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  • JAVA

import com.mongodb.Mongo;
import com.mongodb.DB;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBCursor;
import com.mongodb.ObjectId;

public class Tweet implements DBObject {
    /* ... */
Tweet myTweet = new Tweet();
myTweet.put("user", "bruce");
myTweet.put("message", "fun");
myTweet.put("date", new Date());
Tweet myTweet = (Tweet)collection.findOne();

BasicDBObject bo = new BasicDBObject();
bo.put('_id', 1);
bo.put('name', 'bruce');

boolean auth = db.authenticate(myUserName, myPassword);

Mongo m = new Mongo();
for (String s : m.getDatabaseNames()) {

查看当前库下所有的表名,等于在mongoDB中执行show tables;
Set<String> colls = db.getCollectionNames();
for (String s : colls) {

List<DBObject> list = coll.getIndexInfo();
for (DBObject o : list) {

Mongo m = new Mongo();

Mongo m = new Mongo("localhost", 27017);
DB db = m.getDB("myDatabaseName"); //相当于库名
DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("myUsersTable");//相当于表名

DBObject firstDoc = coll.findOne();

DBCursor cur = coll.find();
while(cur.hasNext()) {

coll.find(new BasicDBObject("age", 26)).count();

BasicDBObject condition = new BasicDBObject();
condition.put("name", "bruce");
condition.put("age", 26);

DBCursor cursor = coll.find().skip(0).limit(10);
while(cursor.hasNext()) {

比较查询(age > 50)
BasicDBObject condition = new BasicDBObject();
condition.put("age", new BasicDBObject("$gt", 50));
"$gt": 大于
"$lt": 小于
"$in": 包含
condition.put("age", new BasicDBObject("$gt", 20).append("$lte", 30));

List datas = new ArrayList();
for (int i=0; i < 100; i++) {
BasicDBObject bo = new BasicDBObject();
bo.put("name", "bruce");
bo.append("age", i);

查询所有名字匹配 /joh?n/i 的记录
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("joh?n", CASE_INSENSITIVE);
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("name", pattern);
DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query);

mongoDb update的使用方法
update(BasicDBobject ,BasicDBobject)

DBCollection coll2 = db.getCollection(Config.SENDER_EMAIL_MESSAGE);


        new BasicDBObject("key", sender.get("key")),
    new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject(
            "finallyUseTime", Math.floor(System
                    / Config.SEND_FREQUENCY))));




MongoDB supports atomic, in-place updates as well as more traditional updates for replacing an entire document.

    * update()
    * save() in the mongo shell
    * Modifier Operations
                + $inc
                + $set
                + $unset
                + $push
                + $pushAll
                + $addToSet
                + $pop
                + $pull
                + $pullAll
                + $rename
          o The $ positional operator
          o Upserts with Modifiers
          o Pushing a Unique Value
    * Checking the Outcome of an Update Request
    * Notes
          o Object Padding
          o Blocking
    * See Also


update() replaces the document matching criteria entirely with objNew. If you only want to modify some fields, you should use the atomic modifiers below.

Here’s the MongoDB shell syntax for update():

db.collection.update( criteria, objNew, upsert, multi )


    * criteria – query which selects the record to update;
    * objNew – updated object or $ operators (e.g., $inc) which manipulate the object
    * upsert – if this should be an “upsert”; that is, if the record does not exist, insert it
    * multi – if all documents matching criteria should be updated

If you are coming from SQL, be aware that by default, update() only modifies the first matched object. If you want to modify all matched objects you need to use the multi flag
save() in the mongo shell

The save() command in the mongo shell provides a shorthand syntax to perform a single object update with upsert:

// x is some JSON style object
db.mycollection.save(x); // updates if exists; inserts if new

save() does an upsert if x has an _id field and an insert if it does not. Thus, normally, you will not need to explicitly request upserts, just use save().

Upsert means “update if present; insert if missing”.

myColl.update( { _id: X }, { _id: X, name: "Joe", age: 20 }, true );

Modifier Operations

Modifier operations are highly-efficient and useful when updating existing values; for instance, they’re great for incrementing a number.

So, while a conventional implementation does work:

var j=myColl.findOne( { name: "Joe" } );

a modifier update has the advantages of avoiding the latency involved in querying and returning the object. The modifier update also features operation atomicity and very little network data transfer.

To perform an atomic update, simply specify any of the special update operators (which always start with a ‘$’ character) with a relevant update document:

db.people.update( { name:"Joe" }, { $inc: { n : 1 } } );

The preceding example says, “Find the first document where ‘name’ is ‘Joe’ and then increment ‘n’ by one.”

While not shown in the examples, most modifier operators will accept multiple field/value pairs when one wishes to modify multiple fields. For example, the following operation would set x to 1 and y to 2:

{ $set : { x : 1 , y : 2 } }

Also, multiple operators are valid too:

{ $set : { x : 1 }, $inc : { y : 1 } }


{ $inc : { field : value } }

increments field by the number value if field is present in the object, otherwise sets field to the number value.

{ $set : { field : value } }

sets field to value. All datatypes are supported with $set.

{ $unset : { field : 1} }

Deletes a given field. v1.3+

{ $push : { field : value } }

appends value to field, if field is an existing array, otherwise sets field to the array [value] if field is not present. Iffield is present but is not an array, an error condition is raised.

