&prefer_in_itab_opt 1&&prefer_fix_blocking -1&'.
This way, the boolean parameter 'prefer_in_itab_opt' is explictly set and the boolean parameter 'prefer_fix_blocking' is set to its default value.
FOR ALL ENTRIES hints, like hints are generally only used as a a corrective device in emergency situations; Note 129385 goes into this. The hints described here should only be used with careful consideration.
SAP的数据字典对FOR ALL ENTRIES的封装也并不那么聪明。
All abap programers and most of the dba's that support abap programmers are familiar with the abap clause "for all entries". Most of the web pages I visited recently, discuss 3 major drawbacks of the "for all entries" clause:
1. duplicate rows are automatically removed
2. if the itab used in the clause is empty , all the rows in the source table will be selected .
3. performance degradation when using the clause on big tables.
In this post I'd like to shed some light on the third issue. Specifically i'll discuss the use of the "for all entries" clause as a means to join tables in the abap code instead of in db2.
Say for example you have the following abap code:
Select * from mara
For all entries in itab
Where matnr = itab-matnr.
If the actual source of the material list (represented here by itab) is actually another database table, like:
select matnr from mseg
into corresponding fields of table itab
where ?
Then you could have used one sql statement that joins both tables.
Select t1.*
From mara t1, mseg t2
Where t1.matnr = t2.matnr
And T2?.
So what are the drawbacks of using the "for all entires" instead of a join ?
At run time , in order to fulfill the "for all entries " request, the abap engine will generate several sql statements (for detailed information on this refer to note 48230). Regardless of which method the engine uses (union all, "or" or "in" predicates) If the itab is bigger then a few records, the abap engine will break the itab into parts, and rerun an sql statement several times in a loop. This rerun of the same sql statement , each time with different host values, is a source of resource waste because it may lead to re-reading of data pages.
returing to the above example , lets say that our itab contains 500 records and that the abap engine will be forced to run the following sql statement 50 times with a list of 10 values each time.
Select * from mara
Where matnr in ( ...)
Db2 will be able to perform this sql statement cheaply all 50 times, using one of sap standard indexes that contain the matnr column. But in actuality, if you consider the wider picture (all 50 executions of the statement), you will see that some of the data pages, especially the root and middle-tire index pages have been re-read each execution.
Even though db2 has mechanisms like buffer pools and sequential detection to try to minimize the i/o cost of such cases, those mechanisms can only minimize the actual i/o operations , not the cpu cost of re-reading them once they are in memory. Had you coded the join, db2 would have known that you actually need 500 rows from mara, it would have been able to use other access methods, and potentially consume less getpages i/o and cpu.
In other words , when you use the "for all entries " clause instead of coding a join , you are depriving the database of important information needed to select the best access path for your application. Moreover, you are depriving your DBA of the same vital information. When the DBA monitors & tunes the system, he (or she) is less likely to recognize this kind of resource waste. The DBA will see a simple statement that uses an index , he is less likely to realize that this statement is executed in a loop unnecessarily.
In conclusion I suggest to "think twice" before using the "for all entries" clause and to evaluate the use of database views as a means to:
a. simplify sql
b. simplify abap code
c. get around open sql limitations.
Omer Brandis
DB2 DBA & SAP Basis professional (and all around nice guy)
另外,附上NOTE 48230
Performance problems with the open SQL statement "SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES ...".
Other terms
Reason and Prerequisites
The open SQL statement "SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES ..." is an ABAP-specific enhancement of the SQL standard. This variant of the SELECT statement allows the ABAP programmer to join an internal program table with one or several database tables. (For a detailed description of that statement type please refer to the corresponding ABAP documentation.)
Since there is no analogous statement in the SQL standard, the open SQL statement has to be mapped from the database interface of the ABAP environment to one or several semantically equivalent SELECT statements which can be processed by the DB platform. Several profile parameters allow a definition of how the database interface should carry out this mapping with regard to the database. This note describes the parameters that can be used to control the "SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES" statement and their effect.
