1. Platform and configuration
Product: CollabNet Subversion client
Platforms: Solaris 10 SPARC
Prerequisite: You must be a superuser (root) to install and uninstall
CollabNet Subversion.
2. Import/Update CollabNet certificate
CollabNet Subversion Solaris packages are signed. As a one-time task,
import the CollabNet certificate using the command:
sudo pkgadm addcert -ty certificate.pem
The CollabNet certificate is available for download at:
NOTE: the certificate has changed between 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 release. The
certificate used for 1.5.0 had a short expiration date so we have created
a new certificate. If you have previously installed the 1.5.0 certificate,
you must remove it before installing the new one:
sudo pkgadm removecert “Alexander Thomas(AT)”
Once it is removed you can install the new certificate.
3. First installation
The command to install the CollabNet Subversion client, if a previous version
has not already been installed, is:
sudo pkgadd -d /path/to/client-sparc-local
4. Updating an existing installation
The proper way to update a Solaris package is to remove the current version
and then install the new version. If you have the CollabNet Subversion server
installed, you will need to remove it first. Again, refer to the readme for
that package before proceeding.
sudo pkgrm CSVNclnt
sudo pkgadd -d /path/to/client-sparc-local
5. Post-installation instructions
A. CollabNet Subversion installs into /opt/CollabNet_Subversion, which is
probably not on the executable search path for your system. Add the directory
/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/bin to your $PATH environment variable. In order to
make this change affect all users of your system and persists across reboots,
add the following line to /etc/profile:
B. CollabNet Subversion provides man pages and localizations for several
languages. To take advantage of these features, update your MANPATH and/or
LOCPATH environment variables to include the CollabNet Subversion directories.
For example:
export MANPATH=/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/share/man:$MANPATH
export LOCPATH=/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/share/locale:$LOCPATH
6. Support for CollabNet Subversion
Find out about CollabNet Technical Support at
Information about CollabNet Training, Consulting, and Migration
services is at http://www.collab.net/services/subversion/training.html
Join openCollabNet for community support: http://open.collab.net
7. About Subversion and CollabNet
CollabNet launched the Subversion project in 2000 in response to the demand
for an open standard for Web-based software configuration management that
could support distributed development. CollabNet continues to be strongly
involved with the Subversion project and offers CollabNet Subversion Support,
Training, and Consulting services.
CollabNet also provides the most widely used collaborative development
environment in the world. More than 1,400,000 developers and IT projects
managers collaborate online through CollabNet. The company is transforming
the way software is developed by enabling organizations to leverage global
development talents to deliver better products and innovate faster.
Visit CollabNet at http://www.collab.net for more information
2. **集成开发环境(IDE)插件**:为了提高开发效率,华为SVNClient可能集成了常见的IDE,如Eclipse、IntelliJ IDEA或Visual Studio,使得版本控制操作可以直接在开发环境中完成。 3. **权限管理**:华为公司可能...
华为SVNClient是华为公司针对SVN系统开发的一款客户端工具,专为华为内部或者与华为相关的项目协作设计。 在SVN Client中,有几个关键知识点是每个用户都需要了解的: 1. **版本库(Repository)**:SVN的核心是...
在安装和使用过程中,需要注意以下几点: 1. **系统兼容性**:确保你的Windows操作系统版本与华为SVNClient兼容,通常它会支持主流的Windows系统,如Windows 7、8、10等。 2. **安装与配置**:下载并运行`...
- 安装华为SVNClient:下载并安装moumouseSVN.exe,按照向导完成配置。 - 配置SVN服务器:在客户端中输入SVN服务器地址、用户名和密码。 - 检出项目:从版本库中获取工作副本,开始开发。 - 操作文件:修改代码...
本文将详细介绍在Solaris操作系统环境下,如何安装适用于SPARC架构的SVN服务器。 首先,Subversion(简称SVN)是一个用于版本控制的系统,它允许开发者跟踪并管理代码库中的变更,以便于多人协同工作。SVN的核心...
华为SVNClient是华为公司为开发者提供的高效版本控制系统,它允许用户在Mac平台上方便地进行代码版本管理、协作开发以及项目维护。 1. **Subversion(SVN)基础**: Subversion是一种开源的版本控制系统,用于跟踪...
华为 SVN Client PC客户端软件。SVN Client是著名的集中式项目管理工具,可以满足项目团队友好的管理项目文档、代码、工具等,用户只要知道项目的地址、用户名、密码,即可与SVN Server进行项目的提交、更新、清除等...
银河麒麟安装SVN环境 银河麒麟安装SVN环境是一个复杂的过程,需要下载和安装多个组件,包括Subversion、Apache Portable Runtime(apr)和SQLite。下面是安装SVN环境的详细步骤: 一、下载和安装apr 首先,需要...
Windows环境下安装SVN服务器的知识点主要包括以下几个方面: 1. 系统与版本的选择: - 本文实例使用的是Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise X64 SP2(64位),同时适用于Windows Server 2003 X86 SP2、Windows XP ...
Virtual SVN Client 6.0.4 版本是专门针对Visual Studio 2017集成的插件,它的安装文件"VisualSVN-client-6.0.4.vsix"是一个Visual Studio扩展包,通过双击即可安装。VSIX (Visual Studio Extension) 文件格式是微软...
这在道德和法律上都是不被允许的,因为Syncro SVN Client的开发者通过销售许可证来维持软件的开发和维护。 描述中提到的“kengen”(可能是“key generator”的简写)是生成注册码的工具,它的工作原理通常是模拟...
【标题】"svnserver(64)+svnclient(64)" 涉及的主要知识点是Subversion(简称SVN)的64位版本,包括服务器端(svnserver)和客户端(svnclient)。 Subversion是一种广泛使用的版本控制系统,用于管理软件项目的源...
本文将详细讲解如何在没有网络连接的情况下,通过提供的“Linux离线安装svn.zip”压缩包来安装和配置svn。 首先,确保你的Linux系统已经安装了基本的开发工具,通常包括GCC编译器、make以及相关的库。这些工具可以...