
【转】Flash Player的 mm.cfg文件

  • Flex






I knew for a long time now that flash had undocumented features, little part of flash that could help speed up process (like the memory opcodes) or make interaction easy with right click and that kind of things. But I never thought that FlashPlayer would hide data that could help find bugs, or give better knowledge of how flash is interpreted.

As you may know, The mm.cfg files is located in:

  • Windows; C:\Documents and Settings\username\mm.cfg
  • OSX; /Library/Application Support/Macromedia/mm.cfg
  • Linux; home/username/mm.cfg
  • This file is interpreted when a Flash Player instance launches a SWF and gives indication of what should or shouldn’t be done.
    For example, most people use this file to set tracing parameters:

    Many other options are specified in the Adobe FlashPlayer Admin Guide… but most of is NOT DOCUMENTED!

    There is a LOT of thing to talk about and many cutting edge tools to improve your understanding of flash.

    So let’s get into it

    The Treasure

    The complete list of features of mm.cfg is at the end of the post, but first lets talk about what’s most interesting.
    I took my favorite 7 features and made detailed explanation with example for each one so here they are:

    TraceOutputBuffered = 1|0

    This feature is essential to the rest of all the cool features because they output A LOT of lines in the flashlog

    This is a very simple features but it change everything. Did you ever had problem tracing to many information and losing half of it in the flashlog?
    Well this is a known bug. If you make a loop of 1 000 000 and you trace the iterator, the flashlog will skip thousand of entries and will take 100% of your CPU while writing to disk.
    If you set this variable to true, the traces will be buffered and the write to disk will output multiple lines in one access.
    Performance? By default (without this feature), I’m able to trace 3600 line in 6 seconds and my CPU is at 100%.
    If I turn the features on, I can trace 1 000 000 lines in the same time! And my CPU is not even near 100%.

    AS3Verbose = 1|0

    This one is totally crazy.
    It traces detailed information about SWF ByteCode structure and Runtime parsing of the bytecode!
    You don’t need any software… no special framework to bind in your own SWF… just this one flag!

    01 verify Main/CallFoo()
    02     define incoming args
    03        @0  arg   0
    04        @1  arg   0
    05        @2  arg   0
    06        @3  arg   0
    07        @4  arg   0
    08        @5  arg   0
    09     alloc local traits
    10        @6  alloc 4
    11        @7  alloc 8
    12     alloc CallStackNode
    13        @8  alloc 48
    14     param 0
    15        @9  ldop  0(@5)
    16        @10               imm   4
    17     debug_enter
    18        @11               imm   0
    19        @12               imm   1
    20        @13               lea   0(@7)
    21        @14               lea   0(@8)
    22        @15               lea   0(@6)
    23     save state
    24        @16               def   @9
    25        @17               imm   165651400
    26        @18               st    0(@6) <- @17
    27        @19               usea  @16
    28        @20               st    0(@7) <- @19
    29        @21               def   @10
    30                 cse   @11
    31        @22               st    4(@7) <- @11
    32        @23               cm    MethodEnv::debugEnter (@3, @4, @5, @15, @12, @14, @13, @11)
    33        @26               ld    164427072(0)
    34                 cse   @11
    35        @27               ucmp  @26 @11
    36        @28               jne   @27 -> 0
    37        @29               alloc 0
    38                         stack:
    39                         scope: [global Object$ flash.events::EventDispatcher$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$]
    40                          locals: Main@16
    41   0:debugfile "C:\Dev\src;;Main.as"
    42        @30               imm   164421632
    43        @31               ldop  44(@30)
    44        @32               imm   165988864
    45     save state
    46        @33               cm    Debugger::debugFile (@31, @32)
    47                         stack:
    48                         scope: [global Object$ flash.events::EventDispatcher$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$]
    49                          locals: Main@16
    50   2:debugline 29
    51                 cse   @30
    52                 cse   @31
    53        @35               imm   29
    54     save state
    55        @36               cm    Debugger::debugLine (@31, @35)
    56                         stack:
    57                         scope: [global Object$ flash.events::EventDispatcher$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$]
    58                          locals: Main@16
    59   4:getlocal0
    60        @38               use   @16 [0]
    61                         stack: Main@38
    62                         scope: [global Object$ flash.events::EventDispatcher$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$]
    63                          locals: Main@38
    64   5:pushscope
    65                         stack:
    66                         scope: [global Object$ flash.events::EventDispatcher$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$] Main@38
    67                          locals: Main@38
    68   6:debugline 31
    69                 cse   @30
    70                 cse   @31
    71        @39               imm   31
    72     save state
    73        @40               def   @38
    74        @41               use   @40 [0]
    75        @42               st    4(@7) <- @41
    76        @43               cm    Debugger::debugLine (@31, @39)
    77                         stack:
    78                         scope: [global Object$ flash.events::EventDispatcher$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$] Main@40
    79                          locals: Main@16
    80   8:pushbyte 3
    81        @45               imm   3
    82                         stack: int@45
    83                         scope: [global Object$ flash.events::EventDispatcher$ flash.display::DisplayObject$ flash.display::InteractiveObject$ flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer$ flash.display::Sprite$ Main$] Main@40
    84                          locals: Main@16
    85   10:returnvalue
    86                 cse   @14
    87     save state
    88        @46               def   @45
    89        @47               cm    MethodEnv::debugExit (@3, @14)
    90        @49               use   @46 [2]
    91        @50               ret   @49
    92        @51               bb

