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/* Copyright 2007 You may not modify, use, reproduce, or distribute this software except in compliance with the terms of the License at: http://developer.sun.com/berkeley_license.html $Id: XmlHttpProxy.java 2660 2008-10-29 14:40:28Z heiko.braun@jboss.com $ */ package jmaki.xhp; /* Copyright 2007 You may not modify, use, reproduce, or distribute this software except in compliance with the terms of the License at: http://developer.sun.com/berkeley_license.html $Id: XmlHttpProxy.java 2660 2008-10-29 14:40:28Z heiko.braun@jboss.com $ */ import java.io.*; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.*; import javax.xml.transform.*; import javax.xml.transform.stream.*; import org.json.*; public class XmlHttpProxy { public static String GET = "GET"; public static String POST = "POST"; public static String DELETE = "DELETE"; public static String PUT = "PUT"; private String userName = null; private String password = null; private static Logger logger; private String proxyHost = ""; int proxyPort = -1; private JSONObject config; private static String USAGE = "Usage: -url service_URL -id service_key [-url or -id required] -xslurl xsl_url [optional] -format json|xml [optional] -callback[optional] -config [optional] -resources base_directory_containing XSL stylesheets [optional]"; public XmlHttpProxy() {} public XmlHttpProxy(String proxyHost, int proxyPort) { this.proxyHost = proxyHost; this.proxyPort = proxyPort; } public XmlHttpProxy(String proxyHost, int proxyPort, String userName, String password) { this.proxyHost = proxyHost; this.proxyPort = proxyPort; this.userName = userName; this.password = password; } /** * This method will go out and make the call and it will apply an XSLT Transformation with the * set of parameters provided. * * @param urlString - The URL which you are looking up * @param out - The OutputStream to which the resulting document is written * @param xslInputStream - An input Stream to an XSL style sheet that is provided to the XSLT processor. If set to null there will be no transformation * @param paramsMap - A Map of parameters that are feed to the XSLT Processor. These params may be used when generating content. This may be set to null if no parameters are necessary. * @param method - The HTTP method used. * */ public void processRequest(String urlString, OutputStream out, InputStream xslInputStream, Map paramsMap, Map headers, String method, String userName, String password) throws IOException, MalformedURLException { doProcess(urlString, out, xslInputStream, paramsMap, headers,method, null,null, userName,password); } /** * This method will go out and make the call and it will apply an XSLT Transformation with the * set of parameters provided. * * @param urlString - The URL which you are looking up * @param out - The OutputStream to which the resulting document is written * */ public void doPost(String urlString, OutputStream out, InputStream xslInputStream, Map paramsMap, Map headers, String postData, String postContentType, String userName, String password) throws IOException, MalformedURLException { doProcess(urlString, out, xslInputStream, paramsMap, headers, XmlHttpProxy.POST, postData, postContentType, userName, password); } /** * This method will go out and make the call and it will apply an XSLT Transformation with the * set of parameters provided. * * @param urlString - The URL which you are looking up * @param out - The OutputStream to which the resulting document is written * @param xslInputStream - An input Stream to an XSL style sheet that is provided to the XSLT processor. If set to null there will be no transformation * @param paramsMap - A Map of parameters that are feed to the XSLT Processor. These params may be used when generating content. This may be set to null if no parameters are necessary. * @param method - the HTTP method used. * @param postData - A String of the bodyContent to be posted. A doPost will be used if this is parameter is not null. * @param postContentType - The request contentType used when posting data. Will not be set if this parameter is null. * @param userName - userName used for basic authorization * @param password - password used for basic authorization */ public void doProcess(String urlString, OutputStream out, InputStream xslInputStream, Map paramsMap, Map headers, String method, String postData, String postContentType, String userName, String password) throws IOException, MalformedURLException { if (paramsMap == null) { paramsMap = new HashMap(); } String format = (String)paramsMap.get("format"); if (format == null) { format = "xml"; } InputStream in = null; BufferedOutputStream os = null; HttpClient httpclient = null; if (userName != null && password != null) { httpclient = new HttpClient(proxyHost, proxyPort, urlString, headers, method, userName, password); } else { httpclient = new HttpClient(proxyHost, proxyPort, urlString, headers, method); } // post data determines whether we are going to do a get or a post if (postData == null) { in = httpclient.getInputStream(); } else { in = httpclient.doPost(postData, postContentType); } if(null==in) { throw new IOException("Failed to open input stream"); } // read the encoding from the incoming document and default to UTF-8 // if an encoding is not provided String ce = httpclient.getContentEncoding(); if (ce == null) { String ct = httpclient.getContentType(); if (ct != null) { int idx = ct.lastIndexOf("charset="); if (idx >= 0) { ce = ct.substring(idx+8); } else { ce = "UTF-8"; } } else { ce = "UTF-8"; } } // get the content type String cType = null; // write out the content type //http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt if (format.equals("json")) { cType = "application/json;charset="+ce; } else { cType = "text/xml;charset="+ce; } try { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read = 0; if (xslInputStream == null) { while (true) { read = in.read(buffer); if (read <= 0) break; out.write(buffer, 0, read ); } } else { transform(in, xslInputStream, paramsMap, out, ce); } } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxy transformation error: " + e); } finally { try { if (in != null) { in.close(); } if (out != null) { out.flush(); out.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } } } /** * Do the XSLT transformation */ public void transform( InputStream xmlIS, InputStream xslIS, Map params, OutputStream result, String encoding) { try { TransformerFactory trFac = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = trFac.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xslIS)); Iterator it = params.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String)it.next(); transformer.setParameter(key, (String)params.get(key)); } transformer.setOutputProperty("encoding", encoding); transformer.transform(new StreamSource(xmlIS), new StreamResult(result)); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxy: Exception with xslt " + e); } } /** * * CLI to the XmlHttpProxy */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, MalformedURLException { getLogger().info("XmlHttpProxy 1.8"); XmlHttpProxy xhp = new XmlHttpProxy(); if (args.length == 0) { System.out.println(USAGE); } String method = XmlHttpProxy.GET; InputStream xslInputStream = null; String serviceKey = null; String urlString = null; String xslURLString = null; String format = "xml"; String callback = null; String urlParams = null; String configURLString = "xhp.json"; String resourceBase = "file:src/conf/META-INF/resources/xsl/"; String username = null; String password = null; // read in the arguments int index = 0; while (index < args.length) { if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-url") && index + 1 < args.length) { urlString = args[++index]; } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-key") && index + 1 < args.length) { serviceKey = args[++index]; } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-id") && index + 1 < args.length) { serviceKey = args[++index]; } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-callback") && index + 1 < args.length) { callback = args[++index]; } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-xslurl") && index + 1 < args.length) { xslURLString = args[++index]; } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-method") && index + 1 < args.length) { method = args[++index]; } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-username") && index + 1 < args.length) { username = args[++index]; } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-password") && index + 1 < args.length) { password = args[++index]; } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-urlparams") && index + 1 < args.length) { urlParams = args[++index]; } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-config") && index + 1 < args.length) { configURLString = args[++index]; } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-resources") && index + 1 < args.length) { resourceBase = args[++index]; } index++; } if (serviceKey != null) { try { InputStream is = (new URL(configURLString)).openStream(); JSONObject services = loadServices(is); JSONObject service = services.getJSONObject(serviceKey); // default to the service default