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<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS"></uses-permission>
ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES 允许读写访问"properties"表在checkin数据库中,改值可以修改上传 Allows read/write access to the "properties" table in the checkin database, to change values that get uploaded.
ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION 允许应用程序访问粗糙的位置(例如:Cell-ID,WiFi)。 Allows an application to access coarse (e.g., Cell-ID, WiFi) location
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION 允许一个程序访问精良位置(如GPS) Allows an application to access fine (e.g., GPS) location
ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS 允许一个程序访问额外的位置来提供命令。 Allows an application to access extra location provider commands
ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION 允许程序创建模拟位置提供用于测试 Allows an application to create mock location providers for testing
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE 允许程序访问有关GSM网络信息 Allows applications to access information about networks
ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER 允许程序使用SurfaceFlinger底层特性 Allows an application to use SurfaceFlinger's low level features
ACCESS_WIFI_STATE 允许程序访问Wi-Fi网络状态信息 Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks
BATTERY_STATS 允许程序收集手机电池统计信息 Allows an application to collect battery statistics
BIND_APPWIDGET 允许程序通知AppWidget服务,哪个程序可以访问AppWidget数据。 Allows an application to tell the AppWidget service which application can access AppWidget's data.
BIND_INPUT_METHOD 输入法服务必须请求来确保只有唯一的系统可以绑定他们。 Must be required by input method services, to ensure that only the system can bind to them.
BLUETOOTH 允许程序链接匹配的蓝牙设备。 Allows applications to connect to paired bluetooth devices
BLUETOOTH_ADMIN 允许程序发现和配对蓝牙设备 Allows applications to discover and pair bluetooth devices
BRICK 请求能够禁用设备(非常危险) Required to be able to disable the device (very dangerous!).
BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED 允许程序广播一个提示消息在一个应用程序包已经移除后 Allows an application to broadcast a notification that an application package has been removed.
BROADCAST_SMS 允许程序广播一个SMS接收提示。 Allows an application to broadcast an SMS receipt notification
BROADCAST_STICKY 允许一个程序广播常用 Allows an application to broadcast sticky intents.
BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH 允许程序广播一个WAP PUSH接收提示。 Allows an application to broadcast a WAP PUSH receipt notification
CALL_PHONE 允许一个程序初始化一个电话拨号不需通过拨号用户界面需要用户确认 Allows an application to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being placed.
CALL_PRIVILEGED 允许一个程序拨打任何号码,包含紧急号码无需通过拨号用户界面需要用户确认 Allows an application to call any phone number, including emergency numbers, without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being placed.
CAMERA 请求访问使用照相设备 Required to be able to access the camera device.
CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE 允许一个程序是否改变一个组件或其他的启用或禁用 Allows an application to change whether an application component (other than its own) is enabled or not.
CHANGE_CONFIGURATION 允许一个程序修改当前设置,如本地化 Allows an application to modify the current configuration, such as locale.
CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE 允许程序改变网络连接状态 Allows applications to change network connectivity state
CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE 允许程序进入Wi-Fi连通模式。 Allows applications to enter Wi-Fi Multicast mode
CHANGE_WIFI_STATE 允许程序改变Wi-Fi连接状态。 Allows applications to change Wi-Fi connectivity state
CLEAR_APP_CACHE 允许程序清除设备上所有安装程序的缓存。 Allows an application to clear the caches of all installed applications on the device.
CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA 允许程序清除用户数据。 Allows an application to clear user data
CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES 允许启用禁止位置更新提示从无线模块 Allows enabling/disabling location update notifications from the radio.
DELETE_CACHE_FILES 允许程序删除缓存文件 Allows an application to delete cache files.
DELETE_PACKAGES 允许程序删除数据包 Allows an application to delete packages.
DEVICE_POWER 允许访问底层电源管理 Allows low-level access to power management
DIAGNOSTIC 允许程序RW诊断资源 Allows applications to RW to diagnostic resources.
