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Spring AOP 入门实例
1、SM59,删除所有包含STMS的连接 2、STMS,Overview-System,删除所有配置 3、登陆至Client 000 4、STMS,新建传输控制域,新建Visual System 配置Transport Routes, SAP Note 18023 Jobs EU_INIT, EU_REORG, EU_PUT if you have problem, search oss note like Multiple scheduling of the jobs EU_PUT and EU_REORG SAP Note Number: 174645 Symptom What are the jobs EU_INIT (program SAPRSEUC), EU_REORG (program SAPRSLOG), and EU_PUT (program SAPRSEUT), which are automatically scheduled by the ABAP Workbench, used for? Other terms SE80 Reason and Prerequisites The EU jobs are used to reconstruct or update the indexes (where-used lists, navigation indexes, object lists) that are important for the ABAP Workbench. Solution When you start transaction SE80 for the first time, the three EU jobs are scheduled automatically: EU_INIT (single start), EU_REORG (periodically each night), and EU_PUT (periodically each night). Alternatively, You can also schedule the three jobs by manually executing program SAPRSEUJ. Short description of the individual jobs: EU_INIT: EU_INIT is used to completely rebuild the indexes and therefore has a correspondingly long runtime. It starts program SAPRSEUI. All customer-defined programs (selection according to the naming convention) are analyzed, and an index is created that is used in the EU for the where-used lists of function modules, error messages, reports, and do on. This index is automatically updated in dialog mode. The job can be repeated at any time. After a termination, the job is automatically scheduled for the next day; it then starts at the point of termination. (EU_INIT can therefore be terminated deliberately, if it disturbs other activities in the system.) EU_REORG: As mentioned above, the indexes are automatically updated online by the tools. To keep the effort for updating these indices as low as possible, only the changes are logged, which means a reorganization of the complete index for each program is required from time to time. So that this reorganization does not interfere with the online system, the EU_REORG job runs every night and performs this task. If the EU_REORG job did not run one night, this simply means that the reorganization takes place more often online. EU_PUT: The EU_PUT job also runs every night. It starts program SAPRSEUT. This program checks whether customer-defined development objects have been transported into the SAP system with the SAP transport system, and generates or updates the indexes described above whenever required. To create the indexes, the EU jobs analyze the program sources of the development objects. Faulty ABAP programs (sources with grave syntax errors, for example, a literal that is too long because a concluding inverted comma is missing) are skipped. The relevant job continued the analysis with the next program and issues the names of all programs with errors in a list. After correcting the faulty programs, you can update the object lists of the relevant programs in the Repository Browser. To do this, proceed as follows: Up to Release 6.10: Choose “Update”. As of Release 6. 20: go to context menu “Other functions”->”Rebuild object list”. 源文档 <https://forums.sdn.sap.com/thread.jspa?messageID=2813006?> Queries RSZELTDIR Directory of the reporting component elements RSZELTTXT Texts of reporting component elements RSZELTXREF Directory of query element references RSRREPDIR Directory of all reports (Query GENUNIID) RSZCOMPDIR Directory of reporting components Workbooks RSRWBINDEX List of binary large objects (Excel workbooks) RSRWBINDEXT Titles of binary objects (Excel workbooks) RSRWBSTORE Storage for binary large objects (Excel workbooks) RSRWBTEMPLATE Assignment of Excel workbooks as personal templates RSRWORKBOOK ‘Where-used list’ for reports in workbooks Web templates RSZWOBJ Storage of the Web Objects RSZWOBJTXT Texts for Templates/Items/Views RSZWOBJXREF Structure of the BW Objects in a Template RSZWTEMPLATE Header Table for BW HTML Templates BTW: There are only 26,000 tables in our small installation of BW 3.5. Posted In: admin , bex , char , delta , elem , event , genuinid , global , infopak , init , lbwq, qrfc , query , rsa7 , settings , tables , text , varia , variant , workbook . By Srinivas Neelam Custome Infoobjects Tabels: /BIC/M — View of Master data Tables /BIC/P — Master data Table, Time Independent attributes /BIC/Q — Master data Table, Time Dependent attributes /BIC/X — SID Table, Time Independent /BIC/Y — SID Tabel, Time Dependent /BIC/T — Text Table /BIC/H — Heirarchy Table /BIC/K — Heirarchy SID Table Standard Infoobjects Tabels(Buss. Content): Replace “C” with “0″ in above tables. Ex: /BI0/M — View of Master data Tables Standard InfoCUBE Tables : /BI0/F — Fact Table(Before Compression) /BI0/E — Fact Table(After Compression) /BI0/P — Dimension Table - Data Package /BI0/T — Dimension Table - Time /BI0/U — Dimension Table - Unit /BI0/1, 2, 3, …….A,B,C,D : — Dimension Tables BW Tables: BTCEVTJOB – To check List of jobs waiting for events ROOSOURCE — Control parameters for Datasource ROOSFIELD – Control parameters for Datasource ROOSPRMSC — Control parameters for Datasource ROOSPRMSF — Control parameters for Datasource – More info @ ROOSOURCE weblog RSOLTPSOURCE – Replicate Table for OLTP source in BW RSDMDELTA – Datamart Delta Management RSSDLINITSEL, RSSDLINITDEL – Last valid Initialization to an OLTP Source RSUPDINFO — Infocube to Infosource correlation RSUPDDAT – Update rules key figures RSUPDENQ – Removal of locks in the update rules RSUPDFORM — BW: Update Rules - Formulas - Checking Table RSUPDINFO — Update info (status and program) RSUPDKEY — Update rule: Key per key figure RSUPDROUT — Update rules - ABAP routine - check table RSUPDSIMULD – Table for saving simulation data update RSUPDSIMULH — Table for saving simulation data header information RSDCUBEIOBJ – Infoobjects per Infocube RSIS – Infosouce Info RSUPDINFO — Update Rules Info RSTS – Transfer Rules Info RSKSFIELD – Communication Structure fields RSALLOWEDCHAR – Special Characters Table(T Code : RSKC, To maintain) RSDLPSEL – Selection Table for fields scheduler(Infpak’s) RSDLPIO – Log data packet no RSMONICTAB – Monitor, Data Targets(Infocube/ODS) Table, request related info RSTSODS — Operational data store for Transfer structure RSZELTDIR – Query Elements RSZGLOBV – BEx Variables RXSELTXREF, RSCOMPDIR – Reports/query relavent tables RSCUSTV – Query settings RSDIOBJ – Infoobjects RSLDPSEL — Selection table for fields scheduler(Info pak list) RSMONIPTAB – InfoPackage for the monitor RSRWORKBOOK – Workbooks & related query genunid’s RSRREPDIR – Contains Genuin id, Rep Name, author, etc… RSRINDEXT – Workbook ID & Name RSREQDONE – Monitor: Saving of the QM entries RSSELDONE – Monitor : Selection for exected requests RSLDTDONE – Texts on the requeasted infopacks & groups RSUICDONE – BIW: Selection table for user-selection update Infocubes’s RSSDBATCH – Table for Batch run scheduler RSLDPDEL – Selection table for deleting with full update scheduler RSADMINSV – RS Administration RSSDLINIT — Last Valid Initializations to an OLTP Source BTCEVTJOB –To check event status(scheduled or not) VARI – ABAP Variant related Table VARIDESC – Selection Variants: Description T Code : SMQ1 –> QRFC Monitor(Out Bound) T Code : SM13 –> Update Records status T Code : LBWQ –> QRFC related Tables TRFCQOUT, QREFTID, ARFCSDATA SAP Data Dictionary用表 DD02L - SAP tables DD02T - R/3 DD: SAP table text DD03L - Table Fields DD03T - DD: Texts for fields (language dependent) EDD04L - Data elements DD04T - R/3 DD: Data element texts DD01L - Domains DD01T - R/3 DD: domain texts DD07L - R/3 DD: values for the domains DD07T - DD: Texts for Domain Fixed Values (Language-Dependent) Transparent tables can be identified using DD02L-TABCLASS = ‘TRANSP’. 