if no url parameters are specified if (urlParams == null && service.has("defaultURLParams")) { urlParams = service.getString("defaultURLParams"); } String serviceURL = service.getString("url"); // build the URL properly if (urlParams != null && serviceURL.indexOf("?") == -1){ serviceURL += "?"; } else if (urlParams != null){ serviceURL += "&"; } String apiKey = ""; if (service.has("apikey")) apiKey = service.getString("apikey"); urlString = serviceURL + apiKey + "&" + urlParams; if (service.has("xslStyleSheet")) { xslURLString = service.getString("xslStyleSheet"); // check if the url is correct of if to load from the classpath } } catch (Exception ex) { getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxy Error loading service: " + ex); System.exit(1); } } else if (urlString == null) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(1); } // The parameters are feed to the XSL Stylsheet during transformation. // These parameters can provided data or conditional information. Map paramsMap = new HashMap(); if (format != null) { paramsMap.put("format", format); } if (callback != null) { paramsMap.put("callback", callback); } if (xslURLString != null) { URL xslURL = new URL(xslURLString); if (xslURL != null) { xslInputStream = xslURL.openStream(); } else { getLogger().severe("Error: Unable to locate XSL at URL " + xslURLString); } } xhp.processRequest(urlString, System.out, xslInputStream, paramsMap, null, method, username, password); } public static Logger getLogger() { if (logger == null) { logger = Logger.getLogger("jmaki.xhp.Log"); } return logger; } public static JSONObject loadServices(InputStream is) { JSONObject config = null; JSONObject services = new JSONObject(); try { config = loadJSONObject(is).getJSONObject("xhp"); JSONArray sA = config.getJSONArray("services"); for (int l=0; l < sA.length(); l++) { JSONObject value = sA.getJSONObject(l); String key = value.getString("id"); services.put(key,value); } } catch (Exception ex) { getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxy error loading services." + ex); } return services; } public static JSONObject loadJSONObject(InputStream in) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = null; try { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read = 0; out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while (true) { read = in.read(buffer); if (read <= 0) break; out.write(buffer, 0, read ); } return new JSONObject(out.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxy error reading in json " + e); } finally { try { if (in != null) { in.close(); } if (out != null) { out.flush(); out.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } return null; } }
/* Copyright 2007 You may not modify, use, reproduce, or distribute this software except in compliance with the terms of the License at: http://developer.sun.com/berkeley_license.html $Id: XmlHttpProxyServlet.java 2660 2008-10-29 14:40:28Z heiko.braun@jboss.com $ */ package jmaki.xhp; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.util.logging.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import org.json.*; /** XmlHttpProxyServlet * @author Greg Murray */ public class XmlHttpProxyServlet extends HttpServlet { public static String REMOTE_USER = "REMOTE_USER"; private static String XHP_LAST_MODIFIED = "xhp_last_modified_key"; private static String XHP_CONFIG = "xhp.json"; private static boolean allowXDomain = false; private static boolean requireSession = false; private static boolean createSession = false; private static String responseContentType = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"; private static boolean rDebug = false; private Logger logger = null; private XmlHttpProxy xhp = null; private ServletContext ctx; private JSONObject services = null; private String resourcesDir = "/resources/"; private String classpathResourcesDir = "/META-INF/resources/"; private String headerToken = "jmaki-"; private String testToken = "xtest-"; public XmlHttpProxyServlet() { if (rDebug) { logger = getLogger(); } } public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); ctx = config.getServletContext(); // set the response content type if (ctx.getInitParameter("responseContentType") != null) { responseContentType = ctx.getInitParameter("responseContentType"); } // allow for resources dir over-ride at the xhp level otherwise allow // for the jmaki level resources if (ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-xhp-resources") != null) { resourcesDir = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-xhp-resources"); } else if (ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-resources") != null) { resourcesDir = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-resources"); } // allow for resources dir over-ride if (ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-classpath-resources") != null) { classpathResourcesDir = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-classpath-resources"); } String requireSessionString = ctx.getInitParameter("requireSession"); if (requireSessionString == null) requireSessionString = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-requireSession"); if (requireSessionString != null) { if ("false".equals(requireSessionString)) { requireSession = false; getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. Session requirement disabled."); } else if ("true".equals(requireSessionString)) { requireSession = true; getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. Session requirement enabled."); } } String xdomainString = ctx.getInitParameter("allowXDomain"); if (xdomainString == null) xdomainString = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-allowXDomain"); if (xdomainString != null) { if ("true".equals(xdomainString)) { allowXDomain = true; getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. xDomain access is enabled."); } else if ("false".equals(xdomainString)) { allowXDomain = false; getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. xDomain access is disabled."); } } String createSessionString = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-createSession"); if (createSessionString != null) { if ("true".equals(createSessionString)) { createSession = true; getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. create session is enabled."); } else if ("false".equals(xdomainString)) { createSession = false; getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. create session is disabled."); } } // if there is a proxyHost and proxyPort specified create an HttpClient with the proxy String proxyHost = ctx.getInitParameter("proxyHost"); String proxyPortString = ctx.getInitParameter("proxyPort"); if (proxyHost != null && proxyPortString != null) { int proxyPort = 8080; try { proxyPort= new Integer(proxyPortString).intValue(); xhp = new XmlHttpProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization error. The proxyPort must be a number"); throw new ServletException("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization error. The proxyPort must be a number"); } } else { xhp = new XmlHttpProxy(); } } private void getServices(HttpServletResponse res) { InputStream is = null; try { URL url = ctx.getResource(resourcesDir + XHP_CONFIG); // use classpath if not found locally. //if (url == null) url = XmlHttpProxyServlet.class.getResource(classpathResourcesDir + XHP_CONFIG); if (url == null) url = XmlHttpProxyServlet.class.getResource(XHP_CONFIG); // same package is = url.openStream(); } catch (Exception ex) { try { getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet error loading xhp.json : " + ex); PrintWriter writer = res.getWriter(); writer.write("XmlHttpProxyServlet Error: Error loading xhp.json. Make sure it is available in the /resources directory of your applicaton."); writer.flush(); } catch (Exception iox) {} } services = xhp.loadServices(is); } public void doDelete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { doProcess(req,res, XmlHttpProxy.DELETE); } public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { doProcess(req,res, XmlHttpProxy.GET); } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { doProcess(req,res, XmlHttpProxy.POST); } public void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { doProcess(req,res, XmlHttpProxy.PUT); } public void doProcess(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, String method) { boolean isPost = XmlHttpProxy.POST.equals(method); StringBuffer bodyContent = null; OutputStream out = null; PrintWriter writer = null; String serviceKey = null; try { BufferedReader in = req.getReader(); String line = null; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (bodyContent == null) bodyContent = new StringBuffer(); bodyContent.append(line); } } catch (Exception e) { } try { HttpSession session = null; // it really does not make sense to use create session with require session as // the create session will always result in a session created and the requireSession // will always succeed. Leaving the logic for now. if (createSession) { session = req.getSession(true); } if (requireSession) { // check to see if there was a session created for this request // if not assume it was from another domain and blow up // Wrap this to prevent Portlet exeptions session = req.getSession(false); if (session == null) { res.