{ $pushAll : { field : value_array } }

appends each value in value_array to field, if field is an existing array, otherwise sets field to the array value_arrayif field is not present. If field is present but is not an array, an error condition is raised.

{ $addToSet : { field : value } }

Adds value to the array only if its not in the array already, if field is an existing array, otherwise sets field to the arrayvalue if field is not present. If field is present but is not an array, an error condition is raised.

To add many valuest.update

{ $addToSet : { a : { $each : [ 3 , 5 , 6 ] } } }


{ $pop : { field : 1  } }

removes the last element in an array (ADDED in 1.1)

{ $pop : { field : -1  } }

removes the first element in an array (ADDED in 1.1) |

{ $pull : { field : _value } }

removes all occurrences of value from field, if field is an array. If field is present but is not an array, an error condition is raised.

In addition to matching an exact value you can also use expressions ($pull is special in this way):

{ $pull : { field : {field2: value} } } removes array elements with field2 matching value

{ $pull : { field : {$gt: 3} } } removes array elements greater than 3

{ $pull : { field : {<match-criteria>} } } removes array elements meeting match criteria

Because of this feature, to use the embedded doc as a match criteria, you cannot do exact matches on array elements.

{ $pullAll : { field : value_array } }

removes all occurrences of each value in value_array from field, if field is an array. If field is present but is not an array, an error condition is raised.

Version 1.7.2+ only.

{ $rename : { old_field_name : new_field_name } }

Renames the field with name ‘old_field_name’ to ‘new_field_name’. Does not expand arrays to find a match for ‘old_field_name’.

The $ positional operator

Version 1.3.4+ only.

The $ operator (by itself) means “position of the matched array item in the query”. Use this to find an array member and then manipulate it. For example:

> t.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4b97e62bf1d8c7152c9ccb74"), "title" : "ABC",
  "comments" : [ { "by" : "joe", "votes" : 3 }, { "by" : "jane", "votes" : 7 } ] }

> t.update( {'comments.by':'joe'}, {$inc:{'comments.$.votes':1}}, false, true )

> t.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4b97e62bf1d8c7152c9ccb74"), "title" : "ABC",
  "comments" : [ { "by" : "joe", "votes" : 4 }, { "by" : "jane", "votes" : 7 } ] }

Currently the $ operator only applies to the first matched item in the query. For example:

> t.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4b9e4a1fc583fa1c76198319"), "x" : [ 1, 2, 3, 2 ] }
> t.update({x: 2}, {$inc: {"x.$": 1}}, false, true);
> t.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4b9e4a1fc583fa1c76198319"), "x" : [ 1, 3, 3, 2 ] }

The positional operator cannot be combined with an upsert since it requires a matching array element. If your update results in an insert then the “$” will literally be used as the field name.

Using “$unset” with an expression like this “array.$” will result in the array item becoming null, not being removed. You can issue an update with “{$pull:{x:null}}” to remove all nulls.

> t.insert({x: [1,2,3,4,3,2,3,4]})
> t.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4bde2ad3755d00000000710e"), "x" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4 ] }
> t.update({x:3}, {$unset:{"x.$":1}})
> t.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4bde2ad3755d00000000710e"), "x" : [ 1, 2, null, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4 ] }

$pull can now do much of this so this example is now mostly historical (depending on your version).
Upserts with Modifiers

You may use upsert with a modifier operation. In such a case, the modifiers will be applied to the update criteria member and the resulting object will be inserted. The following upsert example may insert the object {name:"Joe",x:1,y:1}.

db.people.update( { name:"Joe" }, { $inc: { x:1, y:1 } }, true );

There are some restrictions. A modifier may not reference the _id field, and two modifiers within an update may not reference the same field, for example the following is not allowed:

db.people.update( { name:"Joe" }, { $inc: { x: 1 }, $set: { x: 5 } } );

Pushing a Unique Value

To add a value to an array only if not already present:

Starting in 1.3.3, you can do

update( {_id:'joe'},{"$addToSet": { tags : "baseball" } } );

For older versions, add $ne : <value> to your query expression:

update( {_id:'joe', tags: {"$ne": "baseball"}},
        {"$push": { tags : "baseball" } } );

Checking the Outcome of an Update Request

As described above, a non-upsert update may or may not modify an existing object. An upsert will either modify an existing object or insert a new object. The client may determine if its most recent message on a connection updated an existing object by subsequently issuing a getlasterror command ( db.runCommand( "getlasterror" ) ). If the result of thegetlasterror command contains an updatedExisting field, the last message on the connection was an update request. If the updatedExisting field’s value is true, that update request caused an existing object to be updated; if updatedExistingis false, no existing object was updated. An upserted field will contain the new _id value if an insert is performed (new as of 1.5.4).
Object Padding

When you update an object in MongoDB, the update occurs in-place if the object has not grown in size. This is good for insert performance if the collection has many indexes.

Mongo adaptively learns if objects in a collection tend to grow, and if they do, it adds some padding to prevent excessive movements.  This statistic is tracked separately for each collection.

Staring in 1.5.2, multi updates yield occasionally so you can safely update large amounts of data. If you want a multi update to be truly isolated (so no other writes happen while processing the affected documents), you can use the $atomic flag in the query like this:

db.students.update({score: {$gt: 60}, $atomic: true}, {$set: {pass: true}})



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