这几天在做一个和oracle相关的项目的时候,遇到一个问题,我需要一次性查出一个表里每一个分组的最新的一条记录,于是想到了group by,处理后,可以获得每个分组最新的记录的时间,但是下一步卡住了,后来在网上查到了一个相关的解决方案,作为技术备份,先记录在这里。
select f.type, f.variety, f.price from ( select type, min(price) as minprice from fruits group by type ) as x inner join fruits as f on f.type = x.type and f.price = x.minprice;
How to select the first/least/max row per group in SQL
Here are some common SQL problems, all of which have related solutions: how do I find the most recent log entry for each program? How do I find the most popular item from each category? How do I find the top score for each player? In general, these types of “select the extreme from each group” queries can be solved with the same techniques. I’ll explain how to do that in this article, including the harder problem of selecting the top N entries, not just the top 1.
This topic is related to numbering rows, which I just wrote about (see my articles about MySQL-specific and generic techniques to assign a number to each row in a group). Therefore I’ll use nearly the same table and data as I used in those articles, with the addition of a price column:
| type | variety | price |
| apple | gala | 2.79 |
| apple | fuji | 0.24 |
| apple | limbertwig | 2.87 |
| orange | valencia | 3.59 |
| orange | navel | 9.36 |
| pear | bradford | 6.05 |
| pear | bartlett | 2.14 |
| cherry | bing | 2.55 |
| cherry | chelan | 6.33 |
Selecting the one maximum row from each group
Let’s say I want to select the most recent log entry for each program, or the most recent changes in an audit table, or something of the sort. This question comes up over and over on IRC channels and mailing lists. I’ll re-phrase the question in terms of fruits. I want to select the cheapest fruit from each type. Here’s the desired result:
+--------+----------+-------+ | type | variety | price | +--------+----------+-------+ | apple | fuji | 0.24 | | orange | valencia | 3.59 | | pear | bartlett | 2.14 | | cherry | bing | 2.55 | +--------+----------+-------+
There are a few common solutions to this problem. All involve two steps: finding the desired value of price, and then selecting the rest of the row based on that.
One common solution is a so-called self-join. Step one is to group the fruits by type (apple, cherry etc) and choose the minimum price:
select type, min(price) as minprice from fruits group by type; +--------+----------+ | type | minprice | +--------+----------+ | apple | 0.24 | | cherry | 2.55 | | orange | 3.59 | | pear | 2.14 | +--------+----------+
Step two is to select the rest of the row by joining these results back to the same table. Since the first query is grouped, it needs to be put into a subquery so it can be joined against the non-grouped table:
select f.type, f.variety, f.price from ( select type, min(price) as minprice from fruits group by type ) as x inner join fruits as f on f.type = x.type and f.price = x.minprice; +--------+----------+-------+ | type | variety | price | +--------+----------+-------+ | apple | fuji | 0.24 | | cherry | bing | 2.55 | | orange | valencia | 3.59 | | pear | bartlett | 2.14 | +--------+----------+-------+
Another common way to do this is with a correlated subquery. This can be much less efficient, depending on how good your system’s query optimizer is. You might find it clearer, though.
select type, variety, price from fruits where price = (select min(price) from fruits as f where f.type = fruits.type); +--------+----------+-------+ | type | variety | price | +--------+----------+-------+ | apple | fuji | 0.24 | | orange | valencia | 3.59 | | pear | bartlett | 2.14 | | cherry | bing | 2.55 | +--------+----------+-------+
Both queries are logically equivalent, though they may not perform the same.
Select the top N rows from each group
This is a slightly harder problem to solve. Finding a single row from each group is easy with SQL’s aggregate functions (MIN(), MAX(), and so on). Finding the first several from each group is not possible with that method because aggregate functions only return a single value. Still, it’s possible to do.