    AS3Trace = 1|0

    This one is also very useful for debugging
    It trace every single call to any function that is being called in the SWF at runtime!
    It’s like expending the StackTrace to the full software run time.

    If you got a crash hard to find, you can turn this on and you will see ALL the last function executed that leaded to the crash.

    You can even see Timer Call and Events callbacks!

    01 1255552 AVMINF: MTHD ProfilerAgent/stopProfiling () @ 0x05DA35A0
    02 1255552 AVMINF: MTHD global/flash.sampler::stopSampling () @ 0x0A8C2B20
    03 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.display::DisplayObject/get root () @ 0x0A8C06B0
    04 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::EventDispatcher/removeEventListener () @ 0x0A8C2110
    05 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::EventDispatcher/removeEventListener () @ 0x0A8C2110
    06 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::EventDispatcher/removeEventListener () @ 0x0A8C2110
    07 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::EventDispatcher/removeEventListener () @ 0x0A8C2110
    08 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::EventDispatcher/removeEventListener () @ 0x0A8C2110
    09 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::EventDispatcher/removeEventListener () @ 0x0A8C2110
    10 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.net::Socket/flush () @ 0x0A8C2AD0
    11 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.net::Socket/close () @ 0x0A8C2B70
    12 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.net::Socket/_init () @ 0x0A8C0DF0
    13 1255553 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/stop () @ 0x0A8C2CB0
    14 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/reset () @ 0x0A8C1B20
    15 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/get running () @ 0x0A8C1C30
    16 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD flash.net::Socket/internalClose () @ 0x0A8C2D00
    17 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::EventDispatcher/removeEventListener () @ 0x0A8C2110
    18 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/stop () @ 0x0A8C2CB0
    19 1255554 AVMINF: MTHD flash.system::System$/resume () @ 0x0A8C2D50
    20 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/tick () @ 0x0A8C2DA0
    21 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch () @ 0x0A8C2FF0
    22 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::TimerEvent () @ 0x0A8C3040
    23 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::Event () @ 0x0A8C1AC0
    24 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD Main/OnTimer () @ 0x00B70910
    25 1256675 AVMINF: MTHD global/trace () @ 0x0A8C2170
    26 MyTimer
    27 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/tick () @ 0x0A8C2DA0
    28 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch () @ 0x0A8C2FF0
    29 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::TimerEvent () @ 0x0A8C3040
    30 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::Event () @ 0x0A8C1AC0
    31 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD Main/OnTimer () @ 0x00B70910
    32 1258705 AVMINF: MTHD global/trace () @ 0x0A8C2170
    33 MyTimer

    AS3StaticProfile = 1|0

    This flag enable Just in Time Compiler (NanoJIT) logs.

