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AliKevin 写道
root@slave:/kevin/sellMoniter# cd /kevin root@slave:/kevin# mkdir sellMoniter root@slave:/kevin# cd sellMoniter/ root@slave:/kevin/sellMoniter# mkdir -p src/main/resources root@slave:/kevin/sellMoniter# mkdir src/main/java root@slave:/kevin/sellMoniter# vi build.gradle
/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the * License. See accompanying LICENSE file. */ /* * Twitter Topic Count Application Build Script * * Modify this script to create a build script for your app. * * NOTE: You must set up the environment variable S4_IMAGE before * running this script. * * Tasks: * * gradlew TASK1, TASK2, ... (or gradle TASK1, ... if gradle is installed.) * * build - builds the application * install - creates scripts to run applications * deploy - deploys the S4 app to the S4 image * clean - cleans build dir and removes app from S4 image * eclipse - creates an project for the Eclipse IDE */ /* Set a version number for your app. */ version = new Version(major: 0, minor: 1, bugfix: 0) group = 'alibaba.com' /* Read S4_IMAGE environment variable. */ env = System.getenv() s4Image = env['S4_IMAGE'] if (s4Image == null) { logger.warn("\nEnvironment variable S4_IMAGE not set.") System.exit(-1) } /* Search these repos to find artifacts. Gradle will download and cache. */ repositories { flatDir name: 's4core', dirs: "${s4Image}/s4-core/lib" flatDir name: 's4driver', dirs: "${s4Image}/s4-driver/lib" mavenLocal() mavenCentral() } /* Include handy Gradle plugins. */ apply plugin: 'eclipse' apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: "application" /* Set Java version. */ sourceCompatibility = 1.6 targetCompatibility = 1.6 /* Main application to run ... */ mainClassName = "com.alibaba.s4.SellMachine" applicationName = "sellMachine" /* Dependencies. */ dependencies { compile('io.s4:s4-core:0.3.0' ) compile('io.s4:s4-driver:0.3.0' ) compile('org.json:json:20090211' ) compile('com.google.code.gson:gson:1.6' ) compile('log4j:log4j:1.2.15' ) compile('commons-cli:commons-cli:1.2' ) compile('commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.1' ) compile('commons-io:commons-io:2.0.1' ) testCompile('junit:junit:4.4' ) } /* Customize your jar files. */ manifest.mainAttributes( provider: 'gradle', 'Implementation-Url': 'http://www.cn.alibaba-inc.com', 'Implementation-Version': version, 'Implementation-Vendor': 'The S4-SellMoniter Project', 'Implementation-Vendor-Id': 'alibaba.com' ) /* Bug workaround. */ eclipseClasspath { downloadSources = false; // required for eclipseClasspath to work } /* Create an inage to copy and archive your app. */ deployImage = copySpec { into ("s4-apps/" + project.name + "/lib") { from project.configurations.runtime from project.configurations.archives.allArtifactFiles } into ("s4-apps/" + project.name) { from project.sourceSets.main.resources } } /* Copy to the S4 Image. */ task deploy(type: Copy) { description = "Copy app files to deployment dir." destinationDir = file(s4Image) with deployImage } /* Add remove app to the clean task. */ task cleanDeployment(type: Delete) { delete("${s4Image}/s4-apps/${project.name}") } clean.dependsOn cleanDeployment /* Generates the gradlew scripts. http://www.gradle.org/1.0-milestone-3/docs/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html */ task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '1.0-milestone-3' } class Version { int major int minor int bugfix String releaseType String toString() { "$major.$minor.$bugfix${releaseType ? '-'+releaseType : ''}" } }
root@slave:/kevin/sellMoniter# gradle eclipse :eclipseClasspath Download file:/root/.m2/repository/junit/junit/4.4/junit-4.4.pom Download file:/root/.m2/repository/junit/junit/4.4/junit-4.4.jar :eclipseJdt :eclipseProject :eclipse BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 8.719 secs root@slave:/kevin/sellMoniter#