Let’s say I want to select the two cheapest fruits from each type. Here’s a first try:
select type, variety, price from fruits where price = (select min(price) from fruits as f where f.type = fruits.type) or price = (select min(price) from fruits as f where f.type = fruits.type and price > (select min(price) from fruits as f2 where f2.type = fruits.type)); +--------+----------+-------+ | type | variety | price | +--------+----------+-------+ | apple | gala | 2.79 | | apple | fuji | 0.24 | | orange | valencia | 3.59 | | orange | navel | 9.36 | | pear | bradford | 6.05 | | pear | bartlett | 2.14 | | cherry | bing | 2.55 | | cherry | chelan | 6.33 | +--------+----------+-------+
Yuck! That can be written as a self-join, but it’s just as bad (I leave it as an exercise for the reader). This gets worse as you go to higher numbers (top 3, top 4…). There are other ways to phrase the statement, but they all boil down to the same thing, and they’re all pretty unwieldy and inefficient.
Yuck! That can be written as a self-join, but it’s just as bad (I leave it as an exercise for the reader). This gets worse as you go to higher numbers (top 3, top 4…). There are other ways to phrase the statement, but they all boil down to the same thing, and they’re all pretty unwieldy and inefficient.
There’s a better way: select the variety from each type where the variety is no more than the second-cheapest of that type.
select type, variety, price from fruits where ( select count(*) from fruits as f where f.type = fruits.type and f.price < fruits.price ) <= 2;
This is elegant, and lets you vary N without rewriting your query (a very good thing!), but it’s functionally the same as the previous query. Both are essentially a quadratic algorithm relative to the number of varieties in each type. And again, some query optimizers may not do well with this and make it quadratic with respect to the number of rows in the table overall (especially if no useful index is defined), and the server might get clobbered. Are there better ways? Can it be done with one pass through the data, instead of the many passes required by a correlated subquery? You know it can, or I wouldn’t be writing this, now would I?
If there’s an index on (type, price), and there are many more records to eliminate than to include in each group, a more efficient single-pass method (especially for MySQL, but also for some other RDBMSs) is to break the queries out separately and put a limit on each, then UNION them all back together. Here’s the syntax you need for MySQL:
(select * from fruits where type = 'apple' order by price limit 2) union all (select * from fruits where type = 'orange' order by price limit 2) union all (select * from fruits where type = 'pear' order by price limit 2) union all (select * from fruits where type = 'cherry' order by price limit 2)
Peter Zaitsev has written in detail about this technique, so I won’t go into it too much more here. If it suits your purposes, it can be a very good solution.
One note: use UNION ALL, not just UNION. It prevents the server sorting the results to eliminate duplicates before returning them. In this case there will be no duplicates, so I’m telling the server to skip that (useless, expensive) step.
Do it with user variables on MySQL
The UNION trick is an especially good idea when the results are a small fraction of the rows in the table and there is an index that can be used for sorting the rows. Another linear-time technique, which might be a good option in cases where you are selecting most of the rows from the table anyway, is user variables. This is MySQL-specific. Please refer to my previous post on how to number rows in MySQL for the gory details of why this works:
set @num := 0, @type := ''; select type, variety, price from ( select type, variety, price, @num := if(@type = type, @num + 1, 1) as row_number, @type := type as dummy from fruits order by type, price ) as x where x.row_number <= 2;
This isn’t one pass through the table, by the way. The subquery is implemented as a temporary table behind the scenes, so filling it with data is one pass; then selecting every row from it and applying the WHERE clause is another. However, twice through is still O(n) with respect to the table size. That’s a lot better than correlated subqueries, which are O(n2) with respect to the group size — even moderate group sizes cause bad performance (say there are five varieties of each fruit. That’s on the order of 25 passes through the table, all told).
One-pass technique on MySQL… maybe?