    It gives detailed information on function conversion, bytecode conversion, MIR (machine-dependent intermediate representation) created, memory used and many others.
    At the end of execution, it also output a summary of all bytecode processed (For each opcode you have the number of occurrence, relatives importance, etc)

    01 size profile Main/CallFoo
    02   abc 12 mir 880 md 204
    03   1773K mir/s  74K md/s  96% in compile during 854 micros
    04   204 bytes from 55 MIR instructions 61 MD. max span 0 cse 7 dead 0
    05   76 bytes of stack with 5 spills 5 steals 5 remats using 0 times
    06 size profile Main/CallFooBar
    07   abc 23 mir 1088 md 262
    08   2386K mir/s  85K md/s  96% in compile during 921 micros
    09   262 bytes from 68 MIR instructions 76 MD. max span 0 cse 10 dead 0
    10   88 bytes of stack with 8 spills 7 steals 5 remats using 0 times
    01 verified instructions 3395
    02 verified code size 7441
    03 cpool size 0
    04 cpool int size 1
    05 cpool uint size 0
    06 cpool double size 0
    07 cpool string size 568
    08 cpool namespacesize 12
    09 cpool namespace set size 0
    10 cpool multiname size 75
    11 methods size 20100
    12 instances size 39
    13 classes size 2
    14 scripts size 8
    15 bodies size 82873
    17 18  0 % 36 B    0 %  kill
    18 5   0 % 5 B 0 %  label
    19 1   0 % 4 B 0 %  ifngt
    20 10  0 % 40 B    0 %  jump
    21 6   0 % 24 B    0 %  iftrue
    22 22  0 % 88 B    1 %  iffalse
    23 4   0 % 16 B    0 %  ifeq
    24 4   0 % 16 B    0 %  ifne
    25 2   0 % 8 B 0 %  iflt
    26 2   0 % 2 B 0 %  pushwith
    27 93  2 % 93 B    1 %  popscope
    28 2   0 % 2 B 0 %  nextname
    29 16  0 % 16 B    0 %  pushnull
    30 2   0 % 2 B 0 %  pushundefined
    31 79  2 % 158 B   2 %  pushbyte
    32 6   0 % 19 B    0 %  pushshort
    33 9   0 % 9 B 0 %  pushtrue
    34 6   0 % 6 B 0 %  pushfalse
    35 1   0 % 1 B 0 %  pushnan
    36 50  1 % 50 B    0 %  pop
    37 21  0 % 21 B    0 %  dup
    38 2   0 % 2 B 0 %  swap
    39 113 3 % 331 B   4 %  pushstring
    40 43  1 % 86 B    1 %  pushint
    41 11  0 % 22 B    0 %  pushdouble
    42 202 5 % 202 B   2 %  pushscope
    43 1   0 % 2 B 0 %  pushnamespace
    44 2   0 % 6 B 0 %  hasnext2
    45 143 4 % 382 B   5 %  newfunction
    46 60  1 % 216 B   2 %  callproperty
    47 102 3 % 102 B   1 %  returnvoid
    48 9   0 % 9 B 0 %  returnvalue
    49 13  0 % 26 B    0 %  constructsuper
    50 9   0 % 30 B    0 %  constructprop
    51 49  1 % 173 B   2 %  callpropvoid
    52 4   0 % 8 B 0 %  newobject
    53 5   0 % 10 B    0 %  newarray
    54 2   0 % 2 B 0 %  newactivation
    55 45  1 % 114 B   1 %  newclass
    56 391 11 %    1011 B  13 %     findpropstrict
    57 119 3 % 290 B   3 %  findproperty
    58 96  2 % 197 B   2 %  getlex
    59 158 4 % 432 B   5 %  setproperty
    60 18  0 % 36 B    0 %  getlocal
    61 18  0 % 36 B    0 %  setlocal
    62 2   0 % 2 B 0 %  getglobalscope
    63 9   0 % 18 B    0 %  getscopeobject
    64 365 10 %    938 B   12 %     getproperty
    65 174 5 % 443 B   5 %  initproperty
    66 2   0 % 4 B 0 %  getslot
    67 102 3 % 204 B   2 %  setslot
    68 6   0 % 6 B 0 %  convert_i
    69 11  0 % 11 B    0 %  convert_u
    70 11  0 % 11 B    0 %  convert_b
    71 6   0 % 14 B    0 %  coerce
    72 3   0 % 3 B 0 %  coerce_a
    73 7   0 % 7 B 0 %  coerce_s
    74 1   0 % 1 B 0 %  negate
    75 2   0 % 2 B 0 %  increment
    76 6   0 % 6 B 0 %  not
    77 6   0 % 6 B 0 %  add
    78 4   0 % 4 B 0 %  subtract
    79 1   0 % 1 B 0 %  multiply
    80 5   0 % 5 B 0 %  divide
    81 1   0 % 1 B 0 %  lshift
    82 3   0 % 3 B 0 %  rshift
    83 2   0 % 2 B 0 %  bitand
    84 2   0 % 2 B 0 %  bitor
    85 6   0 % 6 B 0 %  equals
    86 2   0 % 2 B 0 %  lessthan
    87 2   0 % 2 B 0 %  greaterequals
    88 1   0 % 1 B 0 %  increment_i
    89 275 8 % 275 B   3 %  getlocal0
    90 49  1 % 49 B    0 %  getlocal1
    91 36  1 % 36 B    0 %  getlocal2
    92 17  0 % 17 B    0 %  getlocal3
    93 13  0 % 13 B    0 %  setlocal1
    94 14  0 % 14 B    0 %  setlocal2
    95 11  0 % 11 B    0 %  setlocal3
    96 23  0 % 144 B   1 %  abs_jump
    97 54  1 % 330 B   4 %  debug
    98 168 4 % 456 B   6 %  debugline
    99 19  0 % 50 B    0 %  debugfile

