
that seems like enough


1. That seems like enough.


2. We often get the middle of an algorithm right but misjudge the boundaries.


3. They lose their trust in the original author and must fall back on reading the details of the


4. Turning off failing tests and telling yourself you’ll get them to pass later is as bad as
pretending your credit cards are free money.


5. Every time you see duplication in the code, it represents a missed opportunity for


6. It frees you from the constraint of doing type-oriented things only at compile time


7. The modest work that it entails
will be paid back with interest the first time a validity check fails.


8. and it increases your confidence that your program is behaving as you intended.


9. If, however, you ignore
unchecked warnings that you know to be safe (instead of suppressing them), you
won’t notice when a new warning crops up that represents a real problem. The
new warning will get lost amidst all the false alarms that you didn’t silence.


10. If this were possible, a script placed on any website you open would be able to read information
on your bank account if you had the account page opened on other tab. This is called XSS (Cross-site


11. you are strongly suggested to make a habit out of using them, so as to get the most out of your
Linux experience from the very beginning.


12. Here is where the beauty of the symbolic link comes in.


13. As we have seen, many commands such as ls print their output on the display. This does not have to be the case, however.


14. By connecting commands together, you can acomplish amazing feats.


15. In most ways, the permissions scheme for directories works the same way as they do with files.







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