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《尖峰时刻3》被禁了:Chinese gives Chan the chop as censors get tough






哈哈,好在《007皇家赌场》里邦德同学玩了一把Chinese debut,没有被剪。



Chinese gives Chan the chop as censors get tough 


The summer has been busy for China's censors, who have banned the Jackie Chan action movie, Rush Hour 3, and are also cracking down on violent and disturbing video games and comics.

The decision to ban Rush Hour 3 is a major shock because the star, Jackie Chan, is a national hero in China. The ban follows weeks of speculation that the movie was proving politically contentious.

The powerful state-run Film Bureau said it had withheld permission for commercial reasons - which was a surprising justification given the first two instalments of the franchise did fantastically well at the box office.

Xiao Ping, of China Film Group's import and export arm, said: "We think it will not be popular in China."

China only allows a total of 20 foreign films to be imported each year. They are often withdrawn if they prove too popular; The Da Vinci Code was breaking box office records but was withdrawn to make way for Chinese movies.

Some people in the business believe censors object to a scene in Rush Hour 3 featuring a Chinese organised-crime family that Chan and Chris Tucker's characters take on during a visit to Paris. The movie revolves around the high jinks that arise from the pairing of a Chinese (Chan) and an African-American (Tucker) police officer.

The issue of organised crime is politically sensitive in China as greater economic openness has been accompanied by the emergence of triad-style gangs in the big cities.

Censors recently cut scenes of the Hong Kong actor Chow Yun-Fat, seen as a bald, scarred pirate in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, saying that the images insulted China's people. Last year, Memoirs of a Geisha, which starred Zhang Ziyi as a Japanese courtesan, was not released in China for fear of inflaming already fraught Sino-Japanese relations. Twenty minutes of police drama Miami Vice, including some steamy sex scenes featuring local heroine Gong Li, were cut.

Officials are also continuing their crackdown on the popular Japanese manga, Death Note, because Beijing authorities believe the comic promotes death fantasies. The authorities have closed a website which allowed users to watch or post videos based on the banned novel.

In June, China confiscated a total of 6,000 Death Note comic books and other "illegal terrifying publications". The Death Note stories centre on a teenage boy who decides to punish evildoers using a notebook that kills anyone whose name is written in it.

Last month, bones and skeletons disappeared from the Chinese version of the popular online fantasy game, World of Warcraft, apparently "to promote a healthy and harmonious online environment". The bones were changed to graves and the skeletons were given flesh. But it is not all bad news for foreign directors. Earlier this year James Bond made his Chinese debut in Casino Royale without any cuts.



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