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Tell me the area
Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 900 Accepted Submission(s): 284
Problem Description
There are two circles in the plane (shown in the below picture), there is a common area between the two circles. The problem is easy that you just tell me the common area.

There are many cases. In each case, there are two lines. Each line has three numbers: the coordinates (X and Y) of the centre of a circle, and the radius of the circle.
For each case, you just print the common area which is rounded to three digits after the decimal point. For more details, just look at the sample.
Sample Input
0 0 2 2 2 1
Sample Output
假设圆A半径r1 < 圆B半径r2
d0 = 圆心距
d1 = A圆心到交线距离
d2 = B圆心到交线距离
arc1 = A圆优弧弓型面积
arc2 = B圆优弧弓型面积
d0 >= r1 + r2
两圆相离或外切,area = 0.0
d0 + r1 <= r2
两圆内含或内切,area = A圆面积
r2 - r1 < d0 < r1 + r2
1、d0 >= d1, area = arc1 + arc2
2、d0 < d1, area = arc1 + A圆面积 - arc2
4290504 | 2011-07-29 21:40:46 | Accepted | 1798 | 62MS | 208K | 1115 B | C++ | 10SGetEternal{(。)(。)}! |
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; #define fp(x) ((x) * (x)) #define fmin(x, y) ((x) < (y)? (x): (y)) int main() { double x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2; double A, B, C, d, d0, d1, d2, ang1, ang2, taa1, taa2, ara1, ara2, area; while (scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf", &x1, &y1, &r1, &x2, &y2, &r2) != EOF) { if (r1 > r2) //保证圆A半径小于圆B { swap(r1, r2); swap(x1, x2); swap(y1, y2); } A = 2 * (x2 - x1); B = 2 * (y2 - y1); C = fp(x1) - fp(x2) + fp(y1) - fp(y2) + fp(r2) - fp(r1); d = sqrt(fp(A) + fp(B)); d0 = sqrt(fp(x1 - x2) + fp(y1 - y2)); d1 = abs(A * x1 + B * y1 + C) / d; d2 = abs(A * x2 + B * y2 + C) / d; if (d0 >= r1 + r2) area = 0.0; else if (d0 + r1 <= r2) area = acos(-1.0) * fp(r1); else { ang1 = acos(d1 / r1); ang2 = acos(d2 / r2); taa1 = r1 * d1 * sin(ang1); taa2 = r2 * d2 * sin(ang2); ara1 = ang1 * fp(r1); ara2 = ang2 * fp(r2); area = ara2 - taa2; if (d0 >= d2) area += ara1 - taa1; else area += acos(-1.0) * fp(r1) - ara1 + taa1;; } printf("%.3lf\n", area); } return 0; }
注意DB错误……a - (c + d) = a - c + d
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