If you want to leave your queries up the the query optimizer’s whims, you can try this technique, which builds no temporary tables and makes just one pass through:
set @num := 0, @type := ''; select type, variety, price, @num := if(@type = type, @num + 1, 1) as row_number, @type := type as dummy from fruits group by type, price, variety having row_number <= 2;
This theoretically ought to work if MySQL orders by the GROUP BY criteria, which it sometimes does for efficiency and to produce the expected results. Does it work? Here’s what it returns on MySQL 5.0.27 on Windows:
| type | variety | price | row_number | dummy |
| apple | gala | 2.79 | 1 | apple |
| apple | fuji | 0.24 | 3 | apple |
| orange | valencia | 3.59 | 1 | orange |
| orange | navel | 9.36 | 3 | orange |
| pear | bradford | 6.05 | 1 | pear |
| pear | bartlett | 2.14 | 3 | pear |
| cherry | bing | 2.55 | 1 | cherry |
| cherry | chelan | 6.33 | 3 | cherry |
Look closely… it’s returning rows one and three from each group, and they’re not numbered in order of increasing price? Huh? But the HAVING clause says the row_number should be no greater than 2! Here’s what it returns on version 5.0.24a on Ubuntu:
| type | variety | price | row_number | dummy |
| apple | fuji | 0.24 | 1 | apple |
| apple | gala | 2.79 | 1 | apple |
| apple | limbertwig | 2.87 | 1 | apple |
| cherry | bing | 2.55 | 1 | cherry |
| cherry | chelan | 6.33 | 1 | cherry |
| orange | valencia | 3.59 | 1 | orange |
| orange | navel | 9.36 | 1 | orange |
| pear | bartlett | 2.14 | 1 | pear |
| pear | bradford | 6.05 | 1 | pear |
Look, this time everything is numbered 1 and every row is returned. Wonky. This is exactly what the MySQL manual page on user variables warns about.
This technique is pretty much non-deterministic, because it relies on things that you and I don’t get to control directly, such as which indexes MySQL decides to use for grouping. However, if you need to use it — and I know there are some folks out there who do, because I’ve consulted for them — you can still tweak it. We’re getting into the realm of really bastardizing SQL, but the results above came from a table without indexes other than the primary key on (type, variety). What happens if I add an index MySQL can use for grouping?
alter table fruits add key(type, price);
Nothing changes, and EXPLAIN shows why: the query doesn’t use the index I just added. Why? Because the grouping is on three columns, and the index is only on two. In fact, the query is using a temp table and filesort anyway, so this is still not achieving the once-through goal. I can force it to use the index:
set @num := 0, @type := ''; select type, variety, price, @num := if(@type = type, @num + 1, 1) as row_number, @type := type as dummy from fruits force index(type) group by type, price, variety having row_number <= 2;
Let’s see if that works:
| type | variety | price | row_number | dummy |
| apple | fuji | 0.24 | 1 | apple |
| apple | gala | 2.79 | 2 | apple |
| cherry | bing | 2.55 | 1 | cherry |
| cherry | chelan | 6.33 | 2 | cherry |
| orange | valencia | 3.59 | 1 | orange |
| orange | navel | 9.36 | 2 | orange |
| pear | bartlett | 2.14 | 1 | pear |
| pear | bradford | 6.05 | 2 | pear |
Ah, now we’re cooking! It did what I wanted, without a filesort or temporary table. Another way to do this, by the way, is to take variety out of the GROUP BY so it uses the index on its own. Because this selects a non-grouped column from a grouped query, this only works if you are running with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode turned off, which I hope you are not doing without good reason.
Other methods
Be sure to check the comments for user-contributed methods. There are some really novel approaches. I always learn so much from your comments… thank you!
Well, that’s it. I’ve shown you several ways of solving the common “get the extreme row from each group” query, and then moved on to how you can get the top N rows from each group in various ways. Then I dove into MySQL-specific techniques which some (including myself, depending on my mood) would regard as mildly foolish to utterly stupid. But if you need the last bit of speed out of your server, you sometimes have to know when to break the rules. And for those who think this is just MySQL foolishness, it’s not; I’ve seen people desperately do these types of things on other platforms too, such as SQL Server. There are hacks and tweaks on every platform, and people who need to use them.
