
cvs 搭建一步到位


1. 在Windows 7上安装CVS 服务器端,cvsnt

2.在win->CVSNT->Service Control Panel 启动 cvs和cvslock service

  并创建一个"Ropository " 名称这里为cvs_repository 
3. 在命令行窗口中首先登录cvs ,命令如下:
    cvs -d :pserver:administrator@ cvs_repository  login 注:这里要用自己操作系统的管理员用户代替administrator
4: 添加用户
     cvs -d :pserver:administrator@ cvs_repository  passwd -a cvsadmin
    这样就创建了用户名为 cvsadmin 的账户,此时在 cvs 的安装目录下会生成一个passwd文件,里边存储着用户名和经过加密后的密码。这时候如果用命令 cvs -d :pserver: cvsadmin @ cvs_repositorylogin 登录系统,可能会提示 cvsadmin 是无效的用户( 如果出现  Fatal error, aborting.
       cvs [login aborted]:
cvsadmin : no such user

CVSNT Control Panel" 程序在"Server Settings"选项卡的Run as 下拉框,选中 administrator   默认为 client user ,高版本可以),需要再执行如下命令将该用户与操作系统用户绑定:
5: cvs -d :pserver:administrator@ cvs_repository  passwd -r administrator (操作系统用户名) -a cvsadmin

6: 这时passwd文件中的记录变为 cvsadmin :***(加密的密码): administrator ( cvsadmin 用户的别名)

现在客户端可以用cvsadmin 用户来share project了。

     另外一个问题,用cvsadmin 来share project以后,在服务器所在的机器上可以通过import from CVS repository来导入项目,但是在 其它机器上就提示Connection failed或者connection time out的错误。这是由于服务器端的防火墙的原因,在控制面板->安全中心->例外中,为端口2401,2402关闭防火墙即可。

7:附上权限设置 From http://codeidear.iteye.com/blog/225893


CVS commands are:
        add          Add a new file/directory to the repository
        admin        Administration front end for rcs
        annotate     Show last revision where each line was modified
        chacl        Change the Access Control List for a directory
        checkout     Checkout sources for editing
        chown        Change the owner of a directory
        commit       Check files into the repository
        diff         Show differences between revisions
        edit         Get ready to edit a watched file
        editors      See who is editing a watched file
        export       Export sources from CVS, similar to checkout
        history      Show repository access history
        import       Import sources into CVS, using vendor branches
        init         Create a CVS repository if it doesn't exist
        info         Display information about supported protocols
        log          Print out history information for files
        login        Prompt for password for authenticating server
        logout       Removes entry in .cvspass for remote repository
        ls           List files in the repository
        lsacl        List the directories Access Control List
        passwd       Set the user's password (Admin: Administer users)
        authserver   Authentication server mode
        rannotate    Show last revision where each line of module was modified
        rdiff        Create 'patch' format diffs between releases
        release      Indicate that a Module is no longer in use
        remove       Remove an entry from the repository
        rename       Rename a file or directory
        rchacl       Change the Access Control List for a directory
        rchown       Change the owner of a directory
        rlsacl       List the directories Access Control List
        rlog         Print out history information for a module
        rtag         Add a symbolic tag to a module
        server       Server mode
        status       Display status information on checked out files
        tag          Add a symbolic tag to checked out version of files
        unedit       Undo an edit command
        update       Bring work tree in sync with repository
        version      Show current CVS version(s)
        watch        Set watches
        watchers     See who is watching a file
        xdiff        Show differences between revisions using an external diff p
(Specify the --help option for a list of other help options)





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