/** * Project: sellMoniter * * File Created at 2011-10-17 * $Id$ * * Copyright 1999-2100 Alibaba.com Corporation Limited. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Alibaba Company. ("Confidential Information"). You shall not * disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into * with Alibaba.com. */ package com.alibaba.s4; /** * TODO Comment of Sell * * @author jincheng.sunjc */ public class Sell { private String sellInfo; //format productName:count,notebook:5 /** * @return the sellInfo */ public String getSellInfo() { return sellInfo; } /** * @param sellInfo the sellInfo to set */ public void setSellInfo(String sellInfo) { this.sellInfo = sellInfo; } @Override public String toString() { String[] info = this.sellInfo.split(":"); return "[We had sell " + info[1] + " " + info[0] + " ! :)]"; } public String getName() { return this.sellInfo.split(":")[0]; } public int getCount() { return Integer.parseInt(this.sellInfo.split(":")[1].trim()); } public static void main(String[] args) { Sell s = new Sell(); s.setSellInfo("notebook:5"); System.out.println(s.toString()); System.out.println(s.getCount()); System.out.println(s.getName()); } }
/** * Project: sellMoniter * * File Created at 2011-10-17 * $Id$ * * Copyright 1999-2100 Alibaba.com Corporation Limited. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Alibaba Company. ("Confidential Information"). You shall not * disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into * with Alibaba.com. */ package com.alibaba.s4; /** * TODO Comment of Celebrate * * @author jincheng.sunjc */ public class Celebrate { private String celebrateInfo; /** * @return the celebrateInfo */ public String getCelebrateInfo() { return celebrateInfo; } /** * @param celebrateInfo the celebrateInfo to set */ public void setCelebrateInfo(String celebrateInfo) { this.celebrateInfo = celebrateInfo; } public String getCelebrate() { return "1"; } public void setCelebrate(String id) { // do nothing } @Override public String toString() { return this.celebrateInfo; } }
/** * Project: sellMoniter * * File Created at 2011-10-17 * $Id$ * * Copyright 1999-2100 Alibaba.com Corporation Limited. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Alibaba Company. ("Confidential Information"). You shall not * disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into * with Alibaba.com. */ package com.alibaba.s4; import io.s4.dispatcher.Dispatcher; import io.s4.processor.AbstractPE; /** * TODO Comment of SellPE * * @author jincheng.sunjc */ public class SellPE extends AbstractPE { /** * Dispatcher that will dispatch events on <code>Sentence *</code> stream. */ private Dispatcher dispatcher; public Dispatcher getDispatcher() { return dispatcher; } public void setDispatcher(Dispatcher dispatcher) { this.dispatcher = dispatcher; } public void processEvent(Sell sell) { System.out.println("Received: " + sell); if (sell.getCount() > 10000) { System.out.print("well done we need a celebrate..."); Celebrate c = new Celebrate(); c.setCelebrateInfo("Hi,Because " + sell + " ,So we must have a celebration meeting...."); // dispatch a Sentence event dispatcher.dispatchEvent("Celebrate", c); } } @Override public void output() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public String getId() { return this.getClass().getName(); } }
/** * Project: sellMoniter * * File Created at 2011-10-17 * $Id$ * * Copyright 1999-2100 Alibaba.com Corporation Limited. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Alibaba Company. ("Confidential Information"). You shall not * disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into * with Alibaba.com. */ package com.alibaba.s4; import io.s4.processor.AbstractPE; /** * TODO Comment of SellPE * * @author jincheng.sunjc */ public class CelebratePE extends AbstractPE { public void processEvent(Celebrate celebrate) { System.out.println("Received: " + celebrate.getCelebrateInfo()); } @Override public void output() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public String getId() { return this.getClass().getName(); } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.0.xsd"> <bean id="sellCatcher" class="com.alibaba.s4.SellPE"> <property name="dispatcher" ref="dispatcher" /> <property name="keys"> <list> <value>Sell *</value> </list> </property> </bean> <bean id="celebrateCatcher" class="com.alibaba.s4.CelebratePE"> <property name="keys"> <list> <value>Celebrate *</value> </list> </property> </bean> <bean id="dispatcher" class="io.s4.dispatcher.Dispatcher" init-method="init"> <property name="partitioners"> <list> <ref bean="celebratePartitioner" /> </list> </property> <property name="eventEmitter" ref="commLayerEmitter" /> <property name="loggerName" value="s4" /> </bean> <bean id="celebratePartitioner" class="io.s4.dispatcher.partitioner.DefaultPartitioner"> <property name="streamNames"> <list> <value>Celebrate</value> </list> </property> <property name="hashKey"> <list> <value>celebrate</value> </list> </property> <property name="hasher" ref="hasher" /> <property name="debug" value="true" /> </bean> </beans>
