The NetBeans Team has released NetBeans IDE 6.5.1, which is a minor
update to NetBeans IDE 6.5. The release is available in English,
Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Brazilian Portuguese, and includes
the following changes:
- GlassFish v2 UR2 replaced with GlassFish v2.1
- Integration of the December 2008 and January 2009 patches
- Integration of bug fixes for JDK6 Update 12 and other issues
Visit the NetBeans
IDE 6.5.1 information page for additional details.
NetBeans 6.5.1
We welcome and encourage feedback about your experience using the
NetBeans IDE! Join discussions on our mailing lists
and forums. If you blog about using the NetBeans IDE add your blog
to Planet NetBeans.
NetBeans IDE 6.5.1 Release Information
The NetBeans IDE is an award-winning Integrated Development Environment
available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Solaris.
The NetBeans project consists of an
open-source IDE and
an application platform
which enable developers to rapidly create
web, enterprise, desktop, and mobile applications using the Java platform, as well as
PHP, JavaScript and Ajax, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, Groovy, and C/C++.
It is supported by a vibrant developer community
and offers a diverse selection of third-party plugins.
Release Overview
In addition to full support of all Java platforms (Java SE, Java EE, Java ME, and JavaFX),
the NetBeans IDE 6.5.1 is the ideal tool for software development
with PHP, Ajax and JavaScript, Groovy and Grails, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, and C/C++.
The 6.5.1 release provides enhanced support for web frameworks (Hibernate, Spring, JSF, JPA),
the GlassFish application server, and databases.
Additionally it includes a new IDE-wide QuickSearch shortcut, a more
user-friendly interface, and automatic Compile on Save.
The NetBeans IDE 6.5.1 release is a minor update
to NetBeans IDE 6.5.
Get the NetBeans IDE 6.5.1
Use the following documents to get started with NetBeans IDE 6.5.1.
Feature Highlights
- PHP Editor (Code completion, syntactic and semantic code highlighting)
- Support for heredoc notation and PHTML
- Debugging using Xdebug
- Generators for MySQL database code snippets
JavaScript and Ajax
- JavaScript Debugging on FireFox & Internet Explorer
- HTTP transaction monitoring
- Improved JavaScript and CSS Editor
- JavaScript Library Manager incl Yahoo UI, Woodstock, jQuery, Dojo, Scriptaculous, Prototype libraries
Java EE & Web Development
- Enhanced support for Spring, Hibernate, JSF, JSF CRUD
generator, JPA (Java Persistence API)
- Create RESTful web services from database tables or from
JPA entities
- Drag and drop SaaS services into PHP files
- SQL Editor Improvements (code completion, save/recall
queries, and more)
- Improved Eclipse project import and synchronization for Java Web projects
- Automatic Deploy on Save
- Create, test, debug, profile, and deploy JavaFX projects
- JavaFX editor with syntax highlighting, source navigation,
code completion, code folding, javadoc pop-ups, and error detection.
- Live preview of visual elements
- Code snippet palette for transformations, effects and animations
Groovy and Grails
- Develop pure Groovy apps or use Groovy in Java SE projects
- Groovy editor with code completion, highlighting, and more
- Grails web application framework
- Open existing Grails applications without adding metadata
Ruby and Rails
- New Test Runner interface for displaying test results
- Rake improvements: Rake Runner and a pre-generated Rake file
- Debugger: Conditional breakpoints and catchpoints
- Ruby projects accept JVM options from command line
GlassFish v3 Prelude for Web Development
- Modular, OSGi based architecture
- Small footprint, fast startup and deployment
- Support for scripting, including JRuby
- Improved code completion, error highlighting, and semantic
- Call graph, Memory window
- Remote development
- Packaging of application as tar files, zip files, or SVR4
Java ME
- New project wizard for adding custom components to the
Visual Designer Palette
- New SVG UI components in the enhanced SVG Composer enable
rich UI design
- New Data Binding Custom Components in the Visual Designer
- Upgraded obfuscation tool to ProGuard 4.2 and test
framework to JMUnit 1.1.0
Java Debugger
- New multi-threaded debugging with improved UI and work-flow
- Smart Step Into with method selection right inside expression
- Deadlock detection with visual indication
Java SE
- Automatic Compile on Save
- Improved Eclipse project import and synchronization
- Java Call Hierarchy
- Analyze Javadoc
- Swing GUI Builder can generate simple or fully qualified class names
IDE Tools and Usability
- CamelCase code completion
- Customize formatting settings per project
- One IDE-wide QuickSearch shortcut for files/symbols/types, IDE actions,
options, and docs
- Support for Windows UNC paths (shared network folders)
Learn more at the
NetBeans IDE 6.5.1 development page.
