- 浏览: 74135 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 杭州
这个题目似乎没有合适的数据结构,由于插入删除操作较多,所以直接用了链表,并且使用双重指针,差点把自己搞晕。(另外,刚开始写的代码能在poj1208上通过,但不能在uva 101上通过,后来发现是141行中的continue误写成了break。网上也有类似的情况,似乎是因为没有考虑到特殊情况的处理(即两个积木块号相同或者处于同一列时需要忽略该命令))
/* uva 101 or poj 1208 */ /*the Blocks problem */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> struct node { int data; struct node *prev; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node *pBlock; static void CreateHeader(pBlock *ppBlk) { pBlock newBlk = malloc(sizeof(*newBlk)); newBlk -> next = newBlk->prev = NULL; (*ppBlk) = newBlk; } static void InsertOnFirst(pBlock *ppBlk, int data) { pBlock newBlk = malloc(sizeof(*newBlk)); newBlk -> data = data; newBlk -> next = NULL; newBlk -> prev = *ppBlk; (*ppBlk)->next = newBlk; } static int FindBlock(pBlock *ppBlk, int blockNumber, pBlock *ppretBlock) { pBlock tmpBlk = (*ppBlk)->next; while(tmpBlk != NULL) if(tmpBlk->data == blockNumber) { *ppretBlock = tmpBlk; return 1; } else tmpBlk = tmpBlk->next; return 0; } static void PopAllFollowBlks(pBlock *ppBTab,pBlock *ppBlk) { pBlock tmpBlk,curBlk = (*ppBlk)->next; (*ppBlk)->next = NULL; while(curBlk != NULL) { tmpBlk = curBlk; curBlk = curBlk->next; ppBTab[tmpBlk->data] ->next = tmpBlk; tmpBlk->next = NULL; tmpBlk->prev = ppBTab[tmpBlk->data]; } } static void MoveOnto(pBlock *ppBTab,pBlock *ppSrcBlk, pBlock *ppDstBlk) { PopAllFollowBlks(ppBTab,ppSrcBlk); PopAllFollowBlks(ppBTab,ppDstBlk); /*pBlock pSrcTmpBlk = pSrcBlk->next,pDstTmpBlk=pDstBlk->next;*/ (*ppSrcBlk)->prev->next = NULL; (*ppSrcBlk) ->next = (*ppDstBlk)->next; (*ppSrcBlk)->prev = (*ppDstBlk); (*ppDstBlk)->next = (*ppSrcBlk); } static void MoveOver(pBlock *ppBTab,pBlock *ppSrcBlk, pBlock *ppDstBlk) { pBlock lastDstBlk = (*ppDstBlk); PopAllFollowBlks(ppBTab,ppSrcBlk); (*ppSrcBlk)->prev->next = NULL; while(lastDstBlk->next != NULL) lastDstBlk = lastDstBlk->next; (*ppSrcBlk)->next = lastDstBlk->next; (*ppSrcBlk)->prev = lastDstBlk; lastDstBlk->next = (*ppSrcBlk); } static void PileOnto(pBlock *ppBTab,pBlock *ppSrcBlk, pBlock *ppDstBlk) { PopAllFollowBlks(ppBTab,ppDstBlk); (*ppSrcBlk)->prev->next = NULL; (*ppDstBlk)->next = *ppSrcBlk; (*ppSrcBlk)->prev = *ppDstBlk; } static void PileOver(pBlock *ppBTab,pBlock *ppSrcBlk, pBlock *ppDstBlk) { pBlock lastDstBlk = (*ppDstBlk); (*ppSrcBlk)->prev->next = NULL; while(lastDstBlk->next != NULL) lastDstBlk = lastDstBlk->next; (*ppSrcBlk)->prev = lastDstBlk; lastDstBlk->next = (*ppSrcBlk); } static void PrintBlock(pBlock pBlk) { pBlock tmpBlk = (pBlk) -> next; while(tmpBlk != NULL) { printf(" %d",tmpBlk->data); tmpBlk = tmpBlk -> next; } printf("\n"); } static void PrintBlks(pBlock *ppBlk, int arraysize) { int i; for(i = 0; i < arraysize; i++) { printf("%d:",i); PrintBlock(ppBlk[i]); } } int main(void) { int n; pBlock *ppBlks,pSrcBlk,pDstBlk; char str1[10],str2[10]; int fstBlkNum,scdBlkNum,i,j; int isFound1, isFound2; scanf("%d",&n); getchar(); ppBlks = malloc(n * sizeof(*ppBlks)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { CreateHeader(&ppBlks[i]); InsertOnFirst(&ppBlks[i],i); } /* PrintBlks(ppBlks,n);*/ while(1) { scanf("%s",str1); if(strcmp(str1,"quit") == 0) break; scanf("%d %s %d",&fstBlkNum,str2,&scdBlkNum); if(fstBlkNum == scdBlkNum) continue; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { isFound1 = FindBlock(&ppBlks[i],fstBlkNum,&pSrcBlk); if(isFound1) break; } for(j = 0; j < n; j++) { isFound2 = FindBlock(&ppBlks[j],scdBlkNum,&pDstBlk); if(isFound2) break; } if(i != j && strcmp(str1,"move") == 0 && strcmp(str2,"onto") == 0) MoveOnto(ppBlks,&pSrcBlk,&pDstBlk); else if(i != j && strcmp(str1,"move") == 0 && strcmp(str2,"over") == 0) MoveOver(ppBlks,&pSrcBlk,&pDstBlk); else if(i != j && strcmp(str1,"pile") == 0 && strcmp(str2,"onto") == 0) PileOnto(ppBlks,&pSrcBlk,&pDstBlk); else if(i != j && strcmp(str1,"pile") == 0 && strcmp(str2,"over") == 0) PileOver(ppBlks,&pSrcBlk,&pDstBlk); /* PrintBlks(ppBlks,n);*/ } PrintBlks(ppBlks,n); return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define MINSTACKSIZE 30 #define STACKINCREMENT 30 struct stack{ int capacity; int top; int *array; }; typedef struct stack Stack; Stack *CreateStack() { Stack *pStk = malloc(sizeof(*pStk)); pStk->array = malloc(MINSTACKSIZE*sizeof(*(pStk->array))); if(pStk->array == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"error:no space to allocate.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { pStk->capacity = MINSTACKSIZE; pStk->top = 0; } return pStk; } int IsStackEmpty(Stack *pStk) { return pStk->top == 0; } int IsStackFull(Stack *pStk) { return pStk->capacity == pStk->top + 1; } int Push(Stack *pStk, int data) { if(IsStackFull(pStk)) { pStk->array = realloc(pStk, (pStk->capacity+STACKINCREMENT)* sizeof(*(pStk->array))); if(pStk->array == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: no space to allocate\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { pStk -> capacity += STACKINCREMENT; } } pStk -> array[++(pStk -> top)] = data; return 0; } int Pop(Stack *pStk) { if(IsStackEmpty(pStk)) { fprintf(stderr,"error: empty stack can pop nothing\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else return pStk->array[(pStk -> top) --] ; } int Top(Stack *pStk) { if(IsStackEmpty(pStk)) { fprintf(stderr,"error: empty stack don't have top element\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else return pStk->array[pStk -> top] ; } int Find(Stack *pStk, int data) { int i; for(i = 1; i <= pStk->top; i++) if(pStk -> array[i] == data) break; if(i > pStk->top) return 0; else return i; } int PopFollowingBack(Stack **ppStkArray, int index, int pos) { Stack *pCurStk = ppStkArray[index]; int curData; while(pCurStk -> top > pos) { curData = Pop(pCurStk); /* pTmpStk = ppStkArray[curData];*/ Push(ppStkArray[curData],curData); } return 0; } int PushCurAndFollowing(Stack **ppStkArray, int srcIndex, int srcPos, int dstIndex, int dstPos) { int i,srcTop = ppStkArray[srcIndex] -> top; for(i = srcPos; i <= srcTop; i++) { Push(ppStkArray[dstIndex],ppStkArray[srcIndex]->array[i]); } ppStkArray[srcIndex] -> top -= srcTop - srcPos + 1; return 0; } int MoveOnto(Stack **ppStkArray,int srcIndex,int srcPos, int dstIndex,int