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在Flex中想要用 trace输出进行调试,就要运行 Flex Builder 3的debug,不过如果是新装的 Flex Builder 3,,启动debug时会有如下的错误提示:
Flex Builder cannot locate the required version of Flash Player. You might need to install Flash Player 9 or reinstall Flex Builder.
Do you want to try to run your application with the current version?
打开 Window > Preferences.
选择General > Web Browser.
选择你有安装Flash Debug 补丁 的浏览器。(安装Flex Builder 3时会安装IE,FireFox的 Flash Debug 补丁)
如:ie10http://download.macromedia.com/p ... yer_10_ax_debug.exe
别忘 了地址后面的"?debug=true"
flex在mx.logging下包含了一个完整的 logging framework,利用这个logging framework 可以很方便的调试程序
这个 logging framework 主要由 logger 和 target 两部分组成。
logger 负责发送消息,而且支持若干等级的消息,比如你可以 logger.debug("这是条debug消息") , logger.error("这是error消息")...后边3个也类似.. fatal(), info(), warn()
target 负责用什么机制显示和在哪里显示 logger发送的消息,这个framework的高超之处就是可以随意扩展被logger发送出来的消息的显示机制,比如在FMS开发中可以扩展出一个类把logger发送的消息发送到server端,或者比如在AIR开发中也可以扩展一个类把error消息写成一个txt文件,甚至可以再扩展一个类利用后台程序把错误消息存到
mx.logging.targets 包中包含了一个TraceTarget类是用自带的trace机制来显示logger发送的消息,也就是说,logger发出的消息,我们既不存到txt文件,也不发送到数据库,我们只把它trace出来。
既然只是trace出来我们直接trace就好了何必用这个什么logging framework呢,这个问题很简单看标题“高级trace”
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
initialize="initializeHandler( )">
import mx.logging.Log;
import mx.logging.targets.TraceTarget;
import mx.logging.LogEventLevel
private var _target:TraceTarget;
private function initializeHandler( ):void
_target = new TraceTarget( ); //创建一个trace target
_target.includeDate = true; //显示日期
_target.includeTime = true; //显示trace的时间
_target.includeLevel = true; // 显示级别(error, debug, info .....)
_target.includeCategory = true; //显示种类
_target.filters = ["net.nshen.logging.*" ]; //只显示net.nshen.logging包里类trace出的信息
_target.level = LogEventLevel.INFO //只显示info()信息,其他什么debug()啊error()啊都不显示...
Log.addTarget(_target); //配置好target了把它填到Log里
private function sendToLog( ):void
// 两个参数,(种类 ,输出的信息)
<mx:Button click="sendToLog( )" label="Log Message"/>
10/1/2007 18:25:02.921 [INFO] net.nshen.logging.MainClass 看到info信息了吧~~haha只有我被显示出来了
标题 "FlexBuilder运行项目报Flex Builder cannot locate the required version of Flash Player" 描述了一个常见的问题,即在使用FlexBuilder开发Flex应用程序时,由于找不到合适的Flash Player版本,导致项目无法...
This article delves into the use of the Flex Builder plug-in within the Eclipse environment, focusing on its setup, key features, and how it can be utilized to compile applications for Flash Player ...
### 打开Vivado的.xpr工程文件报错Cannot Locate Target Loader的解决方案 #### 问题背景 在使用Xilinx Vivado设计工具进行FPGA/CPLD开发时,经常会遇到各种各样的问题,其中之一就是在尝试打开一个`.xpr`工程文件...
3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.4-2011-07-25.swc") 4. In Adobe ...
描述中的错误“Cannot locate the Microsoft Visual FoxPro support library”表明系统在尝试运行依赖于Visual FoxPro 6.0运行库的程序时,未能找到必要的DLL文件,这通常是因为缺失或损坏的库文件导致的。...
3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.5-2011-11-30.swc") 4. In Adobe ...
在使用VSFTPD时,可能会遇到各种连接错误,其中"500 OOPS: cannot locate user entry:vsftpd"是一个较为常见的问题。该错误提示用户无法找到用户条目,这通常是因为配置文件中缺少了对用户或组的定义。 根据提供的...
在使用SQLite3命令行工具时,可能会遇到"cannot locate 'sqlite3_enable_load_extension'"的错误提示,这通常意味着系统在尝试执行SQL扩展加载功能时遇到了问题。SQLite3是一个轻量级、自包含的数据库引擎,它允许...
当你遇到"双击.xpr打开错误.docx"的问题,这意味着你的系统无法正确识别或启动Vivado来处理这个文件,导致出现“Cannot locate target loader”的错误信息。这个问题可能是由多种原因引起的,下面我们将深入探讨可能...
3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.0-2010-06-25.swc") 4. In Adobe ...
3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.4-2011-07-25.swc") 4. In Adobe ...
3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.2-2010-12-08.swc") 4. In Adobe ...
3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.3-2011-04-14.swc") 4. In Adobe ...
3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-3.0-2012-06-06.swc") 4. In Adobe ...
Troubleshooting with Wireshark: Locate the Source of Performance Problem ) By Laura Chappell Foreword by Gerald Combs Edit by Jim Aragon This book focuses on the tips and techniques used to identify ...
Locate your MATLAB installation by typing matlabroot at the MATLAB command prompt. This folder is referred to as <MATLAB> in subsequent steps. Exit MATLAB. Download the attached .zip file ...
learn the basics of the game, prevent them from getting stuck, understand how the world they’re playing in works, learn how to overcome the obstacles and enemies they face, point out ...
然而,在安装`imagick`扩展时,可能会遇到各种问题,其中一种常见的错误是“Cannot locate header file MagickWand.h”。这通常意味着编译器在指定的路径下找不到必要的头文件,导致配置过程失败。 当安装`imagick`...