2 在查找时要注意技术名称还是名称,因为查询时会在两个中进行,模糊查询时要细心,FV与V都可以查到 3 复制的时候注意长度,过长的会不能显示 4 开着Query不能删除 5 se01 Transport Organizer 6 行列只是用来放特征和关键值 7 行和列都是死的是固定报表,行和列都是灵活的是灵活报表,行或列有一个是死的,有一个是灵活的是半灵活报表 8 SAP portal增量链接的时候别忘记打开目的地,不然不会显示菜单的 9 P采购 purchasing,I库存 inventory 10 传输请求的时候,DSO传输过,转换会变灰,就是说底层变,上层会有问题 11 M版本不等于A版本,可能是修改以后没有激活 12 SID — Surrogate-ID 13 YTD,QTD,PTD 年初至今,季初至今,期初至今 14 BOM 物料清单 15 报表和BEx请求要进ZBW_LYHG包,其余的都进ZBW包 16 请求出错,到英文系统看明细日志 17 mb51,收+,发- 18 312为测试系统,300-302,200-222 19 收集转换的时候要收集例程,收集DTP的时候要带信息包 20 se03 显示/更改命名空间,可以看到类似于/BIO/ /BIC/的文本描述 /BI0/ 业务信息仓库:SAP 命名空间 SAP AG Walldorf /BIC/ 业务信息仓库:客户命名空间 客户名称空间 21 有时候,结果行的显示会有错误,可以再Query里将 计算结果 改为 合计 22 主链修改后需要计划之,即执行 23 做完报表要传Portal的 24 用户出口:SD,绑定给一个,不能重用;客户出口,ALL;BTE业务交易事件,FI;BADI业务附加(NEW),用户出口与BTE的结合 25 RRM_SV_VAR_WHERE_USED_LIST_GET 26 01交易数据,02主数据,03层次,04空 27 压缩:F事实表压缩至E事实表,压缩之后F表清空,直接从E表取数,加快速度。如果有聚集,要先上传至聚集,再压缩。 28 开发类:逻辑上相关的一组对象,也就是说,这组对象必须一起开发、维护和传输 本地对象:将对象指派给$TMP,不可传输到其他系统 自建开发类:以Y或者Z开头 29 CCMS: Computer center Management System 30 TCODE: SSAA 31 关于DB Statistics,计算统计数据时,SAP_ANALYZE_ALL_INFOCUBES 使用的信息立方体数据量<=20%时,BW将会使用10%的信息立方体数据来估计统计数据, 否则,BW将计算实际的统计数据。此时,Oracle PL/SQL包DBMS_STATS就是更好的选择,如果可能会调用并行的查询来收集统计数据;否则调用一个顺序查询或者ANALYZE语句。索引统计数据并不是并行收集的。TCODE: DB20 32 每次加载数据时,自动刷新统计信息:Environment–>Automatic Request Processing 33 分区查看:SE11–>Utilities–>Database Object–>Database Utilities–>Storage Parameters–>Partition 34 分区管理:打开Cube–>Extras–>DB Performance–>Partitioning,来个例子,很简单的解释,很透彻 我选择额的是0CALMONTH,按月来分区: Example Value range for FYear/Calendar Month 6 Years * 12 Months + 2 = 74 partitions will be created (2 partitions for values that lie outside of the range, meaning <01.1998 or > 12.2003). 35 如果可能,在传输规则而不是更新规则中执行数据的转换。传输规则:PSA–>DSO,更新规则:DSO–>Cube 36 考虑使用数据库的NOARCHIVELOG模式 37 将实例的描述参数rdisp/max_wprun_time设置为0,允许对话工作进程占用无限的CPU时间 38 加载交易数据时: 1、加载所有的主数据 2、删除信息立方体及其聚集的索引 3、打开数字范围缓冲(Number range buffering) 4、设置一个合适的数据包大小 5、加载交易数据 6、重建索引 7、关闭数字范围缓冲 8、刷新统计数据 39 事实表命名:</BIC|/BIO>/F<信息立方体名>,同理,E事实表 40 SID:Surrogate-ID(替代标识) 维度表和SID表之间,主数据表和SID表之间,都是虚线关系,虚线关系表示由ABAP程序维护,不受到外键补充。使得我们能够加载交易数据,即使数据库中不存在任何主数据也可以。Always update data, even if no master data exists for the data! 41 BW多种建模,参照BW Accelerator, Multi-Dimensional Modeling with BW 42 维度特征 or 维度属性: 1、如果**数据包含在交易数据中,那么应将**用作为维度特征,而不要用做维度属性。 2、如果**频繁用于导航,那么应将**用做维度特征,而不要用做维度属性。 43 维度: 1、如果特征具有一对多的关系,那么应将它们组合在同一维度中。 2、如果特征具有多对多的关系,那么应将他们组合在不同维度中。(合并关系很小除外) 44 复合属性(组合属性 Compounding): 除非绝对必要,不要采用复合属性,代价比较大。 理解:IO_HOUSE拥有一条White house的记录,为了区别是来自政府源系统还是家居网站,将IO_HOUSE和0SOURCESYSTEM复合起来澄清特征的具体含义。 45 线性项维度: 如果维度只有一个特征,可以设为线性项特征。导致并未创建维度表,关键字是SID表的SID,事实表通过SID表连接到主数据、文本和层级表,同时删除了维度表的一个中间层,提高效率。 46 粒度(Granularity):信息具体的程度 47 PSA:数据以包为单位进行传输 48 IDoc:数据以IDoc为单位进行传输,字符格式中,传输结构不能超过1000字节 49 BW收集传输数据步骤: 1、BW传递一个加载请求IDoc给R/3 2、在加载请求IDoc触发时,R/3将启动一个后台任务。后台任务从数据库中收集数据,并保存在事先定义好大小的包中 3、收集了第一个数据包以后,后台任务启动一个对话工作进程(如果可用),将第一个数据包从R/3传递给BW 4、如果需要传递更多数据,后台工作将继续收集第二个包的数据,而不必等第一个数据包完成其传递过程。收集完毕发送 5、在前面的步骤进行时,R/3传递信息IDoc给BW,通知BW数据抽取的传输状态 6、按照上面的方式过程继续进行,直到所有请求的数据得以传输和选择 因此,信息包的大小很重要 上面两张图,一个是表ROIDOCPRMS,里面存储的是关于信息包的设置 设置方法:SBIW–>General Settings–>Maintain Control Parameters for Data Transfer
另一个是数据抽取的过程:几个IDoc的Info status分别是: 这里的几个状态分别为: 很简单的逻辑,收到请求,开始数据选择,一直跑一直跑,一直跑到结束 50 加载数据到InfoCube时,会使用数据范围缓冲(Number range buffering) 是通过数据范围对象(Number range object)来实现的。 设置方式: SE37–>RSD_CUBE_GET–>I_INFOCUBE和I_BYPASS_BUFFER=X–>E_T_DIME–>NOBJECT–>SNRO–>Edit–>Set-up buffering–>Main memory 也许会用到的是SE03–>Set System Change Option–>General SAP name Range=Modifiable 例子里设置的是500 51 对SAP传输,自己有一点点小的见解
释放:从技术角度来讲,释放一个传输请求实际上就是把传输对象从传输请求中导出。 52 状态: 安装BC的时候,选Install,覆盖A状态;选Match,无操作;都选,合并(未必全合并) 53 STMS Transport Management System 54 InfoCube 类型: 55 工作簿在数据库中保存为二进制大对象(Binary Large Object, BLOB)的。 56 BW场景: 57 对于主特性,聚集中能采用SUM、MIN和MAX而不能采用AVG 58 Info Cube层级设计: 依赖于时间的整体层级 维度特征 依赖于时间的导航属性 59 D包不要把灯从黄色改成绿色,可是适当的改成红色,如果没有数据传输的话。尽量不要改 60 尴尬,NWDS 和 WAS一定要是同一个版本才行,很烦人啊很烦人,另外Notes号码是:718949 61 DSO,三个表 62 DSO分为覆盖和合计两种,在转换中点Detail,双击Key Figure,可以选。 63 DTP: 如果是单转换,会有: 语义组(错误堆栈关键字段选择),会有包大小的选择(一般为5w),执行的处理模式为连续提取,立即平行处理 如果有信息源,则: 没有语义组,包大小与源中的包大小一致.在运行时间动态确定,执行的处理模式为连续提取和源包的处理(这俩是一个意思) 64 Variable Processing By: Manual Input/Default Value Replacement Path Customer exit Authorization 65 Cube<–DSO 66 BW3.5的数据包直接上载,是不生成请求的 67 BW报表权限:角色中的业务智能分析权限 业务浏览器 - 业务浏览器可重复使用的 web 项目 (NW 7.0+) 业务浏览器 - BEx Web 模板(NW 7.0+) 业务浏览器 - 组件 业务浏览器 - 组件: 对所有人的增强 业务浏览器 - 数据访问服务 68 制作进程链的时候,要注意3.5的DSO,他们会选择自动激活和自动更新 69 几种DSO: 关于更多信息, 请通过以下路径参阅 SAP 库: http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04s/helpdata/en/F9/45503C242B4A67E10000000A114084/content.htm
70 千万不要忘记主数据的Change Run 71 激活的时候,要求有连续性,就是从第一个开始,到最后一个结束,前置的请求必须执行 72 主数据有权限相关,可以细分权限,权限TCode:RSECADMIN 73 激活的时候,默认会把一起激活的数据放在一个请求里 74 Reconstruction,重新建造是针对3.5的抽取来讲的,请求到达其下级的时候,这里会显示传输结构状态为成功 数据目标中有效的请求为 失败,点重建或插入,则类似于执行DTP操作,填充数据 75 几个处理后台事务的TCode: 76 几个财务的TCode: 77 货币转换步骤: RSUOM设置,然后到Query里这是Conversions Unit Conversion:Conversion Type和Target Unit选上 78 InfoSet的outer join是需要谨慎操作的,不然会出大问题 79 关于SAP与其他程序的接口,我有了一点新的理解: 从外部到SAP,可以调用BAPI,如果外部也是SAP就CALL FUNCTION,如果外部不是SAP,就用.NET或者JAVA来做 还可以写在EXCEL里,做个任务,定期执行 从SAP到外部,可以让外部掉BAPI,取数 80 查用户名:USER21,USR12,ADRP 81 RRM_SV_VAR_WHERE_USED_LIST_GET 82 RSBBS,可以设置从一个Query跳转到另一个Query 83 RSDS,迁移回3.X必备 84 取一个月的最后一天,可以使用FM: SLS_MISC_GET_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH 85 维度越多,Cube可以合并的数据就越少,效率就越低 86 对于单价这种KF,可以做成特性,因为Cube对同样的数据只能做合计,而DSO却可以覆盖
96 DSO能做分区么:在SP13以及之前是可以的(Write-Optimized DSO是按照请求号) DSO能做聚集么:如果数据库是DB2的话,标准和直接写入的DSO是可以的,写优化的不行 97 RZ11 98 啥是Data Mart啊,the bw system can be a source to another bw system or to itself the ods/cube/infoprovider which provide data to another systm are called data marts。 99 Event:SM62 100 都100条了,来点儿有意思的。3.x的时候,multi provider不能加DSO,只能用CUBE infoset不能加CUBE,只能用DSO和Master Data,现在看来,有点儿不可思议了。
101 InfoCube:最大维度16个,去掉三个预先定义的time、unit、request,有13个可用 最大key figure数233 最大characteristic数248 DSO: - You can create a maximum of 16 key fields (if you have more key fields, you can combine fields using a routine for a key field (concatenate).) - You can create a maximum of 749 fields - You can use 1962 bytes (minus 44 bytes for the change log) - You cannot include key figures as key fields
Pasted from <http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/4a/e71f39488fee0ce10000000a114084/content.htm>
Pasted from <http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/cf/21eb6e446011d189700000e8322d00/content.htm> 87 将黄灯状态改成红灯状态:运行事物码SE37,执行函数RSBM_GUI_CHANGE_USTATE 88 sap时间是从19910101开始的(??) 89 几个新认识的Tcode 90 PC建议并行4条 91 CT是基于小汇总的百分比, GT是基于total的计算, 92 你看这是啥:Data Flow Overview in BI
93 写优化的DSO是不能做报表的,因为没有SID?不是的,可以出报表,只是没有意义,因为key都是些请求啊,数据编号之类的 94 数据源中,选择:BW提取时,可以当做选择条件进行筛选的字段。隐藏:在BW中不体现的字段
95 货币问题事务码: OX15 OX02 OX06 96 DSO能做分区么:在SP13以及之前是可以的(Write-Optimized DSO是按照请求号) DSO能做聚集么:如果数据库是DB2的话,标准和直接写入的DSO是可以的,写优化的不行 97 RZ11 98 啥是Data Mart啊,the bw system can be a source to another bw system or to itself the ods/cube/infoprovider which provide data to another systm are called data marts。 99 Event:SM62 100 都100条了,来点儿有意思的。3.x的时候,multi provider不能加DSO,只能用CUBE infoset不能加CUBE,只能用DSO和Master Data,现在看来,有点儿不可思议了。 101 InfoCube:最大维度16个,去掉三个预先定义的time、unit、request,有13个可用 最大key figure数233 最大characteristic数248 DSO: - You can create a maximum of 16 key fields (if you have more key fields, you can combine fields using a routine for a key field (concatenate).) - You can create a maximum of 749 fields - You can use 1962 bytes (minus 44 bytes for the change log) - You cannot include key figures as key fields
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Pasted from <http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/cf/21eb6e446011d189700000e8322d00/content.htm>
102 你觉得Activate Data Automatically和Update Data Automatically能省事儿么,其实不是滴,因为Process Chain对这俩flag ignored 103 DSO的SID?我开始还以为在Activation Queue里,因为那个表里有SID这个字段,里面填的是Request_ID, 后来才知道根本不是这个,显示数据,里面有SID的,其实就是把文本的Key换成数字Key,能提速。 104 看DSO的请求用TCODE:RSICCONT 105 权限:InfoCube based approach info area, cube, dso Query name based approach query Dataset approach characteristics, key figures 106 How many fields you can assign to authorization object : 10 107 权限值‘:’ 1、使用户可以访问不包含权限所限制对象的query,就是说,假如在Cube A里有IO_A,如果Query里不含IO_A,则用上‘:’之前也不能访问,之后就可以。 2、可以查看统计值,如果不去看明细的话。就是说,假如我们限制用户只能看客户A的资料,但是他还是可以看该公司的全部收入的。只要不明细到客户这一层。 108 权限值:‘$’ 109 Templates of authorizations : SU24 110 Archival: SARA 111 Table:RSBFILE, Open Hub Files 112 DSO中包含从两个模型里上载过来的请求,必须分开激活 113 BW 单位:T006,货币:TCURR 114 从7.0 Query转到3.5 Query There’s a reversal tool you can run….with which you can undo the query migratie to 7.0.