DISABLE_KEYGUARD 允许程序禁用键盘锁 Allows applications to disable the keyguard
DUMP 允许程序恢复状态转存信息通过系统服务 Allows an application to retrieve state dump information from system services.
EXPAND_STATUS_BAR 允许程序扩展或折叠状态栏 Allows an application to expand or collapse the status bar.
FACTORY_TEST 作为一个工厂测试程序,运行在root用户 Run as a manufacturer test application, running as the root user.
FLASHLIGHT 允许访问闪光灯 Allows access to the flashlight
FORCE_BACK 允许程序强行一个返回程序无论什么在顶层活动 Allows an application to force a BACK operation on whatever is the top activity.
GET_ACCOUNTS 允许账户服务中访问账户列表 Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service
GET_PACKAGE_SIZE 允许一个程序获取任何package占用空间容量 Allows an application to find out the space used by any package.
GET_TASKS 允许一个程序获取信息有关当前或最近运行的任务,一个缩略的任务状态,是否活动等等 Allows an application to get information about the currently or recently running tasks: a thumbnail representation of the tasks, what activities are running in it, etc.
GLOBAL_SEARCH 许可可能被用在内容提供商上,为了允许全局搜索系统访问他们数据 This permission can be used on content providers to allow the global search system to access their data.
HARDWARE_TEST 允许访问硬件设备 Allows access to hardware peripherals.
INJECT_EVENTS 允许一个程序截获用户事件如按键、触摸、轨迹球等变成事件流并发送他们到任何窗口。 Allows an application to inject user events (keys, touch, trackball) into the event stream and deliver them to ANY window.
INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER 允许程序安装一个位置提供商到位置管理处。 Allows an application to install a location provider into the Location Manager
INSTALL_PACKAGES 允许一个程序安装包 Allows an application to install packages.
INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW 允许打开窗口使用系统用户界面 Allows an application to open windows that are for use by parts of the system user interface.
INTERNET 允许程序打开网络套接字 Allows applications to open network sockets.
MANAGE_APP_TOKENS 允许程序管理(创建、撤消、z-order默认向z轴推移)程序引用在窗口管理器中 Allows an application to manage (create, destroy, Z-order) application tokens in the window manager.
MASTER_CLEAR 目前还没有明确的解释,Android开发网分析可能是清除一切数据,类似硬格机
MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS 允许程序修改全局音频设置 Allows an application to modify global audio settings
MODIFY_PHONE_STATE 允许修改话机状态,如电源,人机接口等 Allows modification of the telephony state - power on, mmi, etc.
MOUNT_FORMAT_FILESYSTEMS 允许格式化文字系统可移动存储。 Allows formatting file systems for removable storage.
MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS 允许挂载和反挂载文件系统可移动存储 Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage.
PERSISTENT_ACTIVITY 允许一个程序设置他的activities显示 Allow an application to make its activities persistent.
PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS 允许程序监视、修改有关播出电话 Allows an application to monitor, modify, or abort outgoing calls.
READ_CALENDAR 允许程序读取用户日历数据 Allows an application to read the user's calendar data.
READ_CONTACTS 允许程序读取用户联系人数据 Allows an application to read the user's contacts data.
READ_FRAME_BUFFER 允许程序屏幕波或和更多常规的访问帧缓冲数据 Allows an application to take screen shots and more generally get access to the frame buffer data
READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS 允许程序读取(但不能写入)用户浏览器的历史记录和收藏夹。 Allows an application to read (but not write) the user's browsing history and bookmarks.
READ_INPUT_STATE 允许程序恢复按键的当前状态。 Allows an application to retrieve the current state of keys and switches.
READ_LOGS 允许程序读取底层系统日志文件 Allows an application to read the low-level system log files.
READ_OWNER_DATA 允许程序读取所有者数据 Allows an application to read the owner's data.
READ_PHONE_STATE 允许只读来访问话机状态 Allows read only access to phone state.
READ_SMS 允许程序读取短信息 Allows an application to read SMS messages.
