If you got a USB memory stick you can boot gNewSense live as with the cd. What you will need:
- A USB stick 1 GB+
- A motherboard that support booting from removables.
- A computer with usb ports with GNU/Linux or Windows running.
Make your stick bootable
This will guide you to make the stick bootable. We are going to use syslinux for it.
Install syslinux
Choose the operating system you run. GNU/Linux or Windows.
Syslinux may already be installed in your system. Type syslinux in a terminal. If the command is not found you have to install it from your distribution's repository. On a Debian/Ubuntu system this is done like this:
apt-get install syslinux
You can also run the following commands in a terminal:
wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/boot/syslinux/syslinux-4.04.tar.bz2
tar -xvjf syslinux-4.04.tar.bz2
cd syslinux-4.04/unix
Now you got syslinux ready to use. Keep the terminal window up so you can use it later.
Download a syslinux zip-file from http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/boot/syslinux/.
Unpack it.
Have up your terminal by clicking Start and then Run, type cmd and press Enter.
Cd to the directory where you unpacked syslinux, cd Desktop should work if you unpacked it to your desktop and if the terminal started in your user directory.
Type cd syslinux-4.04 or whatever version you have downloaded.
Finally type cd win32 to get into the windows binary.
Now you got syslinux ready to use. Keep the terminal window up so you can use it later.
Partition the stick
Usually USB sticks are already partitioned with a FAT partition. If your USB stick is completely empty, you need to use fdisk to partition it:
# fdisk /dev/sdf
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x85934366.
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.
Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/sdf: 2021 MB, 2021654528 bytes
63 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1010 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 3906 * 512 = 1999872 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x85934366
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
Command (m for help): n
Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): 1
First cylinder (1-1010, default 1):
Using default value 1
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-1010, default 1010):
Using default value 1010
Command (m for help): t
Selected partition 1
Hex code (type L to list codes): b
Changed system type of partition 1 to b (W95 FAT32)
Command (m for help): a
Partition number (1-4): 1
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/sdf: 2021 MB, 2021654528 bytes
63 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1010 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 3906 * 512 = 1999872 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x85934366
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdf1 * 1 1010 1972499 b W95 FAT32
Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered!
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
WARNING: If you have created or modified any DOS 6.x
partitions, please see the fdisk manual page for additional
Syncing disks.
Format the stick
Again, usually USB sticks are already formatted. If you want to-reformat it, you can do it like this:
In GNU/Linux:
mkfs.vfat /dev/sdf1
Run syslinux
Run the syslinux command shown below, in the window we set up earlier, assuming drive name is sdb1 or F:.
In GNU/Linux:
syslinux -s /dev/sdb1
In Windows:
syslinux.exe -s -m F:
Mount the stick
In the most modern operating systems USB memory sticks get mounted automatically.
If not and if you use a GNU/Linux distribution run mount:
mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb
You have to run the command as root or sudo. You also have to create the directory usb with mkdir /media/usb, or choose a mount point at your opinion.
The device name may also be different. Run dmesg | tail in a terminal after you have plugged in the stick.
Look for [sdb] or any similar. Add a 1 to it so it knows it is the first partition.
Copy files from the gNewSense iso
Download a gNewSense iso from http://cdimage.gnewsense.org/ You can burn the iso to a cd and copy the files to the stick, but it is faster to mount the iso.
note:you can use any distribute like: ubuntu, mint or something alse. all of them works.
In GNU/Linux:
mkdir /media/iso
mount -oloop /path/to/gnewsense-livecd-deltah-2.3.iso /media/iso
Again, it has to be done as root or sudo.
In Windows you can use a program called Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel. Download it, unpack it and read it's readme for how to use it.
Copy the casper directory to the memory stick. Copy the content of the isolinux directory to the memory stick. Rename isolinux.bin to syslinux.bin. Rename isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg.
In GNU/Linux:
cp -r /media/iso/casper/ /media/usb/
cp /media/iso/isolinux/* /media/usb/
mv /media/usb/isolinux.bin /media/usb/syslinux.bin
mv /media/usb/isolinux.cfg /media/usb/syslinux.cfg
Unmount the memory stick to write cache.
In GNU/Linux:
umount /media/usb
Unmount the ISO image. In GNU/Linux:
umount /media/iso
Memory sticks not automounted-fix
If you installed gNewSense from the memory stick the same memory stick is not automatically mounted. This is caused by the stick being added to the fstab file. Plug in your memory stick and check in dmesg what it got for a device name.
dmesg | tail
Then edit fstab and remove the line containing the device name.
sudo gedit /etc/fstab
For example: /dev/sdb1 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
"tools for linux"这个主题涵盖了广泛的内容,这里我们将深入探讨在Live Linux安装过程中可能会用到的一些关键工具及其功能。 首先,我们来看“tool for linux.txt”这个文件名,很可能里面记录了作者在Linux环境中...