Not sure if it’s a custom program, but the coding can be found on OSS/SDN 115 activate master data 其实是 Change run:因为你手动加,是M版本(对于已经存在的,如果没有存在,就直接是A版本),要activate 起A版本,query 只取A版本。 116 sm66 117 看一个表是否使用了buffer:SE11,然后技术设置 118 如何传输设置到$TMP的object: 119 时间相关的特性没有P表,只有Q表 120 SU21,授权对象 121 System –> Status 122 ALPHA,数字自动填0
123 RSSDLINIT?RSREQDONE?SE38–RSREQUEST? Yeah!查PSA的请求,用这个就靠谱。 查ODS和CUBE的,用Table:RSICCONT。 124 SE14,删除各种数据库表 125 SE93,查看Tcode 126 DSO,数据先上再到N表,然后激活到A表和LOG表 127 传输Table的时候,技术设置要单独进去保存才能进请求
128 想看Request,表RSBKREQUEST 129 做断点的时候,用BREAK USERNAME. 130 修复SID,RSRV 131 PSA查看,RSTSODS 132 RSPRECADMIN,预计算 133 权限Table: Role Authorization 134 收集信息对象的时候,信息范围最好不要放里面 135 会计上,法律实体一定是会计主体,而会计主体未必一定是法律主体。就像上面的,分公司是会计主体,却并非法律实体。因此,会计主体对应到CompanyCode层次,而法而法律实体对应到Company层次是可以满足两个层次分别出具报表要求的。 136 收集权限时,组合角色下的角色会被一起收集进去 137 想查请求内容,E071 138 BI Content升级影响的是D版本 139 和Query相关的几个Table RSZCOMPDIR RSZCOMPIC 140 If the number of records to be loaded is larger than 15%-20% of the target table, then drop indexes. Otherwise, do not drop. 141 DSO的Secondary Index 1. Call transaction RSA1 (Administrator Workbench: Modeling → InfoProvider). Double-click the ODS object on which you want to create a secondary index. 2. On the Edit ODS Object screen, right-click Indexes and choose Create 142 查看转换内容,RSTRANFIELD 143 属性的层次结构有修改时,在change run之前必须加保存层次结构 144 BX数据取的是初始库存,之后用BF和UM(填Setup table的时候要按照公司) 145 收集处理链的时候可以把相关的变式、信息包、处理链一起添加进去 146 Note 750156 - Entry <XXX…> not found in the DKF 147 T.Codes to fill up the Set Up tables for all the applications. 148 STO:公司间销售 149 Note 559119 - Call disconnections in the syslog or dev_rd Operating system call recv failed (error no. 73 ) Communication error, CPIC return code 020, SAP return code 223 150 WorkBook:RSRWORKBOOK 元数据仓库里面也可以看到,但是没有表里准确(只包含有效的Query) 151 AL11,查看服务器上的文件 152 角色的传输和模型不同,传输后,最后修改人将和开发机一致… 153 Query提示没有权限修改,可能是因为Patch打的比上次更改人的低 154 HR组织机构维护 PPOCE,PPOME,PPOSE 155 处理弹窗:SY-BINPT为空则弹出,为X则不弹 156 传输处理链的时候,如果有必要,需要调整源系统分配,甚至传输源系统 另外,转换的对应设置在:RSA1,工具,转换逻辑系统名称 157 For All Entry 之前要判断是否为空,否则效率很低 158 看虚拟Cube的FM:复制一下,看看Detail里的函数名。 eg: RSSEM_CONSOLIDATION_INFOPROV RSSEM_CONSOLIDATION_INFOPROV3 159 OAER,更换excel模板 160 从模型删除字段的时候,需要把模型的数据清空,添加字段却不需要 161 IDOC WE21 162 RFC RSCUSTA 163 COPA KE24,CPB1 164 AGR_HIER表可以看到WorkBook对应的权限 165 RSZELTDIR Query元素查找 166 查看query运行的时间的事务代码是ST03 167 总账科目余额FBL5N,FS10n能查余额 168 RS_VC_GET_QUERY_VIEW_DATA可以做APD的Backup 169 SRET_TIME_DIFF_GET,通过seconds和hours来计算timestamp的时间差 170 处理链的明细视图还可以用来查看单个变式的执行时间 ABR:Forming deltas with after, before and reverse images that are updated directly in the delta queue,采用前镜像、后镜像和反转镜像的更新模式,既支持覆盖又支持累加,所以数据源可以更新到DSO或者CUBE AIM/AIMD:Forming deltas with after image, which are updated directly in the delta queue. 采用后镜像模式,只支持覆盖,不支持累加,所以该类型数据源不能直接加载到CUBE,一般会先加载到DSO;在FI-AR/AP中此种增量处理方式应用较多 ADD只支持累加,采用的是附加镜像的更新方式,所以既可以更新到DSO又可以更新到CUBE V3 Update Mode V1同步更新模式,即凭证产生就更新增量,与业务数据同步更新; V2异步更新模式,就如一个两步的操作一样,第一步业务凭证更新了,然后再更新第二步的数据源增量表 V3异步更新模式,与V2的区别在于他的更新时通过后台事件来触发的,即定一个任务定是收集增量并更新至增量表 Update Mode: Direct Delta:这就是一种V1模式,比如销售订单产生之后,订单数据同步更新到R/3的Delta Queue中,这种模式系统负荷很重,特别是对于业务量大的凭证; Queued Delta:数据先被收集到一个 Exctraction Queue中(V1模式),然后被送到Delta Queue(V3模式) Unsterilized V3 Update:此类型的最大特征是 没有序列化,就是说Delta Queue 中销售订单是无序的,这个对于采用overwrite 模式的模型来说是最致命的,所以如果目标队列是DSO的话,还是不要采用这种模式好。
Check Delta Queue(RSA7) Delta Update表示当前Delta Queue的数据 Delta Repetition表示的是上一次提取的Delta数据
Image supported by Datasource New Image:new record if no same key exit. Anafter imageshows the status after the change, abefore imagethe status before the change with a negative sign and thereverse imagealso shows the negative sign next to the record while indicating it for deletion. Delta Queue: An aggregate is a subset of an InfoCube. The objective when using aggregates is to reduce I/O volume.The BW OLAP processor selects an appropriate aggregate during a query run or a navigation step. If no appropriate aggregate exists, the BW OLAP processor retrieves data from the original InfoCube instead. For examples, assume you may have 10 dimensions and each one have 10 value, that means you may have up to 10^10 possible records. If high level manager often access the report focus revenue in 2008 by customer, that’s mean only 2 dimension are involved. You can do aggregate and it may only contain 2 dimensions with 100 records. It reduce the I/O and improve the performance. Aggregate rollup is a procedure to update aggregates with new data loads. Reference Aggregate Application components are used to organize InfoSources. They are similar to the InfoAreas used with InfoCubes. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 32. An authorization defines what a user can do, and to which SAP objects. For example, a user with an authorization can display and execute, but not change, a query. Authorizations are defined using authorization objects. An authorization object is used to define user authorizations. It has fields with values to specify authorized activities, such as display and execution, on authorized business objects, such as queries. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 10. An authorization profile is made up of multiple authorizations. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 10. Short for Business Explorer. It includes following tools to present the reports to end user: Analyzer / Web Application Designer / Report Designer / Web Analyzer. A bitmap index uses maps of bits to locate records in a table. Bitmap indices are very effective for Boolean operations of the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. When the cardinality of a column is low, a bitmap index size will be small, thereby reducing I/O volume. Another possible choice in BW on this topic is B-tree index. Business Content is a complete set of BW objects developed by SAP to support the OLAP tasks. It contains roles, workbooks, queries, InfoCubes, key figures, characteristics, update rules, InfoSources, and extractors for SAP R/3, and other mySAP solutions. You can simply use business content directly, or take it as template for your project to speed up implementations. BW is a Data Warehousing solution from SAP. When we talking about BW, it often talking about BW3.5. The latest version is SAP Business Intelligence 7.0. BW Monitor displays data loading status and provides assistance in troubleshooting if errors occur. T-code: RSMO BW Scheduler specifies when to load data. It is based on the same techniques used for scheduling R/3 background jobs. BW Statistics is a tool for recording and reporting system activity and performance information. BWA / BIA BW/BI Accelarator is a tool that improves the performance of BW 7.x queries on InfoCubes. It enables quick access to any data with a low amount of administrative effort and is especially useful for sophisticated scenarios with unpredictable query types, high data volume and high frequency of queriesC A technology to improve the performance. Cache buffers query result data, in order to provider them for further accesses. Determines whether and in what way the query result and navigational states are to be saved in the OLAP Cache. Change run is a procedure used to activate characteristic data changes. Characteristics are descriptions of fields, such as Customer ID, Material Number, Sales Representative ID, Unit of Measure, and Transaction Date. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 9. A client is a subset of data in an SAP system. Data shared by all clients is called client-independent data, as compared with client-dependent data. When logging on to an SAP system, a user must specify which client to use. Once in the system, the user has access to both client-dependent data and client-independent data. The communication structure is the structure underlying the InfoSource. A compound attribute differentiates a characteristic to make the characteristic uniquely identifiable. For example, if the same characteristic data from different source systems mean different things, then we can add the compound attribute 0SOURSYSTEM (source system ID) to the characteristic; 0SOURSYSTEM is provided with the Business Content. Compressing will bringing data from different requests together into one single request (request ID 0) in Infocube. When you load data into Infocube, they are group with Requests ID. You can easily manage the data with Request ID. But the request ID have disadvantages cause the same data record (with same characteristics but different request ID) to appear more than once in the fact table. It waste the table space and affects query performance. You can eliminate these disadvantages by compressing data and bringing data from different requests together into one single request (request ID 0). Technically, Compress will move the data in F table to E table and aggregate the records with same char. automatically. It is widly used when you are sure that the data in InfoCube is correct and you won’t need Request ID in the future. And be careful if you defined your own delta mechanism. For the same amount of data, the data packet size determines how work processes will be used in data loading. The smaller the data packet size, the more work processes needed.You can set it in SPRO Data mining is the process of extracting hidden patterns from data. It is one of the function provided by SAP BI. Take the most famous story “beer and diapers” as example. Wall-Mart noticed that men often bought beer at the same time they bought diapers. They mined its receipts and proved the observations. So they put diapers next to the beer coolers, and sales skyrocketed. The story is a myth, but it shows how data mining seeks to understand the relationship between different actions. Data Warehouse is a dedicated reporting and analysis environment based on the star schema (Extended) database design technique and requiring special attention to the data ETTL process. DataMart The distribution of contents of ODS or InfoCube into other BW data targets on the same or on other BW systems A DataSource is not only a structure in which source system fields are logically grouped together, but also an object that contains ETTL-related information. Four types of DataSources exist: If the source system is R/3, replicating DataSources from a source system will create identical DataSource structures in the BW system. The maximum number of characters allowed for a DataSource’s technical name is 32. A BW function that offers flexible options for extracting data directly into the BW from tables and views in database management systems that are connected to the BW in addition to the default connection. You can use tables and views from the database management systems that are supported by SAP to transfer data. DataSources are used to make data known to the BW, where it is then processed in the same way as data from all other sources. Additional requests will be read from the InfoCube’s (F) fact table. These additional requests will be updated into the OLAP Cache. In this way, when they are changes to the data basis, the complete data for the query no longer has to be read from the database again. The Delta update option in the InfoPackage definition requests BW to load only the data that have been accumulated since the last update. Before a delta update occurs, the delta process must be initialized. A development class is a group of objects that are logically related. Dimension table Part of the Star Schema structure for InfoCubes. Dim tables contain pointers to the Fact tables & to the Master Data (SID tables). A display attribute provides supplemental information to a characteristic. Reference Navigation attribute Drill-down is a user navigation step intended to get further detailed information. For example, you can drill-down to detail report through free characteristic Short for Data Store Object. Reference ODS in BW3.5 A DataStore object serves as a storage location for consolidated and cleansed transaction data or master data on a document (atomic) level. This data can be evaluated using a BEx query. There are 3 kinds of DSO: Standard DataStore Object / Write-Optimized DataStore Objects / DataStore Objects for Direct Update. Check the definition and example at:http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/f9/45503c242b4a67e10000000a114084/frameset.htm DTP The Data Transfer Process (DTP) transfers data from source objects to target objects in BI 7.x. You can also use the data transfer process to access InfoProvider data directly. Prerequisite: a transformation to define the data flow between the source and target object. The Enterprise Data Warehouse, a comprehensive / harmonized data warehouse solution, is design to avoid isolated applications. Reference BW330. ETTL, one of the most challenging tasks in building a data warehouse, is the process of extracting, transforming, transferring, and loading data correctly and quickly. Also known as ETL. Extraction Structure The data structure used by the extraction program to extract data. Its fields are mapped to the fields of the SAP Source System DataSource. The Fact table is the central table of the InfoCube. Here key figures & pointers to the dimension tables are stored. There are two fact tables: the F-fact table and the E-fact table. If you upload data into an InfoCube, it is always written into the F-fact table. If you compress the data, the data is shifted from the F-fact table to the E-fact table. The F-fact tables for aggregates are always empty, since aggregates are compressed automatically. After a changerun, the F-fact table can have entries as well as when you use the functionality ‘do not compress requests’ for Aggregates. A free characteristic is a characteristic in a query used for drill-downs. It is not displayed in the initial result of a query run. The Full update option in the InfoPackage definition requests BW to load all data that meet the selection criteria specified via the Select data tab. Reference Delta update Filter Filter is used to restrict data to a certain business sector, product group, or time period. And these can be saved and reused in the in othercontexts. Here the data is filtered and showed in the intial result of the query. Generic data extraction is a function in Business Content that allows us to create DataSources based on database views or InfoSet queries. InfoSet is similar to a view but allows outer joins between tables. Granularity describes the level of detail in a data warehouse. It is determined by business requirements and technology capabilities. For high level reports, manager tend to high aggregated report such as by month or by BU. But operational reports always require more detail information such as by day or by product spec. means that this dimension contains a high number of attributes. This information is used to execute physical optimizations, depending on the database platform. For example, different index types from those in a standard case are used. Generally, a dimension has a high cardinality if the number of dimension entries is 20% (or more) of the number of fact table entries. IDoc (Intermediate Document) is used in SAP to transfer data between two systems. It is a specific instance of a data structure called the IDoc Type, whose processing logic is defined in the IDoc Interface. See:IDOC Basics An index is a technique used to locate needed records in a database table quickly. BW uses two types of indices: B-tree indices for regular database tables and bitmap indices for fact tables and aggregate tables. InfoAreas are used to organize InfoCubes and InfoObjects. Each InfoCube is assigned to an InfoArea. Through an InfoObject Catalog, each InfoObject is assigned to an InfoArea as well. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 30. An InfoCube is a fact table and its associated dimension tables in the star schema. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 30. InfoCube compression is a procedure used to aggregate multiple data loads at the request level. In BW, key figures and characteristics are collectively called InfoObjects. See:https://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/BI/Characterstic+and+Key+FiguresCharacteristic and key figures InfoObject Catalogs organize InfoObjects. Two types of InfoObject Catalogs exist: one for characteristics, and one for key figures. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 30. An InfoPackage specifies when and how to load data from a given source system. BW generates a 30-digit code starting with ZPAK as an InfoPackage’s technical name. An InfoSource is a structure in which InfoObjects are logically grouped together. InfoCubes and characteristics interact with InfoSources to get source system data. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 32. In BW 3.5 it is a MUST and in BI 7.0 it is optional. The difference:http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/a4/1be541f321c717e10000000a155106/content.htm And the Recommendations for Using InfoSources in BI 7.0:http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/44/0243dd8ae1603ae10000000a1553f6/content.htm Generally, the data was generated in OLTP system such as R/3. In BW, Information Lifecycle Management includes data target management and data archiving. Reference ADK and archiving for more information. And online help:http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/d0/84e5414f070640e10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm Key figures are numeric values or quantities, such as Per Unit Sales Price, Quantity Sold, and Sales Revenue. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 9. Reference Characteristic. A line item dimension in a fact table connects directly with the SID table of its sole characteristic. When you creating a InfoCube, you have chance to use this feature on define dimension. It is only possible if exactly one characteristic in a dimension. It help to improve the performance because we do not need to join SID table when accessing the master data. A logical system is the name of a client in an SAP system. Metadata repository contains information about the metadata objects of SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence, important object properties and their relationships with other objects. Metadata contains data about data. A multi-cube is a union of basic cubes. The multi-cube itself does not contain any data; rather, data reside in the basic cubes. To a user, the multi-cube is similar to a basic cube. When creating a query, the user can select characteristics and key figures from different basic cubes. A navigational attribute indicates a characteristic-to-characteristic relationship between two characteristics. It provides supplemental information about a characteristic and enables navigation from characteristic to characteristic during a query. The naming convention for a navigational attribute is: InfoObject_Attribute, such as 0customer_0country A number range is a range of numbers that resides in application server memory for quick number assignments. ODS is a BW architectural component located between PSA and InfoCubes that allows BEx reporting. It is not based on the star schema and is used primarily for detail reporting, rather than for dimensional analysis. ODS objects do not aggregate data as InfoCubes do. Instead, data are loaded into an ODS object by inserting new records, updating existing records, or deleting old records, as specified by the 0RECORDMODE value. Reference DSO. The open hub service enables you to distribute data from an SAP BW system into external data marts, analytical applications, and other applications. Short for Online Transaction Processing / Online Analytical Processing. OLTP system are Transacton-Orientated, which means it is generally used to support the daily operation. For example, SAP R/3, ERP / PDM / MES … OLAP is generally used to analysis data. For examples, SAP BW, DDS - Decision Support System, EIS - Executive information systems. A parallel query uses multiple database processes, when available, to execute a query. A partition is a piece of physical storage for database tables and indices. If the needed data reside in one or a few partitions, then only those partitions will be selected and examined by a SQL statement, thereby significantly reducing I/O volume. It can be done in Cube or DB level. The benefit of using partition is mainly focus on: Fact table can be partitioned over a time characteristic either 0CALMONTH or 0FISCPER(Fiscal year/period). Repartition is possible in SAP BI 7.0. Seehttps://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/x/N4C4AQRepartitioning For MultiProvider queries, Partitioning Type provides options for handling the data that is returned by the individual InfoProviders from the MultiProvider separately and saving it in the cache separately. A process chain is a sequence of processes that are scheduled to wait in the background for an event. You can include process chains in other process chains to manage a group of them, known as meta. chains. It is design at the implementation phase and one of the most important jobs in support and maintenance phase. More information please reference:http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/8f/c08b3baaa59649e10000000a11402f/frameset.htm Profile Generator is a tool used to create authorization profiles. The Persistent Staging Area (PSA) is a data staging area in BW. It allows us to check data in an intermediate location, before the data are sent to its destinations in BW. A BW query is a selection of characteristics and key figures for the analysis of the data in an InfoCube. A query refers to only one InfoCube, and its result is presented in a BEx Excel sheet. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 30. Read mode determines how often the OLAP processor reads data from the database during navigation. Reconstruct is a procedure used to restore load requests from PSA. A request is a data load request from BW Scheduler. Each time that BW Scheduler loads data into an InfoCube, a unique request ID is created in the data packet dimension table of the InfoCube. RFC (Remote Function Call) is a call to a function module in a system different from the caller’s usually another SAP system on the local network. In Profile Generator, an authorization profile corresponds to a role. A user assigned to that role also has the corresponding authorization profile. A user can be assigned to multiple roles. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 30. Reclustering It allows you to change the clustering of Infocubes and Data store objects that already contain data. SID (Surrogate-ID) translates a potentially long key for an InfoObject into a short four-byte integer, which saves I/O and memory during OLAP. A source system is a protocol that BW uses to find and extract data. When the source system is a non-SAP system, such as a flat file or a third-party tool, the maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 10. When the source system is an SAP system, either R/3 or BW, the technical name matches the logical system name. The maximum number of characters allowed for the technical name is 32. A star schema is a technique used in the data warehouse database design to help data retrieval for online analytical processing. SAP BW use extended star schema with following advantage compare to classical star schema: For a SQL statement, many execution plans are possible. The database optimizer generates the most efficient execution plan based on either the heuristic ranking of available execution plans or the cost calculation of available execution plans. Statistics is the information that the cost-based optimizer uses to calculate the cost of available execution plans and select the most appropriate one for execution. BW uses the cost-base optimizer for Oracle databases. System Administration Assistant is a collection of tools used to monitor and analyze general system operation conditions. The system landscape specifies the role of each system and the paths used in transporting objects among the various systems. A time-dependent entire hierarchy is a time-dependent hierarchy whose nodes and leaves are not time-dependent. For example, you have two hierarchy which presents organization of company in 2007 and 2008. A time-dependent hierarchy structure consists of nodes or leaves that are time-dependent, but the hierarchy itself is not time-dependent. For example, you have one hierarchy but one of his node was changed from 2007 and 2008. HR may belong to administration division before 2007 and belong to supporting division after 2008. Transfer rules specify