NetBeans IDE 中国教育考试版 (2007) 使用说明和示例教程 本资源为 NetBeans IDE 中国教育考试版 (2007) 的使用说明和示例教程,旨在帮助用户快速掌握 NetBeans IDE 的使用方法和基本概念。 一、准备 在开始使用 ...
NetBeans IDE 是一个开发环境 - 供程序员编写、编译、调试和部署程序的一个工具。 它是用 Java 编写的 - 但却可以支持任何编程语言。 另外也有巨大数量的模块来扩展 NetBeans IDE,它是一个免费产品,不限制其使用...
一款友好的集成开发软件,可以使用它来开发Java、Web、Android和其他项目。 直接新建一个Jframe项目就可以开始制作你自己的界面风格,具体的操作就是拖动你要的组件,从右边的组件面板中拖到JFrame窗体中,调节好...
《Netbeans IDE 6高级编程》是一本专为开发者深入理解Netbeans集成开发环境(IDE)而编写的书籍。此英文高清版详细介绍了Netbeans IDE 6中的高级特性和最佳实践,旨在帮助用户充分利用该工具进行高效、高质量的软件...
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【NetBeans IDE与GlassFish开发演示】 在现代的软件开发领域,Java EE(企业版)应用程序的构建常常依赖于强大的集成开发环境(IDE)和应用服务器。本教程将重点介绍如何利用NetBeans IDE和GlassFish服务器进行Web...
### NetBeans IDE 使用说明与示例教程 #### 准备工作与环境搭建 - **下载与安装** - 下载地址:本教程推荐了几个官方下载站点,包括``、``以及`...
NetBeans IDE 6.7 的安装与使用 NetBeans IDE 是一个功能强大且广泛使用的 Java 集成开发环境(IDE),它提供了一个综合的开发环境,支持各种 Java 应用程序的开发、调试和部署。下面是关于 NetBeans IDE 6.7 的...
NetBeans IDE 5.5 是一个强大的集成开发环境,尤其适用于Java编程。这篇快速入门指南旨在帮助初学者迅速掌握如何使用这个IDE创建、构建和运行应用程序。NetBeans IDE 提供了丰富的功能,包括代码编辑、调试、项目...
NetBeans IDE是一款开源的集成开发环境,由Sun Microsystems开发,主要用于Java应用程序的开发。NetBeans IDE支持多种编程语言,如Java、PHP、C++和HTML5等,并具备代码编写、调试、分析和单元测试等开发工具的功能...
### NetBeans IDE中连接MySQL数据库的关键知识点 #### 一、NetBeans IDE与MySQL数据库简介 - **NetBeans IDE**:一款免费开源的集成开发环境,支持多种编程语言,包括Java、PHP、C/C++等。它提供了丰富的工具和服务...
本教程《NetBeans IDE开发指导》是针对初学者的入门资料,旨在帮助新用户快速掌握该IDE的使用方法,从而高效地进行桌面应用、Web应用、企业级应用以及移动应用的开发。 NetBeans IDE的主要特性包括: 1. **智能...
《NetBeans IDE Field Guide》是一本专注于开发桌面应用、Web应用、企业级应用以及移动应用的指南,由Prentice Hall出版社在2005年6月出版,并以电子书形式(eBook-DDU)发行。这本书是Java开发者的重要参考资料,特别...
【标题】:使用NetBeans IDE 5.0开发Web服务的快速入门指南 【内容详解】 NetBeans IDE(集成开发环境)是一款强大的开源工具,专为Java开发者设计,支持多种编程语言,包括Java、JavaScript、PHP等。在NetBeans ...
NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 是一个广泛使用的开源集成开发环境,主要用于Java应用程序的开发。WSIT(Web Services Interoperability Technology)是SUN Microsystems(现在已被Oracle收购)推出的一套工具集,用于增强Java...
NetBeans IDE 使用说明 本文档提供了 NetBeans IDE 的使用说明,包括准备、基本概念、实践示例等内容。通过本文档,读者可以快速掌握 NetBeans IDE 的使用方法,并了解 NetBeans IDE 中国教育考试版(2007)的特点...
NetBeans+IDE开发指导,英文版的,网上的有一些打不开,这个是可以打开的。点击主页可以快速转到目录页。 NetBeans™ IDE Field Guide Developing Desktop, Web, Enterprise, and Mobile Applications By Patrick ...