ThreadLocal : 线程局部变量
A: Thread-local variables .these variable differ from their normal counterparts in that each thread accesses one (via set or get method) has its own, independently initialized copy of the variable.
B:Each thread hold an implicit reference to its copy of a thread-local variables as long as the thread is alive. If a thread goes away, all of its copies of thread-local variables are subject to garbage collection
C:case study:
public class SerialNum
// The next serial number to be assigned
private static int nextSerialNum = 0;
private static ThreadLocal serialNum = new ThreadLocal()
protected synchronized Object initialValue()
return new Integer(nextSerialNum++);
public static int get()
return ((Integer) (serialNum.get())).intValue();
The private static thread-local instances maintains “serial num” for each thread that invokes the class’s static SerialNum.get() method which returns the current thread serial num.( a thread serial serial num is assigned the first time it invokes SerialNum.get() method and remains unchanged on subsequent calls)
public class ConnectionPool
private static ThreadLocal<Connection> local = new ThreadLocal<Connection>();
public static Connection getConnection()
Connection conn = local.get();
if (conn == null) {
conn = new Connection();
return conn;
The private static ThreadLocal maintains Connection objects for each thread that invokes ConnectionPool.getConnection() Method which return connection object of current thread.
A thread invoke ThreadLocal.get() method to get a connection object . for the first time the connection object is null , it will be assigned a new connection object and set by invoking local.set() method and remains unchanged on subsequent calls.
D: How it works ?
- ThreadLocalMap is maintained by ThreadLocal and attached to each Thread.
- When ThreadLocal.set() method is invoked by each thread
1.ThreadLocal will get current thread’s ThreadLocalMap
2.If ThreadLocalMap is null then createMap for the current thread.
3. Put the value into the ThreadLocalMap. key(ThreadLocal) is the main refer fields for ThreadLocalMap.
- When ThreadLocal.get() method is invoked by each thread:
1.ThreadLocal will get current thread’s ThreadLocalMap
2. If ThreadLocalMap is not null then get value from the ThreadLocalMap
3. If ThreadLocalMap is null, it will invoke initialValue and createMap method.
- In order to implement the copy of value(unchanged on subsequent calls for every thread),ThreadLocal instances are typically private static.
在 `LeakingServlet` 的 `doGet` 方法中,如果 `ThreadLocal` 没有设置值,那么会创建一个新的 `MyCounter` 并设置到 `ThreadLocal` 中。关键在于,一旦 `MyCounter` 被设置到 `ThreadLocal`,那么它将与当前线程...
Java事务和ThreadLocal是两种在Java编程中至关重要的概念,它们分别用于处理多线程环境下的数据一致性问题和提供线程局部变量。 首先,我们来深入理解Java事务。在数据库操作中,事务是一系列操作的集合,这些操作...
### 正确理解ThreadLocal:深入解析其工作原理与应用场景 #### 一、ThreadLocal的基本概念 `ThreadLocal`是Java平台提供的一种线程局部变量的解决方案,它为每一个使用该变量的线程都提供了独立的变量副本,使得每...
### Java中ThreadLocal详解 #### 一、ThreadLocal概述 在Java多线程编程中,`ThreadLocal`是一个非常重要的工具类,它提供了一种在每个线程内部存储线程私有实例的方法。通常情况下,当多个线程共享某个变量时,...
ThreadLocal 整理 ThreadLocal 是 Java 中的一个重要组件,它能够在每个线程中保持独立的副本。这个功能是通过 Thread 类中的 threadLocals 属性来实现的,这个属性实际上是一个 Entry 数组,其中的每个 Entry 都...
private static final ThreadLocal<Connection> connectionHolder = new ThreadLocal(); public static void setConnection(Connection conn) { connectionHolder.set(conn); } public static Connection get...
本资料主要聚焦于两种设计模式以及Java中的ThreadLocal特性。 首先,我们来探讨单例模式。单例模式是一种确保一个类只有一个实例,并提供全局访问点的设计模式。在Java中,通常通过私有构造函数、静态工厂方法或...
这个压缩包 "Quartz-ThreadLocal.rar" 内含的学习资源很可能是关于如何在 Quartz 调度器中结合使用 ThreadLocal 的示例。 Quartz 的核心功能包括: 1. **作业与触发器**:在 Quartz 中,任务被称为“作业”(Job)...
**标题:“JDK的ThreadLocal理解(一)使用和测试”** **正文:** ThreadLocal是Java中的一个非常重要的线程安全工具类,它在多线程编程中扮演着独特的角色。通过创建ThreadLocal实例,我们可以为每个线程提供一个...
Java中的ThreadLocal是一个非常重要的工具类,它在多线程编程中扮演着独特角色,用于为每个线程提供独立的变量副本。理解ThreadLocal的工作原理和使用方法对于编写高效、安全的多线程程序至关重要。 ### ...