how DataSource fields are mapped to InfoSource InfoObjects. In BI 7.0, transfer rule and update rule are replaced by transformation. A transfer structure maps DataSource fields to InfoSource InfoObjects. Transformations (TRF) An update rule specifies how data will be updated into their targets. The data target can be an InfoCube or an ODS object. If the update rule is applied to data from an InfoSource, the update rule’s technical name will match the InfoSource’s technical name. If the update rule is applied to data from an ODS object, the update rule’s technical name will match the ODS object’s technical name prefixed with number 8. In BI 7.0, transfer rule and update rule are replaced by transformation. But we still have chance to use it in BI 7.0 A variable is a query parameter. It gets its value from user input or takes a default value set by the variable creator. Variables act as placeholders for: A Virtual Provider is a type of InfoCube where the data is not managed in BI. Only the structure of the VirtualProvider is defined in BI, the data is read for reporting using an interface with another system. A BW workbook is an Excel file with a BEx query result saved in BDS. BW assigns a 25-digit ID to each workbook. Users need merely name a workbook’s title. Summary 主要原因是3.5的datasource作为7.0 datasource导入了,需要将7.0 datasource 恢复到3.5。SAP提供了restore的选项。 Symptom Other terms Reason and Prerequisites This problem may occur due to one of the following reasons: A (new) DataSource (R3TR RSDS) cannot be used with a transfer rule. You have to use a 3.x DataSource (R3TR ISFS) to do this. Solution If the problem is caused by the “incorrect content”, you must also reinstall the 3.x data flow from the content with object types “InfoPackage, 3.x DataSource, transfer structure, transfer rules, and 3.x InfoSource”. You cannot use program RSDS_REPL_RESET (described below) in the case of the “incorrect content”. Caution: Do not use this report if your system has a Support Package level lower than Support Package 07 for SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI otherwise serious inconsistences may occur. Blog 地址:http://chenweiqin1981.spaces.live.com/?_c11_BlogPart_pagedir=Next&_c11_BlogPart_handle=cns!1675D48BEA05A462!1820&_c11_BlogPart_BlogPart=blogview&_c=BlogPart Question 2: Question 3: Question 4: Question 5: Question 6: Question 7: Question 8: Question 9: Question 10: Question 11: Question 12: Question 13: Question 15: Question 16: Question 17: Question 18. Question 19. Question 20. Question 21. Question 22. Question 23. How and where can I control whether a repeat delta is requested? Question 24. Question 25. When you activate a master data-bearing characteristic,master data tables (attributes, or time-dependent attributes. between the following types of master data:
1 RSA1 Administrator Work Bench 2 RSA11 Calling up AWB with the IC tree 3 RSA12 Calling up AWB with the IS tree 4 RSA13 Calling up AWB with the LG tree 5 RSA14 Calling up AWB with the IO tree 6 RSA15 Calling up AWB with the ODS tree 7 RSA2 OLTP Metadata Repository 8 RSA3 Extractor Checker 9 RSA5 Install Business Content 10 RSA6 Maintain DataSources 11 RSA7 BW Delta Queue Monitor 12 RSA8 DataSource Repository 13 RSA9 Transfer Application Components 14 RSD1 Characteristic maintenance 15 RSD2 Maintenance of key figures 16 RSD3 Maintenance of units 17 RSD4 Maintenance of time characteristics 18 RSDBC DB connect 19 RSDCUBE Start: InfoCube editing 20 RSDCUBED Start: InfoCube editing 21 RSDCUBEM Start: InfoCube editing 22 RSDDV Maintaining 23 RSDIOBC Start: InfoObject catalog editing 24 RSDIOBCD Start: InfoObject catalog editing 25 RSDIOBCM Start: InfoObject catalog editing 26 RSDL DB Connect - Test Program 27 RSDMD Master Data Maintenance w.Prev. Sel. 28 RSDMD_TEST Master Data Test 29 RSDMPRO Initial Screen: MultiProvider Proc. 30 RSDMPROD Initial Screen: MultiProvider Proc. 31 RSDMPROM Initial Screen: MultiProvider Proc. 32 RSDMWB Customer Behavior. Modeling 33 RSDODS Initial Screen: ODS Object Processng 34 RSIMPCUR Load Exchange Rates from File 35 RSINPUT Manual Data Entry 36 RSIS1 Create InfoSource 37 RSIS2 Change InfoSource 38 RSIS3 Display InfoSource 39 RSISET Maintain InfoSets 40 RSKC Maintaining the Permittd Extra Chars 41 RSLGMP Maintain RSLOGSYSMAP 42 RSMO Data Load Monitor Start 43 RSMON BW Administrator Workbench 44 RSOR BW Metadata Repository 45 RSORBCT BI Business Content Transfer 46 RSORMDR BW Metadata Repository 47 RSPC Process Chain Maintenance 48 RSPC1 Process Chain Display 49 RSPCM Monitor daily process chains 50 RSRCACHE OLAP: Cache Monitor 51 RSRT Start of the report monitor 52 RSRT1 Start of the Report Monitor 53 RSRT2 Start of the Report Monitor 54 RSRTRACE Set trace configuration 55 RSRTRACETEST Trace tool configuration 56 RSRV Analysis and Repair of BW Objects 57 SE03 Transport Organizer Tools 58 SE06 Set Up Transport Organizer 59 SE07 CTS Status Display 60 SE09 Transport Organizer 61 SE10 Transport Organizer 62 SE11 ABAP Dictionary 63 SE18 Business Add-Ins: Definitions 64 SE18_OLD Business Add-Ins: Definitions (Old) 65 SE19 Business Add-Ins: Implementations 66 SE19_OLD Business Add-Ins: Implementations 67 SE21 Package Builder 68 SE24 Class Builder 69 SE80 Object Navigator 70 RSCUSTA Maintain BW Settings 71 RSCUSTA2 ODS Settings 72 RSCUSTV* 73 RSSM Authorizations for Reporting 74 SM04 User List 75 SM12 Display and Delete Locks 76 SM21 Online System Log Analysis 77 SM37 Overview of job selection 78 SM50 Work Process Overview 79 SM51 List of SAP Systems 80 SM58 Asynchronous RFC Error Log 81 SM59 RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) 82 LISTCUBE List viewer for InfoCubes 83 LISTSCHEMA Show InfoCube schema 84 WE02 Display IDoc 85 WE05 IDoc Lists 86 WE06 Active IDoc monitoring 87 WE07 IDoc statistics 88 WE08 Status File Interface 89 WE09 Search for IDoc in Database 90 WE10 Search for IDoc in Archive 91 WE11 Delete IDocs 92 WE12 Test Modified Inbound File 93 WE14 Test Outbound Processing 94 WE15 Test Outbound Processing from MC 95 WE16 Test Inbound File 96 WE17 Test Status File 97 WE18 Generate Status File 98 WE19 Test tool 99 WE20 Partner Profiles 100 WE21 Port definition 101 WE23 Verification of IDoc processing 102 DB02 Tables and Indexes Monitor 103 DB14 Display DBA Operation Logs 104 DB16 Display DB Check Results 105 DB20 Update DB StatisticsBW:SAP STMS配置
1 同一个变量名的UID可能有多个,记得注意
Data request received
Data selection started
Data selection running
Error in data selection
Transfer structure obsolete, transfer rules regeneration
No data available, data selection ended
Data selection ended
Info IDoc 1
Info Idoc 2
Info Idoc 3
Info Idoc 4
Info Idoc 5
Quality Assurance
Basic Cube
Multi Cube
SAP Remote Cube
Gen Remote Cube
ABAP Runtime Error
SAP Server
SAP Connect
ABAP Dictionary
Maintain Table
Monitor of RSPC
Monitor of All
PO List
Purchasing Plan
Cost Center
Change run monitor
System trace
Performance Analysis
Transaction Recorder
Query 复制
Class Builder
Maintain Authorization Object
Generate the required maintenance dialog.
Delta Process
The delta queue is a data store for new or changed data records for a DataSource (that have occurred since the last data request). The new or changed data records are either written to the delta queue automatically using an update process in the source system, or by means of the DataSource extractor when a data request is received from the BI system (details will be provided later).A
Aggregate rollup
Application component
Authorization object
Authorization profile
Bitmap index
Business Content
BW Monitor
BW Scheduler
BW Statistics
Cache / OLAP Cache
Cache Mode
Change run
Communication structure
Compound attribute
Data packet size
Data Mining
Data Warehouse
DB Connect
Delta Caching
Delta update
Development class
Display attribute
A DataStore object contains key fields (such as document number, document item) and data fields that, in addition to key figures, can also contain character fields (such as order status, customer). The data from a DataStore object can be updated with a delta update into InfoCubes (standard) and/or other DataStore objects or master data tables (attributes or texts) in the same system or across different systems.
