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Initially authorities regarded archeological finds merely as hoards ; for example, ancient coins were melted down to mint new coins.


Governmental support of archeological studies in Russia dates back to the epoch of Peter the Great, whose order of February 13, 1718 assigned the remuneration for various things that can be found under the ground or in water.


In 1759 the Academy intending to make up a new atlas of Russia endeavoured to gather information on the land antiquities.


The year of 1761 saw the expedition of the artist ......


The activities of Russian archeologists set its right course from the early 19th century.


In 1822 regulations on preserving the monuments of archeology in Crimea were set forth .


The committee  was in charge of finding antiquities , collecting information on momuments of the past and scientific evaluation of discovered relics .


The foremost finding of the Committee was the discovery of rich royal tombs in 1879.


Moscow Archeological Society founded in 1864, was especially successful in arranging archeological congresses.




Thanks to strict regulation by banking administrators, France has not been subjected to the economic crisis like in other European countries.


One result is that it is now very easy and straightforward to open a company in France, although local advice is essential in order to ensure compliance with legal and financial regulations.


Unless foreign identity is part of the marketing strategy, most foreign investors prefer to adopt a fairly low profile and project a French image. 


Simplified Stock Company is a relatively new type of entity in France. It is a vehicle for creating a joint venture between a French company and a foreign partner. 


Recruitment itself is reasonably straightforward in France but labor laws are very complex, m uch more so than in most other EU countries. Employment contracts for a fixed term are only permissible in a limited number of situations. 


France has a well-developed l egal and regulatory system broadly similar to that in other EU member states. 


Many foreign investors find that the French legal system is slow and expensive, which underlines the importance of securing good legal advice from the outset .




The notion of good means essentially that each topic in the national course of study is reviewed and critiqued by using a rationale that addresses its educational and mathematical value.


The newly revised curriculum has serious flaws that are only now becoming apparent.


The Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, which has responsibility for developing the national course of study, tried to reduce the content to accommodate the reduced school schedule.


Therefore, textbooks that are based on the revised national course of study will be lean in terms of mathematical points of view and topics covered.




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    通过集体备课、听课、评课等活动,教师们能够形成良好的教研氛围,同时,提倡个人反思和记录课后札记,让教师在教学过程中不断进步和自我完善。 规范英语教学是提高教学效果的关键。教研组强调备课的严谨性,要求...

    单片机 英文文献常用缩写

    Note(札记):是期刊或论文的札记,通常是文章的札记。 Papers(论文):是期刊或论文的论文,通常是某个领域的论文。 Patent Cooperation Treaty(国际专利合作条约):是国际的专利合作条约,通常是某个领域的...

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    这篇文档是针对四年级英语上册 Unit6 第三课时的教学教案,主要目的是复习和巩固英语基础知识,特别是元音字母 a e i o u 在开闭音节中的发音规则。以下是对这一课时教学内容的详细解析: 1. **教学目标**: - ...


    每个单元的教学反思或教学札记是对教学过程的总结,旨在评估教学效果,发现问题并提出改进策略,以提高教学质量。 总的来说,这份教案提供了全面的复习计划,涵盖了词汇、句型和实际应用,旨在提升学生的英语听说...


    教研组精心设计了与年级知识水平相适应的课外活动,如英语角、英文歌曲大赛和英语剧表演等。这些活动既丰富了学生的校园生活,又激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们在轻松愉快的氛围中学习和使用英语。 八、团队协作...

    四年级英语上册 Unit6 第六课时教案 人教PEP(标准版)

    此外,教师在教学过程中应注重观察学生的表现,记录教学札记,以便后续调整教学策略,确保每个学生都能有效地掌握知识点。 总的来说,本课时教案旨在通过多种互动活动和情境模拟,使学生在轻松愉快的环境中复习和...


    7. 勤写教学札记,反思教学过程,不断调整和改进教学策略。 总的来说,小学英语教师的个人发展计划是一个持续的过程,它要求教师具备终身学习的意识,不断提升自己的专业能力和教育理念,以便更好地服务于学生,...


    基于LabVIEW培训宝典PPT课件+软件源代码labview...Labview串口Word资料-中英文.doc LabVIEW数据采集编程指南.pdf 在labview中使用串口进行通迅.pdf 小草手把手教你LabVIEW仪器控制.pdf 非常好--LabVIEW串口通信详解.doc


    - **Note 札记**:简短的笔记或评论。 - **Papers 论文**:正式的研究成果。 - **Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT 国际专利合作条约**:国际专利申请体系。 - **Precision Ratio 查准率**:信息检索中正确检索出的...


    11. **专业发展**:教师需要不断提升自己的专业水平,阅读教育论著,撰写教学札记,通过持续学习和实践提升处理教学问题的能力。 12. **个性教学**:追求独特的教学风格,以真挚的情感和专业的教学方法吸引学生,...

    四年级英语上册 Unit6 第一课时教案 人教PEP(标准版).doc

    教学札记记录了教学过程中的观察和反思,以供后续调整教学策略和方法。 总的来说,这个教案设计了丰富多样的教学活动,旨在提高学生对英语家庭词汇的认知和应用能力,同时也注重培养他们的口语表达和交际技巧。通过...

    四年级英语上册 Unit6 第六课时教案 人教PEP(标准版).doc

    教学札记可能记录了教师在实际教学过程中的观察和反思,例如哪些方法对学生最有效,学生在哪个环节遇到困难,以及如何调整教学策略以适应学生的学习需求。这些笔记对于后续教学改进和课程设计具有重要参考价值。 总...

    四年级英语上册 Unit6 第一课时教案 人教PEP(标准版)

    教学札记部分可能记录了教学过程中的观察和反思,但具体内容未给出。 总的来说,这个教案提供了一个全面而富有互动性的教学框架,旨在通过多元化的教学手段,帮助学生有效地掌握关于家庭成员的英语知识,提升他们的...

    2014年春八年级英语下册《Unit3 Could you please clean your room》(第四课时).doc

    【学习札记】 在这个过程中,学生应记录自己的学习进度,如遇到的难题,以及在小组讨论和写作中产生的新想法。这有助于巩固知识,同时促进反思和自我提升。 总的来说,本课的学习内容既涉及语言基础,又强调了实际...

    四年级英语上册 Unit6 第三课时教案 人教PEP(标准版)

    7. **教学札记**: - 教师可能在此记录课堂上的观察和反思,包括学生的学习进度、反应以及教学方法的有效性等。 总的来说,这个教案提供了一个结构化的教学框架,旨在通过各种活动和练习,帮助四年级的学生扎实...


    - 探索新的教学方式,总结教学经验,撰写论文,积累教学札记。 这份文档体现了学校对于教学质量和教师专业成长的重视,以及通过集体教研活动提升教育教学效果的策略。通过这些活动,学校旨在激发学生的学习兴趣,...

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