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最近在看Spring源代码,对配置文件信息的载入是使用Spring的第一步 ,而这第一步就是一个非常复杂的过程....
1. 创建一个ClassPathXmlApplicationContext对象,传入文件路径
- ClassPathXmlApplicationContext re = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext re = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
- public ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(String[] configLocations, boolean refresh, ApplicationContext parent)
- throws BeansException {
- super(parent);
- setConfigLocations(configLocations);
- if (refresh) {
- refresh();
- }
- }
public ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(String[] configLocations, boolean refresh, ApplicationContext parent) throws BeansException { super(parent); setConfigLocations(configLocations); if (refresh) { refresh(); } }
其中首先设置配置路径 setConfigLocations(configLocations) ,而后进行刷新 refresh(), 而这个refresh()方法是Ioc容器初始化的入口
- public void refresh() throws BeansException, IllegalStateException {
- synchronized (this.startupShutdownMonitor) {
- // Prepare this context for refreshing.
- prepareRefresh();
- // Tell the subclass to refresh the internal bean factory.
- ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = obtainFreshBeanFactory();
- // Prepare the bean factory for use in this context.
- prepareBeanFactory(beanFactory);
- try {
- // Allows post-processing of the bean factory in context subclasses.
- postProcessBeanFactory(beanFactory);
- // Invoke factory processors registered as beans in the context.
- invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors(beanFactory);
- // Register bean processors that intercept bean creation.
- registerBeanPostProcessors(beanFactory);
- // Initialize message source for this context.
- initMessageSource();
- // Initialize event multicaster for this context.
- initApplicationEventMulticaster();
- // Initialize other special beans in specific context subclasses.
- onRefresh();
- // Check for listener beans and register them.
- registerListeners();
- // Instantiate all remaining (non-lazy-init) singletons.
- finishBeanFactoryInitialization(beanFactory);
- // Last step: publish corresponding event.
- finishRefresh();
- }
- catch (BeansException ex) {
- // Destroy already created singletons to avoid dangling resources.
- destroyBeans();
- // Reset 'active' flag.
- cancelRefresh(ex);
- // Propagate exception to caller.
- throw ex;
- }
- }
- }
public void refresh() throws BeansException, IllegalStateException { synchronized (this.startupShutdownMonitor) { // Prepare this context for refreshing. prepareRefresh(); // Tell the subclass to refresh the internal bean factory. ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = obtainFreshBeanFactory(); // Prepare the bean factory for use in this context. prepareBeanFactory(beanFactory); try { // Allows post-processing of the bean factory in context subclasses. postProcessBeanFactory(beanFactory); // Invoke factory processors registered as beans in the context. invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors(beanFactory); // Register bean processors that intercept bean creation. registerBeanPostProcessors(beanFactory); // Initialize message source for this context. initMessageSource(); // Initialize event multicaster for this context. initApplicationEventMulticaster(); // Initialize other special beans in specific context subclasses. onRefresh(); // Check for listener beans and register them. registerListeners(); // Instantiate all remaining (non-lazy-init) singletons. finishBeanFactoryInitialization(beanFactory); // Last step: publish corresponding event. finishRefresh(); } catch (BeansException ex) { // Destroy already created singletons to avoid dangling resources. destroyBeans(); // Reset 'active' flag. cancelRefresh(ex); // Propagate exception to caller. throw ex; } } }
- protected ConfigurableListableBeanFactory obtainFreshBeanFactory() {
- refreshBeanFactory();
- ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = getBeanFactory();
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("Bean factory for " + getDisplayName() + ": " + beanFactory);
- }
- return beanFactory;
- }
protected ConfigurableListableBeanFactory obtainFreshBeanFactory() { refreshBeanFactory(); ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = getBeanFactory(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Bean factory for " + getDisplayName() + ": " + beanFactory); } return beanFactory; }
它的第一步交给一个抽象方法refreshBeanFactory(), 具体的实现在AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext类中
- @Override
- protected final void refreshBeanFactory() throws BeansException {
- if (hasBeanFactory()) {
- destroyBeans();
- closeBeanFactory();
- }
- try {
- DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory = createBeanFactory();
- beanFactory.setSerializationId(getId());
- customizeBeanFactory(beanFactory);
- loadBeanDefinitions(beanFactory);
- synchronized (this.beanFactoryMonitor) {
- this.beanFactory = beanFactory;
- }
- }
- catch (IOException ex) {
- throw new ApplicationContextException("I/O error parsing bean definition source for " + getDisplayName(), ex);
- }
- }
@Override protected final void refreshBeanFactory() throws BeansException { if (hasBeanFactory()) { destroyBeans(); closeBeanFactory(); } try { DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory = createBeanFactory(); beanFactory.setSerializationId(getId()); customizeBeanFactory(beanFactory); loadBeanDefinitions(beanFactory); synchronized (this.beanFactoryMonitor) { this.beanFactory = beanFactory; } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ApplicationContextException("I/O error parsing bean definition source for " + getDisplayName(), ex); } }
最后启动BeanDefination的载入 loadBeanDefinitions(beanFactory)方法
- @Override
- protected void loadBeanDefinitions(DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException, IOException {
- // Create a new XmlBeanDefinitionReader for the given BeanFactory.