READ_SYNC_SETTINGS 允许程序读取同步设置 Allows applications to read the sync settings
READ_SYNC_STATS 许程序读取同步状态 Allows applications to read the sync stats
REBOOT 请求能够重新启动设备 Required to be able to reboot the device.
application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.
RECEIVE_MMS 允许一个程序监控将收到MMS彩信,记录或处理 Allows an application to monitor incoming MMS messages, to record or perform processing on them.
RECEIVE_SMS 允许程序监控一个将收到短信息,记录或处理 Allows an application to monitor incoming SMS messages, to record or perform processing on them.
RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH 允许程序监控将收到WAP PUSH信息 Allows an application to monitor incoming WAP push messages.
RECORD_AUDIO 允许程序录制音频 Allows an application to record audio
REORDER_TASKS 允许程序改变Z轴排列任务 Allows an application to change the Z-order of tasks
RESTART_PACKAGES 允许程序重新启动其他程序 Allows an application to restart other applications.
SEND_SMS 许程序发送SMS短信 Allows an application to send SMS messages.
SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER 允许程序监控和控制活动如何在全球范围系统中开始的 Allows an application to watch and control how activities are started globally in the system.
SET_ALWAYS_FINISH 允许程序控制是否活动间接完成当处于后台时 Allows an application to control whether activities are immediately finished when put in the background.
SET_ANIMATION_SCALE 修改全局信息比例 Modify the global animation scaling factor.
SET_DEBUG_APP 配置一个程序用于调试 Configure an application for debugging.
SET_ORIENTATION 允许底层访问设置屏幕方向和实际旋转 Allows low-level access to setting the orientation (actually rotation) of the screen.
SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS 允许一个程序修改列表参数PackageManager.addPackageToPreferred() 和PackageManager.removePackageFromPreferred()方法 Allows an application to modify the list of preferred applications with the PackageManager.addPackageToPreferred() and PackageManager.removePackageFromPreferred() methods.
SET_PROCESS_LIMIT 允许设置最大的运行进程数量(不是必需的) Allows an application to set the maximum number of (not needed) application processes that can be running.
SET_TIME_ZONE 允许程序设置系统时间时区 Allows applications to set the system time zone
SET_WALLPAPER 允许程序设置壁纸 Allows applications to set the wallpaper
SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS 允许程序设置壁纸提示 Allows applications to set the wallpaper hints
SIGNAL_PERSISTENT_PROCESSES 允许程序请求发送信号到所有显示的进程中 Allow an application to request that a
signal be sent to all persistent processes
STATUS_BAR 允许程序打开、关闭或禁用状态栏及图标 Allows an application to open, close, or disable the status bar and its icons.
SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_READ 允许一个程序访问订阅RSS Feed(内容提供者) Allows an application to allow access the subscribed feeds ContentProvider.
SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_WRITE 系统暂时保留改设置,Android开发网认为未来版本会加入该功能。
SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW 允许程序打开窗口通过使用TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT,显示在其他所有程序的顶层 Allows an application to open windows using the type TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT, shown on top of all other applications.
UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS 允许程序更新设备统计信息 Allows an application to update device statistics.
VIBRATE 允许访问振动设备 Allows access to the vibrator
WAKE_LOCK 允许使用PowerManager的WakeLocks保持进程在休眠时从屏幕消失( Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming
WRITE_APN_SETTINGS 允许程序写入API设置 Allows applications to write the apn settings
WRITE_CALENDAR 允许程序写入但不读取用户日历数据 Allows an application to write (but not read) the user's calendar data.
WRITE_CONTACTS 允许程序写入但不读取用户联系人数据 Allows an application to write (but not read) the user's contacts data.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 允许程序写入外部存储器 Allows an application to write to external storage
WRITE_GSERVICES 允许程序修改Google服务地图 Allows an application to modify the Google service map.
WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS 允许程序写入但不读取用户浏览器的历史记录和收藏夹 Allows an application to write (but
not read) the user's browsing history and bookmarks.
