When using the vi editor to open a large file, it prints error:
ex: 0602-101 Out of memory saving lines for undo
The -y option of 'vi' can be used to override the maximum line setting of 1,048,560 with any value greater than 1024.
Resolving the problem
When opening 20 MB file with vi, the error received is:
0602-101 out of memory for undo.
Check the following first:
1. Check free space in /tmp and /var filesystems
2. Check that user file limit (ulimit -f) is set to unlimited
If items 1 and 2 above do not correct the problem, continue with the following steps:
1) run wc -l file-to-edit to the get the number of lines (nl) in the file.
2) use the following calculation to determine the value specified in the -y <nnl> option nnl = (nl + 1) * 2
3) vi -ynnl file-to-edit
4) If #3 still fails it may be necessary to set the following variable and then do #3 again.
export EXINIT='set dir=/largefilesystem'
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