The DB2 Content Manager installation is blocked: failure to connect to the DB2 database
The DB2 Content Manager installation is blocked by a failure to connect to the DB2 database. The problem is related to a DB2 connection failure with the DB2 Content Manager V8.4 installer. The error messages can be summarized as follows:
Error 1: DB2 return code is -4499, DB2 Content Manager return code is 3
CheckDBConnUtil00002 exception ( [jcc][t4][2043][11550][3.50.152] Exception Error opening socket to server install01/ on port 50,000 with message: A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.. ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=08001)
Another message with the same error code can appear as follows:
CheckDBConnUtil00002 exception ( [jcc][t4][2057][11264][3.50.152] The application server rejected establishment of the connection.An attempt was made to access a database, icmnlsdb, which was either not found or does not support transactions. ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=08004)
Error 2: DB2 return code is -4222, DB2 Content Manager return code is 9
CheckDBConnUtil00002 exception ( [jcc][t4][10380][11951][3.50.152] Required property "install02" is unknown host. ERRORCODE=-4222, SQLSTATE=08001)
Error 3: DB2 return code is -4214, DB2 Content Manager return code is 5
CheckDBConnUtil00002 exception ( [jcc][t4][2013][11249][3.50.152] Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: User ID or Password invalid. ERRORCODE=-4214, SQLSTATE=28000)
DB2 connection failure with DB2 Content Manager V8.4 installer
Error 1: DB2 return code is -4499
Three problems might be the cause of this error.
DB2 is stopped.
The wrong DB2 database listening port number is specified.
The wrong database name is specified.
Error 2: DB2 return code is -4222
For this problem, the host name is probably specified incorrectly.
Error 3: DB2 return code is -4214
Three problems might be the cause of this error.
The user name is invalid
The password is invalid.
Both the user name and the password are invalid.
Resolving the problem
The following procedures might help you resolve the connection failure problem:
Resolving Error 1: DB2 return code is -4499
Check whether DB2 is started.
Check whether the database exists. Use the command
db2 list db directory to list the databases.
Check the DB2 listening port. The DB2 instance is listening on Port 50000 by default, but the port number might have been modified.
Restart DB2 or restart the computer on which DB2 is running, because there might be too many connections already active for DB2 to respond to the new request.
Resolving Error 2: DB2 return code is -4222
If the wrong host name is specified, or the DNS server cannot parse the host name, then you can use the command ping hostname, where hostname is the host name, to test the connection. You can also use the IP address directly in this command.
Check the privileges of folder /tmp/CM/db2cmv8. The DB2 Content Manager installer performs the su command to DB2 Content Manager accounts to test the connection. For example, if you have an icmadmin account as the library server administrator, the installer uses this account, creates a shell script under the /tmp/CM/db2cmv8 folder, and runs it to see the result. If the folder does not have the write and execute privileges for icmadmin, the connection test fails.
Resolving Error 3: DB2 return code is -4214
Check that the user name and password are specified correctly.
Check that the password does not contain special characters, such as the dollar sign ($).
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