- XmlBeanDefinitionReader beanDefinitionReader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(beanFactory);
- // Configure the bean definition reader with this context's
- // resource loading environment.
- beanDefinitionReader.setResourceLoader(this);
- beanDefinitionReader.setEntityResolver(new ResourceEntityResolver(this));
- // Allow a subclass to provide custom initialization of the reader,
- // then proceed with actually loading the bean definitions.
- initBeanDefinitionReader(beanDefinitionReader);
- loadBeanDefinitions(beanDefinitionReader);
- }
@Override protected void loadBeanDefinitions(DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException, IOException { // Create a new XmlBeanDefinitionReader for the given BeanFactory. XmlBeanDefinitionReader beanDefinitionReader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(beanFactory); // Configure the bean definition reader with this context's // resource loading environment. beanDefinitionReader.setResourceLoader(this); beanDefinitionReader.setEntityResolver(new ResourceEntityResolver(this)); // Allow a subclass to provide custom initialization of the reader, // then proceed with actually loading the bean definitions. initBeanDefinitionReader(beanDefinitionReader); loadBeanDefinitions(beanDefinitionReader); }
这里创建了一个XmlBeanDefinitionReader 对象,它专门用来读取基于XML文件格式的BeanDefinition配置,接下来重载到loadBeanDefinitions(beanDefinitionReader);
- protected void loadBeanDefinitions(XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader) throws BeansException, IOException {
- Resource[] configResources = getConfigResources();
- if (configResources != null) {
- reader.loadBeanDefinitions(configResources);
- }
- String[] configLocations = getConfigLocations();
- if (configLocations != null) {
- reader.loadBeanDefinitions(configLocations);
- }
- }
protected void loadBeanDefinitions(XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader) throws BeansException, IOException { Resource[] configResources = getConfigResources(); if (configResources != null) { reader.loadBeanDefinitions(configResources); } String[] configLocations = getConfigLocations(); if (configLocations != null) { reader.loadBeanDefinitions(configLocations); } }
首先载入Resource对象用来定位资源,Resource对象的生成在ClassPathXmlApplicationContext 中setConfigLocations(configLocations)方法实现
- public int loadBeanDefinitions(Resource[] resources) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
- Assert.notNull(resources, "Resource array must not be null");
- int counter = 0;
- for (Resource resource : resources) {
- counter += loadBeanDefinitions(resource);
- }
- return counter;
- }
public int loadBeanDefinitions(Resource[] resources) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException { Assert.notNull(resources, "Resource array must not be null"); int counter = 0; for (Resource resource : resources) { counter += loadBeanDefinitions(resource); } return counter; }
然后调用loadBeanDefinitions(resource)方法,此方法的具体实现在XmlBeanDefinitionReader 中
- public int loadBeanDefinitions(Resource resource) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
- return loadBeanDefinitions(new EncodedResource(resource));
- }
public int loadBeanDefinitions(Resource resource) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException { return loadBeanDefinitions(new EncodedResource(resource)); }
- public int loadBeanDefinitions(EncodedResource encodedResource) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
- Assert.notNull(encodedResource, "EncodedResource must not be null");
- if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
- logger.info("Loading XML bean definitions from " + encodedResource.getResource());
- }
- Set<EncodedResource> currentResources = this.resourcesCurrentlyBeingLoaded.get();
- if (currentResources == null) {
- currentResources = new HashSet<EncodedResource>(4);
- this.resourcesCurrentlyBeingLoaded.set(currentResources);
- }
- if (!currentResources.add(encodedResource)) {
- throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(
- "Detected recursive loading of " + encodedResource + " - check your import definitions!");
- }
- try {
- InputStream inputStream = encodedResource.getResource().getInputStream();
- try {
- InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(inputStream);
- if (encodedResource.getEncoding() != null) {
- inputSource.setEncoding(encodedResource.getEncoding());
- }
- return doLoadBeanDefinitions(inputSource, encodedResource.getResource());
- }
- finally {
- inputStream.close();
- }
- }
- catch (IOException ex) {
- throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(
