Here comes a unit testing framework for Bourne shell code similar to junit framework for java. Lets digest it.
1) Download shunit framework from here
2) Untar this downloaded framework in any directory. I l use "/home" directory
3) Set a variable SHUNIT_HOME that points to the directory where ShUnit's files are. E.g., add 'export SHUNIT_HOME=/home/ShUnit'
4) Lets create a simple script "print_something" which will print something. You can create this script in /home folder too.
# print_something - a testable script
echo "$1"
echo "nothinggggg"
Here, method print_something will print the parameter passed to it. Method invalid_print_something will print "nothinggggg" always.
5) To unit test this script we need to test the functionality of the above two functions. Lets create a test script
# print_something.test - unit tests for print_something
. "$SHUNIT_HOME/shUnit"
# Include script to be tested
. ./
shuNonZeroFile <path of file to test>
EXPECTED="this is a test"
RESULT=`print_something "$EXPECTED"`
test "${EXPECTED}" = "${RESULT}"
shuAssert "Test print_something" $?
EXPECTED="this is a test"
RESULT=`invalid_print_something "$EXPECTED"`
test "${EXPECTED}" = "${RESULT}"
shuAssert "Test invalid print_something" $?
shuRegest TestScriptExists
shuRegTest TestPrintSomething
shuRegTest TestInvalidPrintSomething
shuStart InitFunction
Lets see this test script step by step
# print_something.test - unit tests for print_something
. "$SHUNIT_HOME/shUnit"
We include shunit from frmaework
# Include script to be tested
. ./
Include script to be tested
EXPECTED="this is a first test"
RESULT=`print_something "$EXPECTED"`
test "${EXPECTED}" = "${RESULT}"
shuAssert "Test print_something" $?
This method intern calls print_something method of print_something script and tallys the expected result.
Other method works in similar way
shuRegest TestScriptExists
shuRegTest TestPrintSomething
shuRegTest TestInvalidPrintSomething
Call out test methods
Call "TestScriptExists" method first to check that script exists.
shuStart InitFunction
Call InitFunction as starting function
6) Expecting files, in same directory, We now run our test script
[root@sidd siddhesh]# sh
****** ******
2 tests to run:
Test 1: TestPrintSomething .
Test 2: TestInvalidPrintSomething E
"Test invalid print_something" failed.
2 tests run.
1 test succeeded.
1 test failed.
7) Lets see some more properties of SHUNIT's
We saw functionality of "shuAssert "Test invalid print_something" $?"
it will pass and display message if $? turns out to be ZERO. What if we want to test few negative things. In this case will use
shuDeny "I am negative test case" $?
Here, Test will pass if value of $? comes out as 1
8) Following method is executed at the begining of the test script file
// Create your directories,change file permissions etc etc
9) Following method is executed at the end of the test script file
// Delete your directories,change file permissions etc etc
10) We have used shuassert like this
shuassert <statement> $?
This will pass if $? is 0
We can use 'shuDeny ' which passes if $? is 1.
11) I dont think mocking anything will be difficult task with shunits. I havent tried it out yet

..Lets see..
but as of now CHEERS.. Happy testing !!
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