WRITE_OWNER_DATA 允许一个程序写入但不读取所有者数据 Allows an application to write (but not read) the owner's data.
WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS 允许程序读取或写入安全系统设置 Allows an application to read or write the secure system settings.
WRITE_SETTINGS 允许程序读取或写入系统设置 Allows an application to read or write the system settings.
WRITE_SMS 允许程序写短信 Allows an application to write SMS messages.
WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS 允许程序写入同步设置 Allows applications to write the sync settings
ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES 允许读写访问"properties"表在checkin数据库中,改值可以修改上传 Allows read/write access to the "properties" table in the checkin database, to change values that get uploaded.
ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION 允许应用程序访问粗糙的位置(例如:Cell-ID,WiFi)。 Allows an application to access coarse (e.g., Cell-ID, WiFi) location
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION 允许一个程序访问精良位置(如GPS) Allows an application to access fine (e.g., GPS) location
ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS 允许一个程序访问额外的位置来提供命令。 Allows an application to access extra location provider commands
ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION 允许程序创建模拟位置提供用于测试 Allows an application to create mock location providers for testing
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE 允许程序访问有关GSM网络信息 Allows applications to access information about networks
ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER 允许程序使用SurfaceFlinger底层特性 Allows an application to use SurfaceFlinger's low level features
ACCESS_WIFI_STATE 允许程序访问Wi-Fi网络状态信息 Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks
BATTERY_STATS 允许程序收集手机电池统计信息 Allows an application to collect battery statistics
BIND_APPWIDGET 允许程序通知AppWidget服务,哪个程序可以访问AppWidget数据。 Allows an application to tell the AppWidget service which application can access AppWidget's data.
BIND_INPUT_METHOD 输入法服务必须请求来确保只有唯一的系统可以绑定他们。 Must be required by input method services, to ensure that only the system can bind to them.
BLUETOOTH 允许程序链接匹配的蓝牙设备。 Allows applications to connect to paired bluetooth devices
BLUETOOTH_ADMIN 允许程序发现和配对蓝牙设备 Allows applications to discover and pair bluetooth devices
BRICK 请求能够禁用设备(非常危险) Required to be able to disable the device (very dangerous!).
BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED 允许程序广播一个提示消息在一个应用程序包已经移除后 Allows an application to broadcast a notification that an application package has been removed.
BROADCAST_SMS 允许程序广播一个SMS接收提示。 Allows an application to broadcast an SMS receipt notification
BROADCAST_STICKY 允许一个程序广播常用 Allows an application to broadcast sticky intents.
BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH 允许程序广播一个WAP PUSH接收提示。 Allows an application to broadcast a WAP PUSH receipt notification
CALL_PHONE 允许一个程序初始化一个电话拨号不需通过拨号用户界面需要用户确认 Allows an application to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being placed.
CALL_PRIVILEGED 允许一个程序拨打任何号码,包含紧急号码无需通过拨号用户界面需要用户确认 Allows an application to call any phone number, including emergency numbers, without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being placed.
CAMERA 请求访问使用照相设备 Required to be able to access the camera device.
CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE 允许一个程序是否改变一个组件或其他的启用或禁用 Allows an application to change whether an application component (other than its own) is enabled or not.
CHANGE_CONFIGURATION 允许一个程序修改当前设置,如本地化 Allows an application to modify the current configuration, such as locale.
CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE 允许程序改变网络连接状态 Allows applications to change network connectivity state
CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE 允许程序进入Wi-Fi连通模式。 Allows applications to enter Wi-Fi Multicast mode
CHANGE_WIFI_STATE 允许程序改变Wi-Fi连接状态。 Allows applications to change Wi-Fi connectivity state
CLEAR_APP_CACHE 允许程序清除设备上所有安装程序的缓存。 Allows an application to clear the caches of all installed applications on the device.
CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA 允许程序清除用户数据。 Allows an application to clear user data
CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES 允许启用禁止位置更新提示从无线模块 Allows enabling/disabling location update notifications from the radio.
