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“4,5队去东南方向防守 ...
关于团队的一些思考,玩WOW时候的思考 -
感觉到异常的艰辛。有很多事情真的和想象中 ...
1. Set Unrealistic Goals
Your management says the project has to be done in 2 months. You know it can’t be done in any less than 6 and it’s probably more like 9 months. But, hey, they want it in 2 and you’re in no position to challenge them so why not just go ahead and agree to it. Your team won’t mind. After all, if they agree to work 80 hours a week they should be able to pull it off. Besides, you’ve just gotten the purchase of a brand new code generation tool approved. This will save loads of time in the project.
2. Staff Up Quickly
You need people on your team ASAP. Hire the first warm bodies your pal at Programmers-R-Us sends over for an interview. Your project has a tight schedule so you need somebody, anybody, on-board and ready to code. Don’t bother with having your team participate in the interview process or be too picky. If you do, you might lose the good candidates to other companies.
3. The More Documentation The Better
Require your team to document everything. You need a scribe to take down the minutes of each and every meeting and publish them afterwards. Every form must be filled out according to a mandated template taken from an antiquated mainframe methodology you learned in school or a NASA software development handbook you bought on eBay. Insist developers write out weekly, or even daily, status reports. You can never have too much data about a project. Ignore the whiners on your team who complain about being overloaded with useless work. They just don’t understand the benefits of good documentation.
4. You Can Always Make Up a Schedule Slip Later in the Project
If your project is falling behind it is always safe to assume that you can make up the difference later. People were just goofing off or getting into the project at first. Everybody knows that as the project progresses everyone gets more comfortable and productive. Just like in a distance race, everyone stores up enough energy for a big sprint at the end. Count on having a strong finish for your project.
5. Relax Your Standards To Shorten the Schedule
OK, so it looks like the document everything plan is not going to work out so well. The obvious answer is to do the opposite, scrap all documentation including any end user instructions or help files. That extra work can be done after the project is completed. Also, cut out fluff like integration and user testing, well managed source control and test systems and your other standard coding processes and procedures that just get in the way. Quality isn’t important, only completing the project on time is important.
6. Micromanage
If left to their own devices team members will goof off. It is your job to stay on them 24/7. If traffic is bad one morning, make a point of calling late team members on their cell phone every 2 minutes to gauge the progress of their commute. Who knows, they actually may be lounging at Starbucks rather than sitting in their car behind a jackknifed semi. Call them in the evening at home as well, particularly if they have the audacity to leave early, to discuss fine points of the project for 30 minutes or so. Use time management software to track each developer’s time in and out of the office and exactly what they’re working on throughout the day. Also, you should swing by every team member’s cubical 2 or more times a day to ask them about their progress. Feel free to offer your sage suggestions about whatever they’re working on. This lets them know how much you care.
7. Call a Daily Project Status Meetings
You should have at least one daily meeting to take the pulse of the project. This is best scheduled either first thing in the morning or very late in the afternoon. This helps insure everyone is arriving on time and not leaving early. Better yet, schedule a meeting for both times for a win-win situation. Every point of the schedule and the day’s work should be discussed in detail during these meetings. You have the room and the team’s attention for a full hour so why not use it to the fullest?
8. Threaten Team Members to Motivate Them
If your team is falling behind the problem is that you aren’t motivating them enough. You’re allowing them to goof off and fall behind! Put your project back on track by putting their feet to the fire. Let them know that if they don’t dedicate themselves wholly to the project they’ll be finding a new job. Question their competence as programmers and mention how anyone who doesn’t perform up to standards will be fired so as to spur them on to greater acheivement. You will be amazed at how motivated your team is after you take this approach.
9. Bring In More Programmers
That Brooks guy’s ideas might have applied way back in 70’s at IBM but they don’t apply in modern, Web 2.0, times. Screw the ‘Mythical Man Month’. Bringing in more programmers means more people coding and thus more getting done faster, simple as that. You could even have them work shifts using the same computers to save office space and equipment costs. You can easily find or invent a buzz word to describe what you’re doing to sell it to the team and your management. What a brilliant coup that would be!
10. Set Your Plan in Stone
Never, ever, back down on your vision of the project schedule or plan. You said 2 months with the new tool and you meant it. You know you have awesome estimation and project management skills. Don’t entertain any complaints about your choices in meetings. Anyone questioning your decision is being insubordinate and disrespectful and probably just looking for a way to slack off. How dare they question your competence and authority?
