This next section does not apply to web applications (in case the title of this section did not make that abundantly clear). Spring's web-based ApplicationContext implementations already have code in place to handle shutting down the Spring IoC container gracefully when the relevant web application is being shutdown.
If you are using Spring's IoC container in a non-web application environment, for example in a rich client desktop environment, and you want the container to shutdown gracefully and call the relevant destroy callbacks on your singleton beans, you will need to register a shutdown hook with the JVM. This is quite easy to do (see below), and will ensure that your Spring IoC container shuts down gracefully and that all resources held by your singletons are released (of course it is still up to you to both configure the destroy callbacks for your singletons and implement such destroy callbacks correctly).
So to register a shutdown hook that enables the graceful shutdown of the relevant Spring IoC container, you simply need to call the registerShutdownHook() method that is declared on the AbstractApplicationContext class. To wit...
import org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
public final class Boot {
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
AbstractApplicationContext ctx
= new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String []{"beans.xml"});
// add a shutdown hook for the above context...
// app runs here...
// main method exits, hook is called prior to the app shutting down...
4.1. Introduction to the Spring IoC container and beans .............................................. 22 4.2. Container overview .........................................................................
4.1. Introduction to the Spring IoC container and beans .............................................. 22 4.2. Container overview .........................................................................
"STLink.zip"这个压缩包提供的文件显然是为了帮助开发者解决STM32调试过程中遇到的问题,特别是针对"cannot access target shutting down debug session"这一错误。 "cannot access target shutting down debug ...
This driver is also responsible for detecting non-Plug and Play 1540 SCSI controllers—the Plug and Play controllers are detected by the operating system—and for shutting down the controller during ...
在Linux系统中,CentOS 7使用XFS文件系统可能会遇到一种特定的错误:“Corruption of in-memory data detected”。这个错误通常表示系统检测到了内存中的数据损坏,这可能是因为不正常关机、硬件故障或者软件问题...
2.4 Shutting Down ............................................................................................................... 18 3 Writing a UPnP Control Point........................................
Tricks of the Windows video Game Programming <br>PART I Windows Programming Foundations 7 1 Journey into the Abyss 9 A Little History.............................................................
Reduction in Development Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 User Interface Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Updating. . ...
No longer shutting down the application on error. Instead, closing and destroying the client and re-creating it. Sleeping on error before re-creating client and continuing to process Deal with thread-...
Shutting down the application 139. Fetching application information 140 7.2 Connecting to the Actuator remote shell 141 Viewing the autoconfig report 142. Listing application beans 143 Watching ...
- Fix: invalid encoding of non-ascii urls in web seeds - Fix: uTP fix when receiving acks for old packets - Fix: uTP variable packet size bug - Change: link to EULA in installer - Change: added knob ...
在IT领域,文字转换语音(Text-to-Speech, TTS)技术是一种将文本数据转化为可听见的音频输出的重要工具。这种技术广泛应用于各种场景,包括有声读物、辅助技术(帮助视障人士)、自动语音播报系统、智能助手以及...
The dispersive Fourier transform (DFT) technique opens a fascinating pathway to explore ultrafast non-repetitive events and has been employed to study the build-up process of mode-locked lasers....
- Hot-plug capability allows for easy installation and removal of devices without shutting down the system. **Cabling and Connectors:** - **Advantages:** - Thinner and more flexible cables improve ...
此外,还有一些直接导致计算中止的错误,例如 xxxx is not a valid in ABAQUS/Standard、missing property、Detected lock file 等问题。这些问题需要仔细分析,以确定问题的原因和解决方法。 ABAQUS 模拟出现问题...
在本文中,我们主要探讨了在使用Spring Session以及Redis作为存储方式时,由于消息监听导致创建大量线程的问题及其解决方案。我们将从Spring Session的基础知识、Redis在Spring Session中的作用、监听机制导致线程...
这是因为系统镜像文件未完全加载成功,且开始执行"Starting Cleaning Up and Shutting Down Daemons."守护程序时,出现网络不稳定现象,则导致守护程序执行失败打印,以及系统 halt。 四、解决方案 为了解决该问题...
Table of Contents Chapter 1: ...Shutting Down the VSA ....................................................................................... 90 Conclusion ......................................
1. **Shutting down the impaired controller**:在更换RTC电池之前,首先需要安全关闭受影响的控制器。这可能涉及到将系统的工作负载转移到另一个健康的控制器,以避免数据丢失或系统中断。 2. **Shutting down ...