DELETE_CACHE_FILES 允许程序删除缓存文件 Allows an application to delete cache files.
DELETE_PACKAGES 允许程序删除数据包 Allows an application to delete packages.
DEVICE_POWER 允许访问底层电源管理 Allows low-level access to power management
DIAGNOSTIC 允许程序RW诊断资源 Allows applications to RW to diagnostic resources.
DISABLE_KEYGUARD 允许程序禁用键盘锁 Allows applications to disable the keyguard
DUMP 允许程序恢复状态转存信息通过系统服务 Allows an application to retrieve state dump information from system services.
EXPAND_STATUS_BAR 允许程序扩展或折叠状态栏 Allows an application to expand or collapse the status bar.
FACTORY_TEST 作为一个工厂测试程序,运行在root用户 Run as a manufacturer test application, running as the root user.
FLASHLIGHT 允许访问闪光灯 Allows access to the flashlight
FORCE_BACK 允许程序强行一个返回程序无论什么在顶层活动 Allows an application to force a BACK operation on whatever is the top activity.
GET_ACCOUNTS 允许账户服务中访问账户列表 Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service
GET_PACKAGE_SIZE 允许一个程序获取任何package占用空间容量 Allows an application to find out the space used by any package.
GET_TASKS 允许一个程序获取信息有关当前或最近运行的任务,一个缩略的任务状态,是否活动等等 Allows an application to get information about the currently or recently running tasks: a thumbnail representation of the tasks, what activities are running in it, etc.
GLOBAL_SEARCH 许可可能被用在内容提供商上,为了允许全局搜索系统访问他们数据 This permission can be used on content providers to allow the global search system to access their data.
HARDWARE_TEST 允许访问硬件设备 Allows access to hardware peripherals.
INJECT_EVENTS 允许一个程序截获用户事件如按键、触摸、轨迹球等变成事件流并发送他们到任何窗口。 Allows an application to inject user events (keys, touch, trackball) into the event stream and deliver them to ANY window.
INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER 允许程序安装一个位置提供商到位置管理处。 Allows an application to install a location provider into the Location Manager
INSTALL_PACKAGES 允许一个程序安装包 Allows an application to install packages.
INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW 允许打开窗口使用系统用户界面 Allows an application to open windows that are for use by parts of the system user interface.
INTERNET 允许程序打开网络套接字 Allows applications to open network sockets.
MANAGE_APP_TOKENS 允许程序管理(创建、撤消、z-order默认向z轴推移)程序引用在窗口管理器中 Allows an application to manage (create, destroy, Z-order) application tokens in the window manager.
MASTER_CLEAR 目前还没有明确的解释,Android开发网分析可能是清除一切数据,类似硬格机
MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS 允许程序修改全局音频设置 Allows an application to modify global audio settings
MODIFY_PHONE_STATE 允许修改话机状态,如电源,人机接口等 Allows modification of the telephony state - power on, mmi, etc.
MOUNT_FORMAT_FILESYSTEMS 允许格式化文字系统可移动存储。 Allows formatting file systems for removable storage.
MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS 允许挂载和反挂载文件系统可移动存储 Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage.
PERSISTENT_ACTIVITY 允许一个程序设置他的activities显示 Allow an application to make its activities persistent.
PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS 允许程序监视、修改有关播出电话 Allows an application to monitor, modify, or abort outgoing calls.
READ_CALENDAR 允许程序读取用户日历数据 Allows an application to read the user's calendar data.
READ_CONTACTS 允许程序读取用户联系人数据 Allows an application to read the user's contacts data.
READ_FRAME_BUFFER 允许程序屏幕波或和更多常规的访问帧缓冲数据 Allows an application to take screen shots and more generally get access to the frame buffer data
READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS 允许程序读取(但不能写入)用户浏览器的历史记录和收藏夹。 Allows an application to read (but not write) the user's browsing history and bookmarks.