Fact tables
E-fact table is optimized for Reading => good for Queries. F-fact table is optimized for Writing => good for Loads
Free characteristic
Full update
Generic data extraction
High Cardinality
InfoCube compression
InfoObject Catalog
Information Lifecycle Mangement
Key figure
Line item dimension
Logical system
Metadata Repository
Navigational attribute
Number range
Open Hub Service
Parallel query
Partitioning Type
Process Chain
Profile Generator
Read mode
Source system
Star schema
System Administration Assistant
System landscape
Time-dependent entire hierarchy
Time-dependent hierarchy structure
Transfer rule
Transfer structure
TRFs connect source objects (DataSources, DSOs, InfoCubes, InfoSets) to Data Targets (InfoProviders) of a data-staging process. They replace combination of transfer rules & update rules. The TRF process allows you to consolidate, cleanse & integrate data. You must use DTP to load data to InfoProvider.
Update rule
Virtual InfoProvider
为什么要Emulate 3.x datasource in BW 7.0
BW Issue Note: ETL - 3.X datasource not found
You have replicated one or more DataSources from the source system. You now want to create a mapping between a 3.x DataSource and 3.x InfoSource and then maintain the transfer rules.
However, the system does not find the 3.x DataSource.
Replication, dialog box
The object exists as a (new) DataSource (R3TR RSDS) rather than a 3.x DataSource (R3TR ISFS).
You can identify 3.x DataSources by the word “emulated” under the “Compare with” button in the DataSource display and maintenance environments.
If you incorrectly replicated some of the DataSources as (new) DataSources or if the problem is caused by the “incorrect content”, proceed as follows:
Call transaction RSDS then specify the technical name of the DataSource and the source system.
Choose the “Restore 3.x DataSource” option from the “DataSource” menu.
If the problem occurs because you have replicated a large number of DataSources into the incorrect (new) DataSource object type and if you have imported at least Support Package 07 for SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI into your system, execute the report “RSDS_REPL_RESET” in transaction SE38.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Question 1:
The ‘Total’ column displays the number of LUWs that were written in the delta queue and that have not yet been confirmed. The number includes the LUWs of the last delta request (for repeating a delta request) and the LUWs for the next delta request. An LUW only disappears from the RSA7 display when it has been transferred to the BW System and a new delta request has been received from the BW System.
What is an LUW in the delta queue?
An LUW from the point of view of the delta queue can be an individual document, a group of documents from a collective run or a whole data packet from an application extractor.
Why does the number in the ‘Total’ column, in the overview screen of Transaction RSA7, differ from the number of data records that are displayed when you call up the detail view?
The number on the overview screen corresponds to the total number of LUWs (see also question 1) that were written to the qRFC queue and that have not yet been confirmed. The detail screen displays the records contained in the LUWs. Both the records belonging to the previous delta request and the records that do not meet the selection conditions of the preceding delta init requests are filtered out. This means that only the records that are ready for the next delta request are displayed on the detail screen. The detail screen of Transaction RSA7 does not take into account a possibly existing customer exit.
Why does Transaction RSA7 still display LUWs on the overview screen after successful delta loading?
Only when a new delta has been requested does the source system learn that the previous delta was successfully loaded into the BW System. The LUWs of the previous delta may then be confirmed (and also deleted). In the meantime, the LUWs must be kept for a possible delta request repetition. In particular, the number on the overview screen does not change if the first delta is loaded into the BW System.
Why are selections not taken into account when the delta queue is filled?
Filtering according to selections takes place when the system reads from the delta queue. This is necessary for performance reasons.
Why is there a DataSource with ‘0′ records in RSA7 if delta exists and has been loaded successfully?
It is most likely that this is a DataSource that does not send delta data to the BW System via the delta queue but directly via the extractor . You can display the current delta data for these DataSources using TA RSA3 (update mode =’D’)
Do the entries in Table ROIDOCPRMS have an impact on the performance of the loading procedure from the delta queue?
The impact is limited. If performance problems are related to the loading process from the delta queue, then refer to the application-specific notes (for example in the CO-PA area, in the logistics cockpit area, and so on).
Caution: As of PlugIn 2000.2 patch 3, the entries in Table ROIDOCPRMS are as effective for the delta queue as for a full update. Note, however, that LUWs are not split during data loading for consistency reasons. This means that when very large LUWs are written to the delta queue, the actual package size may differ considerably from the MAXSIZE and MAXLINES parameters.
Why does it take so long to display the data in the delta queue (for example approximately 2 hours)?
With PlugIn 2001.1 the display was changed: you are now able to define the amount of data to be displayed, to restrict it, to selectively choose the number of a data record, to make a distinction between the ‘actual’ delta data and the data intended for repetition, and so on.
What is the purpose of the function ‘Delete Data and Meta. Data in a Queue’ in RSA7? What exactly is deleted?
You should act with extreme caution when you use the delete function in the delta queue. It is comparable to deleting an InitDelta in the BW System and should preferably be executed there. Not only do you delete all data of this DataSource for the affected BW System, but you also lose all the information concerning the delta initialization. Then you can only request new deltas after another delta initialization.
When you delete the data, this confirms the LUWs kept in the qRFC queue for the corresponding target system. Physical deletion only takes place in the qRFC outbound queue if there are no more references to the LUWs.
The delete function is intended for example, for cases where the BW System, from which the delta initialization was originally executed, no longer exists or can no longer be accessed.
Why does it take so long to delete from the delta queue (for example half a day)?
Import PlugIn 2000.2 patch 3. With this patch the performance during deletion improves considerably.
Why is the delta queue not updated when you start the V3 update in the logistics cockpit area?
It is most likely that a delta initialization had not yet run or that the the delta initialization was not successful. A successful delta initialization (the corresponding request must have QM status ‘green’ in the BW System) is a prerequisite for the application data to be written to the delta queue.
What is the relationship between RSA7 and the qRFC monitor (Transaction SMQ1)?
The qRFC monitor basically displays the same data as RSA7. The internal queue name must be used for selection on the initial screen of the qRFC monitor. This is made up of the prefix ‘BW, the client and the short name of the DataSource. For DataSources whose name is shorter than 20 characters, the short name corresponds to the name of the DataSource. For DataSources whose name is longer than 19 characters (for delta-capable DataSources only possible as of PlugIn 2001.1) the short name is assigned in Table ROOSSHORTN.
In the qRFC monitor you cannot distinguish between repeatable and new LUWs. Moreover, the data of a LUW is displayed in an unstructured manner there.
Why is there data in the delta queue although the V3 update has not yet been started?
You posted data in the background. This means that the records are updated directly in the delta queue (RSA7). This happens in particular during automatic goods receipt posting (MRRS). There is no duplicate transfer of records to the BW system. See Note 417189.
Question 14:
Why does the ‘Repeatable’ button on the RSA7 data details screen not only show data loaded into BW during the last delta but also newly-added data, in other words, ‘pure’ delta records?
It was programmed so that the request in repeat mode fetches both actually repeatable (old) data and new data from the source system.
I loaded several delta inits with various selections. For which one
is the delta loaded?
For delta, all selections made via delta inits are summed up. This
means a delta for the ‘total’ of all delta initializations is loaded.
How many selections for delta inits are possible in the system?
With simple selections (intervals without complicated join conditions or single values), you can make up to about 100 delta inits. It should not be more.
With complicated selection conditions, it should be only up to 10-20 delta inits.
Reason: With many selection conditions that are joined in a complicated way, too many ‘where’ lines are generated in the generatedABAPsource code which may exceed the memory limit.
I intend to copy the source system, i.e. make a client copy. What will happen with may delta? Should I initialize again after that?
Before you copy a source client or source system, make sure that your deltas have been fetched from the delta queue into BW and that no delta is pending. After the client copy, an inconsistency might occur between BW delta tables and the OLTP delta tables as described in Note 405943. After the client copy, Table ROOSPRMSC will probably be empty in the OLTP since this table is client-independent. After the system copy, the table will contain the entries with the old logical system name which are no longer useful for further delta loading from the new logical system. The delta must be initialized in any case since delta depends on both the BW system and the source system. Even if no dump ‘MESSAGE_TYPE_X’ occurs in BW when editing or creating an InfoPackage, you should expect that the delta has to be initialized after the copy.
Am I permitted to use the functions in Transaction SMQ1 to manually control processes?
Use SMQ1 as an instrument for diagnosis and control only. Make changes to BW queues only after informing BW Support or only if this is explicitly requested in a note for Component ‘BC-BW’ or ‘BW-WHM-SAPI’.
Despite the delta request only being started after completion of the collective run (V3 update), it does not contain all documents. Only another delta request loads the missing documents into BW. What is the cause for this “splitting”?
The collective run submits the open V2 documents to the task handler for processing. The task handler processes them in one or several parallel update processes in an asynchronous way. For this reason, plan a sufficiently large “safety time window” between the end of the collective run in the source system and the start of the delta request in BW. An alternative solution where this problem does not occur is described in Note 505700.