    AS3DynamicProfile = 1|0

    This one give dynamic information about the opcodes being called and gives statistic for each.
    The statistics include count, cycles, %count, %times and CPI

    My question is: Having access to the CPI (Cycle per instruction) will we be able to conclude all
    fights between what operation is faster that the others
    ? Cycle counts does not lies (on the same platform…)
    * Request for Jackson Dunstan: Wanna work on that? :) *
    But there is a problem with this one, it crash all the time.
    My guess is it can’t process “Flash Object” like Movieclip, Event, and all the other and only support operation valid in tamarin.

    01 total count=278 cycles=35508249 avg CPI=127727
    02 user      1.9%
    03 gc        0%
    04 decoder  97.7%
    05 verifier  1.6%
    06 codegen   0.2%
    07 count       cycles        %count    %time     CPI       opcode
    08 -----       --------      -------   -------   ---       ------
    09 2           34714742       0.7      97.7      17357371  decode
    10 211         602237        75.8       1.6      2854      verifyop
    11 6           89138          2.1       0.2      14856     codegenop
    12 3           78305          1.0       0.2      26101     newclass
    13 7           4813           2.5       0.0      687       findpropstrict
    14 6           3922           2.1       0.0      653       setslot
    15 4           3260           1.4       0.0      815       initproperty
    16 4           2724           1.4       0.0      681       getproperty
    17 9           1859           3.2       0.0      206       getlocal0
    18 4           1639           1.4       0.0      409       verifypass
    19 2           1190           0.7       0.0      595       returnvoid
    20 1           755            0.3       0.0      755       pushnamespace
    21 3           745            1.0       0.0      248       abs_jump
    22 2           550            0.7       0.0      275       findproperty
    23 5           527            1.7       0.0      105       pushscope
    24 1           403            0.3       0.0      403       pushnull
    25 2           382            0.7       0.0      191       pushbyte
    26 1           331            0.3       0.0      331       popscope
    27 1           331            0.3       0.0      331       pushundefined
    28 2           238            0.7       0.0      119       pushint
    29 2           158            0.7       0.0      79        pushdouble

    LogGPU = 1|0

    This enable logging GPU information about current SWF while it runs.
    Use GPULogOutputFileName = [path] to specify where to output that log.
    Use DisplayGPUBlend = 1 to display the little green square while GPU runs
    use ForceGPUBlend = 1 (At your own risk) to force GPU event if your videocard is not officially listed as valid for Flash GPU.

    01 [GPU-BLEND] SUCEEDED to create D3D device
    03 [GPU-BLEND]0x1161000 MONITOR/DEVICE SWITCH, old=0x0, new=0x18fd00
    05 [GPU-BLEND]0x1161000 Started (wMode=GPU) on device 10de 402 ( NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT  mem:free=718, used=0
    07 [GPU-BLEND]Begin render aa=4.  Free TextureMem=712 Mb, Used = 5
    08 [GPU-BLEND]Using 0x13b7080 as RT vp= 0 0 800 600, aa = 4
    09 [GPU-BLEND]Clearing buffer 0x13b7080 { 0 0 800 600 } with color ffffffff
    10 [GPU-BLEND]Filling border & background on 0x13b7080 3 3 11 11 with bo:ffffffff, ba:ff00ff00
    11 [GPU-BLEND]Using 0x13b7080 as RT vp= 0 0 800 600, aa = 4
    12 [GPU-BLEND]End render
    14 [GPU-BLEND]0x1161000 Started (wMode=GPU) on device 10de 402 ( NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT  mem:free=716, used=0
    16 [GPU-BLEND]Begin render aa=4.  Free TextureMem=712 Mb, Used = 5
    17 [GPU-BLEND]Using 0x11b7080 as RT vp= 0 0 800 600, aa = 4
    18 [GPU-BLEND]Clearing buffer 0x11b7080 { 0 0 800 600 } with color ffffffff
    19 [GPU-BLEND]Filling border & background on 0x11b7080 3 3 11 11 with bo:ffffffff, ba:ff00ff00
    20 [GPU-BLEND]Using 0x11b7080 as RT vp= 0 0 800 600, aa = 4
    21 [GPU-BLEND]End render