READ_INPUT_STATE 允许程序恢复按键的当前状态。 Allows an application to retrieve the current state of keys and switches.
READ_LOGS 允许程序读取底层系统日志文件 Allows an application to read the low-level system log files.
READ_OWNER_DATA 允许程序读取所有者数据 Allows an application to read the owner's data.
READ_PHONE_STATE 允许只读来访问话机状态 Allows read only access to phone state.
READ_SMS 允许程序读取短信息 Allows an application to read SMS messages.
READ_SYNC_SETTINGS 允许程序读取同步设置 Allows applications to read the sync settings
READ_SYNC_STATS 许程序读取同步状态 Allows applications to read the sync stats
REBOOT 请求能够重新启动设备 Required to be able to reboot the device.
application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.
RECEIVE_MMS 允许一个程序监控将收到MMS彩信,记录或处理 Allows an application to monitor incoming MMS messages, to record or perform processing on them.
RECEIVE_SMS 允许程序监控一个将收到短信息,记录或处理 Allows an application to monitor incoming SMS messages, to record or perform processing on them.
RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH 允许程序监控将收到WAP PUSH信息 Allows an application to monitor incoming WAP push messages.
RECORD_AUDIO 允许程序录制音频 Allows an application to record audio
REORDER_TASKS 允许程序改变Z轴排列任务 Allows an application to change the Z-order of tasks
RESTART_PACKAGES 允许程序重新启动其他程序 Allows an application to restart other applications.
SEND_SMS 许程序发送SMS短信 Allows an application to send SMS messages.
SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER 允许程序监控和控制活动如何在全球范围系统中开始的 Allows an application to watch and control how activities are started globally in the system.
SET_ALWAYS_FINISH 允许程序控制是否活动间接完成当处于后台时 Allows an application to control whether activities are immediately finished when put in the background.
SET_ANIMATION_SCALE 修改全局信息比例 Modify the global animation scaling factor.
SET_DEBUG_APP 配置一个程序用于调试 Configure an application for debugging.
SET_ORIENTATION 允许底层访问设置屏幕方向和实际旋转 Allows low-level access to setting the orientation (actually rotation) of the screen.
SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS 允许一个程序修改列表参数PackageManager.addPackageToPreferred() 和PackageManager.removePackageFromPreferred()方法 Allows an application to modify the list of preferred applications with the PackageManager.addPackageToPreferred() and PackageManager.removePackageFromPreferred() methods.
SET_PROCESS_LIMIT 允许设置最大的运行进程数量(不是必需的) Allows an application to set the maximum number of (not needed) application processes that can be running.
SET_TIME_ZONE 允许程序设置系统时间时区 Allows applications to set the system time zone
SET_WALLPAPER 允许程序设置壁纸 Allows applications to set the wallpaper
SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS 允许程序设置壁纸提示 Allows applications to set the wallpaper hints
SIGNAL_PERSISTENT_PROCESSES 允许程序请求发送信号到所有显示的进程中 Allow an application to request that a
signal be sent to all persistent processes
STATUS_BAR 允许程序打开、关闭或禁用状态栏及图标 Allows an application to open, close, or disable the status bar and its icons.
SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_READ 允许一个程序访问订阅RSS Feed(内容提供者) Allows an application to allow access the subscribed feeds ContentProvider.
SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_WRITE 系统暂时保留改设置,Android开发网认为未来版本会加入该功能。
SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW 允许程序打开窗口通过使用TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT,显示在其他所有程序的顶层 Allows an application to open windows using the type TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT, shown on top of all other applications.
UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS 允许程序更新设备统计信息 Allows an application to update device statistics.
VIBRATE 允许访问振动设备 Allows access to the vibrator
WAKE_LOCK 允许使用PowerManager的WakeLocks保持进程在休眠时从屏幕消失( Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming
WRITE_APN_SETTINGS 允许程序写入API设置 Allows applications to write the apn settings
WRITE_CALENDAR 允许程序写入但不读取用户日历数据 Allows an application to write (but not read) the user's calendar data.