Despite deleting the delta init, LUWs are still written into the DeltaQueue
In general, delta initializations and deletions of delta inits should always be carried out at a time when no posting takes place. Otherwise, buffer problems may occur: If you started the internal mode at a time when the delta initialization was still active, you post data into the queue even though the initialization had been deleted in the meantime. This is the case in your system.
In SMQ1 (qRFC Monitor) I have status ‘NOSEND’. In the Table TRFCQOUT, some entries have the status ‘READY’, others ‘RECORDED’. ARFCSSTATE is ‘READ’. What do these statuses mean? Which values in the field ‘Status’ mean what and which values are correct and which are alarming? Are the statuses BW-specific or generally valid in qRFC?
Table TRFCQOUT and ARFCSSTATE: Status READ means that the record was read once either in a delta request or in a repetition of the delta request. However, this still does not mean that the record has successfully reached the BW. The status READY in the TRFCQOUT and RECORDED in the ARFCSSTATE means that the record has been written into the delta queue and will be loaded into the BW with the next delta request or a repetition of a delta. In any case only the statuses READ, READY and RECORDED in both tables are considered to be valid. The status EXECUTED in TRFCQOUT can occur temporarily. It is set before starting a delta extraction for all records with status READ present at that time. The records with status EXECUTED are usually deleted from the queue in packages within a delta request directly after setting the status before extracting a new delta. If you see such records, it means that either a process which confirms and deletes records loaded into the BW is successfully running at the moment, or, if the records remain in the table for a longer period of time with status EXECUTED, it is likely that there are problems with deleting the records which have already been successfully been loaded into the BW. In this state, no more deltas are loaded into the BW. Every other status indicates an error or an inconsistency. NOSEND in SMQ1 means nothing (see note 378903). However the value ‘U’ in field ‘NOSEND’ of table TRFCQOUT is of concern.
The extract structure was changed when the delta queue was empty. Afterwards new delta records were written to the delta queue. When loading the delta into the PSA, it shows that some fields were moved. The same result occurs when the contents of the delta queue are listed via the detail display. Why is the data displayed differently? What can be done?
Make sure that the change of the extract structure is also reflected in the database and that all servers are synchronized. We recommend resetting the buffers using Transaction $SYNC. If the extract structure change is not communicated synchronously to the server where delta records are being created, the records are written with the old structure until the new structure has been generated. This may have disastrous consequences for the delta. When the problem occurs, the delta needs to be re-initialized.
Via the status of the last delta in the BW Request Monitor. If the request is RED, the next load will be of type ‘Repeat’. If you need to repeat the last load for any reason, manually set the request in the monitor to red. For the contents of the repeat, see Question 14. Delta requests set to red when data is already updated lead to duplicate records in a subsequent repeat, if they have not already been deleted from the data targets concerned.
As of PI 2003.1, the Logistic Cockpit offers various types of update methods. Which update method is recommended in logistics? According to which criteria should the decision be made? How can I choose an update method in logistics?
See the recommendation in Note 505700.
Are there particular recommendations regarding the maximum data volume of the delta queue to avoid danger of a read failure due to memory problems?
There is no strict limit (except for the restricted number area of the 24-digit QCOUNT counter in the LUW management table - which is of no practical importance, however - or the restrictions regarding the volume and number of records in a database table).
When estimating “soft” limits, both the number of LUWs and the average data volume per LUW are important. As a rule, we recommend bundling data (usually documents) as soon as you write to the delta queue to keep number of LUWs low (this can partly be set in the applications, for example in the Logistics Cockpit). The data volume of a single LUW should not be much larger than 10% of the memory available to the work process for data extraction (in a 32-bit architecture with a memory volume of about 1 GByte per work process, 100 MByte per LUW should not be exceeded). This limit is of rather small practical importance as well since a comparable limit already applies when writing to the delta queue. If the limit is observed, correct reading is guaranteed in most cases.
If the number of LUWs cannot be reduced by bundling application transactions, you should at least make sure that the data is fetched from all connected BWs as quickly as possible. But for other, BW-specific, reasons, the frequency should not exceed one delta request per hour.
To avoid memory problems, a program-internal limit ensures that no more than 1 million LUWs are ever read and fetched from the database per delta request. If this limit is reached within a request, the delta queue must be emptied by several successive delta requests. We recommend, however, to try not to reach that limit but trigger the fetching of data from the connected BWs as soon as the number of LUWs reaches a 5-digit value.通常在SAP BW 中数据建模的数据存在下面的一些表中:
主数据表:包括文本表Ttable, 属性表Ptable 和QtableInfoCube Tables
Dimension Tables (最多支持16个维度)
numbers contain the following elements: P, T, U, 1, 2, … 9, A, B, C, D.
P DataPackage
T Time
U Unit
A (10.Dimension)
B (11.Dimension)
C (12.Dimension)
D (13.Dimension)Fact Tables
Modeling InfoObjects
settings you have made on the tab pages.
Master Data Tables
Text Table
Attribute Tables
SID Tables
You can make the following changes to a characteristic after the master data has
been loaded:
• Display attribute (time-independent) → Navigation attribute (time-independent)
• Display attribute (time-independent) → Navigation attribute (time-dependent)
• Display attribute (time-independent) → Display attribute (time-dependent)
• Display attribute (time-dependent) → Navigation attribute (time-dependent)Characteristic InfoObjects
in accordance with the concept of the enhanced star schema
characteristic values ifexternal hierarchiesare used for the characteristic.
A hierarchy is a method of displaying a characteristic structured and grouped according to individual evaluation criteria.
a) Nodes
A hierarchy is created from nodes. The uppermost node is the root.
b) Roots
A hierarchy can have several roots. They do not have superior nodes.
c) Hierarchy Levels
All nodes on the same level of the hierarchy (nodes that are the same distance away from the root) form. a hierarchy level. The roots of a hierarchy form. level 1. The level of a node denotes the distance from the node to the root.
d) Leaves
The leaves of a hierarchy consist of characteristic values for the basic characteristic and therefore can also have entries in the fact table. A leaf cannot have any sub nodes.
e) Basic Characteristic
Hierarchies can be created only for those characteristics that do not reference other characteristics.
Properties :
A BW hierarchy has the following properties:
• Hierarchies are created for basic characteristics
• Hierarchies are stored in special master data tables. They behave in a similar way to master data,
• and can therefore be used and modified in all Info Cubes.
• You can define several hierarchies for a single characteristic.
• A hierarchy can have a maximum of 98 levels.
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### SAP Variant Configuration Overview #### 序言 SAP Variant Configuration (VC) 是一种...SAP Variant Configuration 不仅有助于提高企业的生产效率,还能提升客户满意度,是现代企业不可或缺的强大工具之一。
3. 分类规则设定:用户可以根据需求设置分类规则,比如按文件类型、大小、日期等因素来归类。例如,可以创建一个规则,使得所有图片文件自动归入“图片”文件夹,而文档类文件归入“文档”文件夹。 4. 自动归档:...
总分类帐是SAP R/3财会子系统的核心,它连接了财务会计和管理会计的所有方面,确保数据的一致性和准确性。 #### 9. 总分类帐基本术语 在理解总分类帐时,以下几个术语非常重要: - **公司代码**:每个公司代码代表...
#### SAP HR中工资类型的分类 1. **基本工资类型**:这些工资类型代表了员工的基本收入来源,如基本工资、小时工资等。它们通常是固定不变的,并且构成了薪酬结构的基础。 2. **变动工资类型**:这类工资类型包括...
这些元素共同构建了一个项目的框架,确保所有活动和成本都被正确归类和监控。 ### 货币设置 SAP PS模块支持多货币环境,这意味着项目可以在不同的货币下进行预算和成本计算。这对于跨国企业尤为重要,因为它们需要...
### SAP中和计量单位有关的表 #### 一、引言 SAP系统作为全球领先的ERP解决方案之一,在处理企业日常业务流程中起着至关重要的作用。对于任何涉及到物料管理、库存控制、销售与分销等模块的应用场景而言,计量单位...
人工智能归类算法是机器学习领域中的重要组成部分,它主要用于对数据进行分类,即将具有相似特征的数据对象归到同一类别之下。在本压缩包文件中,我们可能会探讨多种常见的人工智能归类算法及其应用场景。 首先,让...
【上海中考分类词汇表最新按词性归类】 上海中考分类词汇表是针对初中生英语学习的一个重要资源,它按照词性对词汇进行了系统性的整理,帮助学生更好地掌握英语基础知识。以下是部分词汇及其相关的知识点: 1. **...
初级成本要素的输入源自于公司的外部交易,所有的损益类账户的财务数据都会通过初级成本要素输入到成本中心中。例如,采购原材料的费用、销售产生的收入等都属于初级成本要素。 ##### 2. 次级成本要素 次级成本...