相信大家看完了上篇文章(http://gull.iteye.com/blog/1137200),会对自动化编译,部署和测试的过程与实现细节有所了解。那么我们稍微总结下就会发现其实现的实质就是一系列linux shell命令组成,且都是很常见的,如maven, ssh, scp, unzip, cp, mv, delete, kill, sed, awk等.
我们回想下——项目是采用maven2构建的,而我们CI自动化job的阶段也是借鉴maven2中默认的phases,因此我们做了下映射, 如下图:

此时你会有什么样的想法? —— 我们能否扩展maven2的生命周期,将我们不同流程的脚本嵌入到maven2的各个生命周期中,这样就可以直接使用原生的maven2命令来完成CI自动化流程了。
- maven-antrun-plugin: 自定义ant task来完成代码同步(p4 sync),参数替换,打包上传(scp),集成测试(ant-jmeter)等操作
- maven-sshexec-plugin:主要是用来执行远程服务器命令来完成清理和部署(ssh, del, unzip, scp, kill, java)等操作
maven-antrun-plugin这个插件官方介绍得比较简单,远不能达到我们的需要,因此我们需要扩展ant task来完成CI流程的定制化。
如何扩展?我们将以code sync和test为例来介绍。
code sync&test stage
- 实现org.apache.tools.ant.Task接口
public class CodeSync extends Task {
public void execute() throws BuildException {
//todo prepare some parameters
try {
//sync the application code
sync(depot, p4ClientRoot, p4ClientFolder);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
private void sync(String depotRoot, String clientRoot, String folderPath) throws Exception {
String depotPath = depotRoot + "/" + folderPath + "/...";
IServer server = ServerFactory.getServer("p4java://p4host:p4port", null);
//login the p4 server
IClient client = server.getClient(p4Client);
List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs = server.getDepotFiles(FileSpecBuilder.makeFileSpecList(new String[] { depotPath }), false);
log("sync "+fileSpecs.size()+" flies");
client.sync(fileSpecs, true, false, false, false);
<echo message="**************************"/>
<echo message="** A P P S CODE SYNC "/>
<echo message="**************************"/>
<typedef file="$typedef.properties" />
<parameter name="maven">xxx.xxx.xxx</parameter>
<parameter name="xxxx">yyyy</parameter>
<echo message="**************************"/>
<echo message="** END CODE SYNC *********"/>
<echo message="**************************"/>
<echo message=""/>
<target if="maven.test.skip">
<echo message="*****************************************"/>
<echo message="===== BEGIN COMPILE(TEST) ===="/>
<echo message="*****************************************"/>
<exec dir="/xxx/yyy/sourceFolder" executable="mvn">
<arg line="clean compile -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Ddependency.locations.enabled=false"/>
<echo message= "***************************************"/>
<echo message= "===== END COMPILE(TEST) ===="/>
<echo message= "***************************************"/>
<target unless="maven.test.skip">
<echo message="***********************************"/>
<echo message="===== BEGIN COMPILE ===="/>
<echo message="***********************************"/>
<echo message="//TODO: prepare unittest environment "/>
<exec dir="/xxx/yyy/sourceFolder" executable="mvn">
<arg line="clean compile -Ddependency.locations.enabled=false"/>
<echo message="***********************************"/>
<echo message="===== BEGIN COMPILE ===="/>
<echo message="***********************************"/>
Deploy Stage
<id>upload package</id>
<mkdir dir="..."/>
<!-- upload package to the remote server-->
<scp todir="deployserver:path"
keyfile="$keyfile" trust="true"
<fileset dir="$buildFolder/">
<include name="*.zip"/>
<!-- Run commands on each remote server -->
<id>do deploy</id>
<command>echo '********************************'</command>
<command>echo '==== { Run Remote Commands} ===='</command>
<command>echo '********************************'</command>
unzip xx.zip
<command>echo ''</command>
<command>echo '==== END Run Remote Commands ===='</command>
<command>echo '*********************************'</command>
<command>echo ''</command>
Integration Test Stage
目前integration test我们主要是采用jmeter来进行完成API测试的,因此我们需要配置ant jmeter task.
<echo message="******************************************"/>
<echo message="==== { Run Integration test Scripts } ===="/>
<echo message="******************************************"/>
<path id="jmeter.classpath">
<fileset dir="$jarFolder">
<include name="ant-jmeter*.jar"/>
<taskdef name="jmeter" classpathref="jmeter.classpath" classname="org.programmerplanet.ant.taskdefs.jmeter.JMeterTask"/>
<property name="transformation.xsl" value="$resourcesFolder/jmeter-results-detail-report.xsl" />
<property name="resourcesFolder" value="$resourcesFolder" />
<ant antfile="$jmeter.integration.testscript" />
<echo message=""/>
<echo message="=====END Integration Test====="/>
<echo message="******************************"/>
- 构建maven parent project: 通过继承和参数覆盖的方式简化配置,具体方式可参考maven手册。
- 编写pom生成工具: 通过简单的配置参数和文件模板生成目标pom,如图所示

- 大小: 8.6 KB

- 大小: 38.1 KB
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The book also shows you how to build and release a DSL so that it can be installed in Eclipse, and gives you hints on how to build the DSL headlessly in a continuous integration server. ...
在软件开发中,持续集成(Continuous Integration,简称CI)是一种实践,旨在频繁地将开发人员的代码更改合并到共享存储库中,并自动构建和测试这些更改,以尽早发现潜在的问题。"first-CI-implementation"项目是一...
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The chapter finishes with a discussion on test runners, test reporting, and using continuous integration build servers. Chapter 9, Testing TypeScript Compatible Frameworks, shows how to unit test, ...