/** * Project: sellMoniter * * File Created at 2011-10-17 * $Id$ * * Copyright 1999-2100 Alibaba.com Corporation Limited. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Alibaba Company. ("Confidential Information"). You shall not * disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into * with Alibaba.com. */ package com.alibaba.s4; import io.s4.client.Driver; import io.s4.client.Message; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.Reader; /** * TODO Comment of SellMachine * * @author jincheng.sunjc */ public class SellMachine { public static void main(String[] args) { String hostName = "localhost"; hostName = ""; int port = 2334; String streamName = "Sell"; String clazz = "com.alibaba.s4.Sell"; Driver d = new Driver(hostName, port); Reader inputReader = null; BufferedReader br = null; try { if (!d.init()) { System.err.println("Driver initialization failed"); System.exit(1); } if (!d.connect()) { System.err.println("Driver initialization failed"); System.exit(1); } inputReader = new InputStreamReader(System.in); br = new BufferedReader(inputReader); for (String inputLine = null; (inputLine = br.readLine()) != null;) { String sellInfo = "{\"sellInfo\":\"" + inputLine + "\"}"; System.out.println("sellInfo-> " + sellInfo); Message m = new Message(streamName, clazz, sellInfo); d.send(m); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { d.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { br.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { inputReader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } }
root@slave:/kevin/s4/build/s4-image# rm -fr $S4_IMAGE/s4-apps/* root@slave:/kevin/s4/build/s4-image# rm $S4_IMAGE/s4-core/logs/s4-core/* root@slave:/kevin/s4/build/s4-image# rm $S4_IMAGE/s4-core/lock/* root@slave:cd /kevin/sellMoniter root@slave:/kevin/sellMoniter# :/kevin/sellMoniter# gradle install :compileJava UP-TO-DATE :processResources UP-TO-DATE :classes UP-TO-DATE :jar UP-TO-DATE :startScripts UP-TO-DATE :installApp BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 7.258 secs root@slave:/kevin/sellMoniter# gradle deploy :compileJava UP-TO-DATE :processResources UP-TO-DATE :classes UP-TO-DATE :jar UP-TO-DATE :deploy BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 6.81 secs
$S4_IMAGE/scripts/start-s4.sh -r client-adapter appName=s4 dequeuer number: 6 [] [/kevin/s4/build/s4-image/s4-apps/sellMoniter/sellMoniter-conf.xml] Adding processing element with bean name sellCatcher, id com.alibaba.s4.SellPE adding pe: com.alibaba.s4.SellPE@14d5bc9 Using ConMapPersister .. Adding processing element with bean name celebrateCatcher, id com.alibaba.s4.CelebratePE adding pe: com.alibaba.s4.CelebratePE@1202d69 Using ConMapPersister ..
root@slave:/kevin/s4# $S4_IMAGE/scripts/run-client-adapter.sh -s client-adapte-g s4 -d $S4_IMAGE/s4-core/conf/default/client-stub-conf.xml .client.Adapter -t default -c /kevin/s4/build/s4-image/s4-core -d /kevin/s4/build/s4-image/s4-core/conf/default/client-stub-conf.xml appName=client-adapter dequeuer number: 12 Adding InputStub genericStub Adding OutputStub genericStub
root@slave:/kevin/sellMoniter/build/install/sellMachine/bin# ./sellMachine iphone:500 sellInfo-> {"sellInfo":"iphone:500"} iphone:50000 sellInfo-> {"sellInfo":"iphone:50000"}
Received: [We had sell 500 iphone ! :)] Received: [We had sell 50000 iphone ! :)] well done we need a celebrate...{ java.lang.String celebrateInfo java.lang.String celebrate } Using fast path! Value 1, partition id 0 Received: Hi,Because [We had sell 50000 iphone ! :)] ,So we must have a celebration meeting....
3 楼
你这个例子怎么跑不通啊 ? 求赐教? QQ :515842619
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at io.s4.client.Driver.init(Driver.java:279)
at com.alibaba.s4.SellMachine.main(SellMachine.java:43)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at io.s4.client.Driver.init(Driver.java:279)
at com.alibaba.s4.SellMachine.main(SellMachine.java:43)
2 楼
1.root@slave:/kevin/s4# $S4_IMAGE/scripts/run-client-adapter.sh -s client-adapte-g s4 -d $S4_IMAGE/s4-core/conf/default/client-stub-conf.xml
.client.Adapter -t default -c /kevin/s4/build/s4-image/s4-core -d /kevin/s4/build/s4-image/s4-core/conf/default/client-stub-conf.xml
.client.Adapter 这个参数是什么意思啊?
无法读取 /home/user/s4/build/s4-image/s4-core/conf/.client.Adapter/s4-core.properties-header:
报了个错, 能解释一下么?谢谢
.client.Adapter -t default -c /kevin/s4/build/s4-image/s4-core -d /kevin/s4/build/s4-image/s4-core/conf/default/client-stub-conf.xml
.client.Adapter 这个参数是什么意思啊?
无法读取 /home/user/s4/build/s4-image/s4-core/conf/.client.Adapter/s4-core.properties-header:
报了个错, 能解释一下么?谢谢
1 楼
root@slave:/kevin/s4# $S4_IMAGE/scripts/run-client-adapter.sh -s client-adapte-g s4 -d $S4_IMAGE/s4-core/conf/default/client-stub-conf.xml
你的以上这个命令里的这个client-adapte-g 少了一个"r" 应该是adapter ,望改进额
你的以上这个命令里的这个client-adapte-g 少了一个"r" 应该是adapter ,望改进额
2011-11-08 15:50 1484AliKevin 写道 本文主要开发一个多路并行执行一个任务最 ... -
2011-10-23 10:58 0AliKevin 写道 前面文字我们介绍过S4分 ... -
2011-10-21 17:42 01.Client到Adapter S4中Client发送 ... -
2011-10-21 09:34 1442AliKevin 写道 本系列文章不涉及过多的S4的理论 ... -
2011-10-21 09:34 2734AliKevin 写道 本系列文章不涉及过多的S4的理论 ... -
2011-10-20 11:30 1641AliKevin 写道 本系列文章不涉及过多的S4的理论 ... -
2011-10-20 11:23 1994AliKevin 写道 本系列文章不涉及过多的S4的理论 ... -
2011-10-20 11:18 2495AliKevin 写道 本系列文章不涉及过多的S4的理论 ... -
2011-10-20 11:12 1824AliKevin 写道 本系列 ... -
2011-10-18 18:51 1763AliKevin 写道这里是S4系列文章的附件信息
这个版本的软件包含了实际操作示例,通过实际操作,开发者可以更直观地学习如何利用LZPro进行编程,理解其工作原理,提升编程技能。 总结来说,LZPro作为一款自主开发的51PLC编程软件,凭借其对STC8G2K64S4单片机的...
4. 09_linux_rtc:这可能是一个与Linux操作系统相关的RTC模块或示例代码,用于在Linux环境下管理实时时钟功能。 5. doc:一般表示文档文件夹,可能包含了项目的设计文档、用户手册、API参考等。 综合以上信息,这个...
6. PluginSample.rar:这是一个插件样本文件,可能包含了示例代码或预置的插件,用于扩展Spy4Win的功能,用户可以根据这个样本创建自己的插件。 综上所述,Spy4Win在Windows 7 64位系统上的可用性是其主要特点,它...
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....
GWT Spring 使得在 Spring 框架下构造 GWT 应用变得很简单,提供一个易于理解的依赖注入和RPC机制。 Java扫雷游戏 JVMine JVMine用Applets开发的扫雷游戏,可在线玩。 public class JVMine extends java.applet....