Written for the latest version of Swift, this is a comprehensive guide that introduces iOS, Web and macOS developers to the all-new world of functional programming that has so far been alien to them ...
Meant for a reader who knows object-oriented programming, has some experience with Objective-C/Swift programming languages and wants to further enhance his skills with functional programming ...
This book is tailored for beginners in functional programming and Elixir. I expect you have some experience in building simple algorithms, debugging errors, and running commands in a terminal, and ...
Here's a roadmap for implementing functional programming concepts using C# in the .NET Framework: 1. **Understand Basic Concepts** - Learn about higher-order functions like `Map` and `Fold`. - ...
In that sense, it can be said that what we'll be doing is not FP, but rather Sorta Functional Programming (SFP), aiming for a fusion of paradigms. A final comment about the style of the code in this...
not FP, but rather Sorta Functional Programming (SFP), aiming for a fusion of paradigms. A final comment about the style of the code in this book--it is quite true that there are several very good ...
Explore functional programming without the academic overtones (tell me about monads just one more time). Create concurrent applications, but get them right without all the locking and consistency ...
Functional concepts and patterns—immutability, applicative functors, and monads ================================================== Table of Contents Scala—a blended language The core rules ...
Some of the advanced optional techniques that the pros use to simplify their code, even if you don’t know anything about functional programming, monads and functors. A detailed explanation of all ...
In the concluding chapters, we'll provide recipes on functional programming concepts, such as lambdas, monads, functors, and Kotlin scoping functions. By the end of the book, you'll be able to ...
### Monad在函数式编程中的应用 #### 引言 Monad作为一种源自范畴论的概念,在理论计算机科学领域得到了广泛的应用。尤其在函数式编程中,Monad提供了一种强大的工具,用于模拟其他语言中的各种副作用,例如全局...
Written for the latest version of Swift, this is a comprehensive guide that introduces iOS, Web and macOS developers to the all-new world of functional programming that has so far been alien to them ...
Meant for a reader who knows object-oriented programming, has some experience with Objective-C/Swift programming languages and wants to further enhance his skills with functional programming ...
《Functional Programming in Scala》与《Scala for the Impatient》是两本关于Scala编程语言的重要书籍,专注于函数式编程思想和Scala语言的深入学习。Scala是一种多范式编程语言,结合了面向对象和函数式编程的...
另外,“Monads for Functional Programming”探索了monad这一函数式编程中的核心概念。在Haskell语言中,monad被用来处理I/O操作、异常处理等,并且通常被用作控制副作用和管理状态的一种方式。通过monads,函数式...
This book is tailored for beginners in functional programming and Elixir. I expect you have some experience in building simple algorithms, debugging errors, and running commands in a terminal, and ...
Here's a roadmap for implementing functional programming concepts using C# in the .NET Framework: 1. **Understand Basic Concepts** - Learn about higher-order functions like `Map` and `Fold`. - ...
In that sense, it can be said that what we'll be doing is not FP, but rather Sorta Functional Programming (SFP), aiming for a fusion of paradigms. A final comment about the style of the code in this...
not FP, but rather Sorta Functional Programming (SFP), aiming for a fusion of paradigms. A final comment about the style of the code in this book--it is quite true that there are several very good ...
Explore functional programming without the academic overtones (tell me about monads just one more time). Create concurrent applications, but get them right without all the locking and consistency ...
Functional concepts and patterns—immutability, applicative functors, and monads ================================================== Table of Contents Scala—a blended language The core rules ...
Some of the advanced optional techniques that the pros use to simplify their code, even if you don’t know anything about functional programming, monads and functors. A detailed explanation of all ...
In the concluding chapters, we'll provide recipes on functional programming concepts, such as lambdas, monads, functors, and Kotlin scoping functions. By the end of the book, you'll be able to ...
**函数式编程(Functional Programming)** 函数式编程是一种编程范式,它强调程序的数据流和变换,而不是对指令进行控制。在函数式编程中,程序由纯函数构成,不依赖于外部状态,也不会改变状态。这种编程风格可以...
《Functional Programming in Scala》是深入研究函数式编程的教材,详细讲解了Scala中的函数式编程思想,包括类型系统、Monads、Traversable等高级主题,适合希望提升编程思维的开发者。 《Scala Tutorial》可能是...