根据提供的文档信息,可以看出这是一本关于SQL学习的书籍,主要涵盖了从基础知识到高级操作的各种内容。接下来将根据这些信息生成一系列与SQL相关的知识点。 ### 1. SQL基础语法及使用方式 #### 1.1 SQL简介 - **...
- 在Web开发中,SQL常用于处理用户输入的数据和查询数据库。 - 在数据分析和数据科学领域,SQL用于提取和分析大量数据。 - 在系统管理和软件开发中,SQL用于维护和优化数据库性能。 #### 二、SELECT语句的使用 ...
在PL/SQL 中的数据类型377 字符串类型377 数值数据类型378 二进制数据类型378 日期数据类型378 逻辑数据类型378 ROWID379 PL/SQL 块的结构379 注释380 DECLARE 部分380 变量声明380 常量定义381 指针定义381 %TYPE ...
SELECT语句是SQL中最常用的语句之一,用于从一个或多个表中检索数据。其基本语法如下: ``` SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition; ``` - `column_name(s)`:指定要检索的列名。 - `table_name`...
- 掌握从单个表中检索数据的方法。 - **背景**: - SELECT语句是SQL中最常用的语句之一。 - 它用于从数据库表中检索数据。 - **一般的语法规则**: - SELECT * FROM table_name; - SELECT column1, column2 ...
- **从外部数据源中导入和导出数据:** SQL支持从多种数据源(如Microsoft Access、SQL Server、Oracle等)导入和导出数据。 #### 十二、创建和操作表 - **CREATEDATABASE语句:** 创建一个新的数据库,如`CREATE ...
- **目标**:学习如何使用SQL中的表达式和条件语句来处理数据。 - **条件语句**:如`IF...THEN`结构,在某些SQL方言中可能有所不同。 - **算术运算**:加法、减法、乘法、除法等基本运算符。 - **字符串运算**:连接...
**总结**:通过`SELECT`语句,你可以根据需要选择特定的列,并从指定的表中获取数据。 #### 表达式、条件语句与运算 **表达式**:SQL支持各种类型的表达式,包括算术表达式、比较表达式、逻辑表达式等。 - **算术...
- **其它函数**:如GREATEST/LEAST(找出最大/最小值)、USER(获取当前用户信息)等。 #### 五、子句 - **WHERE子句**:用于过滤结果集。 - **STARTING WITH子句**:用于模式匹配。 - **ORDER BY子句**:按...
- **背景**:SELECT语句是SQL中最常用的语句之一,用于从数据库中检索数据。 - **一般的语法规则**: - `SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition;` - 其中`column_name(s)`是指定要检索的列名,`...
- `DBMS_METADATA`:获取数据库对象的元数据信息。 - `V$SESSION`,`V$INSTANCE`:查看Oracle实例和会话信息。 9. **其他特殊函数**: - `COALESCE`:返回第一个非空参数。 - `NVL/NVL2`:如果表达式为NULL,则...
- 对数据进行分组。 - 示例:`SELECT department_id, AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id;` - **HAVING子句:** - 在聚合操作后进一步过滤。 - 示例:`SELECT department_id, AVG(salary) FROM...
For each hypothesis generated, identify at least two other non-System Monitor pieces of information that would help to confirm or reject your hypothesis. Identify at least five counters for each...
If no rows satisfy the WHERE condition the first time the range is scanned, no rows should be returned on any subsequent scans. Key range locks are similar to row locks on index keys (whether ...
- FIRST_VALUE(),LAST_VALUE():获取分组内第一行或最后一行的值。 9. **用户定义函数(UDF)**: - 用户可以创建自己的函数,以满足特定业务需求,例如自定义的数据转换或业务逻辑。 以上只是Oracle函数大全中...
用于对一组数据进行汇总计算,如 `AVG`, `COUNT`, `DENSE_RANK`, `RANK`, `FIRST`, `LAST`, `MAX`, `MIN`, `SUM`。 **第三节 分析函数** 分析函数用于对分组数据进行复杂的统计分析,支持窗口操作。 1. **概述**:...