NoSQL系统新贵Membase 1.6.5源代码下载
Membase is Simple, Fast, Elastic and Proven
Membase is extremely easy to manage, and simple to develop against. Every node is alike in a Membase cluster – clone a node, join it back to the cluster and press the rebalance button. Membase enjoys wide language and application framework support due to its on-the-wire protocol compatibility with Memcached.
Membase distributes data and I/O across commodity servers (or VMs), replicates data for high-availability, transparently caches data using built-in Memcached caching technology, persists data using a multi-tier storage management model, and auto-migrates data to the lowest-latency storage tier. It delivers consistently low latency response, for both random reads and writes, and can sustain high data throughput rates.
Membase scales elastically, with linear cost. Servers can be added to, or removed from, a running cluster with no application downtime. Data is automatically rebalanced to new nodes and away from removed nodes. Employing commodity servers, virtual machines or cloud machine instances, data management resources can be dynamically matched to the needs of an application with minimal effort.
Membase is behind some of the world's busiest interactive web applications, including popular social games at Zynga with millions of user daily. It provides a shared data management platform for NHN, Korea’s largest web application operator with nearly 70 million unique users.
NoSQL系统新贵Membase 1.6.5源代码下载
Membase is Simple, Fast, Elastic and Proven
Membase is extremely easy to manage, and simple to develop against. Every node is alike in a Membase cluster – clone a node, join it back to the cluster and press the rebalance button. Membase enjoys wide language and application framework support due to its on-the-wire protocol compatibility with Memcached.
Membase distributes data and I/O across commodity servers (or VMs), replicates data for high-availability, transparently caches data using built-in Memcached caching technology, persists data using a multi-tier storage management model, and auto-migrates data to the lowest-latency storage tier. It delivers consistently low latency response, for both random reads and writes, and can sustain high data throughput rates.
Membase scales elastically, with linear cost. Servers can be added to, or removed from, a running cluster with no application downtime. Data is automatically rebalanced to new nodes and away from removed nodes. Employing commodity servers, virtual machines or cloud machine instances, data management resources can be dynamically matched to the needs of an application with minimal effort.
Membase is behind some of the world's busiest interactive web applications, including popular social games at Zynga with millions of user daily. It provides a shared data management platform for NHN, Korea’s largest web application operator with nearly 70 million unique users.
下载地址 : ftp://osedu:www,osedu,net@
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