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下面的方法只适用在windows 7 32位操作系统,以及Mac os X10.6,linux的使用者可以参考这些配置自己设置他们。
- 你想开发sikuli插件
- 你需要debugger你的代码
- 你需要一个很好的交互
- 你需要和操作系统交互
- 你需要一个专业的单元测试
安装 Sikuli
- Windows: 同我之前的文章讲的一样,设置好你的sikuli环境变量
Mac: have Sikuli-IDE.app in its standard place /Applications. There is generally no need to put it elsewhere.
Linux: you generally have to take care for the environment yourself.
Meanings of shortcuts used:
- path-to/sikuli-script.jar if we use this, it should be replaced by the absolute path to the file sikuli-script.jar, where you installed Sikuli.
Images and importing other Sikuli scripts
It is recommended to carefully read through Importing other Sikuli Scripts (reuse code and images), since you need to have a concept how to capture, how to name and where to store your images. As a first start, just decide to use Sikuli IDE in parallel to capture and store your images and use the import feature or the image path to make them available in your script.
下面的例子是针对 Netbeans 6.9.的步骤:
你需要安装 Jython 2.5.1.
Go to menu Tools -> Plugins -> Available Plugins
In the list select everything that is in the category Python and install. If suggested by the install process always restart Netbeans.
Configure for using Sikuli script features at runtime
The plugin itself has nothing to configure, that is of value for the Sikuli usage. Everything is done on the project level, though some basic preferences act like plugin globals - we just have to know and accept this ;-)
- Start a new project: File -> New Project -> Categories: Python -> Python Project -> click Next
- In the second step Name and Location (last line), select as Python Platform: Jython 2.5.1.
- you might want to click Make Default, if you have real Python also available (Remember: Sikuli scripts cannot be run with real Python!)
- To integrate Sikuli: click the button Manage (only needed with the first project - it is remembered)
- on the tab Python Path we need an additional entry, that points to path-to/sikuli-script.jar/Lib.
- Windows: click the button Add and click through to path-to/sikuli-script.jar. Before clicking Open, edit the filename so that it shows sikuli-script.jar\Lib.
- Mac: since the Netbeans file dialog does not allow to dive into a bundle like Sikuli-IDE.app, we have to edit the preference file directly. Since it is the same with the Java path, we have documented it seperatly below Mac/Netbeans: select library path.
- on the tab Java Path we need an additional entry, that points to path-to/sikuli-script.jar. If you have other Java libraries, that you need in your project, add them here too.
- Windows: click the button Add and click through to path-to/sikuli-script.jar. Clicking Open.
- Mac: same again, see below Mac/Netbeans: Select library path.
Now you are able to run your first script. Remember, that in every script including the main script, that you are editing now, as the first line you need from sikuli.Sikuli import *, to have access to the Sikuli features at runtime.
Everytime later on you might come back to the project’s preferences with File -> Project Properties (your-project’s-name) . You will find the above information in the categorie Python.
Prepare to use Code Completion for the Sikuli methods
The NetBeans editor in the Python plugin editor is not able to recognize Python classes and methods, as long as the respective source code is embedded inside a jar-file as it is the fact with Sikuli. If you want Code Completion to work, you have to extract the folder Lib/sikuli from sikuli-script.jar, place it somewhere and add the reference to this folder to the Python Path in the project’s preferences (see above: Configure Python Path).
To extract the folder Lib/sikuli from sikuli-script.jar you might use the jar utility, that comes with the Java JDK or any other utility, that allows to unjar a jar-file.
This is a Mac example how to use the jar uility, supposing it can be found on the system path:
- in a Terminal window go to an appropriate folder, that should contain Lib/sikuli afterwards
- run: jar -xf /Applications/Sikuli-IDE.app/Contents/Resources/Java/sikuli-script.jar Lib/sikuli
You might decide, to use a folder, that is already on the Python path. One folder that is designated by Jython to contain complementary sources, that needs to be imported, is the folder Lib/site-packages in the Jython installation directory. If you copy the folder sikuli here, you do not need an additional Python path entry.
Mac/NetBeans: Select library path
To perpare the preference file modification we first add the path to Sikuli-IDE.app on both tabs: click the button Add and click through to /Applications/Sikuli-IDE.app. Depending on your selected language, the folder Applications is named like you see it in the Finder. Save the preferences by clicking close and/or ok.
The preference file is located at /Users/your-name/.netbeans/6.9/build.properties. Since it is hidden, you might have to use the Finder option “Go to Folder” (Shift-Command-G), to open the folder /Users/your-name/.netbeans/.
