Failed to get the adb version: Cannot run program "/home/yash/devtools/android/android-sdk-linux_x86-1.6_r1/tools/adb": error=2, No such file or directory
1. install getlibs from
2. open terminal and go to your android folder and then platforms/android-1.6/tools
3. run this command from terminal
getlibs aapt
4. you will see this
yash@yash-Notebook:/media/STUDY/android-sdk-linux_x86-1.6_r1/platforms/android-1.6/tools$ getlibs aapt
[sudo] password for yash:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
lib32asound2 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32v4l-0
lib32z1 libc6-i386
Suggested packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
ia32-libs lib32asound2 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6
lib32v4l-0 lib32z1 libc6-i386
6. go to eclipse and refresh and clean the project.
This should work for you
Solved problem with changing of font color in grids Improved drawing of items in the TsShellListView component Added animation in the TsPageScroller buttons Added showing of days of previous and next ...
在给出的文件“Dynamic Programming Interview Questions Solved in C++”中,作者Antonio Gulli通过一系列典型问题,深入解析了动态规划在C++中的应用,下面将详细介绍这些知识点。 1. 斐波那契数列(Fibonacci ...
编程学习必备 • Step-by-step solutions to problems with complete explanations of every step • A comprehensive index to help quickly locate each topic
Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms” is a series of books about the usage of Data Structures and Algorithms in computer programming. The book is easy to follow and is written for ...
Bits is the second of a series of 25 Chapters devoted to algorithms, problem solving, and C++ programming. This book is about low level bit programming Table of Contents Chapter 1. Given an unsigned ...
A collection of Data Science Interview Questions Solved in Python and Spark: BigData and Machine Learning in Python and Spark
Problem solved! ASP.NET Core Recipes is a practical guide for developers creating modern web applications, cutting through the complexities of ASP.NET, jQuery, React, and ...
field functions, mesh scaling, and so on, even if the problem solved in the tutorial is not of particular interest to you. 2.2. For the Experienced User If you are an experienced ANSYS Fluent user, ...
Design Patterns is the fourth of a series of 25 Chapters devoted to algorithms, problem solving, and C++ programming.
* Solved problem in RichEdits, when OnChange event occurs while form is in showing * Solved problem with menu extralines under the Windows Vista * Some additions in skins structure (ASkinEditor ...
It is shown that any recognition problem solved by a polynomial time-bounded nondeterministic Turing machine can be “reduced” to the problem of determining whether a given propositional formula is a...
本文介绍了一系列在C++中解决的位编程面试问题,涵盖了设计模式、行为模式和结构模式等多方面内容,适用于那些希望提高算法、问题解决和C++编程能力的人士。 首先,设计模式是软件开发过程中解决常见问题的逻辑模型...
Problem solved! PySpark Recipes covers Hadoop and its shortcomings. The architecture of Spark, PySpark, and RDD are presented. You will learn to apply RDD to solve day-to-day big data problems. ...
it is a matlab code for bin-packing problem this problem solved with genetic algorithm output is very beautiful
给定一个64位无符号整数以及两个位置i和j,交换这两个位置上的位。 **解决方案概述:** 可以使用位运算来实现,首先隔离出要交换的位,再进行交换。 **代码示例:** ```cpp unsigned long long swap_bits(unsigned...
in Android, this is solved by tools like retrolambda or desugar. Java8 API, or Standard Library, is runtime library on the platform. The support of Standard Library in Android is more difficult than ...
解决Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools.exe 安装包损坏。合起来用(part1+part2),solved_packageMissInInstalling_mu_visual_cpp_build_tools_2015_update_3_x64_dvd_dfd9a39c 。双击后,打开驱动盘里的exe