    This is mainly used by the FlashBuilder Profiler. When you launch a SWF profiling, FlashBuilder add this line to mm.cfg to make it run another SWF before the one you profile.
    The default file is: C:/Documents and Settings/{USER}/My Documents/Flex Builder 3/.metadata/.plugins/com.adobe.flash.profiler/ProfilerAgent.swf?host=localhost&port=9999
    The profiler agent is a SWF that use the as3 sampling classes to collect information and send them all over a socket connection to FlashBuilder.
    FlashBuilder is only interpreting that data received from the SWF
    By changing localhost by any other machine name you can connect to a remote FlashBuilder Profiler. On the Remote profiler you need to check the “wait for application” box and then start the local SWF on the other machine.

    This one is just crazy powerful: See: One SWF to rule them all! and New visual Profiler

    The Full List

      undocumented features will be written in bold

    AllowUserLocalTrust = 1|0

      Lets you prevent users from designating any files on local file systems as trusted.

    AS3AllocationTracking = 1|0

      Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile Allocation in FlexBuilder anymore)

    AS3AutoStartSampling = 1|0

      Specify if we need a feedback before starting the profiler or we start right away.

    AS3CSE = 1|0

      CSE is an acronym for “Common Subexpression Elimination”. It seems plausible that these may be employed by the Flash virtual machine to optimize the byte-code before executing

    AS3DCE = 1|0

      DCE is an acronym for “Dead Code Elimination”. It seems plausible that these may be employed by the Flash virtual machine to optimize the byte-code before executing

    AS3DynamicProfile = 1|0

      When enabling this (you might crash half the time) the flash player is going to collect precious profiling information on opcodes used in the Swf (count/Time/%/Cycles)

    AS3MIR = 1|0

      Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, FlashPlayer won’t keep information on Machine-dependant intermediate representation – NanoJIT)

    AS3Sampling = 1|0

      Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile in FlexBuilder anymore)

    AS3SSE = 1|0

      *My guess is it turns on and off SSE optimization

    AS3StaticProfile = 1|0

      Information Generated by NanoJit (just in time compiler used in Tamarin), including a lot of statistic on code conversion, time to process and memory use

    AS3Trace = 1|0

      If turned on, ALL function called (at runtime) will be outputed in the flashlogs!
      You should always use in conjonction with TraceOutputBuffered=1

    AS3Turbo = 1|0


    AS3Verbose = 1|0

      Trace detailed information about SWF ByteCode structure and Runtime parsing of the bytecode!


      Lets you specify a hard limit, in MB, on the amount of local storage that Flash Player uses for the storage of common Flash components.

    AutoUpdateDisable = 1|0

      Lets you prevent Flash Player from automatically checking for and installing updated versions.

    AutoUpdateInterval = X

      Lets you specify how often to check for an updated version of Flash Player.

    AutoUpdateVersionUrl = [URL]

      Lets you specify a precise server to look up for new flash version

    AVHardwareDisable = 1|0

      Lets you prevent SWF files from accessing webcams or microphones.



    CodeSignRootCert = 1|0


    Convert8kAnd16kAudio = 1|0


    CrashLogEnable = 1|0


    DisableAVM1Loading = 1|0

      If turned on, no SWF of version 8 and earlier can be loaded.

    DisableDeviceFontEnumeration = 1|0

      Lets you prevent information on installed fonts from being displayed.

