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好歌推荐:Richard Marx - Ready To Fly

喜欢这首歌嘶哑的声音,但是声音中蕴含着一股强大的力量。 Richard Marx其他的一些歌也非常不错。  推荐他的My Own Best Enemy专辑。

Title: Richard Marx - Ready To Fly lyrics

Artist: Richard Marx

Visitors: 3912 visitors have hited Ready To Fly Lyrics since Feb 12, 2007.

Print: Richard Marx - Ready To Fly Lyrics print version

I've been trying to open the door
To the secret of my destiny
And every new road I think is the one
Seems to lead right back to me

I've looked for a way to be wiser
A way to be strong
Now I see the answer was hiding
In me all along

And I'm ready to fly
Over the sun
Like a rocket to heaven
And I'm ready to soar
Right through the sky
Never dreamed I'd find something to lift me so high
I've always had wings
But I wasn't ready to fly

Restless, hopeless, and misunderstood
Like so many others I know
So busy tryin' to keep holdin' on
When I should've been letting go

I was given the gift to find it
The spirit inside me
But I never really imagined
All I could be

And I'm ready to fly
Over the sun
Like a rocket to heaven
And I'm ready to soar
Right through the sky
Never dreamed I'd find something to lift me so high
I've always had wings
But I wasn't ready to fly

The answer to all of my wonder
Was right in my hands
Now it's time for me to discover
All that I am

And I'm ready to fly
Over the sun
Like a rocket to heaven
And I'm ready to soar
Right through the sky
Never dreamed I'd find something to lift me so high
I've always had wings
But I wasn't ready to fly

I've always had wings
Now I'm finally ready to fly
1 楼 koalant 2007-09-03  
他沙哑的嗓音是他的一个特点, 我在乐道上就推荐了两首richard max  的作品了. 你听听这首老歌吧. 05 年我在思量辞职做乐道网站的时候推荐的一首 now and forever



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