- "IOException parsing XML document from " + encodedResource.getResource(), ex);
- }
- finally {
- currentResources.remove(encodedResource);
- if (currentResources.isEmpty()) {
- this.resourcesCurrentlyBeingLoaded.set(null);
- }
- }
- }
public int loadBeanDefinitions(EncodedResource encodedResource) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException { Assert.notNull(encodedResource, "EncodedResource must not be null"); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { logger.info("Loading XML bean definitions from " + encodedResource.getResource()); } Set<EncodedResource> currentResources = this.resourcesCurrentlyBeingLoaded.get(); if (currentResources == null) { currentResources = new HashSet<EncodedResource>(4); this.resourcesCurrentlyBeingLoaded.set(currentResources); } if (!currentResources.add(encodedResource)) { throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException( "Detected recursive loading of " + encodedResource + " - check your import definitions!"); } try { InputStream inputStream = encodedResource.getResource().getInputStream(); try { InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(inputStream); if (encodedResource.getEncoding() != null) { inputSource.setEncoding(encodedResource.getEncoding()); } return doLoadBeanDefinitions(inputSource, encodedResource.getResource()); } finally { inputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException( "IOException parsing XML document from " + encodedResource.getResource(), ex); } finally { currentResources.remove(encodedResource); if (currentResources.isEmpty()) { this.resourcesCurrentlyBeingLoaded.set(null); } } }
在此类中主要是对输入流进行编码操作,然后调用doLoadBeanDefinitions(inputSource, encodedResource.getResource())方法
doLoadBeanDefinitions(inputSource, encodedResource.getResource())方法正式引入dom
- protected int doLoadBeanDefinitions(InputSource inputSource, Resource resource)
- throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
- try {
- int validationMode = getValidationModeForResource(resource);
- Document doc = this.documentLoader.loadDocument(
- inputSource, getEntityResolver(), this.errorHandler, validationMode, isNamespaceAware());
- return registerBeanDefinitions(doc, resource);
- }
- catch (BeanDefinitionStoreException ex) {
- throw ex;
- }
- catch (SAXParseException ex) {
- throw new XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(),
- "Line " + ex.getLineNumber() + " in XML document from " + resource + " is invalid", ex);
- }
- catch (SAXException ex) {
- throw new XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(),
- "XML document from " + resource + " is invalid", ex);
- }
- catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
- throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(),
- "Parser configuration exception parsing XML from " + resource, ex);
- }
- catch (IOException ex) {
- throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(),
- "IOException parsing XML document from " + resource, ex);
- }
- catch (Throwable ex) {
- throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(),
- "Unexpected exception parsing XML document from " + resource, ex);
- }
- }
protected int doLoadBeanDefinitions(InputSource inputSource, Resource resource) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException { try { int validationMode = getValidationModeForResource(resource); Document doc = this.documentLoader.loadDocument( inputSource, getEntityResolver(), this.errorHandler, validationMode, isNamespaceAware()); return registerBeanDefinitions(doc, resource); } catch (BeanDefinitionStoreException ex) { throw ex; } catch (SAXParseException ex) { throw new XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(), "Line " + ex.getLineNumber() + " in XML document from " + resource + " is invalid", ex); } catch (SAXException ex) { throw new XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(), "XML document from " + resource + " is invalid", ex); } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(), "Parser configuration exception parsing XML from " + resource, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(), "IOException parsing XML document from " + resource, ex); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(resource.getDescription(), "Unexpected exception parsing XML document from " + resource, ex); } }
在此方法中生成了Document类的对象,下一步是进行对象的注册,registerBeanDefinitions(doc, resource)方法
- public int registerBeanDefinitions(Document doc, Resource resource) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
- // Read document based on new BeanDefinitionDocumentReader SPI.