    DisableIncrementalGC = 1|0

      Lets you enable/disable Garbage Collector Incremental policies (more info on the GC)

    DisableMulticoreRenderer = 1|0

      Lets you turn off multiple core rendering

    DisableNetworkAndFilesystemInHostApp = 1|0

      Lets you prevent networking or file system access of any kind.

    DisableProductDownload = 1|0

      Lets you prevent native code applications that are digitally signed and delivered by Adobe from being downloaded.

    DisableSockets = 1|0

      Lets you enable or disable the use of the Socket.connect() and XMLSocket.connect() methods.

    DisplayGPUBlend = 1|0

      If set to 1, it will prevent GPU use even if the SWF context is setted to use GPU and your card support it.

    EnableIncrementalValidation = 1|0


    EnableLeakFile = 1|0


    EnableSocketsTo = [address]

      Lets you create a whitelist of servers to which socket connections are allowed.
      EnableSocketsTo = localhost.localdomain
      EnableSocketsTo =

    EnforceLocalSecurityInActiveXHostApp = 1|0

      Lets you enforce local security rules for a specified application.

    ErrorReportingEnable = 1|0

      Set the ErrorReportingEnable property to 1 to enable the debugger version of Flash Player to write error messages to the log file.

    FileDownloadDisable = 1|0

      Lets you prevent the ActionScript FileReference API from performing file downloads.

    FileUploadDisable = 1|0

      Lets you prevent the ActionScript FileReference API from performing file uploads.

    ForceGPUBlend = 1|0

      Force GPU blending even if you video card is not officialy supported (At your own risk!)

    FrameProfilingEnable = 1|0

      Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile Frames in FlexBuilder anymore)

    FullScreenDisable = 1|0

      Lets you disable SWF files playing via a browser plug-in from being displayed in full-screen mode.

    GCStats = 1|0

      Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile GC in FlexBuilder anymore)


      Lets you specify the output file for the GPU informations

    HeapProfilingAS3Enable = 1|0

      Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile Heap in FlexBuilder anymore)

    LegacyDomainMatching = 1|0

      Lets you specify whether SWF files produced for Flash Player 6 and earlier can execute an operation that has been restricted in a newer version of Flash Player.

    LocalFileLegacyAction = 1|0

      Lets you specify how Flash Player determines whether to execute certain local SWF files that were originally produced for Flash Player 7 and earlier.

    LocalFileReadDisable = 1|0

      Lets you prevent local SWF files from having read access to files on local hard drives.

    LocalStorageLimit = X

      Lets you specify a hard limit on the amount of local storage that Flash Player uses (per domain) for persistent shared objects.

    LogGPU = 1|0

      Lets you specify if you want to output debug GPU log

    MaxWarnings = X

      The default value of the MaxWarnings property is 100. After 100 messages, the debugger version of Flash Player writes a message to the file stating that further error messages will be suppressed.

    OverrideGPUValidation = 1|0

      Overrides validation of the requirements needed to implement GPU compositing.

    OverrideUserInvokedActions = 1|0


    PolicyFileLog = 1|0

      Enables the logging of policy file messages.

    PolicyFileLogAppend = 1|0

      Set the PolicyFileLogAppend property to 1 to save previous policy file log entries


      Lets you specify a SWF to be loaded before the main swf.This is the profiler agent, a little flash app (ProfilerAgent.swf) that connect to the FlexBuilder Profiler via socket (localhost:9999).
      FlexBuilder is only interpreting that data.
      PreloadSwf=C:/Documents and Settings/{USER}/My Documents/Flex Builder 3/.metadata/.plugins/com.adobe.flash.profiler/ProfilerAgent.swf?host=localhost&port=9999
      By changing localhost by any other machine name you can connect to a remote FlashBuilder Profiler. On the Remote profiler you need to check the “wait for application” box and then start the local SWF on the other machine.

    ProductDisabled = 1|0

      Creates a list of ProductManager applications that users are not permitted to install or launch.



    ProfileFunctionEnable = 1|0

      Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile function in FlexBuilder anymore)

    ProfilingOutputDirectory = [path]

      Specify where to save the ProfilerData file

    ProfilingOutputFileEnable = 1|0

      Specify if we want to create a file containing all the profiler data (flashprof_1265745253708.dat)

    RendererProfilingEnable = 1|0

      Enable/Disable Profiling information (if turned off, we can’t profile in FlexBuilder anymore)

    RTMFPP2PDisable = 1|0

      Specifies how the NetStream constructor connects to a server when a value is specified for peerID, the second parameter passed to the constructor.