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return; } } serviceKey = req.getParameter("id"); // only to preven regressions - Remove before 1.0 if (serviceKey == null) serviceKey = req.getParameter("key"); // check if the services have been loaded or if they need to be reloaded if (services == null || configUpdated()) { getServices(res); } String urlString = null; String xslURLString = null; String userName = null; String password = null; String format = "json"; String callback = req.getParameter("callback"); String urlParams = req.getParameter("urlparams"); String countString = req.getParameter("count"); boolean passthrough = false; // encode the url to prevent spaces from being passed along if (urlParams != null) { urlParams = urlParams.replace(' ', '+'); } // get the headers to pass through Map headers = null; // Forward all request headers starting with the header token jmaki- // and chop off the jmaki- Enumeration hnum = req.getHeaderNames(); // test hack while (hnum.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String)hnum.nextElement(); if (name.startsWith(headerToken)) { if (headers == null) headers = new HashMap(); String value = ""; // handle multi-value headers Enumeration vnum = req.getHeaders(name); while (vnum.hasMoreElements()) { value += (String)vnum.nextElement(); if (vnum.hasMoreElements()) value += ";"; } String sname = name.substring(headerToken.length(), name.length()); headers.put(sname,value); } else if(name.startsWith(testToken)) { // hack test capabilities for authentication if("xtest-user".equals(name)) userName = req.getHeader("xtest-user"); if("xtest-pass".equals(name)) password = req.getHeader("xtest-pass"); } } try { String actualServiceKey = serviceKey != null ? serviceKey : "default"; if (services.has(actualServiceKey)) { JSONObject service = services.getJSONObject(actualServiceKey); String serviceURL = service.getString("url"); if(null==serviceURL) throw new IllegalArgumentException("xhp.json: service url is mising"); if (service.has("passthrough")) passthrough = Boolean.valueOf(service.getString("passthrough")); if (service.has("username")) userName = service.getString("username"); if (service.has("password")) password = service.getString("password"); String apikey = ""; if (service.has("apikey")) apikey = service.getString("apikey"); if (service.has("xslStyleSheet")) xslURLString = service.getString("xslStyleSheet"); // default to the service default if no url parameters are specified if(!passthrough) { if (urlParams == null && service.has("defaultURLParams")) { urlParams = service.getString("defaultURLParams"); } // build the URL if (urlParams != null && serviceURL.indexOf("?") == -1){ serviceURL += "?"; } else if (urlParams != null) { serviceURL += "&"; } urlString = serviceURL + apikey; if (urlParams != null) urlString += "&" + urlParams; } if(passthrough) { // override service url and url params String path = req.getPathInfo(); path = path.substring(path.indexOf("xhp/")+3, path.length()); urlString = serviceURL + path + "?" + req.getQueryString(); } } else { writer = res.getWriter(); if (serviceKey == null) writer.write("XmlHttpProxyServlet Error: id parameter specifying serivce required."); else writer.write("XmlHttpProxyServlet Error : service for id '" + serviceKey + "' not found."); writer.flush(); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet Error loading service: " + ex); res.setStatus(500); } Map paramsMap = new HashMap(); paramsMap.put("format", format); // do not allow for xdomain unless the context level setting is enabled. if (callback != null && allowXDomain) { paramsMap.put("callback", callback); } if (countString != null) { paramsMap.put("count", countString); } InputStream xslInputStream = null; if (urlString == null) { writer = res.getWriter(); writer.write("XmlHttpProxyServlet parameters: id[Required] urlparams[Optional] format[Optional] callback[Optional]"); writer.flush(); return; } // support for session properties and also authentication name if (urlString.indexOf("${") != -1) { urlString = processURL(urlString, req, res); } // default to JSON res.setContentType(responseContentType); out = res.getOutputStream(); // get the stream for the xsl stylesheet if (xslURLString != null) { // check the web root for the resource URL xslURL = null; xslURL = ctx.getResource(resourcesDir + "xsl/"+ xslURLString); // if not in the web root check the classpath if (xslURL == null) { xslURL = XmlHttpProxyServlet.class.getResource(classpathResourcesDir + "xsl/" + xslURLString); } if (xslURL != null) { xslInputStream = xslURL.openStream(); } else { String message = "Could not locate the XSL stylesheet provided for service id " + serviceKey + ". Please check the XMLHttpProxy configuration."; getLogger().severe(message); res.setStatus(500); try { out.write(message.getBytes()); out.flush(); return; } catch (java.io.IOException iox){ } } } if (!isPost) { xhp.processRequest(urlString, out, xslInputStream, paramsMap, headers, method, userName, password); } else { final String content = bodyContent != null ? bodyContent.toString() : ""; if (bodyContent == null) getLogger().info("XmlHttpProxyServlet attempting to post to url " + urlString + " with no body content"); xhp.doPost(urlString, out, xslInputStream, paramsMap, headers, content, req.getContentType(), userName, password); } } catch (Exception iox) { iox.printStackTrace(); getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: caught " + iox); res.setStatus(500); /*try { writer = res.getWriter(); writer.write("XmlHttpProxyServlet error loading service for " + serviceKey + " . Please notify the administrator."); writer.flush(); } catch (java.io.IOException ix) { ix.printStackTrace(); }*/ return; } finally { try { if (out != null) out.close(); if (writer != null) writer.close(); } catch (java.io.IOException iox){} } } /* Allow for a EL style replacements in the serviceURL * * The constant REMOTE_USER will replace the contents of ${REMOTE_USER} * with the return value of request.getRemoteUserver() if it is not null * otherwise the ${REMOTE_USER} is replaced with a blank. * * If you use ${session.somekey} the ${session.somekey} will be replaced with * the String value of the session varialble somekey or blank if the session key * does not exist. * */ private String processURL(String url, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { String serviceURL = url; int start = url.indexOf("${"); int end = url.indexOf("}", start); if (end != -1) { String prop = url.substring(start + 2, end).trim(); // no matter what we will remove the ${} // default to blank like the JSP EL String replace = ""; if (REMOTE_USER.equals(prop)) { if (req.getRemoteUser() != null) replace = req.getRemoteUser(); } if (prop.toLowerCase().startsWith("session.")) { String sessionKey = prop.substring("session.".length(), prop.length()); if (req.getSession().getAttribute(sessionKey) != null) { // force to a string replace = req.getSession().getAttribute(sessionKey).toString(); } } serviceURL = serviceURL.substring(0, start) + replace + serviceURL.substring(end + 1, serviceURL.length()); } // call recursively to process more than one instance of a ${ in the serviceURL if (serviceURL.indexOf("${") != -1) serviceURL = processURL(serviceURL, req, res); return serviceURL; } /** * Check to see if the configuration file has been updated so that it may be reloaded. */ private boolean configUpdated() { try { URL url = ctx.getResource(resourcesDir + XHP_CONFIG); URLConnection con; if (url == null) return false ; con = url.openConnection(); long lastModified = con.getLastModified(); long XHP_LAST_MODIFIEDModified = 0; if (ctx.getAttribute(XHP_LAST_MODIFIED) != null) { XHP_LAST_MODIFIEDModified = ((Long)ctx.getAttribute(XHP_LAST_MODIFIED)).longValue(); } else { ctx.setAttribute(XHP_LAST_MODIFIED, new Long(lastModified)); return false; } if (XHP_LAST_MODIFIEDModified < lastModified) { ctx.setAttribute(XHP_LAST_MODIFIED, new Long(lastModified)); return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet error checking configuration: " + ex); } return false; } public Logger getLogger() { if (logger == null) { logger = Logger.getLogger("jmaki.services.xhp.Log"); } return logger; } private void logMessage(String message) { if (rDebug) { getLogger().info(message); } } }
/* Copyright 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. You may not modify, use, reproduce, or distribute this software except in compliance with the terms of the License at: http://developer.sun.com/berkeley_license.html $Id: HttpClient.java 2631 2008-10-27 17:25:05Z heiko.braun@jboss.com $ */package jmaki.xhp; import java.io.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Iterator; import java.net.*; import java.util.logging.