- BeanDefinitionDocumentReader documentReader = createBeanDefinitionDocumentReader();
- int countBefore = getRegistry().getBeanDefinitionCount();
- documentReader.registerBeanDefinitions(doc, createReaderContext(resource));
- return getRegistry().getBeanDefinitionCount() - countBefore;
- }
public int registerBeanDefinitions(Document doc, Resource resource) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException { // Read document based on new BeanDefinitionDocumentReader SPI. BeanDefinitionDocumentReader documentReader = createBeanDefinitionDocumentReader(); int countBefore = getRegistry().getBeanDefinitionCount(); documentReader.registerBeanDefinitions(doc, createReaderContext(resource)); return getRegistry().getBeanDefinitionCount() - countBefore; }
此方法统计了注册的BeanDefinition的个数,返回一个int值,而具体的注册工作在BeanDefinitionDocumentReader 接口的实现类DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader 中registerBeanDefinitions(doc, createReaderContext(resource))方法实现
DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader的registerBeanDefinitions(doc, createReaderContext(resource))方法
- public void registerBeanDefinitions(Document doc, XmlReaderContext readerContext) {
- this.readerContext = readerContext;
- logger.debug("Loading bean definitions");
- Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
- BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate = createHelper(readerContext, root);
- preProcessXml(root);
- parseBeanDefinitions(root, delegate);
- postProcessXml(root);
- }
public void registerBeanDefinitions(Document doc, XmlReaderContext readerContext) { this.readerContext = readerContext; logger.debug("Loading bean definitions"); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate = createHelper(readerContext, root); preProcessXml(root); parseBeanDefinitions(root, delegate); postProcessXml(root); }
然后引入BeanDefinitionParserDelegate 代理类对dom结构进行分析,调用parseBeanDefinitions(root, delegate)方法
- protected void parseBeanDefinitions(Element root, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate) {
- if (delegate.isDefaultNamespace(delegate.getNamespaceURI(root))) {
- NodeList nl = root.getChildNodes();
- for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
- Node node = nl.item(i);
- if (node instanceof Element) {
- Element ele = (Element) node;
- String namespaceUri = delegate.getNamespaceURI(ele);
- if (delegate.isDefaultNamespace(namespaceUri)) {
- parseDefaultElement(ele, delegate);
- }
- else {
- delegate.parseCustomElement(ele);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- delegate.parseCustomElement(root);
- }
- }
protected void parseBeanDefinitions(Element root, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate) { if (delegate.isDefaultNamespace(delegate.getNamespaceURI(root))) { NodeList nl = root.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nl.item(i); if (node instanceof Element) { Element ele = (Element) node; String namespaceUri = delegate.getNamespaceURI(ele); if (delegate.isDefaultNamespace(namespaceUri)) { parseDefaultElement(ele, delegate); } else { delegate.parseCustomElement(ele); } } } } else { delegate.parseCustomElement(root); } }
其中最主要的操作是在调用parseDefaultElement(ele, delegate)方法中进行
- private void parseDefaultElement(Element ele, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate) {
- if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, IMPORT_ELEMENT)) {
- importBeanDefinitionResource(ele);
- }
- else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, ALIAS_ELEMENT)) {
- processAliasRegistration(ele);
- }
- else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, BEAN_ELEMENT)) {
- processBeanDefinition(ele, delegate);
- }
- }
private void parseDefaultElement(Element ele, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate) { if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, IMPORT_ELEMENT)) { importBeanDefinitionResource(ele); } else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, ALIAS_ELEMENT)) { processAliasRegistration(ele); } else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, BEAN_ELEMENT)) { processBeanDefinition(ele, delegate); } }
从这个方法里面我们就能看出来底层元素的端倪了,首先判断Node是否为import节点,然后是alias节点,最后是bean节点,我们关心的是bean节点,processBeanDefinition(ele, delegate)方法
- protected void processBeanDefinition(Element ele, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate) {
- BeanDefinitionHolder bdHolder = delegate.parseBeanDefinitionElement(ele);
- if (bdHolder != null) {
- bdHolder = delegate.decorateBeanDefinitionIfRequired(ele, bdHolder);
- try {
- // Register the final decorated instance.
- BeanDefinitionReaderUtils.registerBeanDefinition(bdHolder, getReaderContext().getRegistry());
- }
- catch (BeanDefinitionStoreException ex) {
- getReaderContext().error("Failed to register bean definition with name '" +
- bdHolder.getBeanName() + "'", ele, ex);
- }
- // Send registration event.
