1.避免重复原则(DRY - Don’t repeat yourself)
2.抽象原则(Abstraction Principle )
3.简单原则(Keep It Simple and Stupid )
4.避免创建你不要的代码 Avoid Creating a YAGNI (You aren’t going to need it)
5.尽可能做可运行的最简单的事(Do the simplest thing that could possibly work)
6.别让我思考(Don’t make me think )
这是Steve Krug一本书的标题,同时也和编程有关。所编写的代码一定要易于读易于理解,这样别人才会欣赏,也能够给你提出合理化的建议。相反,若是繁杂难解的程序,其他人总是会避而远之的。
7.开闭原则(Open/Closed Principle)
8.代码维护(Write Code for the Maintainer)
9.最小惊讶原则(Principle of least astonishment)
10.单一责任原则(Single Responsibility Principle)
11.低耦合原则(Minimize Coupling)
12.最大限度凝聚原则(Maximize Cohesion)
13.隐藏实现细节(Hide Implementation Details)
14.迪米特法则又叫作最少知识原则(Law of Demeter)
15.避免过早优化(Avoid Premature Optimization)
“过早的优化是一切罪恶的根源”——Donald Knuth
16.代码重用原则(Code Reuse is Good)
17.关注点分离(Separation of Concerns)
18.拥抱改变(Embrace Change)
这是Kent Beck一本书的标题,同时也被认为是极限编程和敏捷方法的宗旨。
作者简介:Christopher Diggins是加拿大一位有25年编程经验的资深技术人员,曾效力于Microsoft和Autodesk,并创办过两家赢利的互联网公司。
他是《C++ Cookbook》的作者之一,并自己编写了一门编程语言Heron。
Develop a System of Your Own This text offers an in-depth study on mastering the operating system, and provides an important prerequisite for designing a whole new operating system.
This book fully explains classes, data encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and exceptions with an emphasis on when you can use each principle to develop well-designed software.
In principle we might choose to describe the fluid by means of a set of func- tions of the various parcels. In other words, we might label each parcel by its coordinates at a given initial time, and ...
This can undermine the democratic principle of a free and pluralistic media landscape, as it hampers the exchange of diverse ideas and stifles alternative voices. In light of these concerns, it is ...
experiments of Communication Principle. It is a very powerful tool which has been used in many scientific areas. It consists of many toolboxes and blocksets and integrates them in a friendly ...
* Design a security plan for SharePoint 2010 based on the principle of least-privilege * Create an authentication plan for SharePoint 2010 that meets the business requirements * Create a corporate ...
Based on the principle of teaching by example, this book guides the reader through an extensive set of image processing, registration and segmentation methods implemented with the Insight Toolkit....
Meet the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle of software coding for your web development projects by avoiding code duplication Shorten the debugging time of complex CSS code with Less for specific ...
This third edition of Python 3 Object-Oriented Programming fully explains classes, data encapsulation, and exceptions with an emphasis on when you can use each principle to develop well-designed ...
To combat these issues, it's crucial for students to develop a strong sense of responsibility towards environmental protection and economy. They should be educated about the global food crisis and the...
On the other hand, the ultrasonic sensor, operating on the principle of sound wave reflection, is employed in the obstacle avoidance module. It sends out high-frequency sound waves, which bounce off ...
Explore the design principles that form the basis of software design, such as loose coupling, the Hollywood principle and the Open Close principle among others Delve into the object-oriented ...
data encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and exceptions with an emphasis on when you can use each principle to develop well-designed software.With a good foundation of Python you ...
You will understand the dependency injection pattern, which is the main principle behind the decoupling process of the Spring Framework and makes it easier to manage your code. Then, you will learn ...
Get started with a quick overview of the principle concepts and techniques needed for making 2D games with Unity, and then dive straight in to practical development. Build your own version of Super ...