Pointers and memory addressing. Arrays and pointer arithmetic. Strings.
Searching and sorting algorithms.
Pointers and addresses
• Pointer: memory address of a variable
• Address can be used to access/modify a variable from anywhere
• Extremely useful, especially for data structures
• Well known for obfuscating code
Physical and virtual memory
• Physical memory: physical resources where data can be storedand accessed by your computer
• cache
• hard disk
• removable storage
• Virtual memory: abstraction by OS, addressable spaceaccessible by your code
Virtual memory
• How much physical memory do I have?
Answer: 2 MB (cache) + 2 GB (RAM) +100 GB (hard drive) + . . .
• How much virtual memory do I have?
Answer: <4 GB (32-bit OS),typically 2 GB for Windows, 3-4 GB for linux
• Virtual memory maps to different parts of physical memory
• Usable parts of virtual memory: stack and heap
• stack: where declared variables go
• heap: where dynamic memory goes
Addressing variables
• Every variable residing in memory has an address!
• What doesn’t have an address?
• register variables
• constants/literals/preprocessordefines
• expressions (unless result is avariable)
• How to find an address of a variable? The & operator
int n = 4 ;
double pi = 3.14159;
int ∗pn = &n ; / ∗ address of integer n ∗ /
double ∗ ppi = &pi ; / ∗address of double pi ∗ /
• Address of a variable of type t has type t *
Dereferencing pointers
• Accessing/modifying addressed variable:
dereferencing/indirection operator *
/ ∗ prints "pi = 3.14159\n" ∗ /
printf ( "pi = %g\n" ,∗ ppi ) ;
/ ∗ p i now equals 7.14159 ∗ /
∗ppi = ∗ppi + ∗pn;
• Dereferenced pointer like any other variable
• null pointer, i.e. 0 (NULL): pointer that does not referenceanything
Variables passing out of scope
• What is wrong with this code?
#include < s t d i o . h>
char ∗ get_message ( ) {
char msg [ ] = "Aren’tpointers fun?" ;
return msg ;
int main (void) {
char ∗ string = get_message ( ) ;
puts(string) ;
return 0;
• Pointer invalid after variable passes out of scope
The sizeof() operator
• For primitive types/variables, size of type in bytes:
int s = sizeof(char); /∗ == 1 ∗/
double f; /∗ sizeof ( f ) == 8 ∗/(64-bit OS)
• For primitive arrays, size of array in bytes:
int arr [8]; /∗ sizeof ( arr ) ==32 ∗/ (64-bit OS)
long arr [5]; /∗ sizeof ( arr ) ==40 ∗/ (64-bit OS)
• Array length:
#define array_length(arr) (sizeof (arr)==0 ? 0 : sizeof(arr)/sizeof((arr)[0]))
Pointer arithmetic
• Suppose int ∗pa = arr ;
• Pointer not an int, but can add or subtract an int from apointer:
pa + i points to arr[i]
• Address value increments by i times size of data type
Suppose arr[0] has address 100. Thenarr[3] has address 112.
Discussion of quicksort
• Not stable (equal-valued elements can get switched) inpresent form
• Can sort in-place – especially desirable for low-memoryenvironments
• Choice of pivot influences performance; can use random pivot
• Divide and conquer algorithm; easily parallelizeable
• Recursive; in worst case, can cause stack overflow on largearray
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