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有没有后台是ASHX 的呀
Ext.tree.TreePanel -
Ext.tree.TreePanel -
基于servlet的 Freemarker Demo
#1 JavaScript 对象其实就是属性的集合。属性由键值对组成。通过[属性名]这种形式则总是可以保证正确性。
#2 函数: 函数本身也是对象。
function func(id){};
var func = function(id){};
#3 this 表示当前上下文,即调用者的引用。
#4 词法作用域 即是在定义的时候就确定下来了。
#5 scope 在执行一个函数时,函数的参数和其局部变量会作为调用对象的属性进行存储
#6 call & apply
#7 由于构造函数定义了一个对象的类,所以属性constructor在有助于确定给定对象的类型.如,可以使用如下代码来确定一个未知对象的类型:if ((typeof o == "object") && (o.constructor == Date)),也可以用instanceof运算符:if ((typeof o == "object") && (o instanceof Date))
#8 对象的引用机制:对象不会被复制,只能通过引用来传递。
var recordDefParams = [];
recordDefParams[0] = {name:'id',type:'date'}; recordDefParams[1] = {name:'version'}; recordDefParams[recordDefParams.length] = {name:'deleted'}; function func(recordDefParams){ for (var i = 0, nLen = recordDefParams.length; i < nLen; i++) { var obj = recordDefParams[i]; if (obj.type == 'date' && !obj.dateFormat) { obj.dateFormat = 'xxx-xx-x'; } } return recordDefParams; } console.dir(recordDefParams); console.log('==========================='); console.dir(func(recordDefParams));
function addr(street, xno){ console.log(this); this.street = street || 'beijinglu'; this.xno = xno || '1 hao'; this.toString = function(){ return 'Street:' + this.street + ' xno:' + this.xno; }; }; var core1 = new addr(); console.log(core1.toString()); var core2 = new addr('北京路','一号'); console.log(core2.toString());
//动态构建新的匿名对象 function point(x,y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; return {'x':x,'y':y}; } var a = point(3,4); console.dir(a); for(var key in a ){ console.log(key); console.log(a[key]); }
After read the blog of "JavaScript Core chapter 10 .writer the coding below for testing.
<html> <head> <title> Js core </title> <script type="text/javascript"> //原型链 var base = { name : 'Mark', getName : function(){ return this.name; } }; var ext1 ={ id :'0', __proto__ :base }; var ext2 ={ id : '9', __proto__ : base }; //console.log(ext1.getName()); //构造器 function Task(id){ this.id = id; }; Task.prototype.status = 'defalt_begin'; Task.prototype.execute = function(args){ return 'execute task_[' + this.id + ']' + this.status + ':' + args; }; var task1 = new Task(1); var task2 = new Task(2); task1.status = 'activing'; task2.status = 'end...'; //console.log(task1.execute('task_1')); //console.log(task2.execute('task_2')); //this understander var global = this; var tom = { name : 'tom', id : '1', getInfo: function(){ console.log(this.name + ':' + this.id); } } var jetty = { name : 'jetty', getInfo : tom.getInfo //等同于 //getInfo:function (){ console.log(this.name + ':' + this.id);} 在跑构造的时候就创建好了。 } tom.getInfo(); jetty.getInfo(); global.getInfo = tom.getInfo; global.getInfo(); </script> </head> <body> js core chapter 10 & 11. </body> </html>
all : 给全局对象动态的添加一个属性。
js Run Mechanism
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Since 1996, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide has been the bible for JavaScript programmers—a programmer's guide and comprehensive reference to the core language and to the client-side JavaScript APIs...
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Data Wrangling with JavaScript teaches readers core data munging techniques in JavaScript, along with many libraries and tools that will make their data tasks even easier. Table of Contents Chapter ...
Chapter 10: Strings, Math, and Dates. Chapter 11: Scripting Frames and Multiple Windows. Chapter 12: Images and Dynamic HTML. Part III: Document Objects Reference. Chapter 13: JavaScript ...
The book first explores the core concepts of functional programming common to all functional languages, with examples of their use in JavaScript. It's followed by a comprehensive roundup of functional...
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This book is for anyone wanting to learn about Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It is aimed at intermediate developers who have a good understanding ...Chapter 10. Going offline
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