The parameters mentioned in this note have considerable effects on most of the critical database commands and influence the performance of the whole system to a great extent. For this reason, before changing the parameters described in this note, a detailed problem analysis by experienced SAP consultants or the support team is required. Please note in particular that changing the parameters may often solve a local performance problem but it may also cause a still bigger problem to occur at another place. For this reason, prior to changing the profile parameters - which has a global effect on all statements - you should check first whether the performance problem might be caused by one or two positions in the corresponding application which can be corrected by a local change of the critical SQL statements.
The following profile parameters are available:
rsdb/prefer_join (ab Release 7.0)
If you set this parameter to "1" the SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES is implemented using a join. Note that this variant is only supported by the DB6 (DB2 UDB) and MS SQL Server database platforms.
You can override this parameter using rsdb/prefer_join = 1. The following remarks relate to rsdb/prefer_join = 0.
Setting this parameter to "1" generates a linking of entire statements with UNION; setting it to "0" generates an OR link of conditions in the WHERE clause. Each of the linked partial statements/conditions represents an entry of the input table [itab].
For Example:
The open SQL statement
SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES IN itab WHERE f = itab-f.
is mapped to an SQL statement which is consistent with the standard:
rsdb/prefer_union_all = 0
SELECT ... WHERE f = itab[1]-f
OR f = itab[2]-f
OR f = itab[N]-f
rsdb/prefer_union_all = 1
SELECT ... WHERE f = itab[1]-f
UNION ALL SELECT ... WHERE f = itab[2]-f
UNION ALL SELECT ... WHERE f = itab[N]-f
Where N is the number of rows in itab, and itab[i]-f is the value of
field f in the i-th table row.
If this parameter is set to "1", a statement where only one field in the WHERE clause depends on the converted internal table is reflected by a statement with an IN clause. However, this is only possible if the field reference and the WHERE condition are simple enough: in essential the field reference must be a not negated EQ condition.
For Example:
If parameter rsdb/prefer_in_itab_opt is set to "1", the open SQL
SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES IN itab WHERE f = itab-f.
is mapped to the following SQL statement:
SELECT ... WHERE f IN (itab[1]-f, itab[2]-f, ..., itab[N]-f)
This parameter specifies an upper limit for the number of entries taken in from [itab] to be processed in one statement. This means that if the internal table specified in the FOR ALL ENTRIES clause contains more than rsdb/max_blocking_factor rows, the open SQL statement is split into several statements for the database the results of which are collected in the DB interface and then returned as an overall result to the ABAP program. For an internal table with N rows
N / "rsdb/max_blocking_factor" + 1
individual SELECT statements are issued for the database. However, this parameter has no effect on the translation to IN (...) (for prefer_in_itab_opt).
Additionally the technical maximum blocking factor is calculated for each statement, so no limits of the database system are exceeded. If the limit of the blocking factor is lower than max_blocking_factor, the limit is used implicitely.
This parameter, analogously to rsdb/max_blocking_factor, gives the upper limit for the number of entries to be processed from [itab] if the concrete statement is reflected on an IN clause (see prefer_in_itab_opt).
Analogously to rsdb/max_blocking_factor also the limit of the blocking factor is used instead of rsdb/max_in_blocking_factor, if otherwise the upper limits of the database system would be exceeded.
If the number of entries in [itab] is not divisible by max_blocking_factor, less entries (conditions) are allocated to the last statement which has been generated for processing the FOR ALL ENTRIES statement. The result is a new statement.
If the same FOR ALL ENTRIES statement is executed very frequently with a different number of entries in the input table [itab], different statements are created up to the maximum of max_blocking_factor statements.
This can be avoided by the above profile parameter.
If this parameter is set to "1", at most two statements of different length are generated. This is achieved by repeating the last value in the input table as if [itab] has been padded to the blocking factor ([itab] is not really modified).
If this parameter is set to a value larger than "0" AND if rsdb/prefer_fix_blocking is set, 2 different blocking factors are used: a smaller (min_blocking_factor) and a larger factor (max_blocking_factor).
However, the min_blocking_factor is only used if there are only a few entries in [itab]: A little simplified, if the following applies: "Entries [itab] < max_blocking_factor / 2"
This parameter works in conjunction with rsdb/min_blocking_factor, for the case that the addition FOR ALL ENTRIES has been implemented with an IN clause (see prefer_in_itab_opt).