    RTMFPTURNProxy = 1|0

      Lets Flash Player make RTMFP connections through the specified TURN server in addition to normal UDP sockets.

    ScriptStuckTimeout = X

      Lets you specify the time after what the timeout (too much time running a script) exception will popup

    SecurityDialogReportingEnable = 1|0

      Lets you specify whether the Security dialog should be visible or not.

    SuppressDebuggerExceptionDialogs = 1|0

      Lets you specify whether the Error dialog should be visible or not.


      Lets you specify whether third-party SWF files can read and write locally persistent shared objects.

    TraceOutputBuffered = 1|0

      Specify the flash player to use a buffer before writing to disk. If you had problem when tracing tousands of lines and line were skipped, this solve the thing. It’s also a lot faster (1000000 trace in 7 seconds instead of 3200 trace in 7 sec!)

    TraceOutputFileEnable = 1|0

      Set TraceOutputFileEnable to 1 to enable the debugger version of Flash Player to write trace messages to the log file.

    TraceOutputFileName= [path]

      (Before Flash 9) Sets the location of the log file. By default, the debugger version of Flash Player writes error messages to a file named flashlog.txt, located in the same directory in which the mm.cfg file is located.

    UseBrokerProcess = 1|0

      Lets you specify if you want to use elevated privileges or not (See the FlashPlayer update)

    WindowlessDisable = 1|0

      Lets you disable Floating Flash (ex: Ads)


    This whole thing opens a new playground for hardcore programmer like me.
    A lot can be done with this new information:

  • Custom Profiling tool using AS3Verbose and AS3Trace modes
  • Custom Profiling tool using .dat generated by FlashProfiler
  • Automatic Code performance warning using NanoJIT structure analysis
  • Guide to performance using CPI (cycle per instruction)
  • Mapping of profiler using the PreloadSwf features (instead of localhost put any other host that have a valid profiler)
  • I didn’t have time to work extensively on each features and I may have interpreted incorrectly certain things.
    If it’s the case please tell me and I’ll modify this post. If you do test or benchmark using this post information please post them as comment here and I’ll add the benchmark later in the post.




      而`mm.cfg`文件则是Flash Player的一个配置文件,它包含了一些控制调试行为的参数。在这篇文章中,我们将深入探讨debug版Flash的特性和`mm.cfg`的存放规则。 首先,让我们了解debug版Flash Player的主要特点。与...


      #### 三、mm.cfg文件配置详解 ##### 1. 文件位置 不同操作系统下的`mm.cfg`文件存放位置不同,具体如下表所示: | 操作系统 | 创建文件路径 | |----------|--------------| | Macintosh OS X | `/Library/...

      SWFAutomation:使用JavaScript,C ++,Python或AutoHotkey的浏览器中的Flash Automation

      使用包含核心JavaScript自动化界面的preload swf扩展名的路径设置'mm.cfg'文件。 请参阅此以获取您操作系统的文件位置。 在Windows上,该文件位于C:\Users\&lt;YOUR&gt;\mm.cfg 。 这是一个简单的mm.cfg,它可以激活...


      3. 在指定路径下创建 mm.cfg 文件,内容如下: ```ini TraceOutPutFileName=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Macromedia\FlashPlayer\Logs\flashlog.txt ErrorReportingEnable=1 ...


      在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!


      在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!




      # 踏入C语言的奇妙编程世界 在编程的广阔宇宙中,C语言宛如一颗璀璨恒星,以其独特魅力与强大功能,始终占据着不可替代的地位。无论你是编程小白,还是有一定基础想进一步提升的开发者,C语言都值得深入探索。 C语言的高效性与可移植性令人瞩目。它能直接操控硬件,执行速度快,是系统软件、嵌入式开发的首选。同时,代码可在不同操作系统和硬件平台间轻松移植,极大节省开发成本。 学习C语言,能让你深入理解计算机底层原理,培养逻辑思维和问题解决能力。掌握C语言后,再学习其他编程语言也会事半功倍。 现在,让我们一起开启C语言学习之旅。这里有丰富教程、实用案例、详细代码解析,助你逐步掌握C语言核心知识和编程技巧。别再犹豫,加入我们,在C语言的海洋中尽情遨游,挖掘无限可能,为未来的编程之路打下坚实基础!


