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[UliPad]Recently updates 08/28


I'v made many updates after 8/23, list them below:

  1. The most change is svn support. But it have some troubles in linux platform. So maybe someone can help me to improve it. More details about svn you can see my previous emails. And now when you change and save document, and if the filename can be found in Directory Browser Window, it's svn status icon will be refreshed also. You should install svn_plugin first.
  2. Add new key binding Ctrl+Insert => Copy
  3. Fix input assistant snippet template indent bug(when using tab mode, the '\t' in template will be replaced with spaces). And you can press Alt+Q to cancel current snippet.
  4. Add timestamp in debug.txt and error.txt.
  5. For Python program test, UliPad supports doctest now. You can run it from [Python]->[Run Doctests], then the result will be displayed in message window. And you can change the startup file packages/cmd_doctest.py and to change the execution behavior of doctest.
  6. Fix the bug that when you change the file type or add new file, the icon in directory browser, dynamic menu and toolbar doesn't change bug.
  7. Replace the shell window popup menu, and add Copy Without Prompts menu item. The text which copied from shell window will include prompt string(e.g. ">>>", "..."). For Copy Without Prompts will remove all ">>>" and "..." string. And if the results of code statements cann't be correctly convert to unicode, then display the results as repr().
  8. Change plugin.txt document, fixed bug and added some missing plugins description, thanks to Dick Moores.
  9. Add Copy and Run in Shell feature. So when you editing python program, if you want to copy some code to shell window, and run it, you can select the code first, then in context menu [Run in Shell] of
    current document window or from [Edit]->[Run in Shell], you can do it.
  10. Fix line number margin width displays not correctly bug.
  11. Recovery [View]->[End-of-line marker] menu. I think sometimes maybe it will be useful. And I found that if you select some text and then drag them to a new place, meanwhile keeping press Ctrl key, the selected text will be duplicate to new place, but the end-of-line will change to '\n', I don't know why, but if your end-of-line is DOS format(\r\n), this will cause some errors. So just use copy and paste is a better way.
  12. I also changed Script Manager menu, and now when you add a new script to UliPad, it'll automatically open the script file, and find whether there exists some text matching "#\s*(?:caption|name)\s*[=:](.*)$" pattern, if there is, then UliPad will pick up the text in (.*) and then use it as the description of this script. For example, you can write:

    #name: Remove Blank Lines

    Then the description of this script could be "Remove Blank Lines".



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