
How to install a .run file on Ubuntu


chmod +x ***.run


    Beginning Ubuntu Linux Part1

    You’ll also learn how to use Evolution, Ubuntu’s e-mail program, and how to run Microsoft Office under Ubuntu. Part 7 carries on from Part 4, taking an even more in-depth look at the underlying ...

    Beginning Ubuntu Linux Part2

    You’ll also learn how to use Evolution, Ubuntu’s e-mail program, and how to run Microsoft Office under Ubuntu. Part 7 carries on from Part 4, taking an even more in-depth look at the underlying ...


    To compile x265 you must first install Mercurial (or TortoiseHg on Windows) and CMake. Then follow these easy steps: (for the most definitive instructions, consult our build README) Linux ...


    on Ubuntu run: ```sh sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev ``` #### Disable Hunter If you want to install dependencies yourself or use system package manager you can disable Hunter by adding [-...


    Instructions how to compile and use C++ RTMP Server (a.k.a crtmpserver) Requirements: * GCC and other C++ tools * SVN * libdl, libssl, libcrypto (make sure you have the "devel" packages of libdl, ssl...

    Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook.pdf

    This chapter explains how to create complete working programs that can be run on client computers that do not have Python installed. Chapter 2, Drawing Fundamental Shapes: This shows how to create ...

    hydra 7.2 win32

    Run against a SuSE Linux 7.2 on localhost with a "-C FILE" containing 295 entries (294 tries invalid logins, 1 valid). Every test was run three times (only for "1 task" just once), and the average ...

    deep q_learning

    If you want to run the examples, you'll also have to install `gym` by OpenAI. Please refer to [their installation instructions](https://github.com/openai/gym#installation). It's quite easy and works ...

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