Control over FOR ALL ENTRIES Hints
Under the heading Database Interface Hints, Note 129385 describes the options you have for influencing the database interface by entering hints. The hints are evaluated in the database interface itself and are not passed on to the database.
Starting with kernel Release 4.6B all the above mentioned FOR ALL ENTRIES parameters can be set via such a hint for a single statement. In the example:
%_HINTS ORACLE '&prefer_in_itab_opt 1&&prefer_fix_blocking -1&'.
This way, the boolean parameter 'prefer_in_itab_opt' is explictly set and the boolean parameter 'prefer_fix_blocking' is set to its default value.
FOR ALL ENTRIES hints, like hints are generally only used as a a corrective device in emergency situations; Note 129385 goes into this. The hints described here should only be used with careful consideration.
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聊聊而已,哪有什么成本? 时间成本? 正无聊着呢:)
9 楼
有些时候buzz word搞得太多会增加交流成本。
有些时候buzz word搞得太多会增加交流成本。
8 楼
1.确需要access key来做的应该叫Modification, 不需要的叫Enhancement.
2.User Exit 属于modification, 它需要access key, 以va02为例,在它对应的程序中search "userexit" in main program, 你会发现user exit是在system namespace中的.
Customer exit和BAdI属于enhancement, 不需要access key.这也是user exit和customer exit的一个主要差别.另它们的找法和实现过程也不是一样的,详见BC425.
3. BAdI是可以自己创建的,然后放在customer程序里面让别人在上面再做二次开发.
呵呵,搞得有点像在扣字眼一样,但准确的概念有时也是必要的,不对的地方请指正. SAP的圈子太小,大家这些东西讨论的也少.
2.User Exit 属于modification, 它需要access key, 以va02为例,在它对应的程序中search "userexit" in main program, 你会发现user exit是在system namespace中的.
Customer exit和BAdI属于enhancement, 不需要access key.这也是user exit和customer exit的一个主要差别.另它们的找法和实现过程也不是一样的,详见BC425.
3. BAdI是可以自己创建的,然后放在customer程序里面让别人在上面再做二次开发.
呵呵,搞得有点像在扣字眼一样,但准确的概念有时也是必要的,不对的地方请指正. SAP的圈子太小,大家这些东西讨论的也少.
7 楼
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说有AOP的影子是指一个BAdI可以允许它有多个Impl,在调用的时候还可以通过Filter来选择哪些会被执行。这里在用Adapter class 调用Impl instance的方式有Observer pattern的影子。另外我只是说有AOP的影子,要不然就是放大BAdI的功能了。
如何找Customer Exit, User Exit, BAdI是应用方面的事了,找法也算很简单,SDN上到处都有对吧:)
如何找Customer Exit, User Exit, BAdI是应用方面的事了,找法也算很简单,SDN上到处都有对吧:)
5 楼
customer exit是通过调用包含customer namespace文件的function来实现的,没什么好说的。不过BAdI做的还是不错的,背后有AOP的影子,其实现机制应用了simplified abstract factory(EIXT_HANDLER), proxy pattern(BAdI interface, auto generated Adapter class(这个名字叫的不合适,从现在DP的定义上来说叫Porxy我觉得更合适), customer impl), 另外EXIT_HANDLER=>GET_INSTANCE里面还有元数据编程(reflection)的一些内容,以前觉得ABAP是古董,其实里面是真有不少东西的。当然在现在看来高明说不上,但在十年前应该算是还不错的。
4 楼
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这些技术细节有时还是很有价值的,如果没有这些细节知识Performance Tuning没法做呀。这方面BC490那篇标准文档讲的不错,不过原理些的东西讲的不够清楚。那个Notes我是第一次看到,不知道Profile parameters对For all entries in的影响,长知识了。我觉得SAP方面国内很少有人去分析一些技术的幕后机制,比如说BAdI的设计机制,应用了哪些设计模式等等。可能主要还是做的人少了。
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最后,`TIM10` 是总执行时间,`TIM11` 是 `FOR ALL ENTRIES IN` 相对于 `IN` 语句的效率倍数。 根据实验结果,我们可以得出结论,`FOR ALL ENTRIES IN` 通常比 `IN` 语句更高效,特别是在处理大量数据时。这是因为 ...