      在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!




      在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!

      大华智能物联平台,的对接其他接口的API,可以获得视频拉流的flv/hls/rstp 的拉流地址,demo项目为springBoot项目,可以通过摄像头的视频通道,获取到实时拉流的uRl

      rtsp实时预览接口URL:/evo-apigw/admin/API/MTS/Video/StartVideo HLS、FLV、RTMP实时预览接口方式 :接口URL/evo-apigw/admin/API/video/stream/realtime 参数名 必选 类型 说明 data true string Json串 +channelId true string 视频通道编码 +streamType true string 码流类型:1=主码流, 2=辅码流,3=辅码流2 +type true string 协议类型:hls,hlss,flv,flvs,ws_flv,wss_flv,rtmp hls:http协议,m3u8格式,端口7086; hlss:https协议,m3u8格式,端口是7096; flv:http协议,flv格式,端口7886; flvs:https协议,flv格式,端口是7896; ws_flv:ws协议,flv格式,端口是7886; wss_flv:wss协议,flv格式,端口是7896; rtmp:rtmp协议,端口是1975;


      Simulink永磁风机飞轮储能系统二次调频技术研究:频率特性分析与参数优化,Simulink永磁风机飞轮储能二次调频技术:系统频率特性详解及参数优化研究参考详实文献及两区域系统应用,simulink永磁风机飞轮储能二次调频,系统频率特性如下,可改变调频参数改善频率。 参考文献详细,两区域系统二次调频。 ,核心关键词: 1. Simulink 2. 永磁风机 3. 飞轮储能 4. 二次调频 5. 系统频率特性 6. 调频参数 7. 改善频率 8. 参考文献 9. 两区域系统 以上关键词用分号(;)分隔,结果为:Simulink;永磁风机;飞轮储能;二次调频;系统频率特性;调频参数;改善频率;参考文献;两区域系统。,基于Simulink的永磁风机与飞轮储能系统二次调频研究:频率特性及调频参数优化


      MATLAB驱动的ASR防滑转模型:PID与对照控制算法对比,冰雪路面条件下滑移率与车速轮速对照展示,MATLAB驱动的ASR防滑转模型:PID与对照控制算法对比,冰雪路面条件下滑移率与车速轮速对照图展示,MATLAB驱动防滑转模型ASR模型 ASR模型驱动防滑转模型 ?牵引力控制系统模型 选择PID控制算法以及对照控制算法,共两种控制算法,可进行选择。 选择冰路面以及雪路面,共两种路面条件,可进行选择。 控制目标为滑移率0.2,出图显示车速以及轮速对照,出图显示车辆轮胎滑移率。 模型简单,仅供参考。 ,MATLAB; ASR模型; 防滑转模型; 牵引力控制系统模型; PID控制算法; 对照控制算法; 冰路面; 雪路面; 控制目标; 滑移率; 车速; 轮速。,MATLAB驱动的ASR模型:PID与对照算法在冰雪路面的滑移率控制研究

      芯片失效分析方法介绍 -深入解析芯片故障原因及预防措施.pptx

      芯片失效分析方法介绍 -深入解析芯片故障原因及预防措施.pptx




      内容概要:本文提供了一个全面的PostgreSQL自动化部署解决方案,涵盖智能环境适应、多平台支持、内存与性能优化以及安全性加强等重要方面。首先介绍了脚本的功能及其调用方法,随后详细阐述了操作系统和依赖软件包的准备过程、配置项的自动生成机制,还包括对实例的安全性和监控功能的强化措施。部署指南给出了具体的命令操作指导,便于新手理解和执行。最后强调了该工具对于不同硬件条件和服务需求的有效应对能力,特别是针对云计算环境下应用的支持特点。 适合人群:对PostgreSQL集群运维有一定基础并渴望提高效率和安全性的数据库管理员及工程师。 使用场景及目标:本脚本能够帮助企业在大规模部署时减少人工介入时间,确保系统的稳定性与高性能,适用于各类需要稳定可靠的数据库解决方案的企业或机构,特别是在大数据量和高并发事务处理场合。 其他说明:文中还提及了一些高级功能如自动备份、流复制等设置步骤,使得该方案不仅可以快速上线而且能满足后续维护和发展阶段的要求。同时提到的技术性能数据也为用户评估其能否满足业务需求提供了直观参考。




      在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!


      在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!

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