Expertise: Intermediate
Language: Java
January 28, 2000
Be Careful With Transient Data
Java's serialization provides an elegant, and easy to use mechanism for making an object's state persistent. While controlling object serialization, we might have a particular object data member that we do not want the serialization mechanism to save.
To turn off serialization on a certain field of an object, we tag that field of the class of our object with the Java's "transient" keyword. This, to low-level parts of the Java virtual machine, is an indication that the transient variable is not part of the persistent state of an object.
First, let's have some backgrounder code with Java's serialization.
Suppose we define a class as:
public class LoggingInfo implements java.io.Serializable
private Date loggingDate = new Date();
private String uid;
private transient String pwd;
LoggingInfo(String user, String password)
uid = user;
pwd = password;
public String toString()
String password=null;
if(pwd == null)
password = "NOT SET";
password = pwd;
return "logon info: \n " + "user: " + uid +
"\n logging date : " + loggingDate.toString() +
"\n password: " + password;
Now we can create an instance of this class and serialize it, and write the serialized object to disk as in:
LoggingInfo logInfo = new LoggingInfo("MIKE", "MECHANICS");
ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream("logInfo.out"));
catch(Exception e) {//deal with exception}
To read the object back, we can write
ObjectInputStream in =new ObjectInputStream(
new FileInputStream("logInfo.out"));
LoggingInfo logInfo = (LoggingInfo)in.readObject();
catch(Exception e) {//deal with exception}
If we run this code, we notice that the read-back object prints password as "NOT SET". This is exactly the effect we should have expected when we declared the pwd field as transient.
Now, let's see a potential problem that careless treatment of transient fields may cause. Suppose we modify our class definition and provide default values for the transient field, say we write:
public class GuestLoggingInfo implements java.io.Serializable
private Date loggingDate = new Date();
private String uid;
private transient String pwd;
uid = "guest";
pwd = "guest";
public String toString()
//same as above
Now, if we serialize an instance of GuestLoggingInfo, write it to disk, and read it back, we still see that the read-back object prints password as "NOT SET". In effect, the process of reading back (de-serializing) totally ignores the constructor of GuestLoggingInfo. So what happened?
The answer lies in the fact that the initialization code is not called because we are not initializing, in other words, we are not constructing a brand new object, but loading back the persistent state of an object of a class, and assigning that state to another object of the same class. Declaring the pwd field as transient, excludes the data for that field from the persistent state of our object. Then, upon de-serialization, since there is no data preserved for the pwd field, the field gets Java's default value for its type (null for String).
So, if you mark a field of an object as transient, and write that object to disk, expect to have the default value of the type of that field when you de-serialize the object, and not the actual value that the field had before its state was serialized. If a default value (or any meaningful value) is essential for a transient field of a de-serialized object, you have to assign it yourself either directly (if the field is public) or via a setter method.
Behrouz Fallahi
volatile告诉jvm, 它所修饰的变量不保留拷贝,直接访问主内存中的(也就是上面说的A)
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2. **transient和volatile关键字**:`transient`修饰的字段不会被序列化,而`volatile`关键字与此无关,它用于保证变量的可见性和同步性。 3. **序列化流的安全性**:序列化的数据可以被恶意用户篡改,因此,敏感...
5. **transient和volatile关键字** - `transient` 关键字可以标记字段,表示这个字段不应该参与序列化过程,即不会被序列化到字节流中。 - `volatile` 关键字与序列化无关,但通常与多线程同步有关,序列化时不会...
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1. transient 和 volatile 是 Java 关键字吗? 2. 抽象类和接口有什么区别? 3. 能说一下 Java 的反射机制吗? 4. 在 Java 中怎样实现多线程? 5. 你用过哪种设计模式? 6. 请说一下 MVC 架构。 7. 如果类 a 继承类 ...
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观事务的软件化模拟,是变量(数据和数据结构)和相关方法(对数据操作和对象管理的程 序)的软件组合。 在面向对象的程序设计中,你可以用软件对象表示现实世界的对象,而这些软件对象和 现实世界对象是相对应的。...
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5. ** transient 和 volatile 关键字**:transient关键字用于标记那些不应该在序列化过程中保存的成员变量。而volatile关键字与序列化无关,但它确保了多线程环境下的可见性和有序性。 6. **自定义序列化和反序列化...
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2. **transient和volatile关键字**:`transient`修饰的字段不会被序列化,`volatile`关键字不影响序列化,但影响字段的可见性和同步性。 3. **循环引用**:序列化时需注意对象间的循环引用,可能会导致无限递归和栈...
native,transient,volatile,strictfp,CMM,synchronized,java socket,压缩与解压缩,多线程,垃圾回收算法,JVM ClassLoader,IO流,反射机制,JNDI, GUI布局管理器,JMS, Java Mail, JNDI reference,java事件处理...