- getReaderContext().fireComponentRegistered(new BeanComponentDefinition(bdHolder));
- }
- }
protected void processBeanDefinition(Element ele, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate) { BeanDefinitionHolder bdHolder = delegate.parseBeanDefinitionElement(ele); if (bdHolder != null) { bdHolder = delegate.decorateBeanDefinitionIfRequired(ele, bdHolder); try { // Register the final decorated instance. BeanDefinitionReaderUtils.registerBeanDefinition(bdHolder, getReaderContext().getRegistry()); } catch (BeanDefinitionStoreException ex) { getReaderContext().error("Failed to register bean definition with name '" + bdHolder.getBeanName() + "'", ele, ex); } // Send registration event. getReaderContext().fireComponentRegistered(new BeanComponentDefinition(bdHolder)); } }
这里首先由BeanDefinitionParserDelegate 生成BeanDefination的包装类BeanDefinitionHolder ,然后再进行一些修饰工作,这里把工作正式交给BeanDefinitionParserDelegate
7.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate 中的解析工作
BeanDefinition的解析主要在BeanDefinitionParserDelegate 的parseBeanDefinitionElement(ele)方法中进行,重载到
- public BeanDefinitionHolder parseBeanDefinitionElement(Element ele, BeanDefinition containingBean) {
- String id = ele.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE);
- String nameAttr = ele.getAttribute(NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
- List<String> aliases = new ArrayList<String>();
- if (StringUtils.hasLength(nameAttr)) {
- String[] nameArr = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(nameAttr, BEAN_NAME_DELIMITERS);
- aliases.addAll(Arrays.asList(nameArr));
- }
- String beanName = id;
- if (!StringUtils.hasText(beanName) && !aliases.isEmpty()) {
- beanName = aliases.remove(0);
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("No XML 'id' specified - using '" + beanName +
- "' as bean name and " + aliases + " as aliases");
- }
- }
- if (containingBean == null) {
- checkNameUniqueness(beanName, aliases, ele);
- }
- AbstractBeanDefinition beanDefinition = parseBeanDefinitionElement(ele, beanName, containingBean);
- if (beanDefinition != null) {
- if (!StringUtils.hasText(beanName)) {
- try {
- if (containingBean != null) {
- beanName = BeanDefinitionReaderUtils.generateBeanName(
- beanDefinition, this.readerContext.getRegistry(), true);
- }
- else {
- beanName = this.readerContext.generateBeanName(beanDefinition);
- // Register an alias for the plain bean class name, if still possible,
- // if the generator returned the class name plus a suffix.
- // This is expected for Spring 1.2/2.0 backwards compatibility.
- String beanClassName = beanDefinition.getBeanClassName();
- if (beanClassName != null &&
- beanName.startsWith(beanClassName) && beanName.length() > beanClassName.length() &&
- !this.readerContext.getRegistry().isBeanNameInUse(beanClassName)) {
- aliases.add(beanClassName);
- }
- }
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("Neither XML 'id' nor 'name' specified - " +
- "using generated bean name [" + beanName + "]");
- }
- }
- catch (Exception ex) {
- error(ex.getMessage(), ele);
- return null;
- }
- }
- String[] aliasesArray = StringUtils.toStringArray(aliases);
- return new BeanDefinitionHolder(beanDefinition, beanName, aliasesArray);
- }
- return null;
- }
public BeanDefinitionHolder parseBeanDefinitionElement(Element ele, BeanDefinition containingBean) { String id = ele.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE); String nameAttr = ele.getAttribute(NAME_ATTRIBUTE); List<String> aliases = new ArrayList<String>(); if (StringUtils.hasLength(nameAttr)) { String[] nameArr = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(nameAttr, BEAN_NAME_DELIMITERS); aliases.addAll(Arrays.asList(nameArr)); } String beanName = id; if (!StringUtils.hasText(beanName) && !aliases.isEmpty()) { beanName = aliases.remove(0); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("No XML 'id' specified - using '" + beanName + "' as bean name and " + aliases + " as aliases"); } } if (containingBean == null) { checkNameUniqueness(beanName, aliases, ele); } AbstractBeanDefinition beanDefinition = parseBeanDefinitionElement(ele, beanName, containingBean); if (beanDefinition != null) { if (!StringUtils.hasText(beanName)) { try { if (containingBean != null) { beanName = BeanDefinitionReaderUtils.generateBeanName( beanDefinition, this.readerContext.getRegistry(), true); } else { beanName = this.readerContext.generateBeanName(beanDefinition); // Register an alias for the plain bean class name, if still possible, // if the generator returned the class name plus a suffix. // This is expected for Spring 1.2/2.0 backwards compatibility. String beanClassName = beanDefinition.getBeanClassName(); if (beanClassName != null && beanName.startsWith(beanClassName) && beanName.length() > beanClassName.length() && !this.readerContext.getRegistry().isBeanNameInUse(beanClassName)) { aliases.add(beanClassName); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Neither XML 'id' nor 'name' specified - " + "using generated bean name [" + beanName + "]"); } } catch (Exception ex) { error(ex.getMessage(), ele); return null; } } String[] aliasesArray = StringUtils.toStringArray(aliases); return new BeanDefinitionHolder(beanDefinition, beanName, aliasesArray); } return null; }
核心在于生成BeanDefinition的parseBeanDefinitionElement(ele, beanName, containingBean)方法
- public AbstractBeanDefinition parseBeanDefinitionElement(
- Element ele, String beanName, BeanDefinition containingBean) {
