I had a vmware configuration on which I tried some experiment with
openSuSE 10.0 and since I didn’t needed it anymore, I wanted to reuse
it. After downloading the ISO images from novell, I mounted the iso
image and started installing. Unfortunately it didn’t worked as I
expected: the installer couldn’t find any harddisk. I tried a few
different solutions but none brought me what I was hoping for.
Finally I found some hints on the sysadmin rablings
I created a new vmware configuration with the suggested SCSI controller.
Since the configuration file of vmware (*.vmx) is just a text file, I
opened it with notepad++ and compared it with the configuration file of
the currently used vmware. This is the part which had my attention:
scsi0.present = "TRUE"
scsi0.virtualDev = "lsilogic"
Both configuration where using lsilogic scsi controller so I had to find
out which steps I had to take to use the other driver. With a little
creativity I had my new configuration five minutes later. I searched
for the virtualDev line in the new configuration file but I didn’t found
any. So I decided to remove the virtualDev line from original
configuration. After starting up, I got a warning about the changed
hardware and the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 installer found my
harddisk. I was happy. 
Just for the record: I was using a registred vmware workstation 5.5.9.
Maybe SLES 11 works correctly with vmware 6 but I didn’t tried it.
### VM下安装RedHat详细说明 #### 一、前言 本文将详细介绍如何在虚拟机VMware环境下安装Red Hat Linux 9.0操作系统,并通过图文并茂的方式展示整个安装过程,帮助读者更好地理解和掌握安装步骤。 #### 二、准备...
### 在VMware下安装RedHat Linux 9.0的关键步骤及注意事项 #### 一、准备工作与环境搭建 在正式开始安装RedHat Linux 9.0之前,需要确保已经正确安装了虚拟机软件VMware Workstation,并准备好RedHat Linux 9.0的...
### VM上安装RedHat Linux系统详细步骤 #### 一、前言 本文档旨在提供一套详细的指导方案,帮助用户在虚拟机(VM)环境中成功安装Red Hat Linux操作系统。本指南结合了作者个人的经验与多种资源的精华,适用于初次...
### VMware下安装Redhat5详细图解 #### 一、前言 在当前多样的操作系统环境中,Linux系统因其稳定性、安全性以及开源性等优势而受到众多用户的青睐。Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)作为一款广泛使用的Linux发行...
在本篇图文教程中,我们将深入探讨如何在虚拟机VM(Virtual Machine)中安装Red Hat Linux 9。Red Hat Linux,作为一个历史悠久且深受开发者喜爱的Linux发行版,为用户提供了一个强大的开源操作系统。而VMware则是一...
教程名称:VMware虚拟机安装RedHat Linux教程专题课程目录:【】RedHat企业版Linux5安装手册【】Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_5安装图解【】Red_Hat_Linux_9.0魔鬼式培训教程【】VMware_Workstation_9.0_及_RedHat9.0_...
**步骤1:** 进入Redhat Linux系统终端,执行`[root@redhat6work Desktop]# setup`命令,进入系统设置界面。 **步骤2:** 选择“Network configuration”(网络配置)选项。 **步骤3:** 选择“eth0(eth0) – AMD ...
完成后,将ISO文件复制到U盘根目录,以防止安装过程中出现"缺少ISO 9660图像"的错误。同时,将阵列卡驱动的.img文件也放入U盘。 安装步骤: 1. 启动服务器,按下F12键选择从U盘启动。 2. 在安装过程中,由于Red Hat...
### VMware-Tools在Red Hat 9下的安装方法详解 #### 一、概述 在使用虚拟化技术时,为了提升虚拟机的性能与用户体验,通常会安装一个名为VMware-Tools的软件包。本文将详细介绍如何在VM虚拟机的Red Hat 9操作系统...
Red Hat Linux是全世界应用最广泛的Linux的发行版本...安装RedHat系统的方法有很多种,我们主要介绍如何使用光盘安装RedHat系统。请根据实际应用环境做相应的选择及配置,此教程仅作为参考,如有错误之处请指正,谢谢!
### Redhat 6 安装 Telnet 详细指南 #### 一、Telnet 基础知识 **Telnet** 是一种基于TCP/IP协议的应用层协议,用于远程访问其他计算机系统。它允许用户通过网络连接到远程主机并执行命令,就像在本地终端上一样。...
8. **执行安装脚本**:在 `vmware-tools-distrib` 目录下,运行安装脚本 `sudo ./vmware-install.pl`。这个脚本会自动处理大部分安装过程。 9. **确认安装**:在安装过程中,当出现提示时,按回车键继续。直到提示 ...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何使用虚拟机软件VMware Workstation 7(简称VM7)安装Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4(简称Redhat4)操作系统。这个过程非常详细,旨在为初学者提供清晰的指南,使其能够轻松上手。 首先,...
REDHAT VMWare Oracle安装指南是一份详尽的教程,主要涵盖了如何在VMware虚拟化环境中安装Linux操作系统,特别是Redhat、CentOS、Fedora和Ubuntu等,以及如何在Linux系统中安装Oracle数据库,特别是Oracle RAC。...
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