Yesterday,it was Monday the first of a week.All the day,I didn't know what I had did but I felt I was very busy.Morning,I received a mail from Cliff which contained the design of tables about our project.I used PowerDesigner to open it and found some questions.The first,all the names of columns were consisted by all the capital letters of words which were the mean of the columns.So when I used HibernateTools to generator all the codes of hibernate,every field of every class consists of all the
lowercase letters of words which were the mean of the columns,this will effect the readable of the code.The second,there were not any foreign-keys and relations among these tables(like,one-to-one,one-to-many,many-to-many) among these tables.The third,every primary-key were the logic key instead of non-logic key which the hibernate
recommend to use.The last,he used type of Number instead of double. I wrote these questions in a mail and sent to him.
There was anther thing that Eric couldn't write the jsp pages which contains some tabs.Then I found a tool which I had found at JavaEye forum and its name is css tab.When I looked for this tool,I found an ajax framework which called ext.This is an open source of ajax framework and it contains yui-tools,jQuery and pototype and so on.I will study this framework in this week.
At 5:00 pm,I went home and went to the station with xiaomao who had dealt with his registered residence and would leave at 6:00 pm by train.When we arrived at the station,it's 5:50.So we hurried to the ticket entrance and I was very sorry for that I couldn't buy any food to him.
After I had seen off xiaomao,I went to select our marriage pictures at the photo studio and my girl friend waited for me.At last,we selected 58 pictures.
My english is so ugly.
在Part1中,读者可以找到拉马努金对于无穷级数的研究,特别是关于Euler's gamma function和theta functions的深入探索。他提出了许多新的恒等式和公式,这些在当时被认为是前所未有的发现。他的工作不仅扩展了这些...
"Lost!"在标签中可能指的是游戏中的某个章节或剧情点,也可能暗示了这次更新针对的是游戏中出现的某些丢失或未解的问题。 "emoji"标签则意味着此补丁引入了一个全新的特性,即在游戏中添加或升级了emoji表情包功能...
the lost symbol pdf the lost symbol pdf
Oracle RAC 环境中 gc block lost 和私网通信性能问题的诊断 Oracle RAC(Real Application Clusters)环境中,gc block lost 和私网通信性能问题是两个常见的性能瓶颈问题,本文将对这两个问题进行详细的分析和...
1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Description is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password
Lost Location Open Source Tracker (for Android) Usage This project seeks to provide an open source alternative to the Google Play services location APIs that depends only on the Android SDK. It ...
代码如下:Lost connection to MySQL server at ‘reading initial communication packet’, system error: 0 很明显这是连接初始化阶段就丢失了连接的错误。 google半天大多是说的注释掉配置文件中 bind-address = ...
### LOST.DIR文件夹中意外丢失文件的恢复方法 #### 概述 在计算机或移动设备使用过程中,用户可能会遇到文件系统错误或其他问题导致的数据丢失情况。在Linux及部分Android设备上,当文件系统发生异常时,系统通常...
标题:“The P=NP question and Godel's lost letter”以及描述:“Richard Lipton关于算法和计算复杂性的文集,很有启发性”都指向了一个计算理论中最著名的未解决问题——P=NP问题。此问题的探讨与哥德尔的未公开...
《Lost in Blue 3》是一款深受玩家喜爱的生存冒险游戏,该标题暗示了我们讨论的是这一系列游戏的第三个版本。"Lost-in-Blue-3.rar_Lost!" 提供了一个压缩包文件名,其中 ".rar" 后缀表明这是一个RAR格式的压缩文件,...
标题"CNG.rar_Lost!_PACKET LOST"暗示了我们正在处理与“连续噪声生成器(Continuous Noise Generator,简称CNG)”相关的文件,同时遇到了数据包丢失的问题。描述中提到“更新CNG的估计,并在数据包丢失时应用CNG”...
In this stunning follow-up to the global phenomenon The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown demonstrates ... The Lost Symbol is exactly what Brown’s fans have been waiting for . . . his most thrilling novel yet.
【PJBlog3 Lost模板】是针对PJBlog3这款开源博客系统设计的一款主题模板,它为用户提供了一种全新的视觉体验和布局设计。PJBlog3是一款基于ASP.NET技术开发的个人博客系统,具有轻量级、易用性和可扩展性等特点。...
PJBlog是一款开源的个人博客系统,它允许用户方便地创建和管理自己的博客,而"Lost Dark"则是该系统的一个皮肤或设计风格,为用户提供了一种深色界面的选择,可能适合那些喜欢低调、神秘或者夜间阅读体验的用户。...
根据提供的文件信息,可以看出《失落的符号》(The Lost Symbol)是丹·布朗(Dan Brown)的一部小说。然而,由于请求的是从标题、描述、标签及部分内容中提取相关的IT知识点,而这些材料主要涉及文学内容而非信息...
今天我们将聚焦于一个名为“Lost”的前端开源库,它是一个强大的网格系统,专为CSS设计者和开发者打造。Lost Grid能够帮助我们构建响应式、灵活且易于维护的网页布局。 Lost Grid的主要功能是实现基于比例的栅格...
### 图像描述生成技术概述 图像描述生成(Image Caption Generation, ICG)是一项融合了计算机视觉(CV)与自然语言处理(NLP)的技术,旨在自动为图像生成自然语言描述。随着深度学习技术的发展,ICG逐渐成为学术界和...