- this.parseState.push(new BeanEntry(beanName));
- String className = null;
- if (ele.hasAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE)) {
- className = ele.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE).trim();
- }
- try {
- String parent = null;
- if (ele.hasAttribute(PARENT_ATTRIBUTE)) {
- parent = ele.getAttribute(PARENT_ATTRIBUTE);
- }
- AbstractBeanDefinition bd = createBeanDefinition(className, parent);
- parseBeanDefinitionAttributes(ele, beanName, containingBean, bd);
- bd.setDescription(DomUtils.getChildElementValueByTagName(ele, DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT));
- parseMetaElements(ele, bd);
- parseLookupOverrideSubElements(ele, bd.getMethodOverrides());
- parseReplacedMethodSubElements(ele, bd.getMethodOverrides());
- parseConstructorArgElements(ele, bd);
- parsePropertyElements(ele, bd);
- parseQualifierElements(ele, bd);
- bd.setResource(this.readerContext.getResource());
- bd.setSource(extractSource(ele));
- return bd;
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
- error("Bean class [" + className + "] not found", ele, ex);
- }
- catch (NoClassDefFoundError err) {
- error("Class that bean class [" + className + "] depends on not found", ele, err);
- }
- catch (Throwable ex) {
- error("Unexpected failure during bean definition parsing", ele, ex);
- }
- finally {
- this.parseState.pop();
- }
- return null;
- }
public AbstractBeanDefinition parseBeanDefinitionElement( Element ele, String beanName, BeanDefinition containingBean) { this.parseState.push(new BeanEntry(beanName)); String className = null; if (ele.hasAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE)) { className = ele.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE).trim(); } try { String parent = null; if (ele.hasAttribute(PARENT_ATTRIBUTE)) { parent = ele.getAttribute(PARENT_ATTRIBUTE); } AbstractBeanDefinition bd = createBeanDefinition(className, parent); parseBeanDefinitionAttributes(ele, beanName, containingBean, bd); bd.setDescription(DomUtils.getChildElementValueByTagName(ele, DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT)); parseMetaElements(ele, bd); parseLookupOverrideSubElements(ele, bd.getMethodOverrides()); parseReplacedMethodSubElements(ele, bd.getMethodOverrides()); parseConstructorArgElements(ele, bd); parsePropertyElements(ele, bd); parseQualifierElements(ele, bd); bd.setResource(this.readerContext.getResource()); bd.setSource(extractSource(ele)); return bd; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { error("Bean class [" + className + "] not found", ele, ex); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError err) { error("Class that bean class [" + className + "] depends on not found", ele, err); } catch (Throwable ex) { error("Unexpected failure during bean definition parsing", ele, ex); } finally { this.parseState.pop(); } return null; }
首先得到class的名字,然后得到继承的parent的名字,然后是meta节点,look-up节点,replaced-method节点,构造函数设置节点,最后是比较复杂的property节点,我们继续分析比较复杂的property节点的解析,parsePropertyElements(ele, bd)方法
- public void parsePropertyElements(Element beanEle, BeanDefinition bd) {
- NodeList nl = beanEle.getChildNodes();
- for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
- Node node = nl.item(i);
- if (node instanceof Element && nodeNameEquals(node, PROPERTY_ELEMENT)) {
- parsePropertyElement((Element) node, bd);
- }
- }
- }
public void parsePropertyElements(Element beanEle, BeanDefinition bd) { NodeList nl = beanEle.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nl.item(i); if (node instanceof Element && nodeNameEquals(node, PROPERTY_ELEMENT)) { parsePropertyElement((Element) node, bd); } } }
将bean节点的子元素逐个取出判断是否为property节点,然后进行解析,parsePropertyElement((Element) node, bd)方法
- public void parsePropertyElement(Element ele, BeanDefinition bd) {
- String propertyName = ele.getAttribute(NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
- if (!StringUtils.hasLength(propertyName)) {
- error("Tag 'property' must have a 'name' attribute", ele);
- return;
- }
- this.parseState.push(new PropertyEntry(propertyName));
- try {
- if (bd.getPropertyValues().contains(propertyName)) {
- error("Multiple 'property' definitions for property '" + propertyName + "'", ele);
- return;
- }
- Object val = parsePropertyValue(ele, bd, propertyName);
- PropertyValue pv = new PropertyValue(propertyName, val);
- parseMetaElements(ele, pv);
- pv.setSource(extractSource(ele));
- bd.getPropertyValues().addPropertyValue(pv);
- }
- finally {
- this.parseState.pop();
- }
- }
public void parsePropertyElement(Element ele, BeanDefinition bd) { String propertyName = ele.getAttribute(NAME_ATTRIBUTE); if (!StringUtils.hasLength(propertyName)) { error("Tag 'property' must have a 'name' attribute", ele); return; } this.parseState.push(new PropertyEntry(propertyName)); try { if (bd.getPropertyValues().contains(propertyName)) { error("Multiple 'property' definitions for property '" + propertyName + "'", ele); return; } Object val = parsePropertyValue(ele, bd, propertyName); PropertyValue pv = new PropertyValue(propertyName, val); parseMetaElements(ele, pv); pv.setSource(extractSource(ele)); bd.getPropertyValues().addPropertyValue(pv); } finally { this.parseState.pop(); } }
解析的主要过程,首先判断是否重复,如果重复抛出异常,然后对property节点内部进行解析,最后加入到bean节点信息中,我们继续解析property节点内部,parsePropertyValue(ele, bd, propertyName)方法
- public Object parsePropertyValue(Element ele, BeanDefinition bd, String propertyName) {
- String elementName = (propertyName != null) ?
