java -verion
java -jar
The name Scala is a contraction of the words scalable language.
sudo ln -s /home/wenbo/scala/bin/scala /usr/bin/scala
scala -version
Note that Scala uses square brackets ([...]) for parameterized types, whereas Java uses angle brackets (<...>).
Scala allows angle brackets to be used in method names, e.g., naming a
“less than” method < is common.
Using an equals sign also
reminds us that even functions are values in Scala, which is consistent with Scala’s support of functional programming
Learn what Scala offers over and above JavaBecome familiar with functional programming concepts and idiomsGain tips and advice useful when transitioning existing Java projects to Scala Who This ...
The second course, Scala for Machine Learning guides you through the process of building AI applications with diagrams, formal mathematical notation, source code snippets, and useful tips. A review of...
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在Scala编程环境中,Slick是一个强大的、类型安全的数据库库,它允许开发者使用高级的Scala API来操作数据库,而不是传统的SQL查询。"slick-production-tips" 提供了一系列实用的建议和最佳实践,帮助开发者将Slick...
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Spark works with other big data tools including MapReduce and Hadoop, and uses languages you already know like Java, Scala, Python, and R. Lightning speed makes Spark too good to pass up, but ...
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Use the appendix for tips on Scala and Groovy two other languages that run on JVMs Veterans of the IT employment space know that interviewing for a Java programming position isn"t as simple as ...
IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips Guide则提供了关于IDE高级特性的额外信息。 ### 安装要求 #### 硬件要求 为了运行IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2版本,推荐的硬件配置为至少1GB RAM,建议2GB或更多。硬盘空间需求为至少1.5GB,...
**6.6 Tips** - 提供了一些实用的技巧和建议。 #### 七、ThriftServer和CLI 这一部分介绍了如何使用ThriftServer和CLI工具来访问SparkSQL数据。 **7.1 CLI** - **CLI配置**:指导如何配置CLI工具。 - **CLI命令...
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spark_cpp_api 本工程只是做些实验性的工作。利用JNI,为Spark-0.6.0开发了一点点C++ API,目前能成功运行wordcount,kmeans,还在开发中,一些环境变量的配置没有更改...Tips 本项目已放弃,不再更新 Contact e-mail: