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Restlet edition for Java EE FirstStepsServlet




























Restlet edition for Java EE


This chapter presents the Restlet Framework edition for Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition).

This edition is aimed for development and deployment of Restlet applications inside Java EE application server, or more precisely inside Servlet containers such as Apache Tomcat .

Getting started

The rest of this page should get you started with the Restlet Framework, Java EE edition, in less than 10 minutes. It explains how to create a resource that says "hello, world" and run it.

  1. What do I need?
  2. The "hello, world" application
  3. Run in a Servlet container
  4. Conclusion

What do I need?

We assume that you have a development environment set up and operational, and that you already have installed the Java 1.5 (or higher). In case you haven't downloaded the Restlet Framework yet, select one of the available distributions of the Restlet Framework 2.0 .

The "hello, world" application

Let's start with the core of a REST application: the Resource. Here is the code of the single resource defined by the sample application. Copy/paste the code in your "HelloWorldResource" class.

package firstSteps;

import org.restlet.resource.Get;
import org.restlet.resource.ServerResource;

 * Resource which has only one representation.
public class HelloWorldResource extends ServerResource {

    public String represent() {
        return "hello, world";


Then, create the sample application. Let's call it "FirstStepsApplication" and copy/paste the following code:

package firstSteps;

import org.restlet.Application;
import org.restlet.Restlet;
import org.restlet.routing.Router;

public class FirstStepsApplication extends Application {

     * Creates a root Restlet that will receive all incoming calls.
    public synchronized Restlet createInboundRoot() {
        // Create a router Restlet that routes each call to a new instance of HelloWorldResource.
        Router router = new Router(getContext());

        // Defines only one route
        router.attach("/hello", HelloWorldResource.class);

        return router;


Run in a Servlet container

Let's now deploy this Restlet application inside your favorite Servlet container. Create a new Servlet Web application as usual, add a "firstStepsServlet" package and put the resource and application classes in. Add the archives listed below into the directory of librairies (/WEB-INF/lib):

  • org.restlet.jar
  • org.restlet.ext.servlet.jar

Then, update the "web.xml" configuration file as follow:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.4"  
   <display-name>first steps servlet</display-name>  
   <!-- Restlet adapter -->  
            <!-- Application class name -->
   <!-- Catch all requests -->  

Finally, package the whole as a WAR file called for example "firstStepsServlet.war" and deploy it inside your Servlet container. Once you have launched the Servlet container, open your favorite web browser, and enter the following URL:

http://<your server name>:<its port number>/firstStepsServlet/hello

The server will happily welcome you with the expected "hello, world" message. You can find the WAR file (packaged with archives taken from Restlet Framework 2.0 Milestone 5) in the "First steps application" files .

Run as a standalone Java application

A Restlet application cannot only run inside a Servlet container, but can also be run as a standalone Java application using a single "org.restlet.jar" JAR.

Create also a main class, copy/paste the following code wich aims at defining a new HTTP server listening on port 8182 and delegating all requests to the "FirstStepsApplication".

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {  
    // Create a new Component.  
    Component component = new Component();  
    // Add a new HTTP server listening on port 8182.  
    component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);  
    // Attach the sample application.  
            new FirstStepsApplication());  
    // Start the component.  

Once you have launched the main class, if you can open your favorite web browser, and gently type the following URL: http://localhost:8182/firstSteps/hello, the server will happily welcome you with a nice "hello, world". Otherwise, make sure that the classpath is correct and that no other program is currently using the port 8182.

You can find the sources of this sample application in the "First steps application" files .



    Restlet edition for Java SE firstSteps

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    Restlet是一款开源的Java框架,专门用于构建RESTful(Representational State Transfer)Web服务。REST是一种轻量级的架构风格,常用于构建高效、可扩展的网络应用程序。本压缩包包含Restlet框架运行所需的全部jar...

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    4. **JAX-RS Support**: Restlet也提供了对Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)的支持,如果你的项目需要与JAX-RS兼容,这会很有用。 5. **Testing and Debugging Tools**: 为了帮助开发者测试和调试...


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    1. **设置环境**:首先确保安装了Java Development Kit(JDK),因为Restlet是用Java编写的。然后,下载并添加Restlet JAR文件到你的项目类路径中。 2. **创建资源类**:在Java中创建一个新的类,该类继承自Restlet...


    Restlet JSE(Java SE)版本是Restlet框架针对Java标准版环境的实现,允许开发者在Java桌面应用或服务器端环境中创建RESTful服务。2.2.1是该框架的一个特定版本,可能包含了一些性能优化、新功能以及对之前版本的bug...


    在服务器端,RESTlet充当了一个应用服务器,支持多种Java应用服务器,如Jetty、Tomcat等。它提供了一种模块化的方式来组织和处理HTTP请求,允许开发者定义自定义的资源类来响应特定的URI路径。 客户端部分,RESTlet...


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    - 在本地Java SE环境或Java EE服务器上部署应用。 - 测试和调试已部署的应用。 #### 五、参考资料 - **附录A:Restlet安装**:详细介绍如何安装配置Restlet环境。 - **附录B:测试工具**:推荐并介绍常用的测试...

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