dstPos) { PopFollowingBack(ppStkArray,srcIndex,srcPos); PopFollowingBack(ppStkArray,dstIndex,dstPos); PushCurAndFollowing(ppStkArray,srcIndex,srcPos,dstIndex,dstPos); return 0; } int MoveOver(Stack **ppStkArray,int srcIndex,int srcPos, int dstIndex,int dstPos) { PopFollowingBack(ppStkArray,srcIndex,srcPos); PushCurAndFollowing(ppStkArray,srcIndex,srcPos,dstIndex,dstPos); return 0; } int PileOnto(Stack **ppStkArray,int srcIndex,int srcPos, int dstIndex, int dstPos) { PopFollowingBack(ppStkArray,dstIndex,dstPos); PushCurAndFollowing(ppStkArray,srcIndex,srcPos,dstIndex,dstPos); return 0; } int PileOver(Stack **ppStkArray,int srcIndex,int srcPos, int dstIndex,int dstPos) { PushCurAndFollowing(ppStkArray,srcIndex,srcPos,dstIndex,dstPos); return 0; } void PrintStack(Stack *pStk) { int i; for(i = 1; i <= pStk->top; i++) printf(" %d",pStk->array[i]); printf("\n"); } void PrintAllBlocks(Stack **ppStk, int blockNum) { int i; for(i = 0; i < blockNum; i++) { printf("%d:",i); PrintStack(ppStk[i]); } } int main(void) { Stack **ppStkArray; int n; int i,j; char str1[10],str2[10]; int srcData,dstData; int srcPos,dstPos; scanf("%d",&n); ppStkArray = malloc(n*sizeof(*ppStkArray)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { ppStkArray[i] = CreateStack(); Push(ppStkArray[i],i); } /* PrintAllBlocks(ppStkArray,n); printf("after popping %d\n",Pop(ppStkArray[2])); PrintAllBlocks(ppStkArray,n);*/ while(1) { scanf("%s",str1); if(strcmp(str1,"quit")==0) break; scanf("%d %s %d",&srcData,str2,&dstData); if(srcData == dstData) continue; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { srcPos = Find(ppStkArray[i],srcData); if(srcPos) break; } for(j = 0; j < n; j++) { dstPos = Find(ppStkArray[j],dstData); if(dstPos) break; } if(i == j) continue; else { if(strcmp(str1,"move") == 0 && strcmp(str2, "onto") == 0) MoveOnto(ppStkArray,i,srcPos,j,dstPos); else if(strcmp(str1,"move") == 0 && strcmp(str2, "over") == 0) MoveOver(ppStkArray,i,srcPos,j,dstPos); else if(strcmp(str1,"pile") == 0 && strcmp(str2, "onto") == 0) PileOnto(ppStkArray,i,srcPos,j,dstPos); else if(strcmp(str1,"pile") == 0 && strcmp(str2, "over") == 0) PileOver(ppStkArray,i,srcPos,j,dstPos); /*PrintAllBlocks(ppStkArray,n);*/ } } PrintAllBlocks(ppStkArray,n); return 0; }
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Code::Blocks是一款强大的开源集成开发环境(IDE),它支持多种编程语言,包括Frotran、C++和Python等。在本文中,我们将深入探讨Code::Blocks的特性、用途以及如何利用它来编辑、修改和应用Frotran语言。 首先,让...
The rotation game uses a # shaped board, which can hold 24 pieces of square blocks (see Fig.1). The blocks are marked with symbols 1, 2 and 3, with exactly 8 pieces of each kind.
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而`scratch-blocks`是Scratch项目的核心部分,它提供了用于构建代码块的可视化界面。这些代码块通过拖放方式组合,使得编程变得简单易懂,特别适合初学者。 `scratch-blocks-develop.zip`是一个压缩包,包含了已经...
Building Blocks.dotx为word2007的页码模板,亲测有效,安装方法百度下即可
### Code::Blocks:初学者的理想选择 #### 一、概览与重要性 Code::Blocks是一款功能强大且用户友好的开源集成开发环境(IDE),专为C和C++程序员设计,尤其是初学者。其跨平台特性使其在Windows、Linux和macOS上...
Building Blocks.dotx office 2007页码模板
Word 2007 无法插入页码,请下载Building Blocks进行更新模板。具体更新模板方法可以查看此链接http://www.360doc.com/content/11/0102/10/3731941_83304659.shtml
Built-In Building Blocks.dotx office2016 .