WRITE_CONTACTS 允许程序写入但不读取用户联系人数据 Allows an application to write (but not read) the user's contacts data.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 允许程序写入外部存储器 Allows an application to write to external storage
WRITE_GSERVICES 允许程序修改Google服务地图 Allows an application to modify the Google service map.
WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS 允许程序写入但不读取用户浏览器的历史记录和收藏夹 Allows an application to write (but
not read) the user's browsing history and bookmarks.
WRITE_OWNER_DATA 允许一个程序写入但不读取所有者数据 Allows an application to write (but not read) the owner's data.
WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS 允许程序读取或写入安全系统设置 Allows an application to read or write the secure system settings.
WRITE_SETTINGS 允许程序读取或写入系统设置 Allows an application to read or write the system settings.
WRITE_SMS 允许程序写短信 Allows an application to write SMS messages.
WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS 允许程序写入同步设置 Allows applications to write the sync settings
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博文介绍:http://blog.csdn.net/qq_21376985/article/details/51830991 Android开发工具资料Android Manifest 权限描述大全 随时随地查询权限描述。
文件名“manifest-test”可能是指用于测试不同权限级别的多个版本的清单文件,或者是一个包含相关测试脚本或说明的文件。 总之,清单文件对于管理应用程序的权限和依赖关系至关重要。在VS2005和SDK V2.0的环境中,...
2. **要求权限**:Manifest文件还可以声明应用程序需要的特定系统权限,例如要求管理员权限才能运行。这有助于确保应用程序安全和系统的稳定性。 3. **侧加载支持**:对于非托管代码(如VB6),Manifest文件是实现...
2. **Chrome 扩展程序**:在Chrome扩展中,manifest.json用于定义扩展的权限、功能、图标、内容脚本等,使得扩展能够正确地集成到浏览器中。 3. **其他平台**:例如Electron、Firefox OS等,manifest.json用于类似...
AndroidManifest.xml 是 Android 应用程序中最重要的文件之一,它位于项目的根目录,描述了应用程序中的组件、权限、Intent-filter 和其他配置信息。下面是对 AndroidManifest.xml 的详细解释: 一、...
3. **利用 manifest 文件**:在Windows程序中,可以使用manifest文件来声明程序需要的权限级别。在Golang中,可以生成一个包含管理员权限请求的manifest文件,并将其嵌入到可执行文件中。当程序启动时,Windows会...
### Manifest.xml 文件的作用和简单使用 #### 一、概述 `AndroidManifest.xml` 是 Android 应用中的核心配置文件,其主要职责在于向 Android 操作系统声明应用的各个组成部分及特性。该文件采用 XML 格式编写,...
在这个案例中,manifest.json文件尤为重要,因为它将定义我们插件的权限,比如访问特定网站和读写本地文件的权限。 **Manifest V3**是Chrome扩展的最新版本,它引入了若干重要的安全和性能改进。其中一项关键变化是...
`Manifest.xml` 是 Android 应用程序的核心配置文件之一,它定义了应用程序的基本结构和行为,包括应用的组件(如 Activity、Service 和 BroadcastReceiver 等)、权限声明、硬件需求等。在 `Manifest.xml` 中,每个...
- **安全性声明**:在MIDP 2.0中,JAD文件可以声明应用所需的安全权限,这对于保障设备安全至关重要。 - **设备兼容性**:通过JAD文件,设备可以预先检查应用的硬件和软件需求,确保应用能够顺利运行。 #### 四、...
Manifest.permission 这个类定义了android全部的权限共106个 我们在 AndroidManifest.xml里需要对一些软件需要的操作做一些权限的声明, 比如我们的软件有发送短信的功能,那么就需要在 AndroidManifest.xml 里做...
### Android权限详解 在开发Android应用的过程中,合理地管理和使用权限是至关重要的。本文将详细介绍Android中的各种权限及其用途,并通过实例代码展示如何在AndroidManifest.xml文件中声明这些权限。 #### 1. ...