Special Bonus Idea
If you need good political cover for implementing these steps toward failure you need to tie them to a popular development and project management buzzword like Scrum, Agile, or Extreme Programming. All of these methods offer excellent cover to you both during and after the project. This shows your managers that you’re on top of the latest software development project management trends while your team are a bunch of disloyal whiners who can’t stand to have their cheese moved. Furthermore, when the project fails you will be recognized as a company expert of the method since you know what doesn’t work. Does it matter that you just ‘cargo culted’ these methods? No, not at all. You’re well on your way to being the next ‘pointy haired boss’ or Bill Lumbergh.
写user case
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个体软件过程(Personal Software Process,PSP)【转贴】
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组态王工程加密方法及其影响解析 随着信息技术的迅速发展,数据安全成为了企业及个人关注的重点,尤其是在工业自动化领域,工程设计的安全性更是至关重要。北京亚控科技发展有限公司的组态王软件V6.5,作为一款广泛...
因此,确保道路工程的质量成为了工程施工的核心任务。本文将围绕确保工程质量的技术组织措施方案,深入探讨质量技术控制措施和关键部位的质量控制措施,以期为同行业的技术人员提供参考。 工程质量不仅受材料质量的...
本文档《【工程文档】-确保工程质量的措施.doc》即为一份致力于确保施工过程质量的详尽指导文件。 首先,文档开篇即明确了工程质量的具体目标,即实现工程一次验收优良率达到100%。这意味着施工过程中的每个环节都...
这一体系需贯穿施工前、施工中以及施工后各环节,并确保每个环节都配有明确的质量标准和控制方法,从而实现工程质量的有效监督和管理。 紧接着,质量保证体系的构建也不可或缺。质量保证体系通常包括质量管理组织...
文档"确保工程质量管理体系与措施.docx"主要阐述了在工程建设中如何通过建立完善的管理体系和实施具体措施来确保工程质量。以下是对这些内容的详细解读: 首先,质量保证体系遵循全面质量管理(TQM)的理念,强调全员...
【确保工程质量的技术组织措施】 在建筑工程中,确保工程质量是至关重要的。这涉及到多个层面的管理和控制,包括质量责任制的确立、质量保证体系的实施、项目班子的构建与管理、目标控制以及各阶段的质量控制和管理...
要达到此标准,施工团队必须在自检、中检、抽检以及最终的验收等各个环节中始终坚持高标准、严要求,这样才能够确保工程无瑕疵,进而保障工程质量和工期。 其次,建立完善的质量控制机构和创优规划对工程质量的保证...
然而,为了确保工程的顺利进行,项目管理者必须对工程进度计划和采取的技术组织措施进行精心筹划和严格执行。本文将深入探讨如何确保装配式结构住宅楼的工程进度,以及采取的技术组织措施。 首先,明确工程的总工期...
在信息化时代,弱电监控工程隐蔽工程随工验收单是一份非常重要的文件,在监控工程项目中,隐蔽工程随工验收单是确保工程质量和安全的关键步骤。下面,我们将详细介绍隐蔽工程随工验收单的知识点。 一、隐蔽工程随工...
如果没有该证书,工程项目的质量和安全将不能得到保证,从而可能导致工程项目的失败。 5. 工程缺陷责任期终止证书的法律效力 工程缺陷责任期终止证书具有法律效力,是建设工程项目中不可或缺的一部分。该证书规定...
《X工程确保施工质量技术措施》这份文档为施工团队提供了一系列技术措施和管理手段,以期达到确保工程质量的目标。 首先,文档提出了ISO9002质量标准的重要性。ISO9002质量标准为工程施工提供了一套国际认可的管理...
【确保报价完成工程建设的技术措施】 在工程建设中,确保报价的合理性是至关重要的,因为它直接影响到项目的经济效益和施工质量。以下是一些确保报价有效完成工程建设的关键技术措施: 首先,确立施工项目经理的...
本标准规定了人民防空工程的质量验收和评价的要求、方法和程序。 第一章:工程质量验收 人民防空工程的质量验收是指对工程的质量进行检查和评价,确保工程达到国家规定的标准。质量验收包括施工现场质量管理检查、...