Linux内核通常内置了对USB摄像头的支持,通过V4L2(Video for Linux Two)框架,开发者可以轻松访问摄像头硬件,获取视频流并进行处理。 3. 视频捕获与编码:在Linux中,V4L2接口允许应用程序读取摄像头的原始视频...
LiveUSB Install 是一款适用于 GNU/Linux 和 Windows 的免费软件。 通过 LiveUSB 安装,您可以毫不费力地在拇指驱动器上安装各种 Linux 发行版。 这样,您就可以随时将您最喜欢的发行版放在口袋里——放在可启动的...
Universal USB Installer 也是 UUI,它是一个 Live Linux 可启动 USB 创建器,允许您从选择的 Linux 发行版选择放在您的 USB 闪存驱动器。 Universal USB Installer 易于使用。只需选择一个 Live Linux 发行版,ISO ...
Kali Linux预装了许多渗透测试软件,包括nmap 、Wireshark 、John the Ripper,以及Aircrack-ng.[2] 用户可通过硬盘、live CD或live USB运行Kali Linux。Kali Linux既有32位和64位的镜像。可用于x86 指令集。同时...
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3. **V4L2**:Video for Linux Two(V4L2)是Linux内核中用于视频捕获和输出的接口。它支持各种视频硬件设备,如USB摄像头、电视卡等,为用户空间应用程序提供访问硬件的能力。 4. **Ubuntu平台**:Ubuntu是一个...
这可以是一个基于Live CD/DVD或USB驱动器的自启动环境,包含了所有必要的工具和库来执行Ghost操作。 3. **部署步骤**: - **准备阶段**: 首先,你需要在一台参考服务器上安装并配置好所需的Linux发行版,确保所有...
《QQ for Linux 1.0 Preview 3:Linux平台上的即时通讯新体验》 随着技术的发展,越来越多的应用开始跨平台发展,以满足不同用户的需求。QQ,作为中国最流行的即时通讯工具,也积极向Linux操作系统靠拢,推出了QQ ...
- “Live System”功能,支持从USB或DVD启动,使用户无需安装即可使用Kali Linux环境。 - “Forensics Mode”,即取证模式,是为了进行计算机取证和数据分析而优化的。 - “Custom Linux Kernel”,提供了一个定制的...
一个可以制作usb启动盘的工具,非常好用,可以直接把很多的linux live 光盘直接制作在usb上启动。目前支持下列系统: — Debian Live 32/64 Bit — Debian Live 7 Gnome 32bit Debian Live 7 Gnome 64bit Debian ...
接下来,笔记可能会深入到Linux的安装过程,包括各种发行版(如Ubuntu、CentOS、Debian等)的选择,以及Live CD/USB的制作和安装步骤。这部分内容对新手非常重要,因为正确安装系统是进一步学习的基础。 在系统管理...
10. **故障恢复**:遇到系统崩溃或无法启动时,可使用Live USB或安装媒体进行系统修复,或者利用GRUB恢复损坏的引导项。 这些仅是Linux运维中的一部分常见问题,实际操作中可能还会遇到更多复杂情况。通过学习和...
使用制作好的启动媒介启动电脑,进入Arch Linux的Live环境。在这个环境中,你可以检查硬件兼容性,如网络、声卡、显卡等,并调整必要的驱动设置。 **分区与格式化** 安装Arch Linux前,需要对硬盘进行分区。推荐...
1. **方案一**:使移动硬盘具备与Live CD相同的功能,即通过USB接口启动和运行Linux系统,并能够安装到主机内置硬盘。 - **步骤一**:将Live CD中的`casper`文件夹复制到移动硬盘的FAT32分区(也可以使用其他...
GParted LiveCD is a Live Linux operating system built around the GNOME Partition Editor (popularly known as GParted) software, which can be used for disk partitioning tasks. The GParted application is...
- **Live Environment**: How to use the live CD/DVD/USB option to test Fedora without making permanent changes to your system. #### Chapter 2: Installing Fedora and Adding Software This chapter delves...
2. **Linux安装**:指导如何在虚拟机或实际硬件上安装Linux,包括Live CD/USB启动、分区设置和安装过程。 3. **Linux命令行**:讲解Linux的核心工具——命令行接口(CLI)。包括文件和目录管理(如cd、ls、mkdir、...
安装 Linux 可以通过多种方式,如 Live CD/DVD、USB 启动盘或者网络安装。在选择发行版后,通常会经历分区、选择桌面环境、设置用户账户等步骤。安装过程中需注意备份重要数据,并确保硬件兼容性,以保证顺利安装。 ...
Symantec的Ghost for Linux是Windows Ghost的Linux版本,它提供了一种方便的方式来克隆和恢复系统。虽然现在已被Clonezilla等开源工具取代,但其在企业环境中的应用仍然广泛。 7. **Bacula** Bacula是一个网络化...