- "<property> element for property '" + propertyName + "'" :
- "<constructor-arg> element";
- // Should only have one child element: ref, value, list, etc.
- NodeList nl = ele.getChildNodes();
- Element subElement = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
- Node node = nl.item(i);
- if (node instanceof Element && !nodeNameEquals(node, DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT) &&
- !nodeNameEquals(node, META_ELEMENT)) {
- // Child element is what we're looking for.
- if (subElement != null) {
- error(elementName + " must not contain more than one sub-element", ele);
- }
- else {
- subElement = (Element) node;
- }
- }
- }
- boolean hasRefAttribute = ele.hasAttribute(REF_ATTRIBUTE);
- boolean hasValueAttribute = ele.hasAttribute(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE);
- if ((hasRefAttribute && hasValueAttribute) ||
- ((hasRefAttribute || hasValueAttribute) && subElement != null)) {
- error(elementName +
- " is only allowed to contain either 'ref' attribute OR 'value' attribute OR sub-element", ele);
- }
- if (hasRefAttribute) {
- String refName = ele.getAttribute(REF_ATTRIBUTE);
- if (!StringUtils.hasText(refName)) {
- error(elementName + " contains empty 'ref' attribute", ele);
- }
- RuntimeBeanReference ref = new RuntimeBeanReference(refName);
- ref.setSource(extractSource(ele));
- return ref;
- }
- else if (hasValueAttribute) {
- TypedStringValue valueHolder = new TypedStringValue(ele.getAttribute(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE));
- valueHolder.setSource(extractSource(ele));
- return valueHolder;
- }
- else if (subElement != null) {
- return parsePropertySubElement(subElement, bd);
- }
- else {
- // Neither child element nor "ref" or "value" attribute found.
- error(elementName + " must specify a ref or value", ele);
- return null;
- }
- }
public Object parsePropertyValue(Element ele, BeanDefinition bd, String propertyName) { String elementName = (propertyName != null) ? "<property> element for property '" + propertyName + "'" : "<constructor-arg> element"; // Should only have one child element: ref, value, list, etc. NodeList nl = ele.getChildNodes(); Element subElement = null; for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nl.item(i); if (node instanceof Element && !nodeNameEquals(node, DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT) && !nodeNameEquals(node, META_ELEMENT)) { // Child element is what we're looking for. if (subElement != null) { error(elementName + " must not contain more than one sub-element", ele); } else { subElement = (Element) node; } } } boolean hasRefAttribute = ele.hasAttribute(REF_ATTRIBUTE); boolean hasValueAttribute = ele.hasAttribute(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE); if ((hasRefAttribute && hasValueAttribute) || ((hasRefAttribute || hasValueAttribute) && subElement != null)) { error(elementName + " is only allowed to contain either 'ref' attribute OR 'value' attribute OR sub-element", ele); } if (hasRefAttribute) { String refName = ele.getAttribute(REF_ATTRIBUTE); if (!StringUtils.hasText(refName)) { error(elementName + " contains empty 'ref' attribute", ele); } RuntimeBeanReference ref = new RuntimeBeanReference(refName); ref.setSource(extractSource(ele)); return ref; } else if (hasValueAttribute) { TypedStringValue valueHolder = new TypedStringValue(ele.getAttribute(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE)); valueHolder.setSource(extractSource(ele)); return valueHolder; } else if (subElement != null) { return parsePropertySubElement(subElement, bd); } else { // Neither child element nor "ref" or "value" attribute found. error(elementName + " must specify a ref or value", ele); return null; } }
property节点主要是value和ref属性的配置,所以此方法首先是配置以上两个属性,然后是分析property节点的子元素,parsePropertySubElement(subElement, bd)方法,重载到
- public Object parsePropertySubElement(Element ele, BeanDefinition bd, String defaultValueType) {
- if (!isDefaultNamespace(getNamespaceURI(ele))) {
- return parseNestedCustomElement(ele, bd);
- }
- else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, BEAN_ELEMENT)) {
- BeanDefinitionHolder nestedBd = parseBeanDefinitionElement(ele, bd);
- if (nestedBd != null) {
- nestedBd = decorateBeanDefinitionIfRequired(ele, nestedBd, bd);
- }
- return nestedBd;
- }
- else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, REF_ELEMENT)) {
- // A generic reference to any name of any bean.