Open the file build.properties in your favorite editor and search for the text /Applications/Sikuli-IDE.app. It should be at the end of 2 lines beginning with pythonplatform..
On the line beginning pythonplatform. ... .javalib= extend /Applications/Sikuli-IDE.app so that it reads: /Applications/Sikuli-IDE.app/Contents/Resources/Java/sikuli-script.jar.
On the line beginning pythonplatform. ... .pythonlib= extend /Applications/Sikuli-IDE.app so that it reads: /Applications/Sikuli-IDE.app/Contents/Resources/Java/sikuli-script.jar/Lib.
Save the file and restart Netbeans. It is a good idea to check, that the correct entries are found on the 2 tabs now.
This is based on Eclipse Helios 3.6. We suppose you have it running in a setup that allows to at least develop Java applications.
Since this is not a tutorial how to use Eclipse in general, you should be familiar with the basic concepts.
Install Python plugin (PyDev) and Jython
Since the top level language used by Sikuli script is Python, you need the Python plugin PyDev. Different from NetBeans, though PyDev is prepared to use Jython as interpreter, you have to install Jython on your own seperately.
So first install Jython, by downloading the version you want to use from the Jython download page. Sikuli currently is based on Jython 2.5.1, but you may choose Jython 2.5.2 as well. Install it according to Jythons installation HowTo.
After installation, make a test from a commandline by typing jython.bat (Windows) or jython (Mac/Linux) to open an interactive Jython session.
You might type the following (<enter> means pressing the enter/return key)
- import os <enter>
- import sys <enter>
- for e in sys.path: print e <enter> <enter>
- type exit() <enter> (to leave interactive Jython)
This shows the current Jython configuration of the Python path. Remember the place where Jython is installed.
Now we install the PyDev plugin from inside Eclipse: Menu Help -> Eclipse Marketplace. Either search it or find it on the Popular tab’s lower part. Simply click the Install button and do what you are asked to do ;-)
The next step is to tell Eclipse PyDev, where it can find the Jython interpreter. Navigate to the Eclipse Preferences pane and open the category PyDev and inside the subcategoryInterpreter-Jython. First try to Auto Config by clicking the appropriate button. If this does not work, click the button New, name the entry and navigate to the folder, where Jython was installed and select jython.jar. After clicking ok, a window Selection needed might come up: click Select all and ok to finalize this step.
Other options with PyDev are available, but not relevant for our actual matter (see documentation).
Configure for using Sikuli script features at runtime
Again we have a difference to Netbeans: The PyDev plugin does not allow library references to folders inside of jar-files in the respective configuration dialog (it does not insert them to the Python path), though Jython itself accepts them, when specified on the Python path. So if you want to run and debug your script in Eclipse, you have to extract the folder Lib/sikuli from sikuli-script.jar (find one HowTo here).
As with Netbeans, the library configuration is done in the project itself. So we open a new project:
- Menu File -> New -> Project -> PyDev -> (open sublist) -> PyDev Project -> click Next button.
On the configuration pane name your project, select Jython as Project type, grammar version 2.5 (higher Python language versions are not supported by Jython 2.5.x) and click the Finish button. Your project is created. Add at least one you-name-it.py file to the source folder and put from sikuli.Sikuli import * as the first line.
In the last step, we tell PyDev, where to find the Sikuli libraries.
Goto Menu Project -> Properties -> select category PyDev - PYTHONPATH and go to the tab External Libraries. We need a reference to path-to/sikuli-script.jar and another one to the extracted folder Lib containing the folder sikuli.
- reference to path-to/sikuli-script.jar
- Windows: click button Add zip/jar/egg and select sikuli-script.jar from the Sikuli installation.
- Mac: As with NetBeans, the file dialog does not allow to step inside Sikuli-IDE.app. So we use the trick, to define a String Substitution Variable: on the respective tab click Add variable, name it e.g. sikuli-script and enter as value: /Applications/Sikuli-IDE.app/Contents/Resources/Java/sikuli-script.jar. Go back to the tab External Libraries and click Add based on variable. In the entry field enter: ${sikuli-script} and click OK.
- reference to the extracted folder Lib containing the folder sikuli
- click Add source folder and select the folder Lib in the place you had it extracted.
- this is not needed, if you have moved the extracted folder sikuli to a folder, that is already on the Python path (e.g. jython-intallation/Lib/site-packages).
Now you are able to run your first script. Remember, that in every script including the main script, that you are editing now, as the first line you need from sikuli.Sikuli import *, to have access to the Sikuli features at runtime.
Everytime later on you might come back to the project’s preferences with Project -> Properties.
Code Completion works from the start without any further configuration and even steps into the Java classes where appropriate.
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