To Install Burg in Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal and Ubuntu 11.10 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot"
, Open termianl and enter the following commands :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/burg
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install burg burg-themes
Now to make BURG integrate the HardDisk enter the following command in terminal:
sudo burg-install "(hd0)"
Remember to substitute ‘hd0′
with the drive on which your MBR is installed.
Now update burg:
sudo update-burg
Finally, run the following to test and set your theme:
sudo burg-emu
Press F2 To change theme .
Press F3 to change resolution
If you want to use another easy way to configue burg, you need to install Burg- manager, for this check our previuos post.
Here are the hot-keys defined in the boot menu:
t - Open theme selection menu
f - Toggle between folding mode
n - Jump to the next item with the same class
w - Jump to the next Windows itemu - Jump to the next Ubuntu item
e - Edit the command of current boot item
c - Open a terminal window
2 - Open two terminal windows
h - Display help dialog (only available in sora theme)
i - Display about dialog (only available in sora theme)
q - Return to old grub menu
F5/ctrl-x - Finish edit
F6 - Switch window in dual terminal mode
F7 - List the folded boot items
F8 - Toggle between graphic and text mode
F9 - shutdown
F10 - reboot
ESC - quit from the current popup menu or dialog.
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