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David Cutler


David Cutler

David N. Cutler, Sr. is a Technical Fellow at Microsoft. Currently responsible for the design of the 64-bit release of the Windows Operating System, Cutler is generally considered one of the top programmers worldwide. After arriving at Microsoft in 1988, he launched the Windows NT group and has since then led the development of three major releases of the product. In addition to leading the Windows 2000 team, Cutler contributed to the architecture of all parts of the system, and even wrote the kernel himself.

Before joining Microsoft, Cutler worked at DEC, where he designed and delivered several successful operating systems, including VAX/VMS, RSX-11M and VAXELN.

In recognition of his significant contributions to the field, Cutler was awarded membership in the National Academy of Engineering in 1993. Originally from Dewitt, Michigan, he holds over 20 patents and is affiliate professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Washington.

From : http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/exec/techfellow/cutler/default.mspx

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    Windows Research Kernel - Design Notes (David Cutler et al, 1989)-计算机科学

    Author: David N. Cutler Original Draft 1.0, February 9, 1989 Revision 1.2, March 30, 1989Windows NT Alerts Design Note 2Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Use subject to the Windows Research ...

    Oral History of David Cutler - Computer History Museum - Feb 25 2016 (102717163-05-01-acc)-计算机科学

    Oral History of David CutlerInterviewed by: ... Trustee at the Computer History Museum, here with Dave Cutler in hisliving room in Bellevue, on a beautiful Seattle day. Nice weather, for a change.

    《Show Stopper!: The Breakneck Race to Create Windows NT and the Next Generation at Microsoft by G. Pascal Zachary》

    书中的关键人物包括比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)、史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer,微软当时的CEO)、大卫·卡特勒(David Cutler,被誉为NT内核之父)、马克·卢科夫斯基(Mark Lucovsky,后来加盟谷歌)以及路易·...


    NT系统的开发始于1980年代末,由微软的高级工程师们领导,包括查尔斯·西蒙尼(Charles Simonyi)和大卫·卡特勒(David Cutler)等关键人物。他们借鉴了VMS(DEC公司的操作系统)的设计理念,构建了一个面向对象的...


    尤其是第四版中包含的David Cutler撰写的序言,更是增加了本书的权威性和深度。对于希望在Windows平台上进行开发的人来说,这本书是必读之作。 2. **《Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model》(第2版)*...


    NT项目的成功不仅仅在于技术上的创新,更在于团队领导者卡特勒(David Cutler)的领导力和激励能力,以及团队成员的不懈努力。 Windows NT的开发过程中充斥着对最后期限的抗争、与竞争对手的激烈较量,以及与...


    1. **Windows NT的起源**:1988年,微软聘请了操作系统大师David Cutler,后者曾主导开发了DEC的VMS操作系统。 2. **Windows NT的发展历程**:从1993年的Windows NT 3.1,到1994年的Windows NT 3.5,再到1995年的...


    - **1988年**:微软聘请操作系统专家David Cutler,为开发下一代网络操作系统做准备。 - **1993年**:Windows NT 3.1发布,标志着微软首个快速处理和丰富界面的32位操作系统的诞生。 - **1994年**:Windows NT ...


    1. **1988年**:微软聘请了操作系统大师David Cutler,他曾在80年代设计出著名的VMS操作系统,为DEC公司带来了领导地位。 2. **1993年**:Windows NT 3.1发布,这是微软首款具备快速处理能力和丰富界面的32位操作...


    在Windows NT项目中,Cutler坚持频繁的构建策略,即“eat the dog food”(吃自己的狗粮),让开发者在开发过程中就使用自己编写的软件,以尽早发现并解决问题,确保产品质量。 #### 微软的企业文化 本书还展现了...

    show stopper

    - **核心人物**:David N. Cutler,作为项目的领导者,他对于项目的推进有着极其严谨的态度。Cutler坚持频繁构建(Build)操作系统,以便团队可以及时发现并解决问题。 - **构建(Build)概念**:在软件开发中,构建...


    这一章节介绍了主角David N. Cutler,他是一位以严格标准和高效执行力著称的程序员。Cutler的"Code Warrior"精神体现在他对代码质量的执着追求和对进度的严格把控,他相信频繁的代码构建是确保软件质量的关键。 2....

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