*; import java.security.Security; /** * @author Yutaka Yoshida, Greg Murray * * Minimum set of HTTPclient supporting both http and https. * It's aslo capable of POST, but it doesn't provide doGet because * the caller can just read the inputstream. */ public class HttpClient { private static Logger logger; private String proxyHost = null; private int proxyPort = -1; private boolean isHttps = false; private boolean isProxy = false; private HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null; private Map headers; /** * @param phost PROXY host name * @param pport PROXY port string * @param url URL string * @param headers Map */ public HttpClient( String phost, int pport, String url, Map headers, String method) throws MalformedURLException { if (phost != null && pport != -1) { this.isProxy = true; } this.proxyHost = phost; this.proxyPort = pport; if (url.trim().startsWith("https:")) { isHttps = true; } this.urlConnection = getURLConnection(url); try { this.urlConnection.setRequestMethod(method); } catch (java.net.ProtocolException pe) { HttpClient.getLogger().severe("Unable protocol method to " + method + " : " + pe); } this.headers = headers; // seat headers if (headers != null) { Iterator it = headers.keySet().iterator(); if (it != null) { while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String)it.next(); String value = (String)headers.get(key); this.urlConnection.setRequestProperty (key, value); } } } } /** * @param phost PROXY host name * @param pport PROXY port string * @param url URL string * @param headers Map * @param userName string * @param password string */ public HttpClient(String phost, int pport, String url, Map headers, String method, String userName, String password) throws MalformedURLException { try { if (phost != null && pport != -1) { this.isProxy = true; } this.proxyHost = phost; this.proxyPort = pport; if (url.trim().startsWith("https:")) { isHttps = true; } this.urlConnection = getURLConnection(url); try { this.urlConnection.setRequestMethod(method); } catch (java.net.ProtocolException pe) { HttpClient.getLogger().severe("Unable protocol method to " + method + " : " + pe); } // set basic authentication information String auth = userName + ":" + password; String encoded = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode (auth.getBytes()); // set basic authorization this.urlConnection.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded); this.headers = headers; // seat headers if (headers != null) { Iterator it = headers.entrySet().iterator(); if (it != null) { while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String)it.next(); String value = (String)headers.get(key); this.urlConnection.setRequestProperty (key, value); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { HttpClient.getLogger().severe("Unable to set basic authorization for " + userName + " : " +ex); } } /** * private method to get the URLConnection * @param str URL string */ private HttpURLConnection getURLConnection(String str) throws MalformedURLException { try { if (isHttps) { /* when communicating with the server which has unsigned or invalid * certificate (https), SSLException or IOException is thrown. * the following line is a hack to avoid that */ Security.addProvider(new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider()); System.setProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs", "com.sun.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol"); if (isProxy) { System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", proxyHost); System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", proxyPort + ""); } } else { if (isProxy) { System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", proxyHost); System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", proxyPort + ""); } } URL url = new URL(str); HttpURLConnection uc = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); // if this header has not been set by a request set the user agent. if (headers == null || (headers != null && headers.get("user-agent") == null)) { // set user agent to mimic a common browser String ua="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"; uc.setRequestProperty("user-agent", ua); } return uc; } catch (MalformedURLException me) { throw new MalformedURLException(str + " is not a valid URL"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown error creating UrlConnection: " + e); } } /** * returns the inputstream from URLConnection * @return InputStream */ public InputStream getInputStream() { try { // logger doesnt work, because it writes to stderr, // which causes GwtTest to interpret it as failure System.out.println( this.urlConnection.getRequestMethod()+ " " + this.urlConnection.getURL() +": "+ this.urlConnection.getResponseCode() ); return (this.urlConnection.getInputStream()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * return the OutputStream from URLConnection * @return OutputStream */ public OutputStream getOutputStream() { try { return (this.urlConnection.getOutputStream()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * posts data to the inputstream and returns the InputStream. * @param postData data to be posted. must be url-encoded already. * @param contentType allows you to set the contentType of the request. * @return InputStream input stream from URLConnection */ public InputStream doPost(String postData, String contentType) { this.urlConnection.setDoOutput(true); if (contentType != null) this.urlConnection.setRequestProperty( "Content-type", contentType ); OutputStream os = this.getOutputStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(os); ps.print(postData); ps.close(); return (this.getInputStream()); } public String getContentEncoding() { if (this.urlConnection == null) return null; return (this.urlConnection.getContentEncoding()); } public int getContentLength() { if (this.urlConnection == null) return -1; return (this.urlConnection.getContentLength()); } public String getContentType() { if (this.urlConnection == null) return null; return (this.urlConnection.getContentType()); } public long getDate() { if (this.urlConnection == null) return -1; return (this.urlConnection.getDate()); } public String getHeader(String name) { if (this.urlConnection == null) return null; return (this.urlConnection.getHeaderField(name)); } public long getIfModifiedSince() { if (this.urlConnection == null) return -1; return (this.urlConnection.getIfModifiedSince()); } public static Logger getLogger() { if (logger == null) { logger = Logger.getLogger("jmaki.xhp.Log"); } return logger; } }
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基于交易能量框架的多微电网最优能源管理:配网协同优化以降低运营成本, 关键词:Transactive energy,微电网 配网 参考文档:《Optimal Energy Management for Multi-Microgrid Under a Transactive Energy Framework With Distributionally Robust Optimization》2021一区半完美复现 仿真平台:MATLAB YALMIP GUROBI 主要内容:我们制定了一个基于交易能量(TE)框架的上游网络和网络中电网的能源调度的优化问题,以最小化运营成本。 市电网与上游网络之间的能源管理由配电系统运营商(DSO)操作,这不同于传统电力系统中的直接控制信号和固定定价机制。 ,Transactive energy; 微电网; 配网; 能源调度; 运营成本; 配电系统运营商(DSO); 交易能量框架; 优化问题; MATLAB YALMIP GUROBI。,Transactive Energy驱动的微电网配网能源调度优化策略研究
西门子1200 PLC与欧姆龙E5cc温控器双重控制通讯程序:远程触摸屏与本地温控器485通讯实现轮询式控制及温度监测,西门子1200与欧姆龙E5cc温控器 远程+本地双重控制通讯程序 功能:实现西门子1200 PLC对欧姆龙E5cc温控器进行485通讯控制,在触摸屏上设定温度,读取温度 ,也可以在温控器本体设定温度。 达到双重控制 程序采用轮询方式,有通讯故障后再恢复功能,也可以后续根据需要在此基础上扩充台数 器件:西门子1200 1214DC DC DC.昆仑通态TPC7062Ti ,西门子KTP700 Basic PN,欧姆龙E5cc温控器。 说明:是程序,带详细注释程序,触摸屏程序,PLC设置和温控器设置,接线说明书。 ,关键词:西门子1200;欧姆龙E5cc温控器;485通讯控制;远程+本地双重控制;轮询方式;通讯故障恢复;昆仑通态TPC7062Ti;西门子KTP700 Basic PN;详细注释程序;触摸屏程序;PLC设置;温控器设置;接线说明书。,西门子1200与欧姆龙E5cc温控器通讯控制程序:远程本地双重控制及详解
项目已获导师指导并通过的高分毕业设计项目,可作为课程设计和期末大作业,下载即用无需修改,项目完整确保可以运行。 包含:项目源码、数据库脚本、软件工具等,该项目可以作为毕设、课程设计使用,前后端代码都在里面。 该系统功能完善、界面美观、操作简单、功能齐全、管理便捷,具有很高的实际应用价值。 项目都经过严格调试,确保可以运行!可以放心下载 技术组成 语言:java 开发环境:idea 数据库:MySql8.0 部署环境:Tomcat(建议用 7.x 或者 8.x 版本),maven 数据库工具:navicat
COMSOL裂隙动水注浆扩散模拟:研究水泥-水玻璃与高聚物改性水泥浆液扩散规律及黏度时变特性影响分析,COMSOL裂隙动水注浆扩散数值模拟 针对动水注浆中常用的2种速凝浆液,水泥–水玻璃浆液与高聚物改性水泥浆液,考虑浆液黏度时变特性,应用有限元计算软件COMSOL Multiphysics建立动水条件下裂隙注浆扩散的数值模型,研究动水条件下裂隙注浆扩散规律并分析不同黏度时变特性、初始动水流速与注浆速率对注浆扩散过程的影响。 ,关键词:COMSOL Multiphysics;裂隙动水注浆;扩散数值模拟;速凝浆液;水泥-水玻璃浆液;高聚物改性水泥浆液;浆液黏度时变特性;有限元计算;注浆扩散规律;动水流速;注浆速率。,COMSOL模拟动水注浆扩散规律及影响因素研究
Simulink模型下的纯电动汽车、混合动力汽车及染料电池电动汽车的制动优先与能量管理功能解析,纯电动汽车Simulink模型;混合动力汽车Simulink模型;染料电池电动汽车Simulink模型。 纯电动汽车模型: 制动优先;充电禁止车辆驱动;驱动控制;再生能量回收;紧急停机功能; ,纯电动汽车模型:制动优先;充电禁止驱动;驱动控制;再生能量回收;紧急制动系统; 混合动力汽车模型:燃料类型切换;动力输出控制;能量回收策略;模式切换;效率优化; 染料电池电动汽车模型:染料电池性能;能量转换效率;充电过程模拟;电池管理系统;安全保护措施。,Simulink模型研究:多种能源驱动车辆动力系统控制优化
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项目已获导师指导并通过的高分毕业设计项目,可作为课程设计和期末大作业,下载即用无需修改,项目完整确保可以运行。 包含:项目源码、数据库脚本、软件工具等,该项目可以作为毕设、课程设计使用,前后端代码都在里面。 该系统功能完善、界面美观、操作简单、功能齐全、管理便捷,具有很高的实际应用价值。 项目都经过严格调试,确保可以运行!可以放心下载 技术组成 语言:java 开发环境:idea 数据库:MySql8.0 部署环境:Tomcat(建议用 7.x 或者 8.x 版本),maven 数据库工具:navicat
西门子PLC与触摸屏的多功能检测设备编程案例:上下双工位四轴步进控制,双相机通讯与Modbus RTU交互,集成多重画面与配方功能,西门子1214PLC博图程序例程,版本V16及以上,加KTP700Basic PN触摸屏画面,双相机四轴多工位检测设备案例。 程序主要有: 上下双工位4轴脉冲控制步进电机; 与上位机双相机的TCP IP通讯; 有一台第三设备的modbus rtu通讯; 触摸屏包含多重画面,配方功能,密码 项目编程,现场调试电柜集成 ,核心关键词: 西门子1214PLC; 博图程序例程; 版本V16及以上; KTP700Basic PN触摸屏; 双相机四轴多工位检测设备; 上下双工位4轴脉冲控制步进电机; TCP IP通讯; 第三设备的modbus rtu通讯; 触摸屏多重画面; 配方功能; 密码保护; 项目编程; 现场调试电柜集成。,西门子PLC双相机四轴检测系统:博图程序例程与KTP700触摸屏集成应用
基于STM32bms与Battery Simulink的电池管理仿真系统及电池平衡控制策略模型,STM32bms动力电池管理系统仿真 Battery Simulink电池平衡控制策略模型 动力电池管理系统仿真 BMS + Battery Simulink 控制策略模型, 动力电池物理模型,需求说明文档。 BMS算法模型包含状态切模型、SOC估计模型(提供算法说明文档)、电池平衡模型、功率限制模型等,动力电池物理模型包含两种结构的电池模型。 通过上述模型可以实现动力电池系统的闭环仿真测试,亦可根据自身需求进行算法的更新并进行测试验证。 ,核心关键词: STM32bms; 动力电池管理系统仿真; Battery Simulink; 电池平衡控制策略模型; BMS算法模型; 状态切换模型; SOC估计模型; 电池平衡模型; 功率限制模型; 动力电池物理模型; 需求说明文档; 闭环仿真测试。,STM32bms系统下动力电池管理系统仿真与控制策略研究