- String refName = ele.getAttribute(BEAN_REF_ATTRIBUTE);
- boolean toParent = false;
- if (!StringUtils.hasLength(refName)) {
- // A reference to the id of another bean in the same XML file.
- refName = ele.getAttribute(LOCAL_REF_ATTRIBUTE);
- if (!StringUtils.hasLength(refName)) {
- // A reference to the id of another bean in a parent context.
- refName = ele.getAttribute(PARENT_REF_ATTRIBUTE);
- toParent = true;
- if (!StringUtils.hasLength(refName)) {
- error("'bean', 'local' or 'parent' is required for <ref> element", ele);
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!StringUtils.hasText(refName)) {
- error("<ref> element contains empty target attribute", ele);
- return null;
- }
- RuntimeBeanReference ref = new RuntimeBeanReference(refName, toParent);
- ref.setSource(extractSource(ele));
- return ref;
- }
- else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, IDREF_ELEMENT)) {
- return parseIdRefElement(ele);
- }
- else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, VALUE_ELEMENT)) {
- return parseValueElement(ele, defaultValueType);
- }
- else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, NULL_ELEMENT)) {
- // It's a distinguished null value. Let's wrap it in a TypedStringValue
- // object in order to preserve the source location.
- TypedStringValue nullHolder = new TypedStringValue(null);
- nullHolder.setSource(extractSource(ele));
- return nullHolder;
- }
- else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, ARRAY_ELEMENT)) {
- return parseArrayElement(ele, bd);
- }
- else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, LIST_ELEMENT)) {
- return parseListElement(ele, bd);
- }
- else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, SET_ELEMENT)) {
- return parseSetElement(ele, bd);
- }
- else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, MAP_ELEMENT)) {
- return parseMapElement(ele, bd);
- }
- else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, PROPS_ELEMENT)) {
- return parsePropsElement(ele);
- }
- else {
- error("Unknown property sub-element: [" + ele.getNodeName() + "]", ele);
- return null;
- }
- }
public Object parsePropertySubElement(Element ele, BeanDefinition bd, String defaultValueType) { if (!isDefaultNamespace(getNamespaceURI(ele))) { return parseNestedCustomElement(ele, bd); } else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, BEAN_ELEMENT)) { BeanDefinitionHolder nestedBd = parseBeanDefinitionElement(ele, bd); if (nestedBd != null) { nestedBd = decorateBeanDefinitionIfRequired(ele, nestedBd, bd); } return nestedBd; } else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, REF_ELEMENT)) { // A generic reference to any name of any bean. String refName = ele.getAttribute(BEAN_REF_ATTRIBUTE); boolean toParent = false; if (!StringUtils.hasLength(refName)) { // A reference to the id of another bean in the same XML file. refName = ele.getAttribute(LOCAL_REF_ATTRIBUTE); if (!StringUtils.hasLength(refName)) { // A reference to the id of another bean in a parent context. refName = ele.getAttribute(PARENT_REF_ATTRIBUTE); toParent = true; if (!StringUtils.hasLength(refName)) { error("'bean', 'local' or 'parent' is required for <ref> element", ele); return null; } } } if (!StringUtils.hasText(refName)) { error("<ref> element contains empty target attribute", ele); return null; } RuntimeBeanReference ref = new RuntimeBeanReference(refName, toParent); ref.setSource(extractSource(ele)); return ref; } else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, IDREF_ELEMENT)) { return parseIdRefElement(ele); } else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, VALUE_ELEMENT)) { return parseValueElement(ele, defaultValueType); } else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, NULL_ELEMENT)) { // It's a distinguished null value. Let's wrap it in a TypedStringValue // object in order to preserve the source location. TypedStringValue nullHolder = new TypedStringValue(null); nullHolder.setSource(extractSource(ele)); return nullHolder; } else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, ARRAY_ELEMENT)) { return parseArrayElement(ele, bd); } else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, LIST_ELEMENT)) { return parseListElement(ele, bd); } else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, SET_ELEMENT)) { return parseSetElement(ele, bd); } else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, MAP_ELEMENT)) { return parseMapElement(ele, bd); } else if (nodeNameEquals(ele, PROPS_ELEMENT)) { return parsePropsElement(ele); } else { error("Unknown property sub-element: [" + ele.getNodeName() + "]", ele); return null; } }
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