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另外,使用FOR ALL ENTRIES时,需确保内表非空,以防止全表扫描。 接下来,尽量避免某些可能导致性能下降的操作。例如,不要使用`SELECT DISTINCT`,可尝试用`SORT BY`和`DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES`来替代。尽量...
例如,对于10万行的订单行项目内表,通过FOR ALL ENTRIES查询交货单行项目可能不如使用SELECT SINGLE并直接在循环中修改内表高效。 4. **其他性能优化技巧**: - 使用`INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE`结构来...
在ABAP程序中,FOR ALL Entries 语句可以提高程序的性能。因此,应该使用FOR ALL Entries 语句代替loop 语句。 14. 正确地使用 where 语句,使查询能使用索引 在ABAP程序中,where 语句可以提高查询的性能。因此,...
- **确保驱动表非空且无重复关键字**:在使用`FORALL ENTRIES`时,确保驱动表(itab_mkpf)不为空,并且不存在重复的关键字数据。例如,在查询物料文档项信息时: ```abap SELECT mseg~mblnr mseg~mjahr ... INTO...
常用的 SQL 优化方法包括索引的正确使用、执行顺序的优化、For all entries in 语句的优化等。 SAP 系统性能指标 SAP 系统性能指标是指对 SAP 系统性能的评估和监控。常用的 SAP 系统性能指标包括 Response Time、...
SQL 优化是 SAP 系统性能调优的重要部分,包括 For all entries in、执行顺序、索引等多个方面。正确的索引和字段顺序可以大大提高 SQL 语句的执行效率。 多进程处理是 SAP 系统性能调优的另一个重要方面,包括 SAP...
- **FOR ALL ENTRIES**:在多个条件匹配时,使用FOR ALL ENTRIES以减少循环次数,提高效率。 3. 视图优化: - **创建视图**:将复杂查询封装成视图,减少重复计算,提高查询速度。 4. 内存管理: - **减少内存...
在这个例子中,开发人员采用了一次性查询的方式,通过`FOR ALL ENTRIES`子句,一次性检索所有满足条件的记录,避免了多次查询的重复开销。这种方法在处理大数据集时表现出色,因为它只需要一次数据库访问即可完成...
3. **FOR ALL ENTRIES的使用**:在使用FOR ALL ENTRIES时,确保内表非空,否则会返回所有数据,可能导致不必要的计算。 4. **字段符号Field Symbols**:在循环或读取内表时,使用字段符号代替表工作区,可以减少...
`FOR ALL ENTRIES`用于在循环中执行SELECT操作,提高效率。`DISTINCT`则用于去除结果集中的重复行。 总的来说,ABAP的SELECT语句提供了强大的功能来处理多表查询,通过灵活运用各种联接类型和聚合函数,可以高效地...
9. "for all"条目(Use of "for all" entries):在更新或删除操作中,使用"for all"条目可以减少数据库调用,提高效率。 10. "where"子句的结构(Proper structure of "where" clause):优化“where”子句的结构...
1. **批量处理**:使用FOR ALL ENTRIES IN进行批量处理可以避免多次循环查询。 - **原始写法**: ```abap Loop at int_cntry. Select single * from zfligh into int_fligh where cntry = int_cntry-cntry. ...
- **选择合适的访问方式**:考虑使用INNER JOIN、FOR ALL ENTRIES等语法来优化查询。 - **正确使用WHERE语句结构**:避免使用客户端指定(CLIENT SPECIFIED)的查询,除非必要,因为它可能导致全表扫描。同时,确保...
3. 该语句使用了FOR ALL ENTRIES子句,这是SAP SQL的一个特性,它允许在内部表(I_BADD)中的每一行上执行外部查询,这里检查了AUFNR和DWERK字段以获取匹配的AFPO记录。 4. 计数查询用于计算满足特定条件的记录数量...
ForAll entry In view.AllEntries If Not entry.IsCategory And entry.HasUnreadEntries Then Set doc = entry.Document If doc.UnreadCount > 0 Then newMail = doc.Subject ' 这里添加将 newMail 发送到手机...