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6.3 add some debug info to the layouts, rails environment.



    <div class="container">
      <%= render 'layouts/footer'%>
      <%= debug(params) if Rails.env.development? %>


since we don't want to display the debug info to a deployed application, we use 


if Rails.env.development?


to restrict the debug info to dev environment.


(rails console   ---------------> this will start as dev environment)

(rails console test   ---------------> this will start as test environment)

(rails console production   ---------------> this will start as production environment)


(rails server    )

(rails server --environment product     )

(rails server --environment test    )


(rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production    )

(rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test)


(it is confusing that the three command are using diff format to specify env, worth to remember it.)



also, if you are using heroku, you can also start heroku console:

heroku console


====> "production"


====> true








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