
Interrupt table



Interrupt table

A list of common BIOS interrupts can be found below. Note that some BIOSes (particularly old ones) will not support all of these interrupts.

Interrupt vector Description
​00h​ CPU: Executed after an attempt to divide by zero or when the quotient does not fit in the destination
​01h​ CPU: Executed after every instruction while the trace flag is set
​02h​ CPU: NMI , used e.g. by POST for memory errors
​03h​ CPU: The lowest non-reserved interrupt, it is used exclusively for debugging, and the ​INT 03​ handler is always implemented by a debugging program
​04h​ CPU: Numeric Overflow. Usually caused by the ​INTO​ instruction when the overflow flag is set.
​05h​ Executed when Shift-Print screen is pressed, as well as when the ​BOUND​ instruction detects a bound failure.
​06h​ CPU: Called when the Undefined Opcode (invalid instruction) exception occurs. Usually installed by the operating system.
​07h​ CPU: Called when an attempt was made to execute a floating-point instruction and no numeric coprocessor was available.
​08h​ IRQ0: Implemented by the system timing component; called 18.2 times per second (once every 55 ms) by the PIC
​09h​ IRQ1: Called after every key press and release (as well as during the time when a key is being held)
​0Bh​ IRQ3: Called by serial ports 2 and 4 (COM2/4) when in need of attention
​0Ch​ IRQ4: Called by serial ports 1 and 3 (COM1/3) when in need of attention
​0Dh​ IRQ5: Called by hard disk controller (PC/XT) or 2nd parallel port LPT2 (AT) when in need of attention
​0Eh​ IRQ6: Called by floppy disk controller when in need of attention
​0Fh​ IRQ7: Called by 1st parallel port LPT1 (printer) when in need of attention
​10h​ Video Services - installed by the BIOS or operating system; called by software programs ​AH​ Description
​00h​ Set Video Mode
​01h​ Set Cursor Shape
​02h​ Set Cursor Position
​03h​ Get Cursor Position And Shape
​04h​ Get Light Pen Position
​05h​ Set Display Page
​06h​ Clear/Scroll Screen Up
​07h​ Clear/Scroll Screen Down
​08h​ Read Character and Attribute at Cursor
​09h​ Write Character and Attribute at Cursor
​0Ah​ Write Character at Cursor
​0Bh​ Set Border Color
​0Eh​ Write Character in TTY Mode
​0Fh​ Get Video Mode
​13h​ Write String
​11h​ Installed by the BIOS; returns equipment list
​12h​ Installed by the BIOS or operating system; returns Conventional Memory Size
​13h​ Low Level Disk Services; installed by the BIOS or operating system; called by software programs ​AH​ Description
​00h​ Reset Disk Drives
​01h​ Check Drive Status
​02h​ Read Sectors From Drive
​03h​ Write Sectors To Drive
​04h​ Verify Sectors On Drive
​05h​ Format Track On Drive
​08h​ Get Drive Parameters
​09h​ Init Fixed Drive Parameters
​0Ch​ Seek To Specified Track
​0Dh​ Reset Fixed Disk Controller
​15h​ Get Drive Type
​16h​ Get Floppy Drive Media Change Status
​14h​ Routines for communicating via the serial port. Used by software programs. ​AH​ Description
​00h​ Serial Port Initialization
​01h​ Transmit Character
​02h​ Receive Character
​03h​ Status
​15h​ Miscellaneous (System services support routines) ​AH​ ​AL​ ​AX​ Description
​4Fh​ Keyboard Intercept
​83h​ Event Wait
​84h​ Read Joystick
​85h​ Sysreq Key Callout
​86h​ Wait
​87h​ Move Block
​88h​ Get Extended Memory Size
​C0h​ Get System Parameters
​C1h​ Get Extended BIOS Data Area Segment
​C2h​ Pointing Device Functions
​E8h​ ​01h​ ​E801h​ Get Extended Memory Size(Newer function, since 1994). Gives results for memory size above 64 Mb.
​E8h​ ​20h​ ​E820h​ Query System Address Map. The information returned from e820 supersedes what is returned from the older AX=E801h and AH=88h interfaces.
​16h​ Implemented by the BIOS or operating system. Provides routines to be called by software programs which communicate with the keyboard. ​AH​ Description
​00h​ Read Character
​01h​ Read Input Status
​02h​ Read Keyboard Shift Status
​10h​ Read Character Extended
​11h​ Read Input Status Extended
​12h​ Read Keyboard Shift Status Extended
​17h​ Print Services - used by software programs to communicate with the printer ​AH​ Description
​00h​ Print Character to Printer
​01h​ Initialize Printer
​02h​ Check Printer Status
​18h​ Execute Cassette BASIC: True IBM computers contain BASIC in the ROM to be interpreted and executed by this routine in the event of a boot failure (called by the BIOS)
​19h​ After POST this interrupt is used by BIOS to load the operating system.
​1Ah​ Real Time Clock Services - called by software programs to communicate with the RTC ​AH​ Description
​00h​ Read RTC
​01h​ Set RTC
​02h​ Read RTC Time
​03h​ Set RTC Time
​04h​ Read RTC Date
​05h​ Set RTC Date
​06h​ Set RTC Alarm
​07h​ Reset RTC Alarm
​1Bh​ Installed by the operating system; automatically called by ​INT 9​ when Ctrl-Break has been pressed
​1Ch​ Called automatically by ​INT 08​ ; available for use by software programs when a routine needs to be executed regularly
​1Dh​ Not to be called; simply a pointer to the VPT (Video Parameter Table), which contains data on video modes
​1Eh​ Not to be called; simply a pointer to the DPT (Diskette Parameter Table), containing a variety of information concerning the diskette drives
​1Fh​ Not to be called; simply a pointer to the VGCT (Video Graphics Character Table), which contains the data for ASCII characters ​80h​ to ​FFh​
​41h​ Address pointer: FDPT = Fixed Disk Parameter Table (1st hard drive)
​46h​ Address pointer: FDPT = Fixed Disk Parameter Table (2nd hard drive)
​4Ah​ Called by RTC for alarm
​70h​ IRQ8: Called by RTC
​74h​ IRQ12: Called by mouse
​75h​ IRQ13: Called by math coprocessor
​76h​ IRQ14: Called by primary IDE